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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Sweat dripped down Spencers face as he struggled to walked through the dense forest. His pair of sai were bound to his waist and He some blood smeared on his rip up Jordan T-shirt from his last encounter with a monster that he called a zombie dog. He wasn't injured seriously enough to die, it was only a scratch to the leg, but it did make him exhaust more energy. He had to keep his cut bandged up at all times so the smell of blood wouldn't lure more monsters to him. He leaned againest a pine tree and slumped to the ground. He wanted to just lay there. To fall asleep and never wake up. But something made himself sit up and tend to his wounded leg. He winced as he took off a small piece of gauze he found when scavenging in a pharmacy, revealing the gruesome looking image. Okay, maybe it wasn't just a scratch he thought, taking a clean piece of gauze out of his pocket. His last one. He wrapped it as best he could and stood up not putting much weight on his injured leg. He limped forward deeper into the forest. 

~Into the Darkness~ (Children of the Stars 2)

~ The Forest ~


The forest is a large, dense, pine forest that is located just off the city. There is lots of undergrowth, and the floor is carpeted with a soft blanket of pine needles. There are no foot trails in the forest, and hardly anyone went in there for at least 20 years before the apocalypse, as there was a freak accident in a quarry in the forest, and people who go in there are said to never come out, taken by the ghosts of the quarry workers who died all those years ago.

~ Camp ~

'Camp' as they like to call it, is the Children of the Star's base. It is where they sleep, eat and generally live. It is a very large dip in the ground with very steep limestone sides. It is built in the old quarry, and is about the size of two, two floor houses put together side-by-side, in height and width. There are only two ways out and in. One: The main entrance. It is a narrow winding path that slopes gently around the side of the quarry. It has been carved into the stone, and is smooth save for the steps that are carved into it, because of this; it gets very slippery when wet. The second entrance is the emergency exit. It is a narrow tunnel, just big enough to crawl through, in the back of the camp. It floods when it rains, as it goes down and then back up to the surface. The entrance in the forest is covered up with leaves and foliage in case any monsters happen to stumble across it. It is not to be used apart from the case of an emergency. The camp is a rough, rounded rectangle shape, and has three main sections to it. The main entrance comes out into the first section: The main circle. This is where the Children gather every day to eat, talk and generally socialize. The hard stone floor is blanketed in pine needles and moss to make it soft to sit on, and there are many rings of stones in cleared spaces which are used to light fires. Some of them have logs to serve as benches around them, and others have pots and pans hanging over them on small wooden structures. Some have barriers around then to that they can be lit in wind and rain. Small fold-up tables and chairs are dotted around the clearing, and there are three caves leading into the cliff-face at the base of the cliff. These caves are used for emergencies in case of an attack form the monsters. The children have brought metal gates up from the city, and attached them to make doors at the front of the caves. Inside, there small tunnels, just big enough to walk through with your head bent a bit, though some only have crawl space. They are half way up the walls that connect all the caves together. These tunnels can also be shut off with small metal hatchways. Each cave can comfortably hold around 10 or so people, and inside each cave there are supplies to last ten people a week. There is food, water, a fire ring, some pots, torches, two walkie-talkies, and some blankets.
The second section is to the left of the main clearing, and is called the 'storage section'. This is where all the supplies are stored, including food, water, blankets, sheets and pillows, batteries, weapons and armor and anything else that the children bring from the city. It is sectioned off from the main clearing with a wall about 8 feet high made from boxes and crates covered in plastic sheeting to stop them from disintegrating. The entrance is a small hole, big enough to crawl through. This can be blocked from inside if anyone gets stuck in there during a monster attack, and is only big enough to let one person through at a time. Tight plastic sheets spread from the cliff face (Hammered into the stone with bolts) to the boxes, and keeps rain out of the storage section. The roof is at the same level as the boxes (8ft).

The third and final section is the sleeping quarters. This section is bigger than the storage area, but smaller than the main clearing. It can comfortably hold several people, and is sectioned off in the same way as the storage area, with a sun-tinted roof structure and clear plastic windows. However, inside this section, people have sectioned themselves off rooms, leading off of the two main corridors. These rooms are around 8ft, and can hold a bed and some room for personal belongings such as clothes, etc. The beds are circular, and are made up of ferns and bracken woven together, with sheets (Taken from the abandoned Wal-Mart in the city along with the blankets and pillows) covering them, and blankets and a pillow or two on top.

