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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Sola was slightly amaized at the hidden tunnel. Dream cooed on her shoulder, expressing his distaste for underground places. Sola pet him while she looked around. "Wow, this place is outstanding! Did you grow up here? I would have givin anything to grow up somewhere like this. Are there others that live here? Who are they? What does this 'Team distroya' do anyways? Do they all live here? Do they each have there own pokemon?" Sola fired one question after another, not giving Erith any time to really answer. Finally, she ran out of breath and had to stop. Still, her eyes swam with curiosity.

Erith smiled and then replyed waiting for her, knowing they would approch the castle soon, then said. "yes, others as well as almost all team destroya members live here. I grew up here as well, but we havent gotten to the best part. And team Destroya help maintain the peafulness of pokemon and there human companions. Helping defend Nakotha as well as other places as best as we can. There are many of us, some of us are scattered and hidden in secrecy, I cannot tell there names unless they tell you their's themselves. Its the way we keep to ourselves here." Erith was rather exited, in a few, after they walk a bit more, they would be there, at his home.

Luna seemed rather exited and kept looking ahead of them, chimeing exidedly knowing her and Erith were near home.

Sola fell silent, every part of her itching to explore the area. She forced herself to stay with Erith, and settled into silence as she walked. She was bumed that she couldn't learn about others.

Dream was getting more and more agitated. She moved to settle in Sola's hair, chirping warily. Little bolts of static electricity were running through Sola. Weird. We must be nearing other pokemon that are strong. Maybe there are some bird types somewhere around here? She thought. "So, how much longer, Erith?" She asked. Her hair was starting to stand due to Dream's static. Surely not to much longer.


As she said that Erith brushed aside another bush, looking out into a clearing where there was a large castle. In frount of it was a guarden and in the middle of that guarden was a statue of a  hydreigon. "Were here." He said with a smile. Murkrow and Taillow were seen flying around gently landing once and awhile to watch everything around them.

Luna, seeing the castle, bounded off Erith's shoulder and started to bound twords a figure that seemed to be out in the guarden skateing. "Luna! Wait!" Erith said with paice trying to catch up with her to the figure ahead.

Yukire was skateing on the ice Frost made on the sidewalk when Luna bounded in frount of him and jumped on him. Yukire let out a yelp before flailing his arms and falling on his rear in a bush. Frost mearly chittered before studdering out "F-Frost?" It then looked down at Yukire that was laughing with Luna on him. "Oh Luna, you always suprise me like a squirl in a basket. What are you doing here? Surly your master isnt that nutters isnt he?" Yukire said with a giggle before Erith approched him.

"Oh there is your nutter, Hi Erith, how was your day outside of the guardens?" He asked putting Luna on his head and tryed to balance with her while only standing on one leg. Frost mearly seemed to almost sigh and facepalm at that moment before Erith said. "I am if you mind can I have Luna back? She isnt a toy Yuki..." Erith had his arms crossed as his eyes spoke like daggers glareing at Yukire while Yukire smiled a devius smile.

"Yuki...don't you even da-" Sair Erith when Yukire scated off past him yelling as he scated inside the castle. "Catch me if you caaann nutttteerrrrrr!!!!" Erith mearly gasped in shock and made a enraged scream as he chased after Yukire. "Get back here Yukiiii!!!!" He yelled after him as Yuki's laugh could be heard throughout the area.

Sola couldn't help herself, she doubled over with laughter. To see two people be so familiar with each other, be so relaxed. Although, at the moment, Erith seemed a little ruffled by this Yukire character making off with his pokemon.

"Hey Dream, care to lend Erith a hand? Use stringshot!"

Dream obeyed, crawling to Sola's shoulder and a string of sticky thread latched itself onto Yukire's skate. Dream gave the string slack to give Sola time to grab said string. She held on and prepaired for the jerk that would 'hopefully' atleast slow Yukire down. Either that or the string would break and that was pointless.


Zarya was sitting in a corner of the garden a little ways from Yukire. She had been reading while letting South strech his wings. They had been training earlier, but the pull of a good book was to much for Zarya.

