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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

The snake was still, no movements or strikes. Medussa then said. "So what is your story?" The dog, duck then growled at the snake ands its fur stood up. The snake gently lifted it head and hisses at the dog. Duck stepped back and stopped growling but stared at the snake. The snake seemed rather calm and mellow, unusually calm. Medussa then saw Jerry come in. "Jerry is in now by the way. And how me and him met was when me and Rattlebones were still partners. We bumped into him, and well, he hugged us. Jerry was awkward that day. Rattlebones did not like him because he seems to happy to be a cold hearted killer." Medussa said. Jerry then walked back in the kitchen and started to prep the herbs for the tea. "I remember how we met well. I still remember Rattlebones punching me in the face to." Jerry said with a giggle.

"T-Tara,.. you shouldn't have followed me. You probably got a cold from trying to follow me." I muttered, for some reason I didn't feel all that mad at her for this. Arby flicked over and eyed her, hissing. Yet something held him back, the same thing almost constricted me from moving from where I was. Glancing over at Arby, I could actually feel his fear of the rain, just like how he was mildly afraid when I was at the bridge. Suppose Arby cannot live in water..?

"Don't let her come near; she's soaked..." Arby hissed out of fear, retreating to keep as far from the rain as possible yet as if attempting to warn Tara to stay away. "She's only a little soaked, Arby I don't think that she's any less soaked then we'd be if the hail gets any harder and takes down any branches of this tree." I cooed to him, and for once he was the one who doubtfully looked at me and said nothing.

"Hmm... okay..." Gregor said to Jerry. I think I agree with Rattlebones, he thought, I don't like the idea of someone being happy being a cold blooded killer, either... I'd be tempted to punch this guy in the face, too, but he's being very hospitable, so I'd better keep being polite...

He turned to Medussa. "Oh, you were asking about my life?" he said to her. "Well, frankly it's quite boring compared to yours, ha ha ha... Until two years ago I worked as a travelling salesman to make money for my family. But now I'm a giant bug, and I can't really work anymore... I went to visit my family as soon as I escaped but I don't think they recognized me... My father threw apples at me, and one got stuck in my back... They're probably relieved I'm gone, ha ha... So then I met you and the others, and... well... here I am, I guess."

He glanced at the snake again. He had been petting it all this time, he wondered if that was why it was so incredibly relaxed. He hoped it wouldn't fall asleep there, though, he didn't really want a deadly snake napping on his shoulder.

"I suppose you're right," Tara said, "but you shouldn't be out here either, you'll get a cold too..." She was suprised he didn't seem to be mad at her. He stood there, motionless, it almost seemed like something was keeping him from moving. Was it Arby? Arby looked angry and aggressive, like he did before, but now he seemed a little scared, too. She wondered what he was scared of. It couldn't be her...

"Well... maybe, if you don't mind," she said to Raino, "we can keep each other warm... hee hee..." She said it so quietly, though, she wasn't sure if he heard her... She timidly crept up to him, trembling harder and harder as she got closer and closer, hesitated a moment, shaking like a leaf, then threw herself at him, flinging her arms around his neck. She felt really stupid and scared, but she just shut her eyes and snuggled against him.

Water from her fur dripped all over him and Arby.

"Wait-- Tara Don't-!" I started to shout a warning of what would be on-coming from Arby if she managed to get to me, right before she practically attack-hugged me, and then Arby hissed something rapidly that all I could make out from it was that it was a string of insults and cuss words, he sunk his jaws into Tara, prying her off of me. Holding her into the air for a bit, I suddenly knew that he wouldn't eat her just because of how soaked she was at the moment. That one fact was practically the only reason why he chomped on her arm in an odd fashion, the noise that was emitted made when her arm broke more then once was sickening.

Arby then flung her a little ways into a tree a few yards out, and hissed a threat before retreating, just to coal around me in an almost protective manner. I was about to ask if she was okay, then thought better of it, knowing that no one would be after being mauled in such a manner.