~ The shrieking falls ~


This beautiful waterfall is located not far from the camp. It is not very big, about 22ft high, and gets its name from the noise it makes if the wind blows over it in a certain direction, a terribly loud shrieking noise. The large plunge-pool at its base is around 9ft deep in the middle, and around 1ft at the very edge, is used for washing. The children have made a barrier of woven materials that sections off part of it for doing things like brushing teeth and washing hands, where the current is not as strong and the dirty water does not mix with the bathing water while someone is having a bath. But the most remarkable thing about the waterfall is that the water is warmer than most river water, even in winter, as the source of the river is just half a mile up from the waterfall. It is a hot spring source. If you go behind the waterfall, there is a small cave which is not used for anything, so people usually go up there for some peace and quiet. You do have to get quite wet to get there though. Inside, it is layered with thick moss all over the floor and walls, and is also used for collecting moss for bedding.

~ Fern forest ~


This large dip in the ground is full of ferns. Many a child has walked into it, thinking it is just another stretch of land, but actually it is about 19ft deep, and full of ferns growing from the sides into the middle until you get to the very bottom, where there is a 5ft gap, and then mossy floor. Its sides are not very steep, but are covered in moss. They are easy to climb when dry, but when it is wet, however, they get very slippery and are almost impossible to climb. At the bottom, it is around 9ft wide and is very dark. It is used for fighting practice, due to its difficult conditions, and it is a useful trap to lead the monsters into. The children always bring a rope ladder in case it starts to rain half-way-through a training session and they find that they can't get out. Beware of ticks and falling down it!

~ Hare Hill ~
Hare Hill is a huge, tree-covered hill in the center of the forest. You can see the whole forest and most of the city from the top, so it is used for lookout. The children have built a tree house-type structure in the tallest tree at the top, which is accessed by a rope ladder, and is a platform made of wooden planks encircling the trunk with a radius of around 3ft The platform is sheltered with yet more plastic sheeting, and has a small but steady barrier around the edge. On the platform, there is a telescope, some ropes, a first aid kit, survival pack and climbing harnesses, in case the platform gives way. The hill got its name from the fact that there is a wide tunnel leading all the way through the hill, half way up, that branches off into the unknown at many points. But if you follow the main tunnel, it will lead out the other side of the hill. Legend has it that hundreds of years ago, a huge hare came and dug the tunnel. It is dark and wet in the tunnel, and home to many animals such as rabbits which the Children of the Stars can hunt.

~ Winding River ~

The river that runs through the forest. It starts at a hot source at the base of Hare Hill, and quickly grows into a steaming hot river. By the time it gets to the Shrieking Waterfall, it's about the temperature of bath water. It flows all the way through the center of the forest, passing right by Camp, and flows out into the city. It is called the 'Winding' River, because there are some white water rapids just past the waterfall, and it is very winding, going miles out of its way before getting back on course again. You have to cross it several times before you can get to the city, and the children have found a route where the water is shallow enough to wade across. Most of the time, it is about 6ft deep and 32ft wide at widest, but mostly around 13ft wide. The children use the boiling hot water at the source to cook food and to wash their clothes. But be careful, it'll burn you very badly if you fall in!

~Shaded Clearing~

This area is deeper into the forest. It is called the Shaded Clearing for two reasons. Reason A. the foliage is so thick it blocks out most of the sunlight, so everything looks shadowy. Reason B. this is the most dangerous reason; this clearing is filled with shades, and since no one really knows what a shade looks like it's almost impossible to know when they're after you until the last second. Because this clearing is so dangerous, the children avoid it at all costs, sadly a few daring new kids, try to explore it on dares and at that point, their lives are in their own hands. Although shades are the main enemies that reside there, it isn't uncommon for other monsters to lurk there as well.


This role play is about a post-apocalyptic world. It is set in the year 2012, and the only survivors , only as old as 18, have been given a task. The biggest task anyone has ever been given. All of them have been given what some call 'gifts' to save the human race. How? They don't know. But mystic beings who call themselves 'the Stars' are always watching them, ready for them to fail, and to see all humanity lost to the mists of time. The stars did this to the world, as the human race was at the beginning of something evil, which had to be stopped. What, nobody knows. All that they know is that the future of the world lies in their hands. Each gift they have been given corresponds with their star sign, or zodiac sign. This won't be a walk in the park for the Children of the Stars. They will be faced with the challenges of survival to the extreme, the feeling of want and love fogging their minds on their goal and mission that they will have to achieve if they want to see the coming day. Monsters that were once human lurk in the shadows, ready to kill. They will show no mercy, and if they win... There is no chance. For anyone. Can the young generation save what is left of humanity, and re-populate the world? Nothing is clear yet, not even to the stars. Only time, and courage, can tell...


