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"Y-you sure?" I suddenly got slightly nervous because some people were staring at us, particularly me with a skeptical look. Saki hummed something that was clearly mocking, knowing that currently only I could hear him. "You know, you could change your mind any second... people are staring..." I whispered the last part as I started to walk out the door. "I guess you could follow if you wanted to..." I muttered slipping my hand into my coat pocket to be greeted by the snap of a mouse trap. Sure, they were useful sometimes but all they did was make a really painful sting if I forgot about them.

"Fiiiish!" I whined while getting it off of my hand. Then I noticed that the shinning glint of my silver pistol from that pocket shown because I accidentally pulled it out a tad when quickly getting my hand out of it. Slightly startled I shoved the pistol the rest of the way back into my pocket, where it was now hidden.

Violet saw the glint of the silver pistol. Her worst fears were confirmed, he had been planning to kill her after all. Without another word, she darted out the door and raced away down the street as fast as she could. She didn't stop until she had made it back to her cardboard box. She curled up inside, hugging Sam tight. They both trembled violently with fear and cold. I thought I decided I'd just go with him even if he was going to kill me, just so I wouldn't have to die out here in the freezing cold... she thought. Too late now...

After awhile, she started to fall asleep... She wondered if she would wake up or not... There was a good chance she wouldn't... But she went to sleep anyway...

I stood there for a minute, taking a bit to notice why she dashed off. She'd just either freeze or starve to death out here, so its not like I could leave her there. Walking off then slowly breaking off into a dash, I arrived outside of her box. She seemed to be asleep, so its not like she would wake up easily if I attempted to carry her away...

Slightly doubtfully, I picked her up piggy-back style. Besides, she shouldn't wake up as long as I don't make a ton of noise-- right? Saki formed and took that stupid cat of hers; neither of us were cat people but she would possibly throw a fit if she woke up to find her kitty missing.

After a little while, I reached my apartment and set her down on the guest bed which was in a room that was frankly filled with boxes full of my little nick-knacks that I needed for my job, and no doubt Saki probably stored something in one of the boxes too. I left and quietly closed the door, besides its best that I await until nightfall before attempting to finish my current job. Killing a werewolf wasn't exactly the easiest of things, especially during day contrary to popular belief.

When Violet woke up, the first thing she was aware of was that she was enveloped in the delicous warmth of indoors again. That, and the fact she was still alive. She opened her eyes and looked around. She was in a little room full of boxes. Weird smells came from some of the boxes... This must be Resuke's apartment, she thought. He must have went after me and brought me here after I fell asleep. I guess he saved my life... Maybe that means he won't kill me after all... Though I suppose he might be planning to keep me locked in his home... I guess I'll have to wait and see...

Sam was clawing at one of the boxes, one of the especially weird smelling ones. Violet got up and opened the box.

She saw what was inside and screamed.

Sam happily started chewing on what was inside the box. 

"S-Saki!" I shouted at him, suddenly knowing why she screamed. "What? All I did was store some left overs." Saki casually replied. "Its not like NORMAL PEOPLE bring hobos home."

"Its not like normal people have shadow demons who store human remains in some of my wonderful cardboard boxes!"

"Its not like normal people love their cardboard boxes!"

"Its not like normal people have fights with shadow demons over stuffing odd things in the fridge!"

"Its not like Normal people to--"

"Enough with the fighting, mkay?" I quickly snapped at the shadow demon, who was about to finish his come-back that was frankly never any better then my own, and same vise-versa. I quickly opened the door to the guest room and said "E-eh, that's... just don't run off an' tell the police, kay? That's Saki's junk, not my own. But everything else is. Jus' don' go 'round pokin' yer head into everyone's things; 'kay?" Hopefully she wouldn't think that I was going to do something crazy like go cannibal on her, which I would in fact never do.

Violet was too shocked to answer. She backed away from the box. Sam continued to munch on the contents. She had heard Resuke and Saki arguing... It sounded like this thing really did belong to Saki, and not Resuke... She was pretty sure Resuke wouldn't go cannabil on her (she hoped not, anyway), but she didn't know his shadow demon ate people... though she supposed she shouldn't be surprised, Saki was a demon after all... What if Saki decided to eat her? She wondered if she should call the police even though Resuke asked her not to... But Resuke had saved her, and it would be very wrong to get him arrested right after that. Well, maybe I will die, she thought, but I should be thankful I'm going to die here, where it's warm, and not out in the cold...

