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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

"okay." Gumby muttered. He felt the warmth and was calmed by it. His breathing became quiet and he seemed less threatening now. Up on the wall was a plack above his fathers grave stating the rules of how to prep a body before you lay it to rest. Gumby looked at it but ignored the need to follow it and huddled against the warmth. He purred a little bit quietly, then he heard thunder outside. He knew it was going to get bad in the area that they were in, and also that the catacombs might flood. He was quiet the rest of the time.

Annabelle heard Gumby purring. He purrs, just like a happy kitty... that's so sweet... she thought. She found the warmth comforting too, and closed her eyes, listening to his purr. But then she heard the crack of thunder. The purring stopped, but Gumby didn't budge. Annabelle didn't budge either, but didn't close her eyes again, either. She heard big fat raindrops pelting the catacomb's roof... It sounded like a monsoon... she wanted to wait for it to stop before going back out, but it didn't sound like it was going to stop...

Water started trickling inside. A puddle started forming in the middle of the catacomb. It grew bigger and bigger until it covered the whole floor... It was already an inch high, and steadily rising... This was bad... The catacomb was slowly but surely starting to flood.

"Gumby, I think we'd better go now," Annabelle said. "I'll take you to my house." But she couldn't move until Gumby got off her.

Gumby then got off her and walked to the end of the catacomb, pulling her along by the arm as he stood on his fathers grave and opened up a secret passage to the outside. He lifted her out of there before going out as well and they were now outside. He did not like the rain so he quickly opened his umbrella and stood underneath it. He was now cold agen but they got out in time. He kept his tail underneath the umbrella and held it over her so she would not get wet as well. "Do...Do you live in the city or the farm area?" Gumby asked.

"I live in the farm area," said Annabelle. "It's lucky I don't live in the city, otherwise I don't know how I'd get you to my house without anyone noticing. Well, my house isn't too far from here, and thank god for that. It's this way."

So she led him to her house. The door was unlocked, she carefully led him upstairs to her bedroom and closed the door. "I guess I can't keep you hidden from my parents forever, so I'll have to bundle you up right now and introduce you to them. We'll have to lie to them a bit, if we're too honest they'll probably freak out and call the police... darn, don't I have any clothes that aren't pink? Maybe I'll borrow some of my dad's clothes..." She took off her jacket and gave it to him. "Well, we'll start with that, I guess."

"What?!" cried Tara. "You asked Gumby to kill you, Rattlebones?! No! No, I won't help you find him... Why, Rattlebones, why..." She had just managed to pull herself together, but now she broke down into tears again. She hugged him again and started sobbed again, even harder than before. "I won't let you near Gumby! I won't let him kill you!" But she had an awful feeling it was too late for her to do anything.  Sooner or later Rattlebones would meet Gumby, and even if she tried to intervene Gumby would kill him eventually. Tara knew she would lose one of her only friends soon.
Gumby looked at the jacket and put it on. He was now all warm and was purring again. He then sat in a corner of the room and rested his head against the wall. When he did this it revealed his ears were cut off. He looked out-side from the window. "father never let me inside a house before. He always made me sleep outside or at the grave yard." Gumby said as he watched the rain. He felt the carpet underneath him and was calm when he felt the warmth from inside the house. He then laid down on the floor and watched the rain hit the window.
Rattlebones then said. "I made a deal with him to allow him to kill me. Its to protect everyone, I don't want to live this way anymore. I almost killed my own friend and I don't want to do that again. I am doing this city a favor. They wont have to deal with my sick twisted mind anymore." Rattlebones was bleeding from the eyes again as he held his head in pain and closed his eyes. "You know I have a say in this!!! I will kill that boy before he kills you!!! I will kill everyone here, I don't care!!! If I am going to die, I will take down Raino before anyone else stops me!" Bloodlust hissed. 

"You won't be able to kill Rammy." I said while glaring at Rattlebones. I just stood there, glaring. He couldn't really kill Rammy-- now... could he? I mean, for goodness sakes! He has the... that... THING he calls Arby with him! It's not like he could do more harm to him then Tara would ever if I told Rammy and Arby of what he wanted to do before he could ever do it...


Well I hoped so. "Arby nor I will ever allow you to." I practically shouted those words at him, noticing that at least Arby had something good about him.

"So... where are we goin'?" Lilly questioned me, who was trailing behind me. With a hint of amusement in my voice, I replied to my girlfriend; "Well it depends. For some thing we're here to find an 'old' friend of mine; and another is that I have a score to settle with a certain so-called 'top-dog'of this town. Heh; if he was in my school at the same time I was then I'd deal with him earlier. Too bad he's 6 years younger then me." a hearty laugh came after those words, besides... I did have a score to settle with Jackie. But... who'd I find first; hmm?

"Old as in... old? Or just someone that you've known for a long time?"

"Trust me; he ain't that old."

Bloodlust then hissed at Tony. "I can burn that parasite alive. Do you think Rattlebones is strong enough to stop me? But you on the other hand I can rip those wings off and shove them down your thorough. Frankly I can kill all of you, I know I can do that, but of course being slown by the doctor is not easy to kill. Maby he is right, I am a threat to all of you, but of course I am good at what I do." Bloodlust said darkly. Rattlebones could not control anymore so they were now talking to the monstrosity known as Bloodlust.

"Oh my god, really?" said Annabelle, shocked. "Poor you! And what happened to your poor ears?!"

Just then there was scratching and meowing at the door.

"Oh, hi Tux!" said Annabelle. She opened the door and a handsome black and white cat darted in and rubbed against her legs affectionately, purring. She bent down and petted Tux.