Zarya looked up to see Yukire skating her direction with nonother than Luna in his arms. Erith was trying to keep up, and behind them was some girl Zarya had never seen before. Wonderful. New people.

"South, why do we haang out with weirdos?" She called up to the starly.

He landed on her knee, his feathers fluffing up in and indignant coo that said he was above these shinanagans. "Well, with that string attached to Yukire, this could get interesting."


When Yukire got hooked on the string he spun then fell back into a bush. Luna landed gently in the bush and staired at Yukire who was tangled up and laughing as Frost staired at him. Erith mearly approched him sounding. "Realy?! Yukire? Ahhh should have expected this from you of all people." Erith muttered picking up Luna who seemed to chime and hum.

Yukire tworld his finger pointing at Erith saying. "your a killjoy stuck in the mud. How about you untangle yourself out of your own darkness and come out into the soft snow for once then living in the shadows of your nightmares." Erith sighed and staired at him before turning to enter the castle, seeming very angered.

Yukire got up and brushed the webbing off and staired at Sola saying to Erith who almost was up the steps. "Who's this?" He could hear Erith run back down the steps and smiled before Erith stood by his side saying as he breathed. "This is Sola, were going to travel and train to become master pokemon trainers..." Yukire tilted himself to where he was standing on one leg again and said. "hu...she has a Joltik....its very cute. Does it collect tuffets?"

Erith just staired blankly at Yukire, not knowing what to think of him at the moment before sighing and saying. "Do you know if my dad is here?" Yukire then stood up streght before saying. "No...but he left you a message with his old talking Hydreigon. Also since he isnt here and when he left he told me I had to follow you around so when you did your little cheatsy doodles this morning by climbing out of your bed room window so I wouldent follow you, Frost decided to take a look in your room and found your fave little box dad gave to you to open when you passed the first bage."

Erith staired at Yukire with a angered glance, he tryed to stand streght up and then said. " you want?" He asked through his teeth as Yukire then replyed. "I want to come with both of you. I want to become a trainer as well and I think it would be fun more then just two people, after all its better protection that way." He said with a smile before Erith sighed and replyed. "you...want to catch a Magicarp don't you..." Yukire then did a squee in joy before he spun around and spoke.

"Oh its my dream to have one, oh I just have been waiting forever, Magicarps are just adorible, there evolution is just flawlusss." Yuki said as he spun then stood streght, reliseing what he was doing. He blushed a little. Erith just staired at him, eyeing Yuki with a silent glance.

Sola was slightly taken aback. He talked so fast she couldn't keep up. Who was this guy even? And his comments on Erith being dark or whatever didn't match up to her experiances. Her thoughts drifted back to her feeling so relaxed in the clearing...

She glanced away from Erith, blushing slightly. "I'm Sola, like Erith said, and this is Dream. Sorry about tripping you. And magikarps? There is a breeding ground not three miles south of here. They will come up and nibble you fingers for bread..."

"Oh my god, are you guys seriously talking about magikarps?" A girl interupted her, a Starly perched on her shoulder.

"Really, Yukire, just shut up about that dumb fish already. It is the weakest pokemon on the face of this planet. Why wuld you want one? Don't answer that."

She turned to Erith. "Stop sneaking out all the time. Seriously, your dad is going to kill you one of these days."

Finally, she turned to Sola. "And are they letting just anyone in here now? A joltik, really? Their typing is quite complementing, but that thing can go out in one or two hits. Oh, and can the three of you be any louder? I was trying to read but noooo..."

Yuki just started to laugh at Zarya, he then answeared. "You know I am going to answear you, its because Magicarps evolved form is pretty powerfull but I want to be able to bond with it so I must catch a Magicarp when its in its first form. Also Joltik isn't bad, same with all pokemon, they just need a gentle hand and its all set." He said happily spinning around in a circle on his scates as Frost followed him.