Maybe she should thank Resuke. Maybe if he and Saki knew she was grateful, they'd be a little less likely to hurt her. Cautiously, she crept out of the room, and wandered around until she found Resuke. "Erm... thank you for... uh... saving me," she said akwardly. "I think I'll look around your apartment, if you don't mind... I won't poke my head in all your and Saki's things, though..." Then she quickly slipped out of the room, she was still a bit nervous of the young man and his shadow demon.


Resuke suddenly perked up and said "Could you give me at least a minute to pick up my dirty undies on the floor?!" before dashing down the small hallway to his room which had no door and was connected to the living room.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I bring you The North Star, the youngest fool in the world who kills people for a living." I said mockingly before hearing Resuke shout from down the hallway the words "Hey, I only kill 'em if I am paid to! I don't want her taking the fact that I am a mercenary the wrong way!"

Releasing an over-exaggerated sigh, I said with my arms crossed against my chest the following statement; "Resuke, Resuke, what'll I ever do with chu~?" Said in more of a tease way, Mr.Polaris ignored me as he went about his business. I knew that he was actually only picking up his cleaning supplies; he rarely allows his other collections of items except boxes and food garbage pile up. To him, his cleaning supplies were his 'babies', or in this case 'undies'.

Attempting to muffle a laugh, I burst out into a fit of laughter at the thought of calling some supplies for cleaning his guns something like that, but I knew that they were important, just as much as the first-aid kit laying around was.

After a bit Resuke came back with the first-aid kit I was thinking about, and then asked "Do you have any cuts or anything? Just wanted to check on that so that you wouldn't accidentally get anything into your blood that you'd rather keep out."

I let out a huff. He was practically FAWNING over the girl! She's only enough to take care of herself! Resuke was old enough to take care of himself when he was only ten. But no, I wouldn't say anything at all about this. Perhaps I'll just eat Mr. Kitty. Then I'd get some more attention. I rather like attention.

"And Saki don't think like a dog."

Aw fish. So he can tell of course that I'd not like him fawning over her. And of course he at the same time ignores that fact. But, he's right. I shouldn't act like a dog.

"I'm fine, thanks," Violet said, when Resuke asked her if she had any cuts.

Gee, I think he likes me, she thought. Maybe that means he won't hurt me after all, other than the fact he carries around pistols, he doesn't seem that dangerous. Saki... I should worry about Saki, but I don't think I need to worry about Resuke. There's something about those two, though...

She heard him tell Saki not to think like a dog.

"What... you know what Saki is thinking?!" she said, suddenly nervous. And how was Saki thinking like a dog? Maybe he was jealous of the attention Resuke was giving her (frankly, all the attention was starting to embarrass her)... and she didn't like the way he looked at Sam...

"Saki, if you want to do what I think you want to do to my cat," she said, "think again!" She hoped that wouldn't make him angry and eat her too, though.

"No, I can't! I have no idea where you got that idea from! Its just that whenever you live around and with someone else for long enough; you just kind of... well; get to guess more correctly what they're thinking. And don't worry; Saki won't eat your kitty. Not anymore now that I told him not to; anyways." I quickly spoke that bundle of words; before adding in a relieved tone of voice; "Well, glad you're okay."

I could hear and see Saki mocking me in an attempt at a high pitched voice, flicking his hand back and fourth while making mouth movements with the other one as to put emphasis onto what he was doing; he was over-doing the body language as usual. I actually didn't blame him for the over-doing body language part of it all; it was hard anyways to expose emotions whenever you were composed of mainly pitch black material that wasn't affected by light or affected light at all.

Violet wasn't sure if she believed Resuke. When she saw Saki imitating him, teasing him, that seemed like proof he was lying. There seemed to be some strange connection between him and Saki, they certainly looked a lot alike... And she still worried that Saki might eat Sam, she'd have to make sure he never got left alone with Saki. Though she probably couldn't protect Sam, since Saki could probably eat her too... But she wouldn't worry about it anymore, not now. 

While no one was paying attention she grabbed the first aid kit and slipped back into the room full of boxes. She actually was a bit cut up, some scratches from Sam, others from rough times out in the street, but she didn't want to worry Resuke so she told a white lie. She put disinfectant on the cuts, and band-aids on the bad ones, then she slipped back out, discreetly put back the first aid kit and started wandering around the apartment, carrying Sam. Sam was getting tired of being held, he was wriggling and scratching to get free, but she didn't want to let him go, she still felt that would be too risky.

