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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


I've had enough of this... I've had enough of it all! Someone hates me as usual, and others probably do too. I wasn't going to kill anyone, I just lost my temper, that's all... I could never bring myself to have someone's blood on my hands. Do I annoy Tony, too? What about all of the others, what about Trent? I bet I annoyed him the most. Suppose that Tony only went around with me as a replacement for his younger brother, who died on a plane ride.

I turned to leave, not really caring who or what tagged along with me. It's not like I was of any other use then just to annoy others. I walked off. Yet again Arby was the only one with me, yet this time I really didn't want to hear him speak at all.

Medussa saw Raino was about to walk away and looked to the doctor and said. "Good, now you know why you have no one Rattlebones." Medussa then walked over to Raino and walked beside him, she knew not to talk to him at the moment. Rattlebones then laughed. "Well good. I hate company, not to mention annoyances. I am going back home...You nearly gave me a heart attack Medussa." Rattlebones said. Medussa did not say anything back. Rattlebones then muttered. "Hope Arby eats her....Medussa better be dead by tomorrow." He then went his separate way. " I...I can't believe the nerve that doctor has..." Medussa muttered under her breath.

"If you are going to follow me, don't." I muttered, having no idea why I said that. I do want someone else to be there, but... I don't at the same time. I dashed off, attempting to get away from everyone else. If someone wanted to stay around me, I might just end up getting them in some sort of terrible mess.

After a few minutes, I ran out of breath, so I slowed to a stop. Looking around me, I realised like the fool I was I got myself lost.

"Nice going Mr. 'I lost my temper'" Arby mumbled, obviously not pleased with this at all.

Jerry was walking down a ally when he saw some type of human like creature. He tilted his head and said in a cheerful voice. "Hello. are you lost?" He then walked up to the creature. He looked at the human part of it then at the tail like creature. He was quiet and said. "are you a demon sir?" Jerry seemed cheerful and happy about everything. He then looked at the other part, the huge mouthed tail. He then walked towards it and poked it, then stopped. He backed away, trying to maintain a distance between him and this creature.

Arby growled lowly at the guy, and I muttered "A d-demon?" Why would he think that I was a demon? My ears flicked back, or more of 'Arby's ears' in a sense. "Um, I-I..." I had no idea as of what to say. A random man comes out of no where and asks if I am a demon. He also poked Arby, and I watched as he backed off. "If you weren't sure if I was a demon or not, then why'd you chance getting close to me?" The question was asked out of curiosity, and since I didn't really know how to answer the first question. Obviously I wasn't a demon.

"Can I eat him?"

Jerry then said. "Oh, well I worship demons and such. You know the church here usually call me the unholy man and witch doctor. I am not scared of anything much so~ yea, sorry about the weirdness." Jerry still stood in the one place that he knew was a good distance away from this creature. "Oh and my name is Jerry, some call me Gary, or Jeepers Creepers. You know how people are, scared of things. but yea, you can call me what ever you want umm.... sir..." Jerry then was quiet. He was trying to think of more things to say.

"You can just call me Raino, and this is Arby. You don't have to back away, its not like I bite or anything." Arby perked up at the mention of his name, then I quickly added "Nor will Arby bite you." Arby growled something disapprovingly but too quiet for me to understand, and then I eat Arby eating something. Looking over to me, he blankly stared back at my eyes as he swallowed a whole bird nest, egg shell, twigs, mother bird, and all, even the branch.

"E-eh?" I blinked, surprised and Arby just let out a big fat purr as he looked away.

Jerry laughed. "Well Raino, it is nice to meet you. Your name sound's familiar though, did by chance, your father owned that church? I am just wondering..." He asked. He was curious to see what Raino would say, for he knew the people at the church, they just did not like him. Piratically everyone in the town hardly liked him, for his past soon caught up to him here. The only reason to why he stayed was become some people liked him. Other city's and town's would have thrown him out. Here he had places to go, and friends that cared about him. 

Tara watched all this. After awhile Gregor turned to her and whispered, "Maybe we should go..."

"No, I'll stay here," said Tara. Gregor shrugged, then he scuttled away.

Tara hid herself and continued to watch. She was alarmed by the things Rattlebones said to Raino, she knew she shouldn't be suprised, but it still upset her. When Raino started walking off she followed him, in the shadows out of sight. Then she saw Medussa come walk beside him. She felt the usual twinge of jealousy she always felt whenever Medussa was with Raino. But then she heard him say, "If you are going to follow me... don't," and he dashed off. Tara knew that probably applied to her as much as Medussa, but she chased after Raino anyway.

