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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Salbria looked at Victelo then at Shadow, she glanced down at the table and grabbed
 a piece of bacon that was there,
 and she stood up and slowly walked over towards there table, she knelt down onto the ground next to Liufr and she held it out towards him and whispered "I don't think we have officially met" she smiled as she couldn't help but talk to him like a person, he showed face expressions like one and seem to know what he was doing all the time, she added with another whisper "My name is Salbria and over there is my brother Victelo, he doesn't know I'm introducing him to you so keep it a secret." she held a finger to her lips as if to say to keep quiet as she was still holding the bacon out at him so he could take it.
Liufr took the bacon wagging his tail, Tyson was eating peanutbutter out of a jar. Shadow was playing 'zombie eating who knows what' with her food making Percy and Nico laugh. Some Apollo kid came over and started flirting with Shadow and Liufr growled at him. "If your canine doesn't like someone when they're normally friendly neither should you..." Shadow muttered and brushed the boy off. She clearly trusted Liufr's judgement of character. The daughter of Loki was acting like a clown most of the time her godly father often acted just as silly, he made Shadow's mother laugh. Her mother had said that was how Shadow reminded her of Loki...
Shadow pulled her DS out after dinner it was in a waterproof bag and she still had plenty of battery life. Pokemon black "Team Plasma grunts are freaking morons, worse than team Rocket and Galactic." She kept muttering to herself, she remembered that Yarrow guy had a DS too and ran to find him. She snuck in and marched up to the boy DS in hand "Hey got any trade evolution you wanted to take care of or swaps?" She made herself comfortable, Liufr was off howling with the other canines. Shadow's howls usually regestered as a spazz making noise, to canines so she didn't really howl often

Victelo yawned, he was exhausted, he stood up and walked out of the dining hall with Salbria following behind him but once they had to they took seperate directions to there own cabins.
  Victelo flopped down on his bed his head propped up on his bag of clothes as he stared at the bottom of the bunk that was above him, he rolled over onto his side and closed his eyes slowly falling asleep.

Salbria layed down on her bed in her cabin but instead of falling asleep she began to read her book again, she almost laughed at the thought of her brother, what he would say if he knew she was reading the book again.

I am back! I am soooooooooooo sorry everyone for being gone so long, my PC crashed and I had to send it out to some place so they could fix it, but I'm back now so yay!

(Let's just start with a new day)

Gabriel woke up and rolled out of bed, he took a nice hot shower and got dressed, he combed his dark wavy hair and brushed his teeth. He was about to pick out an outfit for the day when he noticed the sign on the door, It read:

Due to confusion among campers

All groups and cabins are now required to wear matching uniforms

See back panel for your sizes >

"Oh great." mumbled Gabriel as he turned over the paper, he really despiesed uniforms. There on the back of the paper it had his name, size, and directions on where to find his uniform. Gabriel went over to the closet and got out his uniform, it was a pair of black shorts and a dark blue and black shorts. "Hmm, not to bad." he said getting dressed.

(fine with me)

Salbria yawned as she crawled out of bed, washed her face and brushed her teeth, she had already showered last night right before she went to bed so she wouldn't have to blow dry her hair, plus she refused to sleep drenched in food, she was about ready to laugh her head off remembering the day before untill she saw the note on the door, she face palmed herself "Dang it!" she groaned and openend the closet to check out the new wardrobe, it was a fitted t-shirt and a mini skirt, it looked like a boarding school uniform! Oh well she would have to wear it so she put it on anyways.

Maria woke up and took off here designer pajamas, she then flounced off towards the bathroom, and after what seemed like an hour and a whol hairdo montage she came out sparkling clean with curly blond hair, wearing her uniform that she had decked out with pink trim, and othe girly designs. Seeing Salbria she rolled her eyes while putting on her make up. "Some one should call the fashion police because you just tottaly broke the law." she snickered as she smaked her straberry lip gloss lips with distaste.

Gabriel threw on some sneakers and opened the door, he was greeted by warm sunshine and a cool breeze.

Salbria rolled her eyes as she glanced over at the mirror, she was right but definatly wasn't going to admit it "Well at least I don't look like a tye-dyed poodle, besides, I'm not done with my outfit yet." she really had no idea what she was going to do with it, but was dead serious when she said Maria looked like a poodle.  She did her hair and makeup while trying to think about what she could do with the outfit, if she was stuck wearing a skirt though she definatly had to change it a little bit, when she was done she dug through her bag and found bright green leggings and matching thread that were almost the same color as her eyes, she sewed a swirly little design on the bottom right front part of the black skirt and put on the leggings, it definatly was better than before, she used the rest of the thread in coloring the small shirt sleeve cuffs and the bottom edge of the shirt with it to tie the outfit together, she added a pair of white flats with a black bow on them.

