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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Shinu saw them and instedd of attacking she ran upstares. The doctor then said. "Sorry Cinder..." The doctor said. "So I am fine with a alliance. If you need any help you can ask me. I will also send some members along with you that I know are cappatibly calm." The doctor said. " Kuma looked surprised. That would be such a honer I will not turn down. " Kuma said. The doctor nodded and walked upstares. "Okay, now we have the doctor on our side." Kuma said. "Should we talk to shinu?" Kuma asked in wonder, his eyes glisening with exitement.
I narrowed my eyes still red "You kidding, she might tear us apart." I growled "You heard how mad she was, lets just leave." I hissed and started for the exit. I stopped and stood near the exit "Look at the mood she put me in." I said with a sigh "I hate it when this happens." I growled, my tail flicked quickly, you know what I'm done giving orders it is time for me to take orders." I hissed and looked at Kuma "I'm not in charge don't ask me what to do you make the choices and don't come crying to me when something happens."
Shinu then was walking toward them and said. "Look since we are getting to be allies I guess I will have to learn how to be nice. But if any one of you betray the Pure Breeds we will attack." Kuma then nodded and said. "So I guess we will be acquainted then. Will you be coming with us?" Shinu then said. "Possibly for the pure's do need to move. But knowing our past, well fights, I and the other pures will have to learn to be civil." Shinu then looked at cinder watchfully, not knowing what she will do.
I made a low growled and lowered my wings, staying close to Kaja, watching Shinu carefully. As I learned while I was growing up don't attack unless attacked first, because then its self defence, and even though I could kill someone easily. I never attacked first, even though I really wanted to some times I never did. And look at me I haven't been put in jail, because of that law. I breathed some smoke out my nose and changed my eyes color to a scar pinkish and red, my gem glowing brightly. "I guess I'm okay with meeting the others." I mumbled.
Shinu puffed out air threw her nose. "We will meat you at your place Kuma. It will take a couple of days but we will get there." Shinu said. She then walked away. Kuma then said. "Great a new Allie and partners. Now we should go see the Darkstar clan. Cinder would you show us to the darkstar? I just want to know if they will be friendly towards us and if they would like to stay with us. But tell me first, how will the members racked to us and if something happens like shinu and the others come, what to expect?" Kuma said about to leave.
I looked at him "Well first as soon as the leader sees this he will probably say something very very very, inappropriate." I said pointing to my mark "And then he will probably do something stupid, like try and attack someone, but he should know that if I was with not to attack because I could kill him easily." I said turning my eyes a dark blue. "And if Shinu shows up I'm not sure what he will do." I said starting for the exit "I guess we will just have to find out." I said flapping my wings ready to go.
Kuma then nodded and followed her with Kaja, they knew the plausible dangers but Kuma was never afraid, even when the odds are stacked against him. He knew how to fight. Kaja flew with cinder till they got to the area. Kaja then landed on a rock and Kuma just jumped down beside Kaja. Kuma seemed eager to meet the Darkstar clan. He never knew of other clans until recently. He was happy about it, and he knew the elder of his clan, there creator, would want him to befriend other clans. He also knew Shinu was following them. "Seems as if shinu is curious." Kuma wispered to Cinder.
I sighed "Shes still and my list." I said lowly, and changed human "Thank god for jeans." I whispered. Then heard a low growled. I huge Saber tooth tiger stepped out "And theres the leader now." I whispered and sat down. The saber walked up to me "Cinder, where have you been?" he asked calmly. I scratched the back of my head and looked at Kuma "Well, I've been with the Shadow clan." I said smally "What?!" he growled. I stood up and changed my eyes color to a deep green "Yeah I don't know how to tell you this but," I stopped "You know what nevermind." I smiled "The Shadow clan whats to make allies." He looked at me "Only if its ok with you Cinder." he said with a low growl "Okay." I smiled.
Shinu came out of the bushes and was stareing at cinder. Shinu was hesitant. She didn't know why Cinder was hideing the fact she changed into a shaodw. But all she knew was it was not right. She growled at cinder then muttered. "How dare you, not even truth full to your clan? You should tell them before I spit it out. Or shoud I let the Elder of shadow clan, Embargo was it, tell them what he raised you to, for it is a honer. I am only suprised your being silent about it." Shinu said scrapeing her claws on the ground.
I shot a glance at Shinu then looked at the leader "Excuse me for a moment." I smiled and walked over to Shinu then whispered "If he found out now he wouldn't dare side with the Shadow clan. I'll tell he later. I'm not ashamed, I'm worried." I said quickly, only Shinu hearing me "Do you get the idea of what I'm trying to accomplish here?" I whispered "I have to time this just right or it could all fall hopelessly." I sighed and shot a glance at the leader then looked back at Shinu "I will tell them, just not yet."
Shinu nodded, she had a kindness in her eyes that she didn't have before. She then started to do a little trot over to Kuma, she seemed exited about something. The skull on her sail was visible. Kuma and Kaja were very careful about being near her, and slowly scurried away. Kaja then said. "What's up with her." Kuma then laughed. "Probably because the doctor promised her something." Kuma said. Shinu sharpened her claws on the ground and looked eager to leave to the real shadow clan. She made a low purring sound and laid on the ground whating to leave.
I walked back over to the leader "Okay so you think its ok to become allies with the Shadow clan." I smiled "Time for the leaders and clans to meet." I said happily and looked at Kuma "Ready to go?" I asked looking around at everyone, my eyes a bright purple. But in the back of my mind everything was going horrible. How will the leader act when he finds out? What will he do? How is this going to end. Anything but well. At least I get my animals, but thats the least for my problems right know, some one if going to be mad'er then a wet hornet. I thought with a sigh.
Kuma nodded and said, "On land it might take three days, by air it will be some hours, by sea is the same unless the land and sea changers change into humans and go on planes to meet us here." Kuma said pulling out a map and showing the area where the old shadow clan is. "Our leader is embargo, a elder changer." Kuma said. "Shinu is the leader of the Pure breeds or the New shadow clan. Her master is another elder changer. So knowing them they will have private planes to fly in, if you wish to travel with them just tell the doctor your a friend of cinder or shinu and he will let you come." Kuma continued.
I smiled fine by me, I'll flew with Kuma, and you and the others can use the jet." I said happily. This worked out perrfectly. I could fly and they could fly and they wouldn't even see my markings, its a win win. Mostly its just a win for me, but anyway. "Okay, we'll see you there then." I smiled to the leader and walked over to Kuma, then whispered "When we get there,I'm going to need your help breaking the news to the darkstar clan leader, would you help me?" I wasn't going to be able to do it by my self. 

