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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Kuma carryed her to a room and layed her down, letting her rest. The room was decorated in silk curtans and other beutiful expensive stuff. Kuma and the others then whent outside to the meeting hall. Kuma then told everyone about Cinder being a freind of the clan and that she needed to rest. The shadow clan then bowed there heads to Kuma, then whent on liveing there lives like they usualy did. They had fun doing what they did and joy and laghter ecoded down the halls carved out and had gold walls and granit floors. The place was a comfortible warmth, that sothed the deepest pain. Everyone was happy here.
After about an hour and a half I started to wake up slowly. I sat up and looked around then yawned. I looked at my gem it was a nice bright red the way it was supposed to be. I got up and stretched. Then started to walk out of the room I stopped at the door and looked around. I took a deep breath then sneezed, I shook my head and leaned on a wall. I blinked my eyes quickly to wake up fulled. I looked around to try and see if I could find anyone I shook my head and stood up straight, and started to walk around looking for the others.
There was joyfull laghing down the hallway, and the sound of some one smithing as well. As she got closer to the end she could smell someone cooking food. Kuma was sitting in a underground garden area, with al sorts of flowers and such. Kaja an the others were with him. There was a fountan in the center of the garden made out of some type of glass and had koi and fish in it. Laghter came from Kuma and Kaja when they spoke to one another. Mura and Eco were there to with marco and his brother, they sat at a round table snaking on freashly baked food.
My ears flicked hearing the laughter I lifted my head and made a low roar almost lion like. If anyone heard that they would probably come find me, or I'm going to get lost. I looked around the cave then I lay down waiting for someone. I'm not very coordinated in this state, but at least its better then the depressed one. "These swings are starting to get on my nervers." I growled to my self and shook my head trying to snap out of it. My vision was blury and I couldn't walk straight. This is worse then the depressed state.
A littal girl walked up to her with two littal boys following her. "hi." The littal girl said happily. She had two bows in her hair, which was blond, and skiped over to Cinder, the two littal boys hid behind a pillar. "are you okay?" She asked cinder. The boys were blushing. It seemed as if they were shy. The girl was brave thogh and had a joyfull smile on her face. The girl was holding a stuffed animal of a nine tail fox made out of silk. The nine tail was purple like Kuma in his fox form. The girl whated for Cinders reply.
I blinked my eyes and looked at the little girl, then sat up slowly "No I'm fine." I said nicely. I saw the two boys hiding "Its ok I won't hurt you think of me like a big pet kitty cat." I smiled and curled up like a cat "I'm Cinder. Whats your name?" I asked tilting my head. "Could you tell me where Kuma and Kaja are?" I asked the little girl and looked around "This place is very big and easy to get lost in." I purred softly then rubbed my eyes and yawned "Though that might be because I'm tired."
The girl then gigled. " There in the garden, and I am Elisa. Those two are my twin brothers Kiko and Muricky." The girl said. " I can show you to the garden." The girl said leading cinder to the big garden area. When Kuma saw cinder he then said. "Hi cinder, felling better?" Kuma asked kindly. "And thank you Elisa." Kuma said. Elisa then skiped off with her brothers. Kuma then took one of the bowls that had fresh bread rolls in it and said. " Would you like some food Cinder?" Kuma said. Kuma and the others seemed happy.
I sniffed the air "Yes I'm always up for food."  I smiled and trotted over to Kuma and sat down near him then yawned. I took a bread roll and started to munch on it. I trotted over to Kaja and curled up at his feet and changed my eye color a bright purple. I finished the roll and looked at the others "I have no idea why I'm yawning so much." I said slowly and folded my wings really small. I touched the gem on my head and it glowed a bright red "But the good thing is I'm fine now." I smiled.

Kuma then said. "probibly because how warm and comfortalble this place is." Kuma then said. " Would you like me to make a room for you here, so when you visit agen you can stay with shadow clan?" Kaja then said. "Me and the others will have to stay here because of Shinu, but cinder....I dont know if she would want one or not." Kuma then said. "Well incase she brings her whole tribe here we will build another part so they can stay." Kuma was in his human form but still had his fox ears and tail's. Damio then said. " How did you guys get all of this stuff any way?"

Kuma then giggled. "The past clan leader made this place, it has been around for a long time." Kuma said.