(Sorry, I had to bring in the groceries)

Maria just scoffed, and batted her perfect eyelashes, "Yeah, whatever mutt" she said and then pranced out the door, saying "Chow for now!" as she waved a little fake wave.

(its ok)

Salbria narrowed her eyes at Maria as she walked out then turned to look in the mirror again, it was better than before though thats for sure, she let out a sigh and walked out of the cabin, all the uniforms walking around the campus nearly knocked her off her feet as she headed to the dining hall.

Victelo was just waking up, seeing the note on the door he stood up to read it, he just rolled his eyes and put on the uniform, no questions what so ever, he combed out his hair and walked out to the dining hall to join Salbria for breakfast

Shadow looked at the Loki uniform camoflage but seemed to change colors slightly. She looked at Liufr and said "I thought I'd hate any uniform but this isn't bad..." Liufr wagged his tail a wolf grin on his face 'Nice clothes fur.' was what he was thinking. Shadow put it on and it changed pants into a knee legnth skirt and on a whim back, shirt went from T to tunic among many other forms but same color and pattern. "Cool..." Chaos was far from evil it was just change. Shadow seemed to embody it almost. Chaos always seemed to work out for her. Shadow and Liufr left the cabin bathed and dressed. Shadow decided to keep her clothes a T shirt and capris, showing some pale skin and smooth leg. A pair of sturdy boots on her feet and hair braided she was ready for the day and breakfast...
Gabriel walked down the path to the dinning hall, he spotted Hunter and waved, but then he caught sight of some Hermes kids, they were glaring at him. Gabriel just smirked and walked with more bounce in his step. Gabriel didn't know why, but he and the Hermes kids just didn't get along. He soon caught up to Salbria and Victello, "Hey guys," he said with a smile as he walked alongside them, "I see you noticed the new uniforms too." he said studying their outfits, "I see you spiced yours up a bit." Gabriel said to Salbria when he saw her uniform.

Salbria nodded "There was no way I was gonna let Maria get by with calling me a fashion disaster! She was right though as much as I hate to admit it, but I managed to find something somewhat do able... You guys are lucky though, you have shorts... I hate wearing skirts..." she replied then looked over at Victelo who was still half asleep "Wanna trade? my skirt for your shorts?" she asked jokingly.

Victelo looked at her and his eyes widened seeing her outfit and laughed "Ha ha very funny!" he said.

Salbria shrugged and said "Just figured I'd ask, I may be your sister but I don't know what you're into for clothes these days."

Yarrow literally jumped out of bed, realizing he'd overslept, and hit his head on the ceiling.  He raced out of the cabin, rubbing his head, and noticed the uniform thing.  He moaned out loud.  Did they really expect him to wear anything but his yoshi t shirt or his custom black and white Anomalocaris t-shirt?  Yarrow didn't think so.  He raced off to the dining hall, and grabbed breakfast, while recieving looks from people wearing the uniforms.  Sucks to be them.  Besides, Yarrow didn't actually have a god yet and was simply thrown in the Zues cabin, so he really didn't think it mattered.  ((I totally forgot this rp.)) 

Camp Half-Blood

The Camp is in a valley surrounded by Hills.

There is the Cabins where you sleep.

The Dinning Hall, where you eat.

The Field, where you can relax, play, and just hang out.

The Campfire, in the center of camp, where meetings are held.


You're running through a grassy field, a Minotaur behind you. A large tree looms before you and you run past it. Halting, you see that the Minotaur hadn't chased you past the tree. A girl runs up to you from the hill that slopes down below the tree. "Hi! I'm Marie and this is Camp Half-Blood." She tells you.

One of your parents is a god, that means you are a Demi-god, or a Half-blood. You were sent there for your saftey, and to learn to prepare you to be a god.


Basically the same as the Plot so I'll just put the gods

Zeus- god of the sky, rain, thunder, wind, lightning, storms, justice, hospitality, heaven, earth, and is the king of the gods. One of the Big Three.

Poseidon- god of the sea, horses, and waves. One of the Big Three.

Hades- god of the Underworld, wealth, and the dead. One of the Big Three.

Athena- goddess of wisdom, warfare, and crafts.

Artemis- goddess of the Hunt, wildlife, the Moon and maidens.

Apollo- god of the sun, light, prophecy, healing, medicine, plague, truth, poetry, archery, the arts, music, and intelligence.

Ares- god of war, bloodlust, and slaughter.

Aphrodite- goddess of love, lust, pleasure and beauty.

Demeter- goddess of the Harvest and the seasons.

Hermes- god of roads, speed, messengers, travel, thieves, and athletics.


All normal RP rules

Only 3 or 4 children per god.

Only 2 or 3 children of Zeus.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

Second RP Master
ShesGot_A_WildSide (#6070)

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