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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Taber stared after Alexis dumb founded and sighed he would never understand girls. He flew to Myas cave and landed. Taber walked inside "Well" he said looking around at everyone"There are a couple less humans to worry about and it apears Alexis has went to her home" Then he sat down on the cold ground "Sorry for loosing my temper everyone and I thinkyou need answers about me" Everyone in the room listened to his storyabout his mate and her death by the humans the only one not there was Alexis. Taber looked around "dont take my temper the wrong way I just learned to be this way" then he huddled against the wall outside the cave and fell asleep.

 It was night, and Starhorn was alone again. He stood on top of a hill and gazed at the beautiful, starry sky.

 He had watched Taber set the forest on fire, watched him kill all the humans. It pleased him to see so many humans dying at once, he wished he had fiery breath too. And if it wasn't for the forest fire, he would have joined Taber and killed a few too. He watched Alexis and Miya try to stop Taber. They saw Starhorn standing and watching, and looked at him with pleading eyes. But Starhorn didn't want to help. Taber was killing the humans, and Starhorn liked seeing humans die. And if Taber got injured or killed in the process... Well, Starhorn knew Taber hated his guts, and would eat him up if he got a chance. Frankly, Starhorn would be happy if Taber was injured or killed. But of course Taber survived. He was far too big and strong to be badly injured or killed by a few humans with puny arrows.

 Then Starhorn watched Alexis and Taber fight. Not physical, just an arguement, though dragon arguements often turned into physical fights, and Alexis and Taber came very, very close to that. But even though it didn't turn physical, it still looked nasty, and they both looked very upset afterwords.

 They're probably asleep by now, he thought, maybe I'll go heal their wounds...

 He spread his wings and flew in the direction he had seen Alexis fly off. He spotted her lying on a ledge. He flew down, landed next to her, and laid his horn on her wounded wing until the wound had disapeared.

Then he flew to the cave where he had seen Taber fly into. On one end of the cave was Miya, on the other end was Taber. He trotted up to the big male dragon.

Don't get the idea I'm doing this because I like you, Taber, he thought, as he laid his horn on Taber's wounded shoulder, I'm just doing this because you hunt humans too...

Once Taber's wound was gone, too, Starhorn galloped out of the cave, threw himself off the edge of the cliff and soared into the air.

 Those dragons... To them, I'm just a magic snack, they only spared my life because they found me useful... Once I'm no longer useful to them, they'll gobble me up... Should I bother returning to their lair? Or should I fly far away where they'll never find me again? I don't really want to join a clan of my natural enemies... And I think I prefer being alone, too... It's true these dragons want to get rid of the humans, just like I do, and if I stick around, we might actually succeed... But they don't need my help, do they? They're dragons, dominant predators, and I'm a unicorn, a mere prey animal... I don't know what I should do...  

He continued to fly onwards, sailing through the darkness of the night on his invisible wings...