As she ran off, trying to keep up with Raino but stay hidden at the same time, she saw Gregor reappear, had he been following too? He scuttled over to Medussa's side. "Um, Medussa... you know, Nakiami wanted you to stay away from Raino and the other mutants... he wanted me to protect you, but I'm just a giant bug, so... well, you know..." Then he fell silent.

Tara was glad when Raino finally stopped running. She gasped for breath, wondering why Raino wasn't gasping too. Then she saw the strange-looking young man appear. She bristled and suppressed an angry growl when she heard him ask Raino if he was a demon, until she heard him say he worshipped demons. Then her anger was replaced by nervousness, uneasiness. He seemed pretty darn cheerful for someone who worshipped demons... She hoped he wouldn't notice her hiding here, in the bushes, and give her away...


Jerry then looked behind Raino and saw Medussa and two other creatures. "Medussa~ Oh my my my!!! Oh it is so good to see you." He said as he gave Medussa a hug. Medussa was quiet and she had a shocked look on her face. "Uhhh....Jeepers, is this going to be a all time thing with you?" Medussa muttered. "Oh well...You know how I am~ But where is your partner Rattlebones?" Jerry asked. "We...are not partners any more...We are enemies...." Medussa said. Jerry stopped hugging her and said. "Oh my! What happened?! You two were such close friends, I am shocked that this would happen. Did your brother do something to make it like this?" Medussa then replied. "We...just had some betrayals and strong hatred." Jerry then said. "awww. Well I am sorry about that, if you need anything let me know." Jerry then looked at the others. "Yea...that is Tara and that is my friend Gregor." Medussa said. "Oh~ Hi HI!" Jerry said as he grabbed Tara and Gregor and hugged them both.

Gregor immediately yanked himself away from Jerry. "Hey, don't hug me!" he growled. "And why the heck would you want to hug a giant cockroach like me, anyway? Geez..."

Tara tried to pull herself free from Jerry's arms too, but Jerry was stronger than he looked, he held her fast. And she wasn't as strong as Gregor it seemed. "Please let me go..." she said to Jerry. Then she turned to Raino. "Um... I'm sorry I followed you, Raino... I know you didn't want anyone to, but I just like to gaze at you, and can't seem to stop..." Why did you say that, you idiot?! she thought, horrified at her stupidity, as usual. "You've gotta let me go now, Jerry, I have to hide..." she whimpered. But she couldn't wait another second, she was too ashamed to wait. But there was nowhere to hide except under Jerry's cloak. So she did just that. Here she was, hiding under some creepy stranger's cloak. She immediately regretted it, and felt eyes boring into her back, but she supposed it was too late now... So she just stayed there, burning with shame...

Gregor was glancing at Tara, wondering what the heck she was doing, but tried to ignore her. At least she was immobilized and couldn't do anything to Medussa at the moment. "I wasn't following you," he said to Raino, "I was following Medussa, and she just happened to be following you. I'm supposed to keep her away from you, though... I seem to be doing a bad job of it though... And I should probably keep her away from you two as well, Tara and Jerry... So come on Medussa, let's go... please..."


Jerry smiled and laughed. "Your friends seem nice. At least there not you know who~" Jerry said in a sing song voice. Medussa then looked at Jerry and said. "uh yea....Jerry, I think you know you creep everyone out even though you seem nice after all you were a murderer and took peoples eyes. But yea, what on earth are you doing out running around hugging people you barley know?" Jerry then smiled and said. "Why would I not~ And Medussa, I would rather move on with my life and not be depressed about the past and so forth. But yea, I just do that." Jerry said. Medussa rolled her eyes then said. "Jerry, you are odd. You know that?" Jerry nodded and then said. "Oh and if your not busy, do you mind coming over? You know just a little hang out and catch up with what has been happening." Medussa then said. "I don't see a problem with it...just don't try to shoot me like last time...." Jerry then said. "That was a accident, and I was aiming at the dog....thing...." Medussa then said. "It was a dog...."

I turned to leave, bothered severely. Yet another time it seems that everything that I had wanted to get away from at the moment followed me, no matter where I went. "Well maybe there was a reason why I said 'Don't follow me', did you think of that?" I stated those words before continuing to walk off. I attempt to do something, and I always seem to fail at it. But that doesn't matter now, because now I'll have to try my luck at discovering the location of the Asylum myself, and truthfully, I didn't feel like attempting to find out where Gumby was, either.