Kuma nodded and jumped up in the air and started to fly back to the Shadow clan. Kaja then whispered to Cinder. "We will help you, maby Embargo the clan elder will to." Kaja then flew besides Kuma. 

Shinu was on the ground leading the others to the jet. The doctors and the rest of the pure breeds were on it. Shinu changed into her human form and sat by the doctor. "When we get to shadow clan, I want to learn more things from there elder, for I hear he can change if you have a clan or not, and even change the markings. I have also heard that he, depending on how special he thinks or knows you are he can move you into different clans he thinks would be right for you." The doctor said to shinu. Shinu nodded and sat beside him wondering how this elder will react to the doctor.

Changers (Creature Rp)
Anywhere and everywhere in the USA.
It's about people that can change into a creature, some are turned into (I like to call them changers.) one or are born into it, if your born a changer you are a born leader, and if your born into a changer and your an only child you get to choose if you want to be a leader or not. If your turn into a changer you don't get to be a leader unless there is no born changers in the clan. The messed up part is if your human forum dies the creature still lives, but if the creature forum dies so does the human forum.

Summary: After the doctor had turned Eco into a changer Cinder saved him. Some other things happened (I don't remember all of it.) Kaja was sent to get Eco, or something. (This is harder then I thought.) I don't remember what happened(I think someone called a truce or something.) but Kaja, Eco and Cinder went to Florida to see the Bubble clan. (I think it was, so Cinder could prove to her mother she wasn't useless.) (Will finsih later)


StarSwirl (Symbol: Star swirl
Darkstar (Symbol:SunStar, and Half moons
Vine (Symbol:Vines
White Heart (Symble:Heart
Bubble (Symbol:Bubbles
Mountain Rock(Symble:Rocks
Scar (Symbol:Scars
Shadow (Symbol:Skull

(You don't get you symbol unless your accepted into the clan, you have to say where your symbol is on your creature.Also make sure you have your rank in your chara info.)

(All of the clans are run bay the Pure changer Dragons family, every clan but the Darkstar clan, no one in that clan knows Cinder is a born changer.)

The Evil ones have attacked once before and now their back to destroy the clans.

1:No power playing

2:Keep it Tv 14

3:Be nice

4:You can have one chara

5:You can be any creature but you have to list your clan in the chara info.

6:If you want to know anything else, ask.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Second RP Master
Nesferxty (#20859)

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