It was morning and Alexis needed to fly around the forest to collect data.then she would have to report to Miya.she sighed,flew around the island.she looked down to see some men holding a unicorn was the worst crime to kill a creature as pure as a unicorn.she had half a mind to go down and kill them.she saw some children running towards thier father. "lucky"she thought.her parents were killed by them.she left them,holding onto the one pure ounce of kindness she had left. - She landed in miyas cave.everything looked normal.della and Dary gossiping.miya fussing.taber was sitting against the wall.he looked up at her but Alexis turned away.she didn't want to look at him if he wasn't going to acknowledge her.she flinched when something poked her in the was starhorn and his pointy weapon."let's go report to Miya."he said.they walked over she gave her report of the humans and the unicorn.starhorn was in complete disgust.we sat at the entrance of the cave.i always stay for awhile and enjoyed the view before the sun rose all the way.starhorn and me talked about our everyday lives against the humans.i looked back to see Taber almost seething at starhorn,starhorn doing the same. "whoa calm down guys! What's gotten into you two?" I just shrugged it off."dudes are weird..."I mumbled to myself."you got that right!"dellal said.the two instantly pulled me over to listen in on thier gossip. - They told me the story about Taber and his mate.i looked back at Taber.he knew what they were telling me. "why didn't he tell it to my face then?"I asked. "he probably didn't want to hurt you."Dary said. " I'm still Hurt..." I padded off. - I sat down at the front of the was scorching out,just the way I liked it... "guys I'm gonna stay today.its nice and warm." Everyone just shook their heads and laid down tired from the heat.all exept for Taber.he just sat down next to me.we didn't stare at each other.i knew it was him from his heart beat.i took the time to memorize it. - I began to doze was early in the morning for them,but for me it was night time.i leaned just a little against Taber,only to snap up and walk off to a corner where I wouldn't be so close to him. "he doesn't want you! He doesn't even want to be near you!" a voice in my head mocked.i sighed knowing it was probably right. - Just before I fell asleep I heard a weird was followed by a cry of a bear.i saw a human had just shot a mama grizzly and was about to kill her cubs.i felt so much anger and pity.anger towards the human for taking away those cubs parents luke humans did to me.pity towards the cubs knowing they would probably die,and if they did tgen their childhood would be crud for all its worth.i swooped down and killed the man without mercy.i turned and saw to children (about 14) staring back at me.i didn't care anymore.The humans can suffer this time. - i flew back to the cave close to the brink of insanity.My stones were glowing white.they only did that if I was in predator/pyscho/angry mode.taber came close and was about to say something when I cut him off. "go away or I will kill you..."I said in a deep unnatural voice. - "what's wrong with Alexis?" Taber questioned."ahh,she has the white void."Miya answered."what's that?" "it's when a dragon ,sees something that deeply upsets them and they go into a deep mangled bloodlust.the only way she will get better is if she somehow miraculously happy...good luck." Taber looked at her.she did look like she was going to pounce on something and eat it for dinner.she looked like she was ready to pounce on HIM. "we need to leave the cave for a few days.we can't be near her while she's in this state."Miya finished."we can't do that!"starhorn shouted."wait here I'm going to talk to her."he continued over to Alexis.she bit him in the leg and he was barely able to get free."we need a plan..."Miya trailed off.

 Starhorn licked his wounded leg. His healing magic did not work on himself, only on others. He would have to wait for his wound to heal, and hope it wouldn't become infected.

 Alexis, he thought, I don't want to leave you alone in your cave for so long, but I don't want to be mauled to death, or burned alive, or eaten up either... You almost killed me... What should I do... 

 Maybe you need cheering up... But how do I cheer you up without getting killed? Maybe I could hide somewhere, or go somewhere out of your reach to talk to you... But what the hell am I could I possibly say that would cheer you up when you're in a mood like this?  Or maybe it would be better if Taber spoke to you, since you're clearly in love with him... Taber... He pawed the ground and angrily snorted to himself at the thought of the male dragon.

 But this is not the time to be jeaous, Starhorn. Right now, you have to focus on trying to help Alexis. I guess it's not all up to me, though. I should probably talk to Miya about this... And Taber too, I suppose...

I looked out of the cave. I could hardly keep up with everything that was going on, I think Miya couldn't either. I sighed and looked up at the clouds I wish everyone would just get along. I thought. Miya I guess had fallen asleep and Della was out hunting, or looking for some other giffins. After all this time they had been on the island I hadn't seen another giffin. I flapped my blackish purple wings. My purpleish blue eyes sparkling. My gem my be blue but my power is grass. I looked down at the ground and stopmed, and a vine shot up to me. I took a bite of it. It tasted good almost fruity. 

 Starhorn was still brooding when he saw the other alicorn. But this one was a true alicorn with visible wings. It was a female, an elegant black one with hints of blue and purple in her fur and feathers. Her gem was blue, so Starhorn thought her power must be water, but then she stamped her hoof and to his suprise a vine shot out of the ground. So her power was actually grass. He watched her munch on the vine.

