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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Erith then nodded and then said. "I would. I don't understand why no one would offer to travel with you..." He said in a calm tone. Erith shook the thought of everything away. His mind now refocused on what was at hand when his eyes whent back into a serius tone. He looked up, then saying. " If you want me to travel with you, just let me know." He said in a level tone. Luna looked at him and did a small chime before climbing back up on his shoulder.

He gently pet her, as he waited for Sola to answear. His mind waiting pantiantly as he could hear Luna's soft chimes.

Sola stood up as well, her mind whirling. Was this really happening? Was she finally able to get out of here? Never in her dreams had she thought... "Yes, oh god I can finally get out of here!"

At this point, Sola was to happy to think. She tackled Erith, wrapping her arms around him in a hug and burrying her face in his shoulder. Luna's fluff tickled her nose, but she didn't care. "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you. You don't know what this means to me! This is a dream come true!" She began to laugh hystarically as she huged Erith.


Erith blushed slightly as Luna chirped and seemed rather comfortible. Erith mearly smiled, thinking. 'I...I finaly have a is this what dad does? Is this like how he started?' He wondered before saying in a kind voice. "Your welcome, we shold let our parents know before we start our travles. I am quite exited myself. I can come with you to your mothers, then I can go to my fathers to see if he is there. If he isnt I can leave a note for him. This will be quite fun."

Luna chimmed in with her little voice " Lu, Lu lu." As Erith smiled. 'I hope father is home, so I can let her meet him.' He thought rather exidedly.

Sola realized what she was doing and stepped away quickly, her face reddening. "Uh yeah, sure, right." Sola was at a loss for words. The joltik on her shoulder cooed and ninged her, and an idea popped in her head. "Thats it! Joltik, what do you think of the name Dream?"

The joltik chirped and proceded to climb around Sola with excitement, zapping her with tiny volts of electricity. Sola laughed, glad that Dream liked her name. Once she settled down, Sola turned back to Erith. "My house is about a mile from here. Shouldn't take to long of a walk. Follow me!" And she spun into the woods. She was avoiding any notice of her episode and hoped it would be forgotten. What has gotten into me? "So... what is your dad like?" she said, assuming Erith was behind her.


Erith quickly gotten up and ran after her with Luna on his shoulder, every time he steped she would cherp and say 'Lu' in a small little chime. When he heard the question he answeared. "My father is a kind man, always placeing the safty of others in his hand and always looking out for people. He is strong willed but now he just has been loseing himself over time. He starts to daydream more then anything, but he still stays in the right mind and does what needs to be done. He also tends to travel a lot to discover things and explore. To find ways to better understand pokemon and others."

He said panting a bit from running. 'Once at my fathers house I can tell her, I can tell her whom he is and what he rules. If he is there maybe they will be there as well.' He thought exidedly. He was rather happy about this, very exited to the point where he could feel his heart raceing in his chest.

Sola noticed Erith was panting a little from trying to keep up, so she slowed down her pace and let him catch up. She was more used to the forest she guessed. "Thats cool. Mom is a ex-trainer. She used to travel with pokemon and friends, but her spirit was broken when here ace pokemon, a houndour, died. she won't tell me what happened. Anyways, she got pregnant with me and settled down secluded in the woods."

She had reached a clearing, in which a small, modest stone cottage was in, smoke coming from the chimeny. Several pokemon were in the clearing, mostly a mixture of pidgey and starly. A persian sprang towards them to greet Sola, but stopped when it saw Erith and growled.

Sola laughed. "Its ok, Thumper. He's a friend." The persian came closer to let Sola pet it and sniff Erith, with a wary look on it's face.


Erith nelt down and then said "hello there." he said calmly. Luna looked at the Persian, mearly chimeing before nudging Erith on the neck softly. Erith then stood up and patted Luna softly. Erith looked at the cottage and then thought. 'seems very nice here, away from all the troubles and prying eyes.' Luna seemed to relax and chime "lu...Lu lu" and as she did that Erith looked at her and smiled, petting her little head again.