I let out a sigh then turned to face Saki, and said "Why do you always have to mock me whenever I attempt to help someone out?" As usual, the only bit of care he gave was to say in a mocking tone of voice, attempting to tease me; "Why do you always have to ruin my fun or whenever I attempt to do something that I like to?"

Our glares held for about at most a second longer when we both backed down at the same exact time, neither of us wanted to pick a fight with each other; knowing that if it resulted in wounds then we'd both feel like idiots. Glancing over at the gal, I spoke up and asked "What do you like to do most, and do you have any experience with anything? I'd need to know those things to help ya find a job. And really; Saki won't eat your kitty. I promise you. Cross my heart, swear to die, or stab a needle through my father's eye." The last part was a play off of the old 'cross my heart' swear, but I always said that version.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that," said Violet, though she still didn't really believe it. "And.. um... what I like to do? And what I have experience doing? Well, mostly the only things I'm that good at are reading, writing poetry and short stories, and drawing, but that won't help... I volunteered at an animal shelter for awhile, and I delivered flyers for awhile too... I can do various household chores, and I can cook... That's pretty much it... I guess I could be a waitress or something..."

She saw the way they were glaring at each other just a minute ago, she had been worried they were about to fight... She was glad they didn't, but wondered why not...

"...well... Hm... that could work. All we need to do now is see if any restaurants would accept you in as an employee." I said, sounding proud of being able to help but really, I was doubting my ability to actually help her. For one thing, I was never homeless with a cat. For another, I never really got a real job. All though shooting people and creatures, of course killing them along with that, was a 'job' and all, I haven't ever seen an application for any sort of job so I didn't know any requirements.

"Have you seen any fliers or places with employment offers on the window, and etcetera?" I asked hopefully.

"Um, yeah, I think so," said Violet. "I've seen employment offers for McDonald's and Burger King recently... ones close to here I think... I've never paid close attention unfortunately, but now that I think of it, the McDonalds just down the street from here did have a poster advertising an employment offer just last week, maybe it'll still be there..."

I still can't believe I'm going to be a waitress, she thought. I always hear about what a horrible job it is... But I really shouldn't wallow in self-pity. I should just be glad I'm not still out there... Resuke is sure kind to help me...


"Okie-dokie~!" I said in a happy-go-lucky tone, giving a thumbs up while saying "I'll help ya make sure you can get that job, all right? Do you wanna go down there today to see if you can apply~?" At the mention of this, Saki seemed to perk up. He whispered to me in a mischievous and dark, almost like he wanted to do something horrible, cheerful tone of voice, "And if they don't accept~" I glanced at him, my expression plainly was that of agreement. Of course I might not like threatening people, but after all what harm would it do if it were to help someone who really need a job land a job? Better then shooting them in the foot. Or in the back.

I winced slightly at the thought of being shot in the back, the thought made me remember something that I really wanted to forget from when I was 10...

I shook that thought out of my head, and then suddenly said "Oh... erm... you might want to take a shower before... no offense."

Midnight Before Dawn


New York -

'The Big City of Lights', one of the busyest cities in the US.

Manhatan -

The island and it's surrounding area


There were hard times; like the ones where you attempted to get by;

There were good times; like those of when you got a vacaton and work went well;

And there were the good ole' times...

...when no one died.

But now, after millions of years, the creatures that used to coexist with everything else and stay under the belt are begining to come out, causing much death along the way. The majority of the public still have no idea about them, and its best to keep it that way.

Maybe you have lost a loved one to them, or been turned into one yourself? Or perhaps you are the unaware victum, who ended up being mistaken as one in disguise?


There was a reason why New York was always fast-pace; always changing sooner then you thought it would. Roads would be crowded and streets named and renamed; buildings built and buildings removed; but have you ever thought why?

There is a reason for all of these things, yes. But not only for growth; but for safety, safety from what, you might ask...

But thats for you to find out.


You have to have at least one killable character and up to 5 non killable

You may make up to 5 characters purely for killing; those characters must have simple names with 'SK' at the end of their name

Up to seven Hunters are accepted; and unlimited 'SK' hunters

Humans are not immune and only one of your human characters may be nonturnable

Fallen Angels are just 'angels' or more of winged beings that serve under the power of any sort of 'good' immortal who is worshipped as a god.

At this moment only Vampires and Werewolves may turn your characters.

Ghosts can be made by killing off a human character.

If you do not want to loose a character via killable; make them a human character then they could die and become a ghost. ;)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Fallen Angel
Fallen Immortal
Shape Shifter

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