Medussa was going to say something when Jerry interrupted. " Oh I traveled to, well to hunt people but I would spend time admiring the environment in. I remember going to Africa, Asia, and France. But of course that was when my father was still alive, and well when he was not on death row. He is dead now , but he use to work at a gun store and as a repair man. Got my hobbies from that." Jerry then turned over one of his large paintings on the wall revealing a display case that had a large machine gun in it decorated with skulls and other paintings. "This is one of my prized creations. Works and functions smoothly, I spent time making this gun. Oh and Medussa, I made you a little something because I know how bad your fighting is with gumby. I know Gumby can be rather annoying when he attacks you for no reason. Blame that on me because me and him play fight all the time whenever he comes over." Jerry then picked up a pistol that was decorated with carvings of snakes. "Made this for you awhile ago. Hope it still works. I carved the handle out with diamonds and gold. The gun itself is a solid metal." Jerry said giving the gun to Medussa. "Ummm....Thank you Jerry." Medussa said.

For a minute Tara just lay there, tangled in the branches. She looked at Raino and Arby, then she looked at her mangled arm, then she looked at Raino and Arby again, then her eyes filled with tears. She tried to climb down the tree but couldn't climb properly with her injury, and ended up just falling to the ground, landing on her wounded arm. She cried out with pain, then she slowly and painfully rose to her feet and started walking away, crying. Then she started running away crying harder.

Somehow she found her way out of the woods. She lay down by the side of the road and continued to cry. She wasn't crying because her arm had been mangled, she was crying because she was certain Raino hated her now, and she felt horrible for the way she had been acting, chasing him around like an idiot, making a total nuisance of herself. She deserved this. She was bleeding again, she hoped she would bleed to death. Or maybe she would get pneumonia and that would kill her. Or maybe someone would see her lying here, call the police or animal control and they'd come shoot her.

Just then she heard her brother's voice: "Tara, I've been looking all over for you! Hey, what the hell happened to your arm?! I leave you alone for just a few hours and look what happens... Wait, let me guess, Raino finally got tired of you stalking him all the time so he set his monster-tail-thing on you."

Tara opened her eyes, he was leaning over her. She nodded, whimpering. He punched her in the face.

"You were asking for it," he said. "Why are you so obsessed with Raino, anyway? It's obvious he hates you."

"I guess you're right..." Tara whimpered. "He probably does hate me... But I still love him... I don't know why..."

Jackie punched her again. "Tara, you are like a goddamn disney princess! Your life revolves around a guy who hates your guts! You're always like," - he imitated Tara in a mocking high-pitched voice - "Oh, where's my precious little Raino? Where are you Raino? I want you Raino! I love you Raino! Even though you and your Infection hate me Raino! All I ever think about is you, Raino, even though there's a thousand more important things I should be thinking about instead! And I waste all my precious time stalking you and spying on you, Raino, so I get nothing productive done! I guess I'm just a stupid shallow twit who only likes you because you're good looking, Raino, and I-"

"Okay, okay, I get it..." said Tara. Jackie hit her a third time.

"Please stop hitting me," she said. "Why can't you treat me like Raino's cousin Tony treats Raino? Why can't you cuddle me and comfort me like Tony does when Raino's upset, instead of making me feel worse?"

"There you go again, talking about stupid Raino!" Jackie snarled. "Curl up and die, sister! What do I care?! Good riddance I say!" And he dashed away, leaving Tara lying there.


I spotted Tara and her brother. Mentions of Rammy were being made, and her brother acted harshly to her. I huff of disapprovement was the only noise I made before he left, then I proceeded to walk over to her. Judging on the situation, she might know where Rammy was... but... I couldn't just leave her like this; bleeding out on the road side.

"Tara..." I muttered, as if asking permission to talk to her. But before she could say anything or react, I looked at her mangled arm and then said in a statement that must be true; "That... looks like it hurts. A ton."

