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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Alexis flapped with her sleek red and black wings.she could hear the wings of a large dragon behind her.she turned and saw Taber.a chain on him was glowing. "cool!" she thought to herself. She barked her hello.he do the same,but it was much deeper.she flew in a little closer to him."where's your lair?"she barked.he motioned towards so large rocks,under a huge mountain.she used to play there when she was little.she wondered why she never saw him before... "Where are you at?"he barked back."volcano,to the left of your mountain."she pointed towards the big *still active* volcano. "we arent that far apart!"she said happily. "hey,let's meet up in the middle on that ridge! Then we can fly back together."he added. "sounds like a plan!"she replied smiling. - Back in her lair,wich was in the core of the volcano where the rocks form a platform.the lava kept her at the right tempature.alexis has fallen out tge sky many times because she was in the rain,or outside in the cold. - She climbed to the ridge of the volcano and looked over towards tabers mountain.she knew that he probably wasn't looking back.but she kept looking anyway. - She turned her attention to the right,some humans had killed and skinned a was awful to look at.they had somehow gotten their hands on a weapon powerful enough to take down a dragon. - She went to the core of the volcano and stirred the lava in the middle.making the volcano rumble loudly.she when to see if the humans were still there,only to see them running away with strange circle-like leafs above their heads.she looked up only to see little droplets falling onto her wings. (not good...) so she was stranded on the ridge.she couldn't just jump down into the volcano,she would surely break a bone.

Starhorn stood on the edge of a cliff overlooking a village. He watched all the humans milling about, working on their farms. He angrily pawed the ground and tossed his head with a loud snort. Stupid humans, he thought. Such vile creatures, I'll kill them all.

 Once, all this had been forest. He had been born in that forest, and lived there with his mother until that terrible day the humans came. They burned down the forest and shot all the magical creatures in sight. His mother was killed. Starhorn was wounded, but survived. His heart was broken, though. He was still little more than a foal when he lost his home and his mother, and he had been alone ever since, constantly fleeing from the humans' destruction.

 But now that he was older, his heart was cold and bitter and full of anger, for he was tired of running and hiding from the humans. He was sick of passively watching the humans destroy his home and murder his fellow mythical creatures. Other creatures were fighting the humans. He would too. So he did. Whenever he saw humans, he would charge at them and stab them to death with his horn, and stomp them with his hooves. He had killed so many his horn, hooves, and silky white fur was heavily blood-stained. He often got shot at and badly injured in the process, and often got almost-fatal wounds, but he didn't care. He would fight to the death, if necassary.

 Even if he did get killed, it didn't matter. There were other mythical beasts fighting, he was just one warrior in an army of a thousand. Besides, he had no friends or family. No one would miss him. Sometimes he felt a little sad and lonely inside, but he was used to that.  And he had no time to wallow in self-pity, he had to focus on fighting the humans.

"Miya I'm going to go for a fly, I can breath better when it's raining." Miya nodded the okay to me. and I jumped out of the cave, feeling the wind on my face, I flapped my wings getting speed then pulled out my wings just before I hit the ground to glide over quickly.Then flew up back into the sky. I might not be able to breath very well, but I can fly great. I landed in the wet grass it felt cold on my legs. Then I realized this was clean water. I smiled then took off into the sky, spinning in the rain water spiraling around me. I looked at the mountains far above the cave cliff. I flew off to the mountains to see what I could find. 
Alexis sat soaked from the rain.she couldn't fly,her wings were wet.she couldn't breathe any fire,her core tempature was too low.she was defenseless...if her tempature dropped anymore,she might not live much longer - She sat pouting."I thought I told them about the volcano signal!"she said bitterly.she was waiting on a ledge freezing to death,and no one showed up yet! Not even Taber... She felt a little sad inside knowing Taber didn't come...she thought he trusted her...but then she only knew him for 1 day.she was already attached to him.she shook it off,he probably didn't feel the same way about her... - All she could do was sit and wait.for her friends to come,or the storm to stop.or freeze to death...
Taber let out a sigh a dug his talons in the dirt and flapped his fings. Soon he was off the ground it didn't matter that the wind was bringing him down he still had the strength to keep on gowig and the speed to puch on. Just then Taber seen her  Alezis a small huddled ball on the ledge. Taber felt his eyes close he had forgot about the signal his thoughts had been somewhere else. He swopped low "Im here " Taber said. He huddled close to her she ws frezzing. Ill give you a lift he said and lifted her she may be a dragon but he was really strong and he flew to Miyas cave really fast and put Alexis down "Dont do that again"he told her and he knew he was being harsh but he couldn't let himself get close to anyone again. Taber went inside "Where is Miya"he said
All she could remember was feeling cold on the ledge.she remembered those horrible humans and the poor unlucky dragon.then she was picked up by...who was it? It was Taber! She remembered now! He came back for her.she was so happy he came back.he scolded her but she was still grinning in her spot.he went off to talk to Miya. - It was still cold in the cave,but she could manage.she was just shivering now,it wasn't like when she was frozen to the spot. - Alexis quickly remembered she had news to tell.she needed to get hold of miya and tell her what happened! She tried to walk over but her legs gave way and she plopped back down on the floor.obivously she would need Miya to come to her...

