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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Gabriel stood up and threw away his trash and then followed the other campers out of the Dinning Hall, and into the massive clearing that surrounds the campfire. He stood somewhat in the middle so he could hear cleary to what was going on. The campmaster was reading the names of the groups and assigning cabin numbers. The campmaster read the list of names alloud:

Cabin 4 boys" Zeus group" 





Cabin 3 girls Zeus group





Was all he heard, after he got what group and cabin he was assigned he tottaly zoned out. Gabriel thought for a moment, his father must have arranged for him to be in the Zeus cabin. He thought of what activites he would sign up for.

Yarrow was surprised."  Why was he in the Zeus cabin?"  He had never even seen Zues, and wasn't associated with Zues in any way."  Oh well, non-greek gods children were probably just assigned random cabins."  Then he listened to the list of activities, it was huge, and greek."  What could he possibly gain by learning how to drive a charriot?"  He heard capture the flag, that might be fun, but there was no doubt it was greek or else godly in some way."  He continued pondering about what ones he"  would sign up for, it was a long list and he only got twenty per month..."  Oh, what the heck, he signed up for the ones that sounded the best.

Victelo smirked and" looked over at Gabriel, he had a sly look in his eye that was rather intimidating, she turned his attention back to the headmaster listening closly.

Salbrias jaw dropped when she heard she would be boarding with Marie, she nearly choked on her own tounge, even though she likes to give everyone a fair chance, Marie was one person she couldn't stand, she was to full of herself, she was arrogent, proud, and just down right annoying."  She shuttered at the though, then tried to shake it out of her head so she could pay attention to the headmaster.

Gabriel sighed when he saw the look on Victello's face, Oh brother, this can't be good he thought as he filled out a sign up sheet for activities. After he grabbed his bags from the cabin office, Gabriel went to cabin four. The door was ajar and he catiously stepped in. Hunter was hanging upside down off the top bunk of one of the bunk beds. He claims that it helps him think, but who knows what that guy thinks about, after all , he is one of Apollo's kids. "Hey." said Gabriel as he set his bags on the floor.
Yarrow immediately took the top bunk on the opposite side of the cabin as Hunter, and started playing his game."  He didn't say anything, he didn't like the look of that hunter kid, he made him..."  Edgy was the word for it."  Something about that kid just didn't get along with Yarrow..."  Maybe it was something to do with the godly parents."  Yarrow decided he'd play his old link to the past game, because playing gameboy games saved power."  He was beating a boss in the sixth temple or something, when the poer turned red."  Yarrow beat the boss as quickyl as he could, saved, and, right then, it ran out of power.
Suddenly, Yarrow noticed that Gabriel had control of electricity."  That gave him an idea, a brilliant idea!"  I took his games out, just in case it backfired."  He thenclimbed down, walked over to gabriel, and asked "Would you be able to charge my D.S lite?"  I noticed that you are passing electricity between your fingers, which is obviously a god inherited power, and my game just ran out of power, so I was wondering if you could conduct some electricity into there?"  I didn't bring my charger, and I doubt there's an outlet in this camp anyway."  ((Only 98.))" 

Gabriel just shrugged then scratched "Okay, I guess." he said charging up his fingers, "Do you have any idea of how I should do this?" he asked.

Hunter flipped off the top bunk and landed on his feet, standing infront of Gabriel and Yarrow, "I do." he said, smiling.

(By the way you can control Hunter too Scoot, just so you know, and did you have anything in mind for the whole charge your DS thing? And I know it is off topic, but I have a DSi it is blue, and I had Pokemon SoulSilver but I lost it, and I still can't find it)

((I used to have the special edition Yarrow has."  ANd, what do you mean by "in mind"?)) Yarrow pointed out a small hole in the back of the small portable game device."  He told Gabriel to simply let electricity go through the hole and into the machine, but not too much at a time."  Yarrow hoped this wouldn't blow up in his face, litterally."  He also really hoped that it would work, otherwise he would have no electronical entertainment for the entire summer."  ANd if he didn't have that, he might lose his games, which would be disasterous."  (Dang it!"  99!))

Victelo walked into the cabin and dropped his stuff on the bottom bunk, which was the only one left, she flopped down crossing his arms and stared at the bottom of the top bunk that was above him."  He had" plots running through his mind and he tried to figure out how they would work as he layed there.

Salbria groaned as she walked into her cabin trying to ignore Marie as she sat on a bunk with her bags laying next to her feet on the ground, then she layed back and covered her eyes with her arm and huffed a breath.

Gabriel shrugged, "Okay." he said puting one of his fingers in the little charger hole on the DS. He sent a few energy pulses through it. It cut on and the Nintendo screen came up. "There you go." he said handing the DS to Yarrow, "I'm happy that I could be of service." said Gabriel smiling. He got up and decided" to go check out what was available around here, and see what activities they had.