Then I looked at my where my arms used to be, I couldn't feel the wings that were attached in replacement of them. So... perhaps..? It was a morbid thought that I couldn't shake out of my mind; so I went ahead with it. By using the broken tree near-by, I managed to tear off part of the wing tip and it's feathers, and then attempted to use that as a bandage to stop the bleeding for Tara.

There wasn't anything else to use; and she could die of blood loss. What else was I supposed to do? I was afraid I might have scared the poor girl with doing that. "If you do worry; don't... I can't feel a thing." I whispered to her in case she worried; which I knew that she worried about almost every single little thing.

"I did it for our own good."

"I... I had to warn her of you, Arby! How was tearing apart her arm doing anything for our own good!" I complained to Arby, he looked at me with a motherly stern look and growled in a low tone, as if scolding me "I know your body better then you know, and we both know what the creator said. If I get removed or is killed; then your heart stops and your nervous system finally gets poisoned by my toxins."

With a sick feeling to my stomach at the mention of dying, I nodded understandingly. I was not to be separated; nor was he to die. If I were to die; he could always just take another and then be better off. Obviously; in reality we were just infection and host...

"I still don't think that you should have done that. That was just a little water, what am I not allowed to take a shower anymore or a bath?"

"It was an uncontrollable amount of water." Arby hissed before doing what he called 'resting'; or more of just melting onto the ground in the form of a puddle that would never break contact with me.


Gumby walked around in the forest at dark, dragging a policeman's body behind him. He walked by Raino without seeing him and continued oh his way with the body. The polices body looked as if Gumby bit right threw it with ease. He held a umbrella over him, blocking the rain from hitting him then muttered to himself. "Father was right, if the body's are to be buried they should be skinned to the bone then dressed up properly before burring them. Then if a body is abandoned we clean it up and bury it. Father is always right, Father knows what is always right." Gumby continued on not seeing anything around him but he knew where to go and continued to talk to himself. "Tomorrow I kill the Rat. Rattlebonesd shall die exactly at 2:00pm as I rip through him and his flesh. I will do it painlessly as his body is motionless then I will take him to the graveyard that my father died protecting for me. My home, away from all humanity. But what is humanity if there are no such things as hearts and love. Love is what blinds the soul and kills the weak. The Weak shall always die. Raino is weak but strong, maby he will live, maby me and him can play that game once more. He was fun and smart using that mirror... I wonder what else he can do...But of course he thinks I am a threat so why would he play fight, he is just like medussa. They don't realise I am playing with them, toying with them. I promised Rattlebones that when the time comes I will kill him, and I shall."

It was.. Gumby... who I saw. Of all people, it was that... that guy. Gumby. I jerked up, and Arby quickly went to a hostile position, the parts of him that dripped onto the ground and detached from either of us rest where they landed, now only like simple sticky oil. "Gumby..." I muttered when I wanted to shout it at him, but I couldn't will myself to. In all of the places, why here? Why whenever Arby couldn't go out, and whenever I was grounded to a specific spot? Perhaps if I acted as if I wasn't restrained to a single spot by Arby's ever-growing fear of the rain; he'd think that I wasn't stuck here?

"W-who is that you're dragging..? Is it Meddusa's brother...?" the words were meant to come out in a more forceful tone, in the form of demand and accusation; but they came out nervously as if I was too afraid of talking to him to ask it.

"You're slipping; Rain..." Arby hissed slightly harshly that warning to me, before saying "Pretend that its just some rat that you saw. Or a roach. Or... or even the Creator. I know that you hate the Creator. Tony nor you never stopped insulting the Creator." 

I bit my lip at the mention of Trent's father; the being of as to whom Arby addressed as 'The Creator'. "Tell me... Wait, no-- I don't even need to ask... you killed him, didn't you?! Like the savage beast you are. All you are... is a threat to others... aren't I right? All you have done is hurt others. Nothing to save another. And no matter how many people you save; you cannot save yourself even if you tried. The reason why is that w-what you got coming to ya; WILL get around to ya."