 Starhorn dipped his horn into the poisoned water. Other animals had come running and gathered around, like they always did when a unicorn or alicorn came to purify the water. But they kept a safe distance away, for they knew this particular unicorn was very bad-tempered and aggressive. 

 Starhorn's horn glowed. Then the water glowed. His horn's magic made the poison disapear. Temporarily. The unicorn stallion lowered his head and thirstily gulped down water. The other animals waited until he had finished and started to trot away before they came out of hiding and drank too. For now, the water was safe to drink. But soon it would be poisoned again by the human's polluting ways. Everyday, Starhorn did laps around the island and purified each polluted river and pond. And at the end of the day he went down to the beach and purified the waters of the ocean around the island, which used up all his horn's power and drained all his energy. He would often collapse at the water's edge, unconcious, when he was done.

 And the very next day, all the water was poisoned again.

 It was just another reason why he hated humans.


 He was still brooding about humans and how horrible they were when he heard the thunderous, ground-shaking roar of a dragon roar nearby. It was a roar of sorrow and fear and pain... His instincts screamed at him to run. Dragons were predators of unicorns and alicorns. Dragons liked eating unicorns and alicorns, their magic blood was good for the dragon's own magic blood, and besides, they simply found unicorns and alicorns tasty. A unicorn could stab a dragon on the ground, or leap up to stab one that flew too low, and an alicorn could fly up to stab a dragon, but dragon's had fire, so they always had the advantage.

 This dragon sounded like it was in trouble, though, and Starhorn couldn't help feeling sorry for it... He headed toward the sound... It was coming from the top of a cliff...

 Then he saw the dragon. A female, jet black with glowing red eyes, feathered wings and ruby jems on her back that looked like tiger stripes. She was staring straight at him. And although she was clearly too weak to move, she could still blast Starhorn with her fiery breath and kill him.

 "Um... Hello..." said Starhorn, "Can I help you?"

 Maybe I can heal her, thought Starhorn. But what if she just eats me? Well, so far I haven't been fried, so maybe she'll let me... Of course, she might just wait until I'm done healing her and eat me afterwords... But she's a fellow mythical beast fighting the humans, so I should help her anyway...

 "You're probably hungry, but if you're going to eat me, do it after I heal you," he said to her.

 He cautiously trotted up to the dragon, who was watching him careful. Eyeing the predator nervously, he lowered his head (Now you're exposing the back of your neck to her, you idiot...) and touched her foreleg with his horn.

His horn glowed as he began healing the dragon.


Alexis sat in the cave trying to remember tge rest of what happened on the ledge.she knew that there was something else.she should be dead right now.her core was so cold her ruby stones went dark,meaning she was either severly ill,or close to the end... She thought back further.she saw a white thing coming close to her.her vision was blurry from the rain and poked her (probably a unicorn) Then Taber roared to her and it FLEW off. (pegasus) but it can't be both... "alicorn" she whispered to herself. - "hey Miya I'm going out to fly,get my muscles working again" Miya looked at her and Taber came stomping towards her. " are you crazy!" he yelled "you almost DIED and you want to go outside again like it was nothing! How stupid could you be!" she sat there staring into his eyes.he instantly realized what he said and began to move forward. "I'm sorr-" was he got to say before Alexis turned and flashed the stones on her back.he got the sorry doesn't cut it. He tried to nudge her on the shoulder.she slowly turned towards him with glowing red eyes.her pupils weren't even showing anymore,it was just a blaze of red.her chest rose with a deep breath and she blew out a swirl of black fire.its didn't touch him but it came was a warning. - Her stones color faded to almost nothing and so did her eyes .she dropped her tail for it to fall behind her,her head low.she walked to the entrance of the cave and spread her wings.tears cascaded down her face,making a little puddle at her feet.she lifted her wings and left.
Alexis was flying blind crashing into trees and getting herself all roughed up.she landed in a clearing and thought. - She wondered what Taber would do after this.she was about to blast him to a crisp.he probably hated her now and thought she was stupid.she felt so heartbroken.but she realized that he wouldn't feel the same way at all,he probably didn't care about her anymore. - She was letting her tears fall down her about when she heard wings flapping in the distance.she saw a white alicorn. "delicious" she thought.she tensed her muscles and crawled silently towards the unsuspecting creature. She pounced on him in a instant,about to bite down its neck and end it's life,she stopped and realized who it was. "this is the thanks I get for saving you!" he yelled.she got off and let him up. "I'm starhorn

 Starhorn had just finished healing the dragon when he heard the roar of another dragon. Whirling around, he saw a big black male dragon with green eyes, green gems and massive muscles. He knew if he went back the way he came he would be caught, or blasted by fire. So without thinking, he leaped right off of the cliff.

 Starhorn, why are you being such an idiot today?! he thought as he sailed into the air. Leaping off a cliff to escape jaws of death, only to fall to your death... This is the last mistake you'll ever make...

 He squeezed his eyes shut and waited to plummet and smash onto the rocks far below.