"Its very beutiful here.." He said. He looked at the other pokemon nearby and started to think about how many pokemon there could be as well as what his father could be seeing, was it as beutiful as the forest here was?

Sola smiled, shooing the persai away. "It's not much, but it's home. My mother ad I help out any wounded pokemo who come through, like a rehabilitation center. Stay behind me, I'm not so sure how mom's going to react."

With that, Sola walked to the front door and opened it, which lead into a kitchen where her mom was fixing sandwiches for lunch. She turned around, and seeing Dream, her eyes narrowed. "Sola, I told you to release that joltik. Why have you disobeyed me?"

"Joltik refused to leave me mom."


"Honestly Sola, you expect me to..." she stopped dead as she saw Erith. "Who is this?"

"This is Erith. I met him in the woods and he helped me calm a magby. He..." At this point, Sola realized just how little she knew of Erith. Sola shot a look at him that asked him to take it from here and defend her.

Erith, seeing Sola stair at him then continued off. "I am the son of Davith's, a dark type pokemon trainer. I do not know if you know of him mam, but since this area is in secrecy he is the leader of a team, a team known as Destroya. Recently my father and some of his allies have scattered themselves on to travles. Most of us swar a outh of secrecy that none shall know whom we are, for there are enemies that can harm us and fellow pokemon behind every corner. I am still in training to become a trainer, and meeting Sola and seeing how she wants to be a trainer as well, I wish to ask if I can occompany her on her journy if you allow her to do so mam?" He said in a kind voice.

Luna simply hummed and chimmed in "lu, Lu" Erith then gently pet Luna on the head to comfort her.

Sola looked at Erith with a quizical look, not quite sure what to make of this. Her mother, however, kept a nutral gaze for a few seconds, just looking at Erith. Sola knew her mother was weighing the options, which meant she was considering it.

Her mother turned back to the sandwiches and began prepairing them again. "Sola, is it true? Even after what I told you has happened to me?"

Sola looked at her mother with a saddened look. "I want to go because of what happened to you. You got to see and do so much, and even though you lost a friend, it made you who you are today."

Sola's mom paused for a few moments. "You two go talk about what you want to do and where you want to go. I'll pack what you need."

Sola smiled. "Thank you mom!" She hugged her mom and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before basically draging Erith back outside. "I can't beleive she said yes!!! Now, don't we need to go talk to your dad?"

Erith then nodded quickly and replyed. "Yes, may take a hour or so to get there. Its past a waterfall and above a hidden mountan, its through the forest though and should be easy to acess from here." He said.

He then started to walk in the direction to where he remembered his fathers home was that he shared with Destroya but then stoped to wait for Sola. Luna looked in the same direction and did a little chime at Sola, waiting for her to come and staired at Dream.

'Would father be there like I hope he will?' He thought, his mind paceing hopeing to see his father.

Sola followed Erith, her thoughts bubbling over. She could finally train pokemon! She'd never considered it, but would she want to train or be a coordinater? She knew all to well the brutal power a pokemon could have, but at the same time be beautiful.

Forcing herself to focus on Erith's words, she nodded. "A waterfall? Hm, the only waterfall a know of is in the opposite direction, where the magikarp go to breed. Is it by chance on that privite land this way?" She always went south, she never had much interest in the northern areas. Not since a herd of polswine tried to trample her.

Erith shook his head, saying. "Its not where the magicarp breed. Its a area deep in the northern side of the forest, where there are a lot of Basculin are." He said with a smile as he continued on, Luna looking behind her chirping about chimeing "lu~ Lu~ lu lu~"

She seemed rather happy and relaxed as she seemed to look interested in the direction they were headed, mearly leaning forward and watching the area in frount of them and watching the other pokemon as once or twice they flew by. It seemed rather peacful in the forest, and Luna felt more comfortible, knowing the way they were headed.

"Ah, ok." Sola's thoughts died off as she enjoyed the forest. She cought up with him, and matched his pace stride for stride. Dream made little chirps a cooes evvery once in a while. Her soft "Joltiktiktiktik." Comforted Sola as they walked. When she thought he wasn't looking, Sola snatched glances over at Erith. He was so different from the kids who always made fun of her. In a way, it was almost like they were destined to meet. But then, Sola would quickly look away before Erith noticed her staring. Why was she so... attracted to him? What made him so different from the others?