Foolish attempts at being assaulting with my words where what I was aiming at; over all almost the only thing I was. Arby stared at me for the whole time I was saying that, then he let out a content purr. Obviously pleased with how I made my statement; he looked over at the creature-- Gumby, I mean-- glaring the whole time yet purred. Almost as if he was saying over and over to himself; "See that over there? That's mine. Mine. All mine." it actually made me kind of sick to the stomach; but I wouldn't argue with what he thought or the looks he gave.

Gumby heard him and when he tried to to turn he stopped frozen. "I dispose of the trash in this town. Don't make yourself trash Rain. Trash only gets to be taken by me when it is most unwanted. And yes I did, he deserved to die after what he had done to that little girl, ate her up like nothing. I am the gate keeper, the grim reaper, and the soul stealer. I am all things horrid and deathly, giving you that sicking felling in your sleep. Father taught me to take out those who need to be ended. Your not one of them, you are not there yet anyway and it seems that your little friend dislikes the rain as well. Quiet Ironic." Gumby said in a calm, trance like state. "But I must prep the body before I bury him. give the name of the slew and fallen. Father knows best Raino, he always did. Soon Rattlebones will meet his fate tomorrow. Your fate is yet to be sown but I made your grave, nicely layered with velvet red and made shur your name was proper. I made everyone's grave, for the graves I make reflect on those people, the people who die and sleep in a endless shadows." He said more trance like and continued on his way. He walked unusually as his tail dragged on the ground, not like he normally acts.

"Y-you think that you can just... just decide people's deaths..? You think that people's lives and fates are to be decided by you?! I don't care whatever horrible things that Medussa's brother had done, I don't care what had happened at the party or the 2 years that followed, you are thinking to do worse things then any of them did. You want to decide other people's lives; on the word of a dead man. If we all went by what our fathers taught us and told us to do, I would have been dead by now..." I spat out at him, having an outburst at those words. He... deciding other's fates..?! Well I'll give him every single thought of it.

"You know what you are? Annoying, dirty, terrible, piece of filthy murderer scum, you know that?! That's what I think of you... that's what EVERYONE should think of you! No matter how you look at it, you're not any good, now are ya?!" I took a step forwards, forgetting about the rain, just about ready to charge at him. I... I have never felt this frustrated; this... enraged by anyone before! Why... why was I so easily agitated? Usually, I could just shrug this all off and keep to myself, but, No... I just HAD to be easily irritated currently.

"I despise you, and every single thing you do. Like a roach. And you know what people do with Roaches? They squish them. They kill 'em before they can do anymore harm then what's already done! If I couldn't keep my temper as much as I can now; let me tell you that you wouldn't be breathing anymore..." Th-threats?! What was I thinking! But... no... I meant every single last word of it. Every. Single. Last. One.

Nor did I regret what I said. He deserved everything... and I mean everything that was coming to him, no matter how morbid how his life might end. But... him ending the one who saved his life... might be the best... and then; if he's still alive... oh, if he's still alive...

I suddenly jerked myself from those thoughts. More shocked and surprised then anything, I backed up against the tree and slumped down. Why in the world was I thinking of that..? Could it be that what Trent's father did to me be catching up to me like it had almost all of the others..? I was practically scared out of my mind of this thought, I was suppost to be the one who didn't change... I remember swearing to myself and to Tony that whatever happened to me, I wouldn't ever change.

Gumby then said. "I know how you fell, but I cant stop myself. I cant be saved, nore should be here. But its in my nature to do this, I never wanted to, my body forces me to. Once you become a broken soul you can never be fixed. Once you have some one else in your life you can not be fixed. If I had more controle I would let you kill me but it is in my nature to attack and kill. Arby is your protector Raino, and when the time comes to the point when all things will end, he will be there for you. Never doubt him for though I do not hear him, I know he means the best for you. He will keep you safe from people like me. If I could I would kill myself here but my nature stops me from it. Once my cycle is over I will be like I was before, a nasty predator with a taste for flesh. Rattlebones wont survive tomorrow sadly, for my thoughts tell me so. Raino, keep your friends and try not to let me end you before you end me."