 That's the first alicorn I've seen in years, he thought. Except for myself, I guess, but I'm not pure alicorn. She's beautiful... I wonder if she would be my friend, or possibly even my mate? No, no, what are you thinking Starhorn?! It's too risky... If I tried to talk to her, I'd probably just screw up, then I'd feel horrible... I'd better just get out of here, before she notices me...

 He turned to leave, but it was too late. He heard the female alicorn's musical voice, and stopped dead in his tracks.

 "Hello? Are you that alicorn named Starhorn Miya told me about?" 

  He slowly turned to face the other alicorn. To his great alarm she was right behind him. He was face to face with the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. His heart was pounding like mad. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He was too scared to speak. Too scared to move. To scared to do anything.

Oh god, I must look like a total idiot to her, he thought. I probably blew it already...

But of course he was unable to do a thing about that.

I noticed he didn't move "Are you ok?" I asked to see if he could speak I guess I shocked him. I have that effect on many creatures. I smiled trying to get a reaction but I got nothing. I know! I stopmed my hoof and made a small tree grow. It quickly grew a few apples I ate one, then pushed over the small tree and offered him one. If he doesn't take hes frozen and I guess I'll go back to the cave. Umm I'll just wait and see. I waited for a little while to see if he would take an apple.
Taber was laughing like a fool inside the alicorn was frozen in place making a fool of himself in front of Dary. The  only sound heard was breathing so he did the only thing he could do inn this situation  he roar into starhorns ear causing him to panick the only sound in the cave was starhorns scared breathing and Tabers booming laugh which was echoing in the cave. Taber may have been healed by this guy but man did feel good to  bait him. Then Taber looked to the side of himself nd noticed Dary shooting Daggers at him "Sorry Dary, Starhorn" Taber muttered and left as quick as he could go.
Alexis stomped around the cave,Leaving little dents in the walls.she scorched almost everything... Her mind was a haze.she couldn't focus...all she wanted to do was kill and destroy.she wanted to get rid of all the humans.she flew off with a plan in mind. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> She landed on her volcano,just on the ridge.she roared something that sounded like it came out godzillas mouth.she lifted her wings,stones glowing bright red.she lifted her tail and stomped.first the volcano rumbled,then it began to overflow,next it irrupted.but not fully,it would take just a little time before it could do any real damage.but before the volcano could reach its peak she heard something roar "stop!" then taber tackled her and they tumbled down the cliff.they were biting and snarling,scratching clawing! But all of a sudden tabers tail came flying at her head and she heard a "thump!" <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> "oh god..."was all he said.he hit her so hard she was passed out bleeding from her head.
I jumped hear the volcano, I let go of the tree and it snapped back and hit me right in the face. I lowered my head in silent pain, and dropped my wings the end feathers touching the ground. I lay down and covered my head with my wings. The tree hurt more then I thought it would, but that didn't matter I might have a concussion or worse. I tried to stand up but fell landing on my wing. Great now I have two wounds, thats smart Dary. I lay there may left wing acking my head throbbing and I could hardly move.
Luna heard the rumble and got her younger siblings up the mountain where they'd be safe. Her brothers had told her stories about erupting volcanoes. Luna smelled others on the wind but unlike most dragons she didn't go to investigate. A male besides her father a few females and other magical creatures. Luna didn't prey on unicorns or alicorn unless they were sick or very old. She liked her clean water and liked her prey plump. Another male dragon's scent made her uneasy, the dragon was dead Not from old age sickness or starvation, he'd been slaughtered. Luna hid the little ones well and turned invisible herself. She was scared of the death she was smelling.
I looked at the chaos that was life, but now it was death for some. I flapped my wings and took off to the forest and slowly came out at the other end where the humans camp was. My gem glowing rainbow colors. I stepped lightly trying not to be seen, for I was the last griffin, or so I thought I looked around the camp to see a griffin locked in a cage. No way! I thought, the humans had a whole zoo of mythical creatures. Such sick beings. I took off back towards the cave to tell Miya what I had seen.