And then he stoped remembering the last thing Zarya said and giggled then said. "We could be louder. Let me show you." Yuki sounded very cheerfull as he had a dark look on his face as Frost zoomed by Erith, grabbing Erith's mask from his face.

Yuki and Frost started to run away from Erith who seemed to be shakeing in anger before he started to run after Yuki. Luna however sat by Sola, chimeing at her as her master was chaseing Yuki which Yuki started to laugh and cackle. Then the two flew through the doors of the castle.

Sora noticed that Kin's peace offering had worked as the day drew to a close around them. Kin was playing with one of the bird pokemon's fallen feathers. Sora nabbed the bright red plume laying next to it as an accessory for Kin's next contest. Sora was also making a feather fan out of the bird's feathers. She'd have to make more of her mother's fireproofing concoction to paint on the feathers. The campfire crackled and Sora's fruit dinner had been eaten. Sora always planted the seeds of whatever she ate. Pokemon prowled outside the firelight but most were wary of humans and didn't come closer. Sora dozed gently in the sunset. Sora's train ride had moved her to another part of the reigion that had the sun set earlier than her home town...

Zarya threw her hands in the air, exasperated. "You are hopeless!" South gave a disgruntled coo as he was disturbed from her shoulder. "I swear. South, chase after that idiot and get Erith's mask back. Its getting late and I want some peace."

South took off, seeing this as a form of training. Zarya was always training him, challenging others to battle and what-not. South flew near Yukire using a quick attack, but was having issues getting the mask and was getting frustrated.

Zarya eyed Sola when she wasn't looking. It was obvious to her that the girl has a thing for Erith, but she wasn't sure if Erith knew or not. Probably not, as he tended to take things for face value, but Zarya could tell it was different.

Sola bent down and picked up Luna carfully, making sure not to harm the pokemon. She then stroked her gently, causing all sorts of happy cooing noises. Dream was still hidden in her hair, and Sola guessed it was because of the starly named South, as bug and flying types didn't get along.

Inside the castle seemed to be antique furnature and shandilears, with leadingdown the large room was meeting tables that were faceing one another in frount of a thrown which seemed at first had a statued Hydreigon above it. Banners lined the walls of each element type,

Yukire kept running, giggling as he scated when Frost stoped and freaked out droping the mask. When Yuki saw that he slowed down and looked up to see Erith's father's Hydreigon. It was sitting on Erith's fathers throne, it staired down the boys, irratation showing in its eyes at them as Frost quickly whent and hid behind Yuki. It's head slowly turned to Erith who stood still, and was trying to keep calm.

It gave a humm and a huff when it opened up its large wings and hoped off and landed in frount of Erith, handing him a note. "Read" It hissed at him. Yuki was rather shocked when he scated back slowly to where Sola was. The Hydreigon picked up Erith's mask with one of its heads and placed it back on Erith. Erith moved his hair out of the way and started to read the note.

'Dear Erith, Recently you know that I have been called out to travel with some friends, but during this time I have been getting messages from Yuki about you being more absent and adventurus. I beleave your time has come to become a trainer. If you chose this path please ensure that you chose the right path and the people who shall be your allies. Remember, its not about winning, its about the heart that counts. From your careing Father.' Erith had a smile on his face as the Hydreigon seemed to still stair at him.

Erith gently pet it on the head and closed the letter then said. "Thank you, Yatiami." He said. Yatiami did a huff and a gruffle before flying back up and landing on the throne.

Yukire scateing back had a blank expression on his face. He then stopped in frount of both of them then said. "Erith's father's Hydreigon is sure intimmidateing...reson why I am more on to softer things that are not so scary and come from your nightmares." He said with a giggle that  trailed off when Frost just sighed murmmering. "Fr...Frost..."

Yukire was quiet and then said. "You know Sola... if you wanna come inside you can. I will just be grabbing my nessasarys as well as Erith's so we can go traviling."

Yukire then smiled and then continued saying. "So,what pokemon type do you like by the way?" He asked as Frost walked around her, looking at Luna and Dream with curiosity.

