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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


October 28th - Snowing - in the morning

Violet sat inside a large cardboard box and shivered from head to toe... It was so cold... Sam lay curled up on her lap, his fur all puffed out to stay warm. He was cold too. Her arms were wrapped around him, holding him tight, and her face was buried in his fur. They had been curled up together for hours, trying not to freeze to death. They weren't just freezing, either, they were also starving. It was hard to find enough to eat, especially on days like this when all you could do was try to stay warm. It was all the stupid monsters' fault... Violet was starting to wish she had just let them catch her and gobble her up, then she wouldn't be out here in the streets, homeless and suffering. Maybe one of them would find her and eat her up today... She'd make a nice popsicle... She hoped Sam would escape though... She loved that cat, he was her only friend... I suppose I should go find some food, for Sam at least... she thought.


"Can I? Can I eat it? I smell a cat around here~!" Saki asked me with a tone of joy in his voice. I never got why he asks me such things, sense he knows that I'd never allow him to eat a cat, no matter how much I disliked the felines. If I did say that he could, that would be like a cat person saying that just because they loved cats someone could eat a dog. "No Saki." I muttered, knowing that unless he actively talks out loud, I was the only one who could hear him.

Then something caught my eye. It was a gal and the cat Saki knew was around somewhere, sitting in a box. I poked my head into the alleyway where they were, and asked "Anyone in that head of yours?" It was said teasingly, just a way of asking if she was alive.

"Huh? What...?" said Violet faintly. She saw a boy a couple of years older than her peering into her box. "Ow... Sam..." Sam's claws were digging into her lap. He was scared. He arched his back, growling low in his throat, then suddenly darted out of the box at top speed, ran around and disappeared. But what scared him so badly? This boy? He was scared of people, but not usually this scared.

"Sam, come back!" Violet yelled. She needed Sam to stay and keep her warm. She exited the box and ran after the cat. But it was weak from cold and hunger, she had only gone a few feet when she tripped and fell on her face. She struggled back up and started running again. "Sam!" she yelled. Sam was nowhere in sight. Violet sighed, letting herself droop sadly. She turned to the stranger.

"Um... sorry if I sound rude, but could you help me?" she said. "I'm Violet, who are you? I'm kind of well... um... how do I put it... okay, I'll be honest, I'm homeless... So maybe you could..." Then she saw a shadowy human-like form appear from his shadow. She gasped, then started to run to find somewhere to hide, like her cat had. But she tripped and fell on her face again.

Saki made a goofy 'what did I do wrong?' expression on his face, and I glared at him as to scold him for coming out. "Saki--" I was interrupted by Saki covering my mouth with his hand, and he said with a cheerful tone to it; "Don't worry~! I'll catch the little feline~!" he then uncovered my mouth as he dissolved into the shadows, off to hunt the little cat.

Walking over to the girl, I held out my hand to her and said apologetically; "Please excuse Saki, he means no harm. By the way, whats your name?" Then I suddenly added, "You'll get cold if you stay out here, I could get you a coffee or something else at Starbucks."

Upon catching the cat, I let out a slight growling hiss. Like some humans, Resuke had a compassionate side, or more of a soft-side, something that I disliked sometimes. Why won't he just allow me to eat the stupid cat? If he was a shadow demon, then he'd loose that emotion except to certain individuals,

Whatever the reason he wanted the stupid feline alive, I felt like it was my duty to make sure it stayed alive as long as that's what Resuke wanted. Going back to them, I watched as Resuke offered his hand to her, and the mention of Starbucks.

Violet took Resuke's hand and let him help her get back to her feet. "Thank you," she said, "That's very kind of you, but you don't have to take me to Starbucks, you could take me somewhere cheaper... erm... I'm Violet." She felt pretty shy, she was blushing slightly... She knew she probably shouldn't be so trusting, especially since this guy was friends with a creepy shadow creature, but she was desperate. She needed to grab her chance, it might be the difference between life and death. 