You run through the forest, not daring to look back over your shoulder. You know they're behind you, you can hear them. They're catching up, and you can't run for much longer. Suddenly, you feel yourself being grabbed from behind. Something pulls you into a hedge. You're too scared to speak or scream or do anything. They've got me. 'This is the end you think as you're forced to the ground, and you see a kid with streaks of mud covering their face. They put a finger to their lips, indicating that they want silence. You hear the monsters pass a few feet away from the hedge, and don't even dare to breath. A few minutes after the noise is gone, the kid pins you to the ground. "Open your mouth." They say, giving you a hard glare. Scared, you do as they ask. The kid looks inside. "No fangs. That's a start. But how do I know that you're not a Shade? Well, I've never seen you before, and we're the only humans left, so it's very unlikely that you could be a shade... Looks like I'll just have to trust you." The kid looks out through a crack in the hedge. Stay here. They say, and standing up, careful not to make a noise. The kid returns a minute later and sits down in front of you. "They're gone, but they'll be back. They always are... Don't worry, you're safe for now. I'm a child of the stars. I'm taking it you are too, or you wouldn't be alive." You have no idea what they're talking about, but right now you're just glad to see another human being. "Come on, we'd better get back to the camp now." They stand up and check that the coast is clear before stepping out of the hedge and brushing themself off. You do the same. They start to walk off, deeper into the woods, and you follow them helplessly.

Soon, you enter a steep dip in the ground. Logs are piled up on most of the sides of the hollow, and many people sit on the ground or around camp fires. There are beds made out of blankets and pillows in one area, containers, boxes, and tins of food in another and various fold up tables and chairs scattered around the place. The kid walks over to one of the many campfires and sits down. They beckon you to sit opposite of them. "So, I take it you're from the city? Those monsters don't normally wander this far into the forest on their own. You've got to be careful nowadays. You never know when one of them will jump out at you..." They poke the fire with a metal stick. "So, what's your star sign?" The kid asks eventually. You look at them, confused. "Okay, maybe I should explain what happened first." "We never thought it would come, but it did. The turning of the year, the turning of reality. Nobody thought that it would ever happen; science proved that it would never happen. But it did. The apocalypse came, and destroyed humanity. Just as they foretold. And now it's only us. Those who were saved. We are the children of the stars, chosen to stay alive. The fresh generation with a chance to put right all that humanity has done wrong. And it's a fight for survival in the world we used to call home. With the powers of the stars on our side, we have a small chance to get things back to the way they were. To rebuild humanity. At The turning of the year from 2011 to 2012, hardly anyone took the apocalypse seriously. There had been people who had predicted how the world would end, in the form of strange new planets flipping The earth upside down, ancient calendars turning over, and a new age of the zodiac. But only one person predicted what would really happen. An old woman, who had been chosen by the stars to pass on a prophecy. We found her, and she told us everything I'm telling you now. She told us about the stars, and about what we had to do. Then, on her deathbed, she gave us the prophecy.........

"The human race was destroyed, but can yet be saved. It is up to you to prove that humanity is worthy of living. Show us this, and the earth shall be populated once more. Fail, and humanity shall be lost forever in the mists of time. You shall be faced with things darker than you could possibly imagine......"

"How did the world end? On New Year's Day, there was a meteor shower. But not just an ordinary meteor shower. A radioactive meteor shower, it covered the entire world, destroying almost everything. We are the children who have been chosen, and we have been given powers to help us prove our worth.

"At first, we didn't know what these powers were for, but as the prophecy said, we were to be tested. When the meteors hit, most of the population died. However, some survived, but mutated into things that were only thought to exist in horror films. These creatures are intelligent, and have found ways of cloning themselves. Their aim is to destroy anything that seems a threat to them. In this case, us." What's that? You want to hear more about our powers? Well, every human has a star sign. They are Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Each one of us has been given the power of our star sign. Our powers protect us from the radioactivity of the meteors, and help us fight the monsters the people have become. "There's only a few of us here at the moment, but more are coming. The meteors didn't touch the forest, so we made our camp here because there's not enough radiation to destroy the plants and animals which we eat. The stars guide us here, so more of us should be coming." After they had finished, the kid let out a little laugh. "I can tell that you don't believe any of this." their face becoming serious. "But it's true, and it's a dangerous world out there. Believe it or not, you've been guided here because you're special. And unless you want to get killed, you've got no choice but to stay........


