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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Lilya turned around and looked at Am'gthar, who looked excited. "Hey Am, (haha your owl has a nickname XD) why so excited all of a sudden? Did we get chosen?" She hoped so, she wanted to go on this mission badly.  She hoped that the owls would need her superior knowledge of storms and how to fly through them. So that she could be useful in ways that she would be needed for her knowledge.


 Star watched as the owls shrieked, hooted, chirped and whatever their calls were, in excitment. She narrowed her eyes and heard an owl say behind her, "I bet I will be chosen to kill those nasty Pure Ones!" Star smiled humorusly, how could this owl think that they stood a chance for the Almighty Pure Ones.

Niressa stretched out her wings from the spot she was sitting at on the branch, it was darker out and she felt more awake and responsive that she had been earlier that day, she flapped her wings a few times before taking off in flight from the branch and circled around the tree a couple times before she flew higher into the air towards the other owls, she went up above them and watched them flying around below her, it was rather entertaining to see, all the owls flying together harmoniously without bumping into each other, it was like a huge ballet.
Am'gthar was so excited she could barely keep from yarping a pellet in front of the other owls. It seemed that the night would never come, but it did. As they were making last-minute preparations for the trip, Am'gthar suddenly felt scared. Were they really ready for a mission like this? She leaned over and whispered in Lilya's ear. "Are you a little bit afraid of this? because I am..." Lilya nodded her head. Finally, the call was sounded for them to take off, which they did gracefully and smoothly. For some reason though, Star seemed to be lagging behind a bit. Am'gthar figured she must be fearful and flew back to encourage her. Suddenly Am'gthar felt a chill. Star had the strangest look in her eyes, like she was planning something....

Lilya gulped and felt her gizzard quiver with fear. What if they have to fight on the journey? What if...she dies.... Lilya wasn't the best of fighters, heck, she could just do basic scratches. She gulped and flapped strongly, letting other owls lead.


Star's eyes glinted with an idea. She would fake hunting, go to the Pure Obnes, and tell them exactly what these foolish Guardians were doing. If she was lucky, there wil be enough Elite Gaurds to kill them all, and when the tree sees the aren't coming back... it just might be an easy surrender. She smiled and clacked her beak.

Am'gthar noticed Star off to the side by herself. She seemed very happy about something...but what? Am'gthar was about to go ask, but just then Xarria swooped over her, and dropped something cold on the back of her head. Am'gther screeched in suprise and nearly dropped out of the sky. Was Xarria..laughing at her?! Am'gthar flew after her in anger and then stopped and turned around. It was not the guardian way to continue violence when it could be ended. She flew off a little ways and craned her neck around, trying to see what she had been hit with. Am'gthar only hoped it wasn't something gross....She found herself flying near Star, who seemed to be talking to Xarria. She caught the word "pure ones" and flew a little closer in order to hear better. 

Xyomara flew over the small group of owls, surveying them with a trained eye. They did not seem to get along at all, she noted. All the better that she was chosen to mantain order among them.

Ezylryb hasn't lost any of his smarts with age...

She thought to herself as she flew lower to join the young owls. She folded her wings to her side in a rapid dive towards the group, whipping them out with a snap just before colliding with Star.

"Greetings. I am Xyomara, rouge fighter working for the tree. I have been chosen to work with you on this mission."

She said shortly.

Star rolled her eyes and dived down to avoid conact with any of the idiots she has to work with. Good thing they will all be dead as soon as we reach the destination. Then I can really provide information for the Purenesses. She narrowed her eyes as Lilya followed her. Her hit her face with her wing and Lilya was dazed, going yeep. SHe smiled as she heard the young Screech shriek as she twirled out of control as she plummted to the ground, forcing her wings to flap. One down, many more to go. (Someone can save her, I don't want her to die yet XD)
Am'gthar screeched and flew down to help her. "You TRAITOR!" she yelled. Star just smiled and kept flying. Lilya hit the ground with a painful thud and Am'gthar flew down as fast as her wings would go. Above them, the traitorous owls were fighting against the true guardians. She hoped that Lili would be alright and then turned her thoughts to helping Lilya. She didn't seem to badly injured, in a daze, but nothing broken... "I never should have trusted Star. I knew there was something wierd about her.." Am'gthar muttered under her breath. Suddenly another owl fell with a screech nearby. Am'gthar despretly wanted to go see who it was, but knew she had to stay here. 

Xyomara immediately flew at Star, battle claws aimed right for her face. She felt the throbbing pulse of adrenalin coursing through her as she attacked, a familiar sensation. Years of experience directed her claws across the traitor owl's face, leaving deep gashes.

"Run traitor, before I finish you."

She snarled at the owl, flying to help the fallen owls laying on the ground.

"Are you alright young one?"

She asked Lilya, making sure she had no broken bones. Her wing twinged painfully as she folded it at her side, and she hissed sharply. The owl did not seem to be awfully injured as far as she could tell, and she gave a small sigh of relief. Injuries would seriously complicate their mission.

Lilya looked dazed and confused, "Hnmrm? Am'gthar?" She felt paralyzaed by pain, her whole body burned and she stopped trying to get up. "I- I can't get up!" She looked fearful as the guardians fought among the numerous Pure Ones, STar ranting and slashing owls. "I.... I must help!"



Star screeched happily. She saw the two Purenesses, Kludd and Nyra fly over the crowd, scores of Barn Owls and Grass Owls and all the other species behind them cheering and screeching with delight, some of them holding.. she noticed with delight.... Fire Claws. Some of the owls went yeep as the saw the glistenign fires in the tips.

