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Lokri hangs there smileing but casualy says,"I thought you said no messing around." She crosses her arms her hair hanging down. "I love the blood rushing to my brain as the next person but really you can put me down." She says shaking her head. She found it funny yes, but she would rather be helping the carried around like a small child...and let alone Jaw's did say no messing around. But he was proably up to his usualy old jokes and knowing him he would proably find a place then set her down before he would set her down and help.
Smoke hid a grin as he carried her, walking up onto the shore before setting her down on the ground "That's what I said, no messing around" he said with a smile looking down at her then added "So, quit just sitting there and get to work" he said with a chuckle and turned to walk off a little ways before looking back at her "You wanna find food or see if there's a shelter somewhere near here? Cause I'm not gonna do both" he stated and turned to face her, his hair still wet and his arms crossed then looked out at the water "Well, more of the question, Do you want to go fishing or not?" he said refering to the fish in the water, especially the one that was thrown at him earlier.
Lokri got up and looked at Smoke. "Fishing sounds fine. If I cought one before I can catch one again." She said. "Hey can test makeing a fishing pole." She said and smiled at him bounding off into the jungle for miterial. She found everything she needed and She crouched by the water with a fishing pole at her side and a spear. She was attempting the Spear first for if the fish came close enough to her...there. She held her pose gracefully and stood as still as a staute. When the silver form came into distance she lashed out with the spear stabbing right through the fish. Pulling it out of the water she looked at it."Nice size.." She said outloud.
Smoke had walked off into the forest after she did but in another direction, he walked back soon after with an arm load of materials, which included branches which somewhat resembled pine and a couple large limbs with forks on the top and a few more for structure, it probably wouldn't turn out like a 5 star hotel, but it would have to do.  He looked over at Lokri who apparently had already caught a fish.  He smiled "Nice" he said refering to her catch before he began to jam the two forked sticks into the ground like posts and build the lean to shelter from there.
Lokri did not reply just sat the fish on a large Palm leaf and resumed her staute like pose with the Spear drawn back. When another Silver body came close she waited for a split second then stabed the Spear through the water then it hit home. She smiled pulling it out of the water and seeing it was another nice sized one. "How many do you want to try and catch Smoke?" She said not turning to look at him just looking at the water for any more silver bodys that happened to come close to her and the hands of Death.
Smoke glanced back at her before resuming his task. "Enough to last us for tonight, so probably just a few, I don't want to have to deal with rotting fish if we catch to much, it might draw attention to us from, oh I don't know what" he stated with a plain voice.  He was making quick progress with the shelter, he had the two forked limbs in the ground and another straight one layed across them, and now he was beginning the back end of the lean to, that went down to the ground, laying a few sticks and then layering the pine branches over it.

She didnt reply just turned back towards the water. After catching two more fish. She grabes her stuff, and the fish and headed over to the shelter. She sat her stuff down and stood up again. "I would ask if you need help...but you seem to know what your doing. I will go gather some extra wood so we can have a fire to cook our food on." she said turning to head towards the Jungle. "Feels like a camping trip if you forget what happened eailer..." She said almost to herself before disapearing in the foliage. She came back with a arm full of branches. She put them into a pile and looked up. "Its looking good Smoke."