"By the way, who's Saki?" she asked. She was going to ask "What is Saki" but that seemed rude. Then she heard a familiar screech. It was Sam. Saki had caught him, and the cat was angrily fighting to get free. "SAM!" Violet cried. She walked as quickly as she could without tripping to take her cat from Saki. Sam broke free and sprang into Violet's arms. Although he was just a little cat, the force was enough to knock her over backwards, sprawling flat on her back. She struggled to her feet again, with Sam lying on her shoulders, wrapped around her neck like a living scarf. Sam growled at Saki, he knew the demon wanted to eat him. He growled at Resuke too, he didn't trust anyone but Violet, and Resuke was too much like Saki for the cat's liking. Violet petted Sam. "It's okay, Sammy..." she said to the kitty. Sam continued to growl. Violet was a little nervous too, but tried to hide it.

"Saki... I guess you could call him a copy of myself in some ways."

"We're practically the same person except a Sha-- Mmmrph!" Saki whined as I covered his mouth, not willing to let the cat out of the bag, in a sense. "Anyways, that's not important. What is important, is that you look like you're going to get frostbite if you don't go somewhere warm soon. So come on, I could get you a coffee or something else at Starbucks." I offered, knowing that most people wouldn't trust me anyways. Besides, who'd trust a random teen with milky white hair?

Violet still wasn't sure if it was a good idea to trust Resuke, but she was close to death and had nothing to lose, really, and he was offering help. So for now she decided to trust him wholeheartedly. She took his hand again. "Thank you," she said. "I've never been to Starbucks before..."

Sam suddenly yowled and swatted at Resuke's face. "Sam, cut it out!" Violet said. Sam just hissed. He was still growling. His eyes were wide, his fur was bristling, tail fluffed out like a feather duster, and his claws digging into her. His eyes flickered back and forth between Resuke and Saki. Violet petted him some more with her free hand.

"Eh? You don't like me little guy?" I said, acting surprised. I was used to it, actually. Dogs barked at me and hated me, birds flew away as if they feared me, cats never stayed near me. Obviously it was because my shadow moved on it's own from time to time. Saki desolved back into the ground, and because he went inactive I yet again could cast a shadow across the ground. Reaching out, I patted the cat's head not minding if he scratched or bit me. That was nothing like being shot, so its not like its anything I couldn't handle.

I then straitened my hat, before leading her to the Starbucks.

They were in Starbucks now, sitting at a table. Violet gulping down her coffee. It burned her mouth and throat, drinking it in such big gulps, but after nearly freezing to death it felt wonderful. When she entered the building she was amazed at how delicously warm it was inside, but it didn't come close to the heavenly warmth of the coffee. She also had a sandwich, which she was devouring in huge unladylike mouthfuls, taking a big bite between each big gulp of coffee. Sam was tucked inside her hoodie, munching on the piece of sandwich she gave him. But he growled while he chewed, still aware of Resuke and Saki's prescence. Violet wished the cat would be quiet, they'd get in trouble if someone noticed they brought an animal in here. It would be rude to get Resuke in trouble just because she wanted to bring Sam in the coffeehouse, and after he had kindly taken here, too. She was deeply touched by this act of kindness from this stranger. He had probably just saved her life. She supposed she should tell him.

"Um... thanks..." she said, but then felt stupid. It was a total understatement.

"Well its not like I could have ignored you and left you all out in the cold, now could I?" I said to her, then added "Also they do allow animals in here, but only during the winter." A silence followed that, then I broke it by saying, "If you have no place to go you could always stay at my apartment until you get a place to stay; I have an empty room that you could use."

Saki then whispered to were no one could hear, not even forming, saying "Won't that be a red light to any gal? I mean, a stranger offers them a place to stay. Most people would turn that down..."

"I know that, Saki. But its not like I want to kill her or anything." I muttered in response.

Violet hesitated for a moment or two. A stranger offering her a place to stay did sound suspicious, but it was true she didn't have anywhere to go.

"Okay, thank you," she said, nodding.