I spred out my wings and looked at my clan symbol then closed my wings and sighed, I thought about fot awhile and got up to start pacing, it helps me think. I growled to myself while I was thinking, this was the most thinking I've done in a long time. I stopped pacing and looked at Kuma then at Kaja, then started pacing again. If I stay I wouldn't have to worry about my gem, but then I would have to go tough all these meetings to get my symbols removed, but it would be worth it. Yeah but every time I need to rechage my gem the more the lava hurts. What to do. What to do. I thought pacing even faster.
Kuma looked at Cinder and said. " okay cinder?" Kaja then said. " I think shes trying to think of what to do." Kuma then said. "oh." And then mura came up to Kuma. " I think cinders mother is outside the cave with her clan." Mura said concerned. Kuma then got up and said. " I wonder what she wants?" Kuma then gathered his clan and continued to the entrance. Kuma's strongest men stood by him, makeing shur the other clan douse not attack. Kaja walked in the back with the others. Alot of shadow clan was in there animal forms when they finaly aprotched the entrance of the cave.
I looked out of the cave and saw my mother, I growled and barred my teeth "What do you want!" I growled and stepped in front of Kuma. My mom widened her eyes "You dare talk to me like that!" She snapped. I hissed and pawed at the ground "I don't care I'm at full power right now." I said with a grin. She narrowed her eyes at me, then looked at Kuma "If she stays it will be full out war." she hissed. I growled loudly "How do you have a say in it!" She looked at me and and snapped her jaw "If we have too we'll fight for our territory." she hissed.
Kuma then growled at her. " Then I will summen our clan and crush yours! We have our clan everywhere! You have no say in this!" Kuma roared. " I just learned we had a new master....and if you tuch us I will rip you apart myself. We were here befor all clans, and we allowed your clan to live here. If you want to dishoner our familys then fine! It Shal Be War!" Kuma growled agen. The bigger more stronger members Roared and hissed at Cinders mom. " We are the true kings of the land, not you, or anyone else." Kuma growled.
I staired at my mom, no emotion in my eyes. I barred my teeth and growled, she looked at me "Don't even try it!" she hissed. I growled and tackled her, claws and teeth were everywhere. It was like a feeding frenzy for pit-bulls. I jumped off and growled, she looked at me and tried to get up, I had bit her leg "You know what happens when fire and water meet." I grinned. She growled and flapped her wings, and a streak of lightning hit in front of her and then she was gone. I shook my head and started to walk back into the cave, my head low.

Kuma then said. " Cinder, let me bring you to our creator. Embargo. He is still alive and is one of the oldest changers in the world. He is special because he is legendary and a combined twin....the creepy thing about him is that he destroyed his human form so he could be a winged hydra. Another interesting thing about him is that he is naturaly imune to elements and can only be killed by other legendarys like shinus leader and creator, the doctor." Kuma led Cinder to a secret passage throgh the volcano. It had old carved statues and walls, but when they entered one room, the walls were white, carved marble, and the floors were covered in cherry blossem pedals. In the center of the room was a big black hydra, that had white markings on its face, resembleing diffrent mask's for diffrent emotions. "Um....Embargo, your mightyness. I came to disrupt you from your slumber for the one you told all was unpure, has now hid in her clan and made war." Kuma said bowing to the hydra. The Hydras eyes opened. His eyes were acid green. " Then I will speek to her." The hydra said. He sounded younger. But when he opend his wings, dust fell off them to reveal bright red markings. The hydra had diffrent element crystals on its head. He then jumped in the air and flew out of the volcano.....

Embargo was close to bubble clans home for he knew where it was. He landed in the center of it and roared. " Where is the unpure one! The one who I saw that has no love or heart! Show yourself you ungreatfull worm. For Your Eldest Changer, Embargo, Has come to take away your crown for you have betrayed eldest shadow and We now chase you from our home that we gave you for a malenia. I knew that you were a betrayer. So show yourself serpant tong. Show yourself." Embargo roared. When some of the bubble clans members attacked him, he easily tore them apart. " Show yourself or your clan will die!" Embargo roared.

Changers (Creature Rp)
Anywhere and everywhere in the USA.
It's about people that can change into a creature, some are turned into (I like to call them changers.) one or are born into it, if your born a changer you are a born leader, and if your born into a changer and your an only child you get to choose if you want to be a leader or not. If your turn into a changer you don't get to be a leader unless there is no born changers in the clan. The messed up part is if your human forum dies the creature still lives, but if the creature forum dies so does the human forum.

Summary: After the doctor had turned Eco into a changer Cinder saved him. Some other things happened (I don't remember all of it.) Kaja was sent to get Eco, or something. (This is harder then I thought.) I don't remember what happened(I think someone called a truce or something.) but Kaja, Eco and Cinder went to Florida to see the Bubble clan. (I think it was, so Cinder could prove to her mother she wasn't useless.) (Will finsih later)


StarSwirl (Symbol: Star swirl
Darkstar (Symbol:SunStar, and Half moons
Vine (Symbol:Vines
White Heart (Symble:Heart
Bubble (Symbol:Bubbles
Mountain Rock(Symble:Rocks
Scar (Symbol:Scars
Shadow (Symbol:Skull

(You don't get you symbol unless your accepted into the clan, you have to say where your symbol is on your creature.Also make sure you have your rank in your chara info.)

(All of the clans are run bay the Pure changer Dragons family, every clan but the Darkstar clan, no one in that clan knows Cinder is a born changer.)

The Evil ones have attacked once before and now their back to destroy the clans.

1:No power playing

2:Keep it Tv 14

3:Be nice

4:You can have one chara

5:You can be any creature but you have to list your clan in the chara info.

6:If you want to know anything else, ask.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

Second RP Master
Nesferxty (#20859)

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