Smoke watched her walk off to gather fire wood, being intently focused on what he was doing, so when she came back and complimented the shelter, he just nodded "Yeah, thanks" he added and walked off a little ways, and began to pull up moss off of rocks and the ground, coming back and laying it down under the shelter, before he began the other two side walls, standing up the branches he had gathered and stabbing them into the soft ground and then adding layers of pine branches to them, layering them like he did the roof for a somewhat sturdy weather block.
Lokri looked at her fire and then back to the dried moss and she was trying to light. Just then the small flicker of a Spark flew and hit it. She picked up the moss lifted it up and blew gentaly on it. It smoked and started to catch fire. SHe laied it down with the rest of the fire wood and dried moss and it cought fire and burned at a steady rate. She put some more wood onto it then stuff the fish on a stick and put them up and watched them cook. She watched the fire as it danced in the cooling air. She reilsed wet closths ere going to be tons of fun in the cooling air. She looked up already spoting the twinkling od stars.
Smoke finished the shelter and nodded content with his work before he turned to the fire and smiled slightly.  Walking over he put his arm around Lokri's shoulders in a 'good job' sort of way, his gaze on the fire, and the fish cooking on it.  He could already smell it and he was definatly getting hungry but did his best not to think about it.  He redirected his attention to the rather quickly darkening sky, there wasn't much of a moon yet and only a few stars.  Giving Lokri another pat on the back he walked around to the other side of the fire and sat down looking into it, gladly accepting its warmth.
Akachan trembled as she walked slowly through the bushes. She looked at the sky above her full with stars. Same as always, she waved to the biggest and brightest star believing that it was her beloved guardian angel, just like her 'dad' had told her at her 8th birthday, the day before he died. Now she holy believed that 'he' was that star. ' Please, could you help me find the way?' She asked to the star. But like always, she didn't get a answer which made ​​her very upset. 'finding a home is not so easy as I thought' She pushed aside a low-hanging tree branch.' Norowa ' she mumbled angry.
Lokri looked at the fish and knew they would be done soon. She looked back up at the Stars. "Its amazing how you can see them so clearly here." She said sorta to herself. She lowered her gaze to go back towards the fire. She watched it dance around intranced by the flames. This made her think of when she was just a young child, and when her Dad was still alive. He would take her deep into the forest and at night tell funny storys by the Camp fire. She sighed. She missed him, and it pained her more that she seemed to forgot every story.
Smoke glanced up at Lokri hearing her say something, he was unable to make it out for the most part but didn't bother asking so he turned his attention to the flames.  The fire shown in his eyes, he closed them once, a memory flashed infront of him of his forgotten past but it only lasted a second before it vanished and he opened his eyes again.  Shaking his head slightly, he layed back on the ground and folded his arms behind his head like a pillow, looking up at the stars in the night sky and how the sparkled.
Lokri looked up at the fish and relized they were done. She grabed them and put them on sperate leaves and moved them two over towards Smoke. "I decided I would 'hand' them to you instead of 'throwing' them." She said sitting back with her own fish by her. She tasted the fish and was quite happy with it. It reminded her of how her Dad's fish. She shook the memorys away. She would always haveother times to rember her Dad, but this was now. She ate some more of the fish then looked up at Smoke. "What do you think?"
Smoke smirked before he sat up and looked at the fish sitting on a leaf next to him, picking it up he took a bite, savoring it and looked over at Lokri "I think this is probably the best fish I've had in quite a while" he said knowing very well he was hungry and almost anything would taste good, but he wouldn't say that.  He took another bite and pulled a bone out of his mouth and looked at it "It even comes with free toothpicks" he joked and set the fish bone on the leaf and continued to eat the seafood.

Lost, as Castaway Wolves

You are lost on a deserted island with your fellow werewolves, there is a large cliff face off one side that crashes down into the ocean and rocks below, the forest is deep and dense, it's very easy to get lost.


You don't have full control over your powers yet and can not switch on will, it comes with your adrenaline speed for now.


Having been hunted to near extinction, werewolves have fled to the far corners of the world. There were a few young werewolves, just discovering their power, managed to convince their parents to let them go on a short boat ride. They were supposed to have come back the next day, however, it was not meant to be. There was a freak storm that hit, and smashed the boat causing it to spin out of control and smash into some sort of rock or reef.

Some time later, they begin to wake, wondering what happened and what where they are. The island they have landed on seams deserted, but bits and pieces of an ancient civilization are still present. Will the secrets of the ruins secrets unlocked? Will the young ones choose to stay, or will they attempt to save the rest of their kind? Will they even survive that long?

No matter what the answer, for better or for worse, they are the Lost, as Castaway Wolves.


1. Typical rules of RP.

2. No swearing or cursing, please keep it to a minimal, if you must, use the *'s to blot it out.

3. Romance is allowed, hugs and kisses are fine, but nothing to graphic please.

4. No being your own crush or anything like that either.

5. I am the master and I can control my puppets, as much as I would hate to, I have the right to kick you out and delete you if you don't follow these rules, they're sort of important.

6. When making a character, please create a first and last name.

7. Max of 3 charries.

8. When making a character, please keep the male/female ratio, one male per female and vice.

9.Have fun!!!!

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100 words per post.

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Second RP Master
DinoLover (#4089)

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