I took to a sprint to attempt to get myself far enough away from those guys so that they don't try to stop me from doing what I want to do and what I know that I practically need to do. Letting out a sigh of exhaustion, I leaned against a tree while attempting to catch my breath, noticing the light fading from the sky only now. It was turning dark, and night would soon come to cover the sky with a brilliant sheet of stars like it does every night.

Jerry laughed and said. "Raino is funny~" Medussa then said. "I was not following him, I was following Tara because I did not want her to bother Raino." Jerry giggled then said. "I have my car around the corner, but we can walk like we use to." Medussa smiled and said. "That is fine. Gregor you can come with us if you want, Jerry is not really....well to us he is no threat." Jerry then grabbed Medussas hand and was walking away with her but stopped and turned to look at Tara and Gregor and said. "You guys can come to if you want, I am making some tea and food, not to mention if you need a place to stay you can stay there. I know I can be odd, but I show good loyalty and honesty." 

Tara finally managed to escape from Jerry's iron grip.

"I was not going to bother Raino, I just wanted to gaze at him, like I said. I would have stayed hidden from him if you hadn't pulled me out of my hiding place with that big hug... though it was... erm... sweet, and unexpected... It's nice of you to ask me to stay at your place, Jerry, but I'm going to keep following Raino. So please don't give me away again..."

She went dashing away, after Raino.

"Geez, that girl is so annoyingly stubborn... and so incredibly stupid," Gregor grumbled. "I don't really like Raino but I feel sorry for him, being chased around by such a twit... Anyway, thank you Jerry, I'll be glad to happy to come with you. I needed a place to stay. Just no more hugs please." 

The Fallen, And The Forgotten

His mansion and the huge basement where we were kept for 2 years. Has an indoor pool, and over 50 rooms in total, 47 of them in which are locked.

The Courtyard -

A large Courtyard surrounding the Mansion, over grown with weeds because of too little care. It extends out into the forest.


The Forest -

A large forest, with many trees in it and five clearings, only two of them in which are large. It has forest critters of all kinds, including deer.


The City -

One of the other places we once called home. The only other place was one of the farmlands. It is too large for people to continue to look for people more then a year and a half after they disappear, yet small enough for most of the social people to know nearly everyone.


Farm Lands -

Three farms, each in which have a huge corn or wheat field could have been one of our homes, even though two of them have been sold to someone else in the past year.


The Old Windmill -

Broke down 7 years ago; is now residence to mold, damp environments, and mice.


He is the fallen;

And we are the forgotten.

At First it seemed like just a game; a sweet party with our dearest of friends; Trent. His birthday had come up and we were over at his house for the party, to congratulate and spend some time with him. Everything on our end was just perfect-- then came Trent's father. He seemed almost like a predator, the way he was extra friendly with us, the look in his eyes when we accepted the drinks...

That man offered us to stay for the night. He had enough rooms, he said. Like the fools we were we accepted, some of us will never forget that smile he made...

2 years and we haven't seen the sunlight after that night. Yet one day, while checking up on us, he dies. His keys slip out, and we have the chance to be free yet again.

But the question remains;

Could we be accepted even though we are what we are now?


Trent was one of the first to die throughout the experiments, and he died a month after they begun. It was fall when his birthday was, meaning that it is yet again fall, 2 years afterwards.

You have been stuck and experimented on for two years until 'he' died. Now you have the chance to escape, but the scars and marks run deep on you.


Exhibited's Normal Role Play Rules Are Of Course Still Rules In This RP.

Please refrain from having super-powers; only physical changes from chemicals and other things might be in effect.

You must have 2 characters or more, and at least for one of them to be kill able. UNLESS YOUR ONLY CHARACTER IS KILLABLE. You can have max 3 nonkillable characters.


By marking a player as killable you hereby agree to allowing others to kill that character.

No making a Girl-Friend or Boyfriend for yourself if you have already made your characters and is active in the RP. Only when you first make your characters are you allowed to make a boyfriend/girlfriend for your character, and after that you must get permission from another Role Player to become your character's Girlfriend/boyfriend.

Keep Romance at a mild level; this Role Play is not focused on romance, so please no more then kissing/cuddling... 

Actually work on your descriptions, please! No simple descriptions like 'He is short and has red hair, blue eyes', please attempt to flesh out your characters a bit. ;)




You can be a Wolf-Man or a Chimera.
They cannot be wearing any extra accessories since those would have been taken away;
As said in the plot and history they where supposivly at a birthday Party before knocking out and being experimented on.

They where held there for two years, and they still have the same clothes as before, or they could have a night gown. ^^

Infection is a closed kind; and you may only join it if you have been granted my permssion. ;)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
cycopathic cannabalistic doctor
Normal Person

Second RP Master

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