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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

I ran upstairs and giggled at the sight of Marco being licked "You are so good with animals." I giggled "Just like me." I smiled. I sighed "Animals were my only friends when my dad died. But I can live with it, I had to grow up pretty fast, thats fine by me though." I smiled "I would have to say your the first person that gets along with animals as much as I do. Speaking of which I saw a shark and it had the symbol for your clan and well, you know what never mind I will just... ummm, i'm going to go for a fly." I said slowly and started for the door "Unless you would like some help feeding all the animals, because I would be happy to help."
Marco then said. " Im sorry if I woke you up....I am a dolphin changer and my brother is a shark changer." Macro then got up and fed his two dogs. Marcos brother then opend the door for cinder. Marco then said. "okay but come back soon, were going to have breakfast ready....Oh, actualy do you think you can help me fish? I need to get more but have been so exited about Kaja being back and Kuma." Marco had a exited look on his face while his brother was calm and mellow. The dogs ate there food then droped there dishes in the sink and ran downstares.
"Fish as in fishing, I guess I'll help." I smiled I have had to fight mine own battles, why am I helping someone, because its nice and I want to be nice. Ah what am I thinking, I can't say no to someone I might have a chance with. Ah! Now what am I thinking no one would fall for me! I thought. "Yeah I'll help." I smiled at Marco. It's amazing sometimes that people don't notice that I have self conflict. "So are we going on a boat or use a net or something?" I asked slowly trying not to seem to slow.
Marco then said. " Oh i we will travle out on boat, then i will turn into a dolphin and chase the fishes up to the surface, and you can use a net or catch the fish by hand." Marco said, getting in a big fancy water boat with a thing covering the propellers so nithing got hurt by it. He also had it pattend down underneath it. He then started the boat up and said. " Would you like to fly there or be on the boat." Marco asked, makeing shur he was being nice to her. He had joy and happyness in his eyes.
"I'll fly there." I said and changed into my dragon "I get a little sea sick." I flapped my wings and jumped into a hover "After you." I nodded. I can't wait until breakfast, I hope we can have bacon. I thought with a smile "So what kind of fish are we going to catch?" I asked flying beside the boat "Do you think we could get some tuna, or maybe crab. I know we are fishing but I love crab meat." I guess it is just in my nature to say everything I can about the subject on hand, it is a curse really.
Marco laghed and said. " Were doing crab, tuna, and some small fishes." Marco started the boat and whent out to a open water area. He then stoped near a area nexed to a clif. He then jumped in to the water and changed into a dolphin and started to gather small fishes in a circle. He then caused some to jump out of the water and into the boat. He then breached the surface and waved his fin at cinder, giveing her a sighn that the fish were ready for capture. He then whent back under the water and made shur the fish stayed close together.
I grabbed the net and waited for then fish. I'm not that good at fishing, but I guess it would be a good time to figure it out. I took a deep breath and looked in the water, one of the few colors I liked was sea blue. I smiled and flapped my wings lightly trying not to frighten the fish. Umm, he didn't tell what I need to do when the fish come up, I will just guess on what to do then. I thought uneasy, fish are exactly my strong suit, but it doesn't hurt to try. Does it?
Marco then chased the fish into cinders net. Marco then spunn around in circles happy about the catch. He then swam down to rock crevases and removed crab traps that were full of crabs. He then swam up to the surface, turned human and got on the boat, he then put the crabs in a compartment inside the boat made for them. He then came back and waved at cinder. " You doing okay?" He asked cinder from the boat. He had a happy smile on his face and joy in his eyes, even thogh he was sokeing wet, he just was joyfull.
I struggled to hold then net with all the moving fish "The weight is not problem, but keeping them in the net is hard." I smiled and pulled the net over my should onto my back "But I'm ok for now." I waved to Marco to go on "I can keep up." I nodded. I had a small pain in may side. Yeah the sooner we get back to sooner we can eat. I thought "Hey Marco. What are we going to have for breakfast?" I asked holding my side. I flapped my wings slowly saving energy. It works better then you think.
Marco then said. " we can go back now. Tuna will have to whate for another day." He then turned on the boat and was heading back to the house. " So I heard from Kaja your going to see bubble clan this morning? I never even knew there was another clan in the area." Marco said. He continued to drive the boat. " Would you hink this bubble clan would like to meet our leader out here, kuma?" Marco asked looking at Cinder. " After all knowing Kuma he likes to know everything in the area." Marco continued with a friendly smile.
"I'm fine with meeting someone but can we get some food first?" I asked with a giggled "Hey do you have any bacon? I love bacon!" I smiled "Out of all the meat, bacon is my favorite!" I giggled. I wound how long we are going to stay here, it doesn't matter to me. It is nice here,m I could get used to it. I thought. I'm fine as long as friends are there, but what would my mom say. She would kill me, or shot some ice at me. I flew quietly thinking about what reaction she would have when she saw me. Anger, rage, or maybe even hate, but I can hold my own, if she wants to fight a fight I will give her.
Marco then arived at the house. " Were going to have bacon, eggs, and ham for breackfast. Then I can give you a ride to where ever you need to go." Marco said getting off of his boat, carrying cases full of crabs. Marcos dogs then jumped on him when he was off the boat. Marco laghed and giggled when the dogs were on top of him licking him. Marcos brother came in and helped marco carry the cases full of crabs inside. Marcos brother had breackfast done when they came. Marco then said. " Oh right on time." Marco then laghed and so did his brother.
I landed and slid the net off my back "What do you want me to do with these?" I asked dragging the net in my mouth. I grabbed to net in my tail and freed my mouth, I sighed and pulled my wings in close to my back "No one eats with out me!" I hissed and took off after Marco. I gave the net to his brother and changed back human "I can't wait for that bacon." I smiled and headed for the kitchen. The smell of meat filled my nose, it smells so good. I sat down at the table "Food time!" 
Marco laghed and ate with everyone. The dogs sat by marco, wagging their tails from exitement. When everyone was done eating there food marcos brother picked up the dishes and put them in the sink. Kaja then said. " Is it time to go see bubble clan Cinder? Or should we grab Kuma before we go in to meet with the leader?" Mura was sitting with eco and jokeing about Kuma and how he was verry playfull and is easly exited by games. Marco and his brother put the fish in the aquarium and put the crabs in a special tank.
"Yeah we will have to wait a little. I can't fly after I eat it, well yeah you get the idea." I said slowly. Then stood up "We can start walking though." I smiled "What do you all think?" I asked "We can walk, but I can't fly, swim or be in a boat yet. In awhile I will though." I yawned "Oh and one more thing, I always get tired after I eat big meals, that is one reason why I don't have them any more, I have to stay awake. In almost all ways i'm like a house cat."