EX Rules are my rules, follow them or I'll find you! O . O

When speaking outside of Role-play, please use [ ], { } or ( ) around your text. Please have good grammar! No text speak, unless it's outside of RP. Also, use "" around your speech. Please no God-modding, Power-playing, killing others without the consent of the victim, no time skipping, no big drama or change without asking my permission (Like, monsters attacking the camp, people dying, prophecies etc.)



Birthday: Mar. 21 - Apr. 20
Personality: Energetic and Daring
Power: Spirit talking, controls air, minor psychic abilities.
Compatibility: Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, Virgo, Scorpio, Libra
Ruling Planet: Mars
Element: Air
Stone: Amethyst
Day: Tuesday

Birthday: Feb. 20 - Mar. 20
Personality: Talented and Understanding
Power: Telekinesis, Density change, Camouflage
Compatibility: Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Capricorn, Leo, Libra, Virgo
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Element: Water
Stone: Diamond
Day: Monday

Birthday: Jan. 20 - Feb. 18
Personality: Noble and Clear-minded
Power: Mind reading, Invisibility, Super Speed
Compatibility: Gemini, Libra, Aries, Sagittarius, Cancer, Virgo, Leo
Ruling planet: Saturn/Uranus
Element: Air
Stone: Turquoise
Day: Sunday

Birthday: Dec. 23 - Jan. 20
Personality: A natural leader and Determined
Power: Mind control and Controls fire
Compatibility: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, Gemini, Leo, Cancer
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Element: Fire
Stone: Ruby
Day: Saturday

Birthday: Nov. 23 - Dec. 22
Personality: Independent and free
Power: Ranger (Very good with a bow and arrow), Cloning(Up to 100 copies) and Teleportation (Within 100 meters)
Compatibility: Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius, Taurus, Cancer, Gemini
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Element: Earth
Stone: Garnet
Day: Thursday

Birthday: Oct. 24 - Nov. 22
Personality: Emotionally strong and Hardworking
Power: Extreme fighting skills and very good swordsman
Compatibility: Cancer, Pisces, Virgo, Capricorn, Aries, Gemini, Taurus
Ruling Planet: Pluto
Element: Water
Stone: Black Opal
Day: Tuesday

Birthday: Sep. 24 - Oct. 23
Personality: Co-operative and charming
Power: Charmer and controls earth
Compatibility: Gemini, Aquarius, Leo, Sagittarius, Taurus, Pisces, Aries
Ruling Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Stone: Aquamarine
Day: Friday

Birthday: Aug. 24 - Sep. 23
Personality: Intelligent and selfless
Power: Illusionist and Energy absorbing/sensing
Compatibility: Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Aries, Aquarius, Pisces
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Stone: Jasper
Day: Wednesday

Birthday: Jul. 24 - Aug. 23
Personality: Prided and Loyal
Power: Shape-shifter, Heightened senses, and Reading
Compatibility: Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces, Aquarius
Ruling Planet: The sun
Element: Fire
Stone: Diamond
Day: Sunday

Birthday: Jun. 22 - Jul. 23
Personality: Committed and Kind
Power: Healing, Persuasion, and controls Quintessence (Pink electricity/lightning)
Compatibility: Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Capricorn
Ruling Planet: The moon
Element: Water
Stone: Emerald
Day: Monday

Birthday: May 22 - Jun. 21
Personality: Adaptive and Friendly
Power: Scrying (to see glimpses of the future) in water, and Controls water
Compatibility: Libra, Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Sagittarius
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Element: Water
Stone: Topaz
Day: Wednesday

Birthday: Apr. 21 - May 21
Personality: Stubborn and creative
Power: Photographic memory and physical and mental shielding
Compatibility: Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Sagittarius, Scorpio
Ruling Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Stone: Sapphire
Day: Friday

Note: please do not hoard up on Zodiacs, try to be unique. Also you do not have to stick to the personality that your character's Zodiac, but it shouldnt get too far away from what was suggested. Please include a good description and your characters zodiac in your form, please also add their preferred skill, hunting, fighting, cooking, gardening, healing etc.



These creatures are the enemy that the Children of the Stars have to face. They will kill if they get the chance, so you must always kill them first. Do not fool for their seemingly stupid or wimpish ways. You never know, it may be a trick...