Luna's parents picked up her siblings and her younger fully grown sister was at Luna's lair. Luna's sister Crimson was larger than her, rich crimson and gold taking the place of Luna's dark blue and silver. Instead of moonstones and silvery eyes Crimson had golden amber gems and golden eyes, other than that the sisters were identical. Crimson looked worried and Luna said "You smell it too. We don't even know what the humans want, but they're destroying our home." Crimson went from worried to angry and growled "I know. I say we fight. Sisters working as a team are hard to beat." Luna shook her head, "The best I can do is spy and you know that. I don't understand humans so spying will do no good. They can kill us. We can breed the next generation of fighters if there were males around. We need a sire at least if not a father for chicks." Crimson growled softly she knew Luna wasn't a fighter at best she was a breeder or a scout. "Luna I can fight I can make them burn from a distance. You can provide for both of us and scout ahead." Luna shook her head, "Go ahead and fight it will take more than one group to deal with the humans.You can keep a team together I'm going to the larger group who will need my help more." With that Luna flew off low and invisible.

Starhorn's ears were still ringing from Taber's roar, and he was thinking dark thoughts about the dragon when there was a loud roar from the direction of the volcanp. It was startled both the alicorns, and the female Alicorn let go of the tree and it snapped back and hit her in the face. She cringed, and slowly lay down, tucking her head under her wing.

"Oh! Are you alright?" Starhorn said.

"No..." she replied. She tried to stand up again, but fell on her left wing. There was a sickening crunch, like a delicate wing-bone breaking. She moaned with pain, and lay motionless.

"Don't worry, I'll heal you" Starhorn said. He stepped forward to touch the other Alicorn's face with his horn, but then pain shot through his leg, and with a cry of pain he crumpled to the ground. He had forgotten he was wounded, too.

"Oh, you're hurt too?" she said, "Don't worry, I'll heal you while you heal me."

So they touched each other with their horns, and within moments their wounds vanished. Then they both rose to their feet.

"Thank you," she said.

"Thank you too," Starhorn replied. "By the way, what's your name?"

"Dary," said Dary.

"Dary..." Starhorn echoed. Wow, what a beautiful name, he thought.

Just then, they heard more dragon roars coming from the direction of the volcano.

"Is that Alexis and Taber's roars?!" cried Starhorn.

"Something's wrong!" said Dary. "Quick, let's go!"

The two Alicorns spread their wings and flew as fast as they could toward the volcano.

Luna flew over the humans noticing the zoo but hid her disgust. She'd figure something out after dark and some rest. Luna's powers were stronger at night especially on the full moon. Besides the humans were diurnal if Luna's brother was right. The other dragon at the volcano was angry about something. Luna changed her mind about the zoo rather than dealing with the volcanic dragon's temper. Humans swarmed the place with their young. They were observing the creatures they'd caught. Little ones yammering yelling and making noise. Luna felt none of the joy chicks of her own kind brought her just anger and pity. Luna's sister could have obliterated them so easily with a fireball from her gems and left nothing but ash and melted metal. Heck Luna could have slaughtered them easily where they stood. Her tail tip was twitching and she wondered what the humans tasted like. Were they good to eat or were they as toxic as they made the water? Luna would need a unicorn or an alicorn to find out. She did not plan to poison herself to find out. If they were good she'd make a change of diet and hunt them for food. If not she'd get rid of them anyways.

Gem Dragons
The dragons Island.An island filled with creatures from myth and fantasy.
A mythical creature RP.They are called gem dragons because they have gems in their shoulders and tails. Their gems give them element powers.The dragons have to defend their home from the humans trying to take it from them. People setting the forest a blaze, shooting down dragons, and poisoning their waters.Some humans want to help the dragons but the dragons don't completely trust them.
The land used to be full of life where dragons and other animals lived peacefully. Until the humans came and tried to take it but the dragons won't go down with out a fight.

1:No powerplaying

2:Be nice

3:You can be a dragons or another creature trying to help the dragons.

4:You can have four charters

5:Have fun

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Ninetailed fox
stray dog
Tame dog
Water horse

Second RP Master
Dark-Little-Darkling (#18388)

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