Changers (Creature Rp)
Anywhere and everywhere in the USA.
It's about people that can change into a creature, some are turned into (I like to call them changers.) one or are born into it, if your born a changer you are a born leader, and if your born into a changer and your an only child you get to choose if you want to be a leader or not. If your turn into a changer you don't get to be a leader unless there is no born changers in the clan. The messed up part is if your human forum dies the creature still lives, but if the creature forum dies so does the human forum.

Summary: After the doctor had turned Eco into a changer Cinder saved him. Some other things happened (I don't remember all of it.) Kaja was sent to get Eco, or something. (This is harder then I thought.) I don't remember what happened(I think someone called a truce or something.) but Kaja, Eco and Cinder went to Florida to see the Bubble clan. (I think it was, so Cinder could prove to her mother she wasn't useless.) (Will finsih later)


StarSwirl (Symbol: Star swirl
Darkstar (Symbol:SunStar, and Half moons
Vine (Symbol:Vines
White Heart (Symble:Heart
Bubble (Symbol:Bubbles
Mountain Rock(Symble:Rocks
Scar (Symbol:Scars
Shadow (Symbol:Skull

(You don't get you symbol unless your accepted into the clan, you have to say where your symbol is on your creature.Also make sure you have your rank in your chara info.)

(All of the clans are run bay the Pure changer Dragons family, every clan but the Darkstar clan, no one in that clan knows Cinder is a born changer.)

The Evil ones have attacked once before and now their back to destroy the clans.

1:No power playing

2:Keep it Tv 14

3:Be nice

4:You can have one chara

5:You can be any creature but you have to list your clan in the chara info.

6:If you want to know anything else, ask.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

Second RP Master
Nesferxty (#20859)

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