Name: Beasts
Appearance: Beasts look like a cross between a wolf and a zombie. They walk on four legs with a hunched up back and scraggly tails that can hurt when hit by one. They have mangy fur and their skin is yellowish with grey spots here and there with disgusting, blood and pus filled sores making them look sickly when they're an animal you don't want to mess with. Their eyes are pitch black with no white. They have long, razor sharp claws that can tear through skin like paper and jaws that can lock themselves in. Though, they aren't the smartest monster.
Personality: They are probably one of the more common monsters found lurking around. They usually travel in packs like wolves but they don't target animals, they target kids with a star sign. They are, drooling, lumbering beasts, that aren't smart at all, but when they get a good grip on a kid they will tear them apart.
Special abilities: Have a high screech that can deafen someone temporarily.
Danger level: 5
Things to watch out for: Listen for small yips and stuff and if you hear a low howl it would be best to run.

Name: Blood Suckers (AKA Vamps)
Appearance: Bloodies, as some will call them, look almost enchanting. Though their touch to the skin is cold and their skin is pale white some will think of them as the most gorgeous creatures and the most human looking. They have long, elegant, sharp claws on their fingers. They have tattoos all over them that are black, stenciling into their skin. Their eyes are a bright red and their mouth usually a purple, blue, or ruby red with their fangs sticking out just a bit. Their hair is usually black, females end at the waste and males end at the ears.
Personality: They are probably one of the smarter monsters in the world. They're blood thirsty needing to drink blood for food. Usually isolate themselves from others and waits for a victim that's alone.
Special abilities: They have heightened senses, easily finding their next meal. Their strength is above normal. Female Bloodies can sing to lure boys into her fangs and males will usually entice girls to come with them. Don't look into their eyes because if you do your memory could easily be altered or wiped. They can also put subconscious thoughts into their victims to single them out in a group. They can also control the minds of the weak-minded.
Danger level: 9
Things to watch out for: A weeping person alone in the forest, someone with bright red eyes that almost seemed to glow, your comrade beginning to act strange as if following commands from something.

Name: Speed Demons
Appearance: Speed Demons, also known as Speds, are pitch black creatures, almost like a shadow, though they don't have one themselves. Their eyes are a glowing yellow and their teeth, which are also black, are razor sharp.
Personality: They love to cause pain, screaming is like music to their ears. They will torture their victims if they get the chance.
Special abilities: Speds are EXTREMELY fast, so fast that you cannot see them most of the time.
Danger level: 8
Things to watch out for: Look out for a blur of darkness and disembodied laughing.

Name: Shades
Appearance: Nobody knows what they really look like, but they can take the appearance and abilities of anyone and anything they please. More often than not they will take the shape of your worst fears, using them against you.
Personality: They are mysterious, and not much is known about these creatures except that they are dangerous if not detected soon.
Special abilities: Being able to morph into whomever they please, and have their abilities.
Danger level: 9
Things to watch out for: Someone acting a bit strange or someone appearing out of nowhere.

Name: Evil Elves
Appearance: Small almost demon like creatures. Red eyes, blue skin. Small, stout bodies. Claws that are very sharp. Usually dirty.
Personality: They are annoying little creatures that love to taunt their enemies. They are rather stupid, and can be tricked easily. They live in packs, and eat the flesh of other monsters. They hunt together, and like to trick others out of their possessions.
Special abilities: Venom tipped claws. Trickery. Brainwash.
Danger level: 6
Things to watch out for: Things dropping from trees, and always check that nothing is creeping up behind you, as they have a habit of doing that... Look out for their venom claws, as if you get scratched you will get sick, and possible die, depending on how much venom you get.

Name: Death Angels
Appearance: Like the grim reaper or will look like a beautiful angel.
Personality: They are clam, and will speak to you in a hushed human sounding voice, which makes them even more eerie. They will appear to humans in angel form, and then turn to reaper form to go in for the kill.
Special abilities: Soul Stealing. They need to eat souls to stay alive, making them the rarest type of monster. They can steal a soul and trap it in their necklace that they wear, where it is consumed over a long period of time. The only way to get it back is by killing the angel, and even then you must find the body of the person, otherwise their soul will just move into the cosmos forever. They can fly and can charm you with their singing. Cover your ears!
Danger level: 9
Things to watch out for: eerie singing and strange shapes in the sky at night. They fly in groups of about 20 over the forest at night, singing their eerie songs. They do not come down into the forest very often, for reasons unknown to the Children.

Name: Poltergeists
Appearance: They are invisible to the naked eye, but if a child were to speak with one long enough he or she will soon be able to see the figure that looks like a shadow of a human.
Personality: Not very Dangerous. Will annoy and scare the living day lights out of you. They can hurt you by throwing things at you though. They tend to live in abandoned building on their own. They are hostile, and like to tease others.
Special abilities: Telekinesis, invisibility, minor air control
Danger level: 6
Things to watch out for: Disembodied laughing, strong winds, things floating when they shouldn't be...

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