She'd try not to stay for long, she'd have to get a job as soon as possible so she could afford to pay rent for an apartment of her own. She probably wouldn't find a well-paying job though, she'd probably end up as a waitress or a cashier or a flyer deliverer. She had always worked hard in school just so she could have a decent job, and never a miserable one like a waitress, cashier or flyer deliverer. She hoped she'd still have time for school so that she could get a decent job someday and wouldn't be stuck with a crummy one forever... Before those monsters devoured her family and destroyed her home, she never thought she'd have to worry about getting a job until many years in the future... It was starting to look like her hopes for life had already been flushed down the toilet, too late to be saved.

She'd try not to worry too much about that right now, though, for now she'd just worry about how trustworthy Resuke was. She thought she heard him mutter "It's not like I want to kill her or anything," and that seemed rather suspicous... But isn't it pointless to worry about that, too? she thought. Maybe he does want to kill me, but if I go back to my cardboard box I'll just freeze to death, anyway...

Surprised at her answer, I asked "You sure? You really, really, REALLY sure?" Perhaps she didn't think much about it at all, because I know that most wouldn't ever go with a guy who has a 'creepy shadow monster' and that they just met. I know that I'd be an idiot and follow along if I was in her place, but then again-- I was the guy who has been fooled by two different creatures who both wanted to kill me and have my organs on their dinner plate.

"I mean that because, well, you know that a lot of people would never go somewhere with a random guy!" I explained, putting one of my hands in my pocket.

"I don't know..." said Violet. Maybe he's right, she thought, maybe I'm stupid to go with him, when he's just this random guy... "Okay, maybe not..." she said, "bye, and thanks again..." She grabbed Sam, rose to her feet and went outside.

It had been so wonderfully warm inside, she had already forgotten how incredibly cold it was outside. She stood there motionless in front of the door. She could already feel herself starting to freeze again... What am I thinking, she said to herself, I have nowhere to go except back to that cardboard box... Maybe this boy is going to murder me, or his shadow monster will but out here I'll probably die anyway... I'll either freeze to death or get eaten by a monster... At least if I go with him, I'll die somewhere warm... and he was actually asking me if I felt safe about going with him or not, I don't think he'd want to kill me if he was saying something like that... I don't know...

She went back inside. The delicous warmth of the indoors enveloped her again.

"Okay, I changed my mind again," she said to Resuke. "Maybe I'm being an idiot, but I want to go with you, I have nowhere else to go..."

Midnight Before Dawn


New York -

'The Big City of Lights', one of the busyest cities in the US.

Manhatan -

The island and it's surrounding area


There were hard times; like the ones where you attempted to get by;

There were good times; like those of when you got a vacaton and work went well;

And there were the good ole' times...

...when no one died.

But now, after millions of years, the creatures that used to coexist with everything else and stay under the belt are begining to come out, causing much death along the way. The majority of the public still have no idea about them, and its best to keep it that way.

Maybe you have lost a loved one to them, or been turned into one yourself? Or perhaps you are the unaware victum, who ended up being mistaken as one in disguise?


There was a reason why New York was always fast-pace; always changing sooner then you thought it would. Roads would be crowded and streets named and renamed; buildings built and buildings removed; but have you ever thought why?

There is a reason for all of these things, yes. But not only for growth; but for safety, safety from what, you might ask...

But thats for you to find out.


You have to have at least one killable character and up to 5 non killable

You may make up to 5 characters purely for killing; those characters must have simple names with 'SK' at the end of their name

Up to seven Hunters are accepted; and unlimited 'SK' hunters

Humans are not immune and only one of your human characters may be nonturnable

Fallen Angels are just 'angels' or more of winged beings that serve under the power of any sort of 'good' immortal who is worshipped as a god.

At this moment only Vampires and Werewolves may turn your characters.

Ghosts can be made by killing off a human character.

If you do not want to loose a character via killable; make them a human character then they could die and become a ghost. ;)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Fallen Angel
Fallen Immortal
Shape Shifter

Second RP Master

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