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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Lilya churred not wanting to face the wrath of Lili when she wakes up, she called to Am'gthar still painting on Lili in her hollow, "Well yes, we wouldn't want to be sleepy for Punkie Niight! I already have my awesome costume picked out!" She flew to her hollow and perched on her branch insid it and gazed upon the curtins on her small windows. Trader Mags gave her these cutins for two beautiful ores she found. And, the magpire helped put them up and decribed what they do. THe Others used them, they used them to block out the sunlight so they could sleep for peacefully and have nmore energy. She stared at her Great Gray costume next to her nest, a small mask of the Great Gray face and a lovely dappled gray clock which she would wear around her body. She churred and settled down in her nest and fell asleep happily.
Niressa turned back to the inside of her hallow at the sound of Punkie Night, she went back to her carving but just couldn't seem to remember where she was at in it and yawned a little, between being up this long without sleep and having her mind completly focused on her carvings has worn her out nearly completly, she adjusted herself a little and fluffed out her feathers hunkering down in a corner of her cozy little hollow and slowly began to drift into sleep awaiting the night to wake her up again from her short rest she was in.
Star flew around the Great Ga'Ghoole tree. Finaly, she has made it. SHe narrowed her eyes, still being daylight, but the sun was setting and causing a lovely red and orange colored sky. HSe landed on the nearest branch she could find, near a very colorful hollow wityh a strangely marked barn owl inside it. Female, she guessed because of all the dark spots on its chest. SHe looked up, the Pure Ones have sent a owl to her and they recruited her so she could spy on these owls for them, and tell them secrets of thiers. So, she had to disguise herself as an owl that would like to live here, and then she reports back and then she will be able to fight. Her gizzard tingled at the word "fight".

Am'gthar woke up as she sensed another owl near her hollow. Judging by the quiet hooting and clinking of dinnerware, she figured it must be tween time. (the time right before twighlight)  She shook herself awake and then noticed the strange owl outside her door. Am'gthar was suddenly alert. Something didn't seem quite right about this owl....something in its eyes that creeped her out. The strange owl seemed to be staring at someone in the next hollow. Am'ghtar shuddered and walked out toward the dining hollow where she found her freinds already gathered around a nest-maid snake (in the books they act as live tables for the owls and carry the food and stuff)  Am'gthar greeted them and then lowered her voice. "Did you see that new owl? She's kinda scary..." They shook their heads no, there had been no report of any new owls coming in... Am'gthar looked worried and was about to speak, but was interupted by one of the tree leaders entering. It was Ezlryb, the weather and colliering ryb. He cleared his throat and said "Owls of the great tree! I have come to announce that we, the parliement, will be choosing owls to go on a mission. There has been rumors the pure ones planning something, and we need someone to go investigate." The dining hollow was a buzz as everyone began chattering about this new quest.

Niressa awoke from her peacful sleep, it was quiet around her hollow, quieter than it usually was and curious she peered outside, there was a bit of noise coming from the dining hollow, she glanced around ouside her small little hollow before taking off down to the dining hollow, she noticed a strange owl sitting on a branch which she found rather interesting before she landed just outside the group of owls that were gathered there, she was a little late so she had missed the announcement that was made about the pure ones, she was looking around a little confused wondering what all the excitment was about.

Lilya's eyes sparkled as she heard there wouldbe a misson. She hoped that they would choose her, for her excellent flying skills and her epic navigational skills while she was in storms. She thought she would be perfect for this mission. SHe looked over at Am'gthar and whispered, "I heard her name was Star and she said she would join us." SHe gulped as Star walked over and sat at their snake.


Star smiled warmly, even though she was disgusted inside her gizzrad. "Hello." She tried to hoto sweetly without yarping. "My name is STar and I hope to be joining you guys in the chaw practices."

Am'gthar was still wary of this owl. She just couldn't put a talon on what it was. She welcomed Star anyway and asked if she wanted some fried bat wings. Ezlryb was speaking to another older owl. "I hope he chooses me as well..." Am'gthar said quietly. After tween time, she flew outside with her friends to enjoy the fresh air. There were many others owls out as well. Star seemed nervous and reluctant to come out. "Whats the matter Star? Got the gollymopes?" (owl depression) She asked jokingly. Am'gthar spotted a few owls riding a high, swirling current of air a little ways out to sea. "Let's go over there! she said happily, and then took off.

Lilya hooted and ddrifted into warm currents of air, and she did some spirals and then dived, and before hitting the water she spiraled upwards and fbarely even flapped a wing thanks to the lovely thermals this time of year. SHe looked over at Am'gthar, I  am just practicing for Puie Night."

STar narrowed her eyes, what were those owls doing? Flying for fun? She didn't know, and Nyra and Metal Beak, the Purests, said not to trust a single thing these impures did. She narrowed her eyes as she stood, huddled on a branch as she watched foolish, impure owwls flying around annd hooting somethign called "Punkie Night" which was something Ga'Hoolian owls did. Dressed up as another owl and flew around getting treats from other owls. SHe scoffed, would Barn Owls even change thyier species? It made no sense to her, wioth all the pure talk.