Marie looked over at Salbria the rolled her blue eyes, she then sashayed off to the cabin office to claim her things. She then went to cabin 3 and started putting up posters and other things, she occupied the bottom bunk of one of the"  beds and took up half of the whole closet.

Yarrow cheered, thanked Gabriel, and turned the game off, stowing it away in his stuff at the foot of his bed."  He climbed down from his top bunk, and followed some of the others outside."  Wow, it was hot!"  Yarrow didn't think the cabins had airconditioning, but, somehow, they were much cooler than the outside."  He shuffled along, following the others to the activities, everyone went to a large area before splitting up."  Yarrow looked up, hoping it would rain,but, there was not a cloud in the sky."  Too bad, even if it didn't rain, it would be nice if a cloud covered up the sun for a while."  ((I have a question, if Gabriel moves the clouds, can YArrow make it rain?"  He is the kid of a rain spirit, after all.))
Gabriel walked outside, whew! It was burrning up, the sun was shining directly in his face. He put his hand up and scanned the horizion. Hmm, we could do with some rain. He thought as he looked up towards the sky he opened and rearranged the clouds, then thought, one word Rain. Suddely a droplet of water landed on his face, then another and then several more, finnaly it was raining. Not extreemly heavily but a light shower. Most of the campers cheered and jumped around, playing in the rain. But others like Marie squealed and ran to get umbrellas. Gabriel smiled, and walked through the rain, feeling the cool drops on his face. His eyes were unusually blue at the moment. He trotted throug the wet grass, calf muscles flexing, and splashed in puddles, oh" how he loved the rain!
Shadow and Liufr had camped out that night since Hermies cabin didn't have accomidations for Liufr. Shadow had no plan to abandon Liufr just so she'd have an actual bed. Liufr considered this a normal pack behavior and expected of an unmated pack sister. She was also his puphood sister and could never be his mate. Liufr accepted the facts and slept soundly. Shadow slept still but restlessly scenarios of what could be flashed beneth her eyelids moving so fast she couldn't register them. All the scenarios showed time passing so fast only a god, or those Naruto comic characters could have followed..."
After it started raining, Yarrow blinked and then grinned."  He was always more comfortable in the rain."  His eyes were their normal color at the moment, specks of many different colors, but an absence of brown."  He walked down to where the activities started, and the first was capture the flag, which was played with primitive weapons in a forest full of mythical beasts."  Yarrow was on the blue team, and when they handed out weapons, Yarrow chose a slim sword infused with molybdenum to prevent rust, but it was mainly composed of stygian iron."  Not only was it stronger than most swords, but it wasn't the black of stygian iron, and was a more silvery color, similar to the molybdenum."  Yarrow waited for his assigned position, wondering who the team captain was.

Gabriel saw that a few other campers were playing capture the flag, Great, he loved sports. He spotted Yarrow over at the weapons area, "Mind if I join?" he asked with a smile as he chose his weapon, he was about to pick a golden bow and arrow, but something else caugh his eye. Sitting there at the bottom of the pile, in all its shining glory, was a lighntning bolt. Gabriel's face lit up as he grabbed, there was no way he would lose with this weapon.

(I think I'm going to a baseball game later so I might be logging off in a few minutes)

Camp Half-Blood

The Camp is in a valley surrounded by Hills.

There is the Cabins where you sleep.

The Dinning Hall, where you eat.

The Field, where you can relax, play, and just hang out.

The Campfire, in the center of camp, where meetings are held.


You're running through a grassy field, a Minotaur behind you. A large tree looms before you and you run past it. Halting, you see that the Minotaur hadn't chased you past the tree. A girl runs up to you from the hill that slopes down below the tree. "Hi! I'm Marie and this is Camp Half-Blood." She tells you.

One of your parents is a god, that means you are a Demi-god, or a Half-blood. You were sent there for your saftey, and to learn to prepare you to be a god.


Basically the same as the Plot so I'll just put the gods

Zeus- god of the sky, rain, thunder, wind, lightning, storms, justice, hospitality, heaven, earth, and is the king of the gods. One of the Big Three.

Poseidon- god of the sea, horses, and waves. One of the Big Three.

Hades- god of the Underworld, wealth, and the dead. One of the Big Three.

Athena- goddess of wisdom, warfare, and crafts.

Artemis- goddess of the Hunt, wildlife, the Moon and maidens.

Apollo- god of the sun, light, prophecy, healing, medicine, plague, truth, poetry, archery, the arts, music, and intelligence.

Ares- god of war, bloodlust, and slaughter.

Aphrodite- goddess of love, lust, pleasure and beauty.

Demeter- goddess of the Harvest and the seasons.

Hermes- god of roads, speed, messengers, travel, thieves, and athletics.


All normal RP rules

Only 3 or 4 children per god.

Only 2 or 3 children of Zeus.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

Second RP Master
ShesGot_A_WildSide (#6070)

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