When they arived to the waterfall ,Erith could feel his heart beat skip. 'were almost there.' he thought happily as he started to continue on. He started to walk around the area below it, seeing the pokemon in the water chase one another seemed to him as if they were playing a game.

As they reached the other side there seemed to be a bush where Erith gently pushed to reveal a small stone path to which he started to walk on. He took a deep breath in, releaved that he was returning, his mind still hopeing as luna still chimmed along.

I wanna be the very best! (Pokemon)

Welcome to the Nakotha Region! Here, pokemon and people coexsist peacefully side by side.  Every pokemon may be found here, from the crawling Caterpie to the leaping Zebstrika. This variety attracts breeders, trainers, a coordinaters alike to this land. With so many places to explore, people and pokemon are never limited on adventure.

Cities and towns are scattered everywhere, you will have no problem encountering them. But where will you verture to? Perhaps you would like to climb Mt. Deko with your chimchar, or swim beneath the waves in Threk bay with your squirtle. If neither of those suit you, there is always Shadit forest, where you and your treeko will be quite happy amongst the trees and the bushes.

Weather you wish to run acrosss Dowth Plane, or muscil your way through Rodin cave, there is no limit to where you or the friends to meet can go. A new world awaits you, seize the day and explore!


In the peaceful reagon Nakotha, a surge of new trainers has taken over the region. A new Campionchip has risen in the regeon, give challengers a chance to prove thier skill as trainers, corrdanters, and breeders. Who will be the best of the best, and claim  their rightful title of champion?

But before you can attempt to claim your title, you must choose your profesion! Will you be the average trainer, focusing on battles and strengthing your pokemon. Or perhaps you want to be a breeder, a focus on catching and befriending the many kinds of rarer pokemon. You may be more of a corrdinater, showing off the talent and skill to the judges. There are many other things you can do, never fear! With so many options, you might just have to do a few of them.

You can either begin your adventure as a human, or a pokemon. A set of challenges comes with either, so choose wisly!

But not all is well in this seemingly peaceful land. A dark, sinister organization is working to destroy this paradise. This organization has no name yet, but recently reports of missing pokemon and violent attacks have been growing. What could be their plan?


The history will be made as you make it.

The rules are as follows...

1) The normal RP rules.

2) Don't win every contest/battle. Obviously, you can meet NPC/fake characters on your journy, but you will lose to them occasionally. Please, make it beleivable.

3) Pokemon CAN be shiny if you wish, shinies are mor common in this region. However, that are not extreamly common, so try and make sure you see mostly normal pokemon.

4) If you want to battle another player, both people need to send me a message with confermation and (this is a really kiddish way of doing it but...) a 'Rock, Paper, or Scizers' at the bottom. Obviously, you get the idea.

  ~ It is up to you to discuss how you want the battle to play out with the other player. Please take them into concideration, and don't post without asking them how they would like the battle to go. You can either post back and forth, or decide the battle before hand and post the perspective from loser and the winners stand point.

5) If you are a wild pokemon, you can be captured. If you capture someone, they are considered yours, but may or may-not follow your orders. They are also kept outside of the pokeball.

6) I don't think this needs to be said, but start you journy at the begining, with your first pokemon. It can be any pokemon, but if its a starter (Bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle, chikorita, cyndaquil, toadile... you get the idea) you have to get it from the Professor.

  ~ These are to be first evolutions, as we don't want any over-powering in the begining.  It is the very start of you journy. You CAN inherit pokemon later on, but not at the begining. If it is a life-long companion, say growlith, it is alowed, but please, 1 evolution.

7) Only 1 starter per person, unless you do a trade amongst real players.

8) I have the right to change or add any rules at anytime. A notice will be put in OOC chat.

9) You can have a pokemon with unusual coloration but they are just as rare as shinys. No over the top colors though like a rainbow charzard. 

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100 words per post.

Joinable Species
'The Oganization'

Second RP Master
Nesferxty (#20859)

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