Sola smiled, feeling slightly more comfortable now that she wasn't alone with Zarya. "I  have a soft spot for out cast pokemon, the ones no one really likes. There isn't really any type or pokemon I love particularly. I more-or-less like them depending on personality. And really, a hydreigon? Those are pretty interesting, since their head are nutorious for fighting."

Zarya blew for her lips. "Booooooooring. Who cares about the facts? All that matters is if your pokemon is willing to learn or not. Besides, Hydreigon is wicked. Along with Gengar and Bannett. I like anything you can't hit, so ghost and flying types are the best."

I wanna be the very best! (Pokemon)

Welcome to the Nakotha Region! Here, pokemon and people coexsist peacefully side by side.  Every pokemon may be found here, from the crawling Caterpie to the leaping Zebstrika. This variety attracts breeders, trainers, a coordinaters alike to this land. With so many places to explore, people and pokemon are never limited on adventure.

Cities and towns are scattered everywhere, you will have no problem encountering them. But where will you verture to? Perhaps you would like to climb Mt. Deko with your chimchar, or swim beneath the waves in Threk bay with your squirtle. If neither of those suit you, there is always Shadit forest, where you and your treeko will be quite happy amongst the trees and the bushes.

Weather you wish to run acrosss Dowth Plane, or muscil your way through Rodin cave, there is no limit to where you or the friends to meet can go. A new world awaits you, seize the day and explore!


In the peaceful reagon Nakotha, a surge of new trainers has taken over the region. A new Campionchip has risen in the regeon, give challengers a chance to prove thier skill as trainers, corrdanters, and breeders. Who will be the best of the best, and claim  their rightful title of champion?

But before you can attempt to claim your title, you must choose your profesion! Will you be the average trainer, focusing on battles and strengthing your pokemon. Or perhaps you want to be a breeder, a focus on catching and befriending the many kinds of rarer pokemon. You may be more of a corrdinater, showing off the talent and skill to the judges. There are many other things you can do, never fear! With so many options, you might just have to do a few of them.

You can either begin your adventure as a human, or a pokemon. A set of challenges comes with either, so choose wisly!

But not all is well in this seemingly peaceful land. A dark, sinister organization is working to destroy this paradise. This organization has no name yet, but recently reports of missing pokemon and violent attacks have been growing. What could be their plan?


The history will be made as you make it.

The rules are as follows...

1) The normal RP rules.

2) Don't win every contest/battle. Obviously, you can meet NPC/fake characters on your journy, but you will lose to them occasionally. Please, make it beleivable.

3) Pokemon CAN be shiny if you wish, shinies are mor common in this region. However, that are not extreamly common, so try and make sure you see mostly normal pokemon.

4) If you want to battle another player, both people need to send me a message with confermation and (this is a really kiddish way of doing it but...) a 'Rock, Paper, or Scizers' at the bottom. Obviously, you get the idea.

  ~ It is up to you to discuss how you want the battle to play out with the other player. Please take them into concideration, and don't post without asking them how they would like the battle to go. You can either post back and forth, or decide the battle before hand and post the perspective from loser and the winners stand point.

5) If you are a wild pokemon, you can be captured. If you capture someone, they are considered yours, but may or may-not follow your orders. They are also kept outside of the pokeball.

6) I don't think this needs to be said, but start you journy at the begining, with your first pokemon. It can be any pokemon, but if its a starter (Bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle, chikorita, cyndaquil, toadile... you get the idea) you have to get it from the Professor.

  ~ These are to be first evolutions, as we don't want any over-powering in the begining.  It is the very start of you journy. You CAN inherit pokemon later on, but not at the begining. If it is a life-long companion, say growlith, it is alowed, but please, 1 evolution.

7) Only 1 starter per person, unless you do a trade amongst real players.

8) I have the right to change or add any rules at anytime. A notice will be put in OOC chat.

9) You can have a pokemon with unusual coloration but they are just as rare as shinys. No over the top colors though like a rainbow charzard. 

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100 words per post.

Joinable Species
'The Oganization'

Second RP Master
Nesferxty (#20859)

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