"Yeah, the other Pure Ones are here! I bet that Nyra will be impressed with what i have found," said Xarria slyly. "I knew that Am'gthar wouldn't see me. Nobody expects a barn owl to do anything in here!" One of the pure ones handed her a pair of fire claws. Now to help in this great siege that i helped bring upon! Even though my role was small, i have gathered some good information that will help us to defeat the guardians once and for all! thought Xarria quickly putting the fire claws on. She jumped into the battle with lightning speed and started clawing and ripping at her foes.

Am'gthar tried to stay on the ground with Lilya, but was quickly swept away in the battle.  She nearly went yeep went an ugly-looking Masked Owl swiped at her head. Am'gthar breathed in deep and tried to remember her few battle lessons. Everyowl was required to take them.... "Fly under the enemy...Wait was it above? Or to the side?" She darted in frantic circles, trying not to be killed. Am'gthar slashed blindly with her battle claws (that had been provided by the tree)and heard a horrifying screech. She had hit the enemy! She flew away quickly before it could exact revenge. There were hundreds of owls everywhere, fighting to the death. Where had they all come from?! Am'gthar hoped despretly that they were mostly guardians...She stopped quickly as she came face to face with a huge barn owl. Her eyes nearly popped. In front of her was the worst owl known in their time. Nyra. Am'gthar saw something horrible in her eyes. Something that shouldn't have been there. Fortunetly Nyra flew off with a second glance. Obviously she didn't have time for weaklings like Am'gthar.


Star looked down and say Am'gathar. She growled and dived down, and at the last minute, exracted her claws and swiped, hitting her back. The Barn Owl screeched and stared at Star with hatred and shock while Star flew up for another shot. Smiling with happiness, she was where she belonged! Fighting for the Pure Ones! Lilya moaned and was lying on the ground, helpess and vunerable to enemy attacks. Her wing was hurtung and her gash on her breast was stinging and burning. She needed to go into battle, to fight alongside her friend, but she couldn't in this state. All she could do was lie there and watch her friends get killed and injured..
Na' Arie flew over the site of the battle. Now, whats going on here? She thought, staring at the owls attacking each other. She noticed an owl that she recognized. It was Nyra. She remembered the horrible time as a pure one. She remembered the torcher and beatings she received. She had just escaped the Pure Ones' lair as one of the top soldiers. She clutched her feet. Her large battle claws still attached, and a new-found weapon on her wings: The wing blades. They were perfect for going in and leaving a gash in an owl in mid flight. She dove down to the battle area. She flew fast and quietly toward Nyra's backside. She went slightly left of her, so her blades would hit her sides or wings. She flew, and hit Nyra, wounding the evil owl queen. "That's for killing my family!" She yelled, going toward the other owls.

Am'gthar killed or injured several more owls and then flew to a nearby tree to catch her breath. She saw somebird trembling on a nearby branch, and went to investigate. Am'gthar stared for a moment and then realized that it was her friend Lili! "Hey! Why aren't you out battling like the rest of the guardians?" Am'gthar asked sourly. "I almost died out there!" Lili said nothing but stared at something in the distance. Am'gthar stared too and didn't see anything. She was about to comment when an un-earthly scream erupted from nearby. There was the sound of clanking metal and small screeches of disgust and pain. Am'gthar beckoned for Lili to follow and went to see what the commotion was about. She nearly went yeep when she saw that some poor owl was attempting to fight the abominable Nyra. It didn't seem to be standing a chance. Lili flew behind her, not making a single noise.

Am'gthar hovered watching them when she was suddenly attacked without warning by a very large barn owl wearing fire claws. She froze for a moment, her anger burning. It was Xarria, another traitorous guardian!

Guardians of Ga'hoole

The "world of owls" I guess you could call are the maps of all the areas in the rp

Northern Kingdoms:

Southern Kingdoms: (this is where most of the books take place btw)


Beyond the Beyond: (sorry its impossible to read the names of the locations on it)

The great Ga'hoole tree:

Based off of the (amazing) books by Katherine Lasky

for those who haven't read the books....the guardians are the very learned owls of a huge tree (know as the great tree to most)  out in the middle of the sea of hoolemere. They are dedicated to protect other owls from evil, and often use their advanced knowledge to beat the enemy. Of course they still use weapons, such as battle claws (super sharp claws fashioned by the owl blacksmiths, they are removable and are kinda like gloves...I don't know how to explain it better XD) most other weapons (except guns) are acceptble....

The main enemy is the pure ones, an evil society of owls that believe barn owls (Tyto) are superior to any other species. (for those who have read the books, in this rp metal beak is still alive with nyra as his mate)

It seems as though the war between them will never end, even though it is not a direct war, just many battles in various places...

...This could get so long, I'm not even gonna try......

1. no swearing (maybe in owl language, not sure if that's allowed)

2. you may have a mate or crush, but no descriptions of gross stuff XD

3. no killing other charcters without permission from the owner.

4. you CANNOT be one the main characters from the books or movie (aka, soren, gylfie, twightlight, exc.)

you also cannot be a hagsfiend XD

5. you CAN be on the evil side, a member of the pure ones or other evil group of owls. (the pure ones are the main enemy though)

6. Have FUN!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Hire-Claw (assassin)
Kraal (pirate)
neutral owl
Pure One
Rogue (wandering owl)
Ryb (teacher)

Second RP Master
Spyre (#3768)

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