"Where the heck did you get diamonds and gold from, Jerry?" said Gregor. "That's nice of you, making that for her." (though you could have given it to her a lot sooner... he thought.) "And it's very interesting to hear about your adventures, but I think Medussa had something to say. Please don't interrupt her." 

"What were you going to say, Medussa?" he asked her, tickling her snake under the chin. The snake was still making him nervous, of course, but he thought it would be best to try to be friends with it, and he didn't want to make it angry by suddenly stopping petting it. On the other hand, it was suprisingly relaxing petting the snake, even though it was toxic and a single drop of its poison would probably kill him within thirty seconds.

The Fallen, And The Forgotten

His mansion and the huge basement where we were kept for 2 years. Has an indoor pool, and over 50 rooms in total, 47 of them in which are locked.

The Courtyard -

A large Courtyard surrounding the Mansion, over grown with weeds because of too little care. It extends out into the forest.


The Forest -

A large forest, with many trees in it and five clearings, only two of them in which are large. It has forest critters of all kinds, including deer.


The City -

One of the other places we once called home. The only other place was one of the farmlands. It is too large for people to continue to look for people more then a year and a half after they disappear, yet small enough for most of the social people to know nearly everyone.


Farm Lands -

Three farms, each in which have a huge corn or wheat field could have been one of our homes, even though two of them have been sold to someone else in the past year.


The Old Windmill -

Broke down 7 years ago; is now residence to mold, damp environments, and mice.


He is the fallen;

And we are the forgotten.

At First it seemed like just a game; a sweet party with our dearest of friends; Trent. His birthday had come up and we were over at his house for the party, to congratulate and spend some time with him. Everything on our end was just perfect-- then came Trent's father. He seemed almost like a predator, the way he was extra friendly with us, the look in his eyes when we accepted the drinks...

That man offered us to stay for the night. He had enough rooms, he said. Like the fools we were we accepted, some of us will never forget that smile he made...

2 years and we haven't seen the sunlight after that night. Yet one day, while checking up on us, he dies. His keys slip out, and we have the chance to be free yet again.

But the question remains;

Could we be accepted even though we are what we are now?


Trent was one of the first to die throughout the experiments, and he died a month after they begun. It was fall when his birthday was, meaning that it is yet again fall, 2 years afterwards.

You have been stuck and experimented on for two years until 'he' died. Now you have the chance to escape, but the scars and marks run deep on you.


Exhibited's Normal Role Play Rules Are Of Course Still Rules In This RP.

Please refrain from having super-powers; only physical changes from chemicals and other things might be in effect.

You must have 2 characters or more, and at least for one of them to be kill able. UNLESS YOUR ONLY CHARACTER IS KILLABLE. You can have max 3 nonkillable characters.


By marking a player as killable you hereby agree to allowing others to kill that character.

No making a Girl-Friend or Boyfriend for yourself if you have already made your characters and is active in the RP. Only when you first make your characters are you allowed to make a boyfriend/girlfriend for your character, and after that you must get permission from another Role Player to become your character's Girlfriend/boyfriend.

Keep Romance at a mild level; this Role Play is not focused on romance, so please no more then kissing/cuddling... 

Actually work on your descriptions, please! No simple descriptions like 'He is short and has red hair, blue eyes', please attempt to flesh out your characters a bit. ;)




You can be a Wolf-Man or a Chimera.
They cannot be wearing any extra accessories since those would have been taken away;
As said in the plot and history they where supposivly at a birthday Party before knocking out and being experimented on.

They where held there for two years, and they still have the same clothes as before, or they could have a night gown. ^^

Infection is a closed kind; and you may only join it if you have been granted my permssion. ;)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
cycopathic cannabalistic doctor
Normal Person

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