Then Tux saw Gumby. He arched his back, his fur stood up straight, his tail puffed out, and he started growling. Then he charged at Gumby and with an angry yowl swatted him, then darted away with a loud hiss.

"Tux, don't be mean!" Annabelle said angrily to the cat.

Gumby when he saw the cat and was swat by it he hissed loudly then covered his mouth. He wanted to eat that cat badly but did not. He then said. "animals don't like me much now that I am like this, and father cut off my ears for telling a lady about what he did to me. Mother did not like me ether with my little sister, It was custom for my family to do this to the boys I guess to keep them in line and loyal to the work we did. But with me telling a lady I guess was a big betray to the family custom, so they hurt me more until I was quiet and never spoke to another person. But then I met him and he turned me into this monster, I ended up getting my revenge but I don't think it was really worth it." 

"Rattlebones, you're not trying hard enough to fight him!" Tara said angrily. "You can't let Bloodlust take over! If you try to hurt Tony or Raino I'll fight to protect them! I mean it! I know I don't stand a chance against you, you'd kill me in five seconds then kill them both in another five, but I'd still hurt you pretty badly, I think. Not that I want to... I love you, Rattlebones... but..."

She bared her teeth, her fur stood on end and she prepared to pounce on him if necassary. Then she went over to Tony and whispered in his ear, through her bared teeth, and with her eyes still locked on the doctor, "What should we do? Go warn Raino? I don't really want to leave Rattlebones though... but I don't want to die quite yet, either... I don't know what to do..." 


"Wow, that is a pretty rough life..." said Annabelle. "I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't found you curled up in that coffin... poor you... Hmm, that makes me think... well, we'll have to talk about it some more later, I should go let my parents know I'm back before they start worrying too much, they're probably anxious already, and introduce you to them."

She took his arm and led him out of the room and downstairs. "Hey mom, dad, I'm home! And I met a knew friend! His name is Gumby! I mean... er... that's his nickname, tee hee hee..."

Gumby when he saw them said quietly. "hello... its nice to meet you...." He was rather scared of people for what his father told him that everyone is not to be trusted. But they seemed like maybe they are nice so he decided to be kind. He hid his tail and kept his face covered by the hood of the jacket. He did not know of the reaction of theis people if they saw his true form. He was wondering if he should have just stayed outside or somewhere else. He saw the cat looking at him from across the room. 

The Fallen, And The Forgotten

His mansion and the huge basement where we were kept for 2 years. Has an indoor pool, and over 50 rooms in total, 47 of them in which are locked.

The Courtyard -

A large Courtyard surrounding the Mansion, over grown with weeds because of too little care. It extends out into the forest.


The Forest -

A large forest, with many trees in it and five clearings, only two of them in which are large. It has forest critters of all kinds, including deer.


The City -

One of the other places we once called home. The only other place was one of the farmlands. It is too large for people to continue to look for people more then a year and a half after they disappear, yet small enough for most of the social people to know nearly everyone.


Farm Lands -

Three farms, each in which have a huge corn or wheat field could have been one of our homes, even though two of them have been sold to someone else in the past year.


The Old Windmill -

Broke down 7 years ago; is now residence to mold, damp environments, and mice.


He is the fallen;

And we are the forgotten.

At First it seemed like just a game; a sweet party with our dearest of friends; Trent. His birthday had come up and we were over at his house for the party, to congratulate and spend some time with him. Everything on our end was just perfect-- then came Trent's father. He seemed almost like a predator, the way he was extra friendly with us, the look in his eyes when we accepted the drinks...

That man offered us to stay for the night. He had enough rooms, he said. Like the fools we were we accepted, some of us will never forget that smile he made...

2 years and we haven't seen the sunlight after that night. Yet one day, while checking up on us, he dies. His keys slip out, and we have the chance to be free yet again.

But the question remains;

Could we be accepted even though we are what we are now?


Trent was one of the first to die throughout the experiments, and he died a month after they begun. It was fall when his birthday was, meaning that it is yet again fall, 2 years afterwards.

You have been stuck and experimented on for two years until 'he' died. Now you have the chance to escape, but the scars and marks run deep on you.


Exhibited's Normal Role Play Rules Are Of Course Still Rules In This RP.

Please refrain from having super-powers; only physical changes from chemicals and other things might be in effect.

You must have 2 characters or more, and at least for one of them to be kill able. UNLESS YOUR ONLY CHARACTER IS KILLABLE. You can have max 3 nonkillable characters.


By marking a player as killable you hereby agree to allowing others to kill that character.

No making a Girl-Friend or Boyfriend for yourself if you have already made your characters and is active in the RP. Only when you first make your characters are you allowed to make a boyfriend/girlfriend for your character, and after that you must get permission from another Role Player to become your character's Girlfriend/boyfriend.

Keep Romance at a mild level; this Role Play is not focused on romance, so please no more then kissing/cuddling... 

Actually work on your descriptions, please! No simple descriptions like 'He is short and has red hair, blue eyes', please attempt to flesh out your characters a bit. ;)




You can be a Wolf-Man or a Chimera.
They cannot be wearing any extra accessories since those would have been taken away;
As said in the plot and history they where supposivly at a birthday Party before knocking out and being experimented on.

They where held there for two years, and they still have the same clothes as before, or they could have a night gown. ^^

Infection is a closed kind; and you may only join it if you have been granted my permssion. ;)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
cycopathic cannabalistic doctor
Normal Person

Second RP Master

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