Am'gthar was in bliss flying on the fast currents of air. She thought deeply about her costume for punkie night. Obviously she would not just put on a mask and cape, but paint her feathers the color of the owl she would be. That was the problem. She couldn't decide between a barred owl or a great gray. Am'gthar flew over to Lilya to ask her opinion when she noticed Star sitting forlornly on a branch. "What the pellets is wrong with her? She stares at us as if we were crazy! and its such a perfect night for flying!" Am'gthar muttered to Lilya. A few more minutes and it they would go in for breaklight and then sleep the day away. Am'gthar was excited. Tomarrow night the parliment would choose the owls for the mission!
Lilya stared at Star thoughfully. "Maybe she isn't used to flying with other owls. She did just come, she could have been such a lonely rogue or something." She hoped that was it. ASnd since Star was a tyto, it made her ponder if she was spying for the Pure Ones.. and since she carried around battle claws all the time made her even more susupisious. She knew there was something wrong with that owl. SHe stared at Am'gthar thoughtfully and wondered which species of owl she would dress up as. Lilya loved her little lovely costume she had! Made with the help of Trader Mags herself! (Lilya likes to collect things from Trader Mags, the magpie that you trade with :P)

Xyomara was called to the parliament, in broad daylight. Something was off, she could tell. Her feathers raised in anticipation of what she would be told, of what was going to happen. She had been waiting far too long, unnoticed by the other owls, who seemed not to care at all about her presence. It was time to make herself known as the warrior she was. Ezylryb had mentioned earlier a problem with the pure ones, and again in the dining hollow that she should consider going.

Not that I have much choice in the matter...

She thought bitterly as the parliament turned her way.

"We have ruled that you will join the owls chosen for the mission of investigating the Pure Ones. A warrior may be needed in their territory. We trust you will do your dutty."

Xyomara nodded slightly before turning away. She may as well get some well-deserved rest before she had to leave the comfort of the tree...

Xarria, as usual, was sneaking around. But this time it was special. This time, it was the Great Tree! The master of desguises was acting as a great grey. This was happening while everyone else was asleep, so noone noticed her. "Now where is it? Ah hah! there it is! Ezylryb's hollow!" said Xarria. she's been looking for it for days until now. Now was the time when noone was around.

Then she was shocked to hear a voice from behind her. "Hey, what do you think your doing?" it said. "a pygmy?" Xarria said quietly,"umm, just reading the chronicles!" Xarria told the pygmy. "ok, but don't go through the drawers. they're private." the pygmy answered. When the pygmy was gone, Xarria looked through the drawers,"hehehe," she said quietly...

Am'gthar woke up knowing exactly what she would be, but she didn't tell anyone, not even lilya. She stepped out of the hollow and saw Star standing there, stalking something or someone. Am'gthar was creeped out. She summoned her courage and stepped toward Star, intending to ask a few questions. She was interupted by Lili running into her mumbling unintelligbly. "What? What's going on?" Am'gthar asked. lili was ectastic. "We've been chosen!" She said happily. "Chosen? For what- Oh THAT The mission to spy on the pure ones!" Am'gthar was excited and a little ashamed that she had been too late to go the meeting. "So who else is going? And when do we depart?" Am'gthar saw Lilya wandering around and went to go talk to her.
She found it! The clue she's been searching for! Ezylryb's battle plans against the pure ones! "Now how to leave unnoticed.." thought Xarria. While she was thinking, she was looking through the plans. so this is how they plan to get us! thought Xarria. She was extatic knowing what she just found. But then she remembered that she was surrounded by guardians and couldn't just walk out with the plans in her claws. So she decided to make a break for it. they wont see it comeing decided Xarria as she got warmed up. three, two, one now! and she jumped out of the hollow to find three owls outside...

Niressa had left the hollow before hearing any of the names that had been announced to go and spy on the Pure Ones, she has always tended to go around unnoticed by the other owls so it wouldn't have supprised her if her name was not announced by Ezylryb and the other older owls that were there but since she left early she didn't know for sure. 

She flew to her own hollow and landed on a branch that was near the enterance, she situated herself into a comfortable position and watched the other owls fly around her, it was all shrieks of excitment and thrill between them.  

Guardians of Ga'hoole

The "world of owls" I guess you could call are the maps of all the areas in the rp

Northern Kingdoms:

Southern Kingdoms: (this is where most of the books take place btw)


Beyond the Beyond: (sorry its impossible to read the names of the locations on it)

The great Ga'hoole tree:

Based off of the (amazing) books by Katherine Lasky

for those who haven't read the books....the guardians are the very learned owls of a huge tree (know as the great tree to most)  out in the middle of the sea of hoolemere. They are dedicated to protect other owls from evil, and often use their advanced knowledge to beat the enemy. Of course they still use weapons, such as battle claws (super sharp claws fashioned by the owl blacksmiths, they are removable and are kinda like gloves...I don't know how to explain it better XD) most other weapons (except guns) are acceptble....

The main enemy is the pure ones, an evil society of owls that believe barn owls (Tyto) are superior to any other species. (for those who have read the books, in this rp metal beak is still alive with nyra as his mate)

It seems as though the war between them will never end, even though it is not a direct war, just many battles in various places...

...This could get so long, I'm not even gonna try......

1. no swearing (maybe in owl language, not sure if that's allowed)

2. you may have a mate or crush, but no descriptions of gross stuff XD

3. no killing other charcters without permission from the owner.

4. you CANNOT be one the main characters from the books or movie (aka, soren, gylfie, twightlight, exc.)

you also cannot be a hagsfiend XD

5. you CAN be on the evil side, a member of the pure ones or other evil group of owls. (the pure ones are the main enemy though)

6. Have FUN!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Hire-Claw (assassin)
Kraal (pirate)
neutral owl
Pure One
Rogue (wandering owl)
Ryb (teacher)

Second RP Master
Spyre (#3768)

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