But he didn't. Instead he kept sailing upwards.

He opened his eyes and realized he was flying.

I'm flying?! But I'm a unicorn, not an alicorn... Only Alicorns have wings... And I'm no Alicorn... Am I? Well, I might as well enjoy it...

 As  he flew on, he heard the dragons snarling at each other. He looked over his shoulder and saw them up on the cliff. He was too far away to tell what they were saying, but the male dragon seemed to be saying something angry to the female dragon, then the female dragon turned her back. The male said something else - this time it sounded apologetic - but the female dragon ignored him. So the male dragon flew away. Fortunately,away from Starhorn. The female dragon sat there for a few more minutes, her head drooping sadly. Then she spread her wings and took flight too.

 She was flying towards Starhorn.

 Starhorn was so busy staring over his shoulder, he crashed into a tree and fell to the ground.

 For a moment he just lay there, dazed. Then he sprang back to his feet and sailed back into the air.

 He hadn't even noticed that the dragon had landed nearby, and was stalking toward him. He didn't notice until she pounced on him. She was about to sink her teeth into his neck, but she stopped.

 She recognizes me! he thought. But only after grabbing me and almost eating me...

 "Is this the thanks I get for saving your life?!" he shouted. 

 "Oh... I'm sorry..." the dragon said.

 "I'm Starhorn."

 "I'm Alexis."

 Alexis looked closely at Starhorn. "Wait a second, I thought you were an Alicorn... Where are your wings?"

"Huh? Wings? I don't have any, I'm just an ordinary unicorn... I don't know how I was flying, I didn't even know I could until today..."

Just then, the clouds parted and a bright beam of sunlight shone on Starhorn.

"Oh wait! You do have wings! I guess they're only visible in bright sunlight," Alexis said.

"Huh?" said Starhorn. He peeked over his shoulder and to his amazement, there was a huge pair of wings, transluscent and glittering in the sunlight. "Oh my god..."

Alexis laughed at the alicorn.he was still getting over the "I'm a alicorn" moment.'P When starhorn got over his shock he stood up and began to walk towards a stream.he dipped his horn in and purified the water. "that's amazing!"she said."Miya could use you!"she added. "who is Miya?" "she has a group of creatures coming together to get rid of humans." at that he seemed Interested.he stood still,thinking it over. "hey did you hear that?!?" Alexis was a faint rustle in the woods. "yeah what is it?" "humans..." she silently padded off with starhorn.they were about to fly off she. A arrow went flying at starhorn.just before it hit,Alexis jumped out and took the arrow.she felt the pain but it wasn't too bad.she raised a paw and stomped down.the whole area set ablaze in a black died down and the humans were gone.a little sad that the forest was burned her ears drooped.but starhorn was already taking off.she led him to the cave and sat down in the very front. "i belive starhorn would be useful and loyal to you Miya."she said.everyone just looked at her shocked in disbelief. "your hurt!"Della called out "shouldnt the unicorn have healed you?" "I can't when the arrow is still in..."starhorn said. Alexis didnt look at anyone.she stood on the ledge about to take off.she lifted her wings only to have a sharp pain in her wing joint cause her to fall down. "oh great I'm stuck now!how come this didn't happen before!"she growled out "your wings have stiffened.your not going anywhere until that arrow is out." "well your not touching it!"she barked back.she heard Miya talk to starhorn.della was talking to dary.and taber was sitting by her.though he was 10 feet away afraid of being scorched.she wanted to apologize but just couldn't...
Taber sat near th cave wall his trust for the alicorn was limited. He tried to stay away from Alexis but not becuase of her heat he could handle getting burned. Taber stood away because he didn't want to get close to anyone. Just then Taber stared Starhorn looked at Taber there was something in his eyes that made Tabers temper Flare. Taber let out a low growl  everyone looked at him "What are you staring at" he hissed . With that he walked out of the cave and flew to a ledge and let out the loudest roar he had ever heard then he felt steam coming from his mouth and nose fire worked its way up his throat. Then he took off full speed and flapped as hard as he could he needed to vent his anger out on something.
Alexis looked out at Taber having his temper was hilarious...she looked down on the scene of the forest.birds,trees,humans...Wait! HUMANS! "Taber!" she called out."guys there are humans in the forest!taber is in trouble!"Miya moved as fast as she could but her wing held her back.alexis knew it would be awhile before she got there.starhorn stood not wanting to help,for unknown she did the only thing she could do.she ripped the arrow out her wing and flew off at top speed. - When she got to the scene all she saw was blood,fire,and arrows everywhere.she heard a roar and ran towards it.only to find Taber had finished off the last of the humans. "why are you here!"he roared."you were in trouble!"she barked back."I don't need your help!"he replied "oh really then what's that!"she pointed to his side were a large gash was."you big lazy butt, you didn't even clean it."she stared at the dirt collecting on the wound.they stood still for a moment,staring at each other with unspoken words. "I'm sorry..."Alexis finally said. "what?" "I said I'm sorry Taber.i shouldn't have stormed off it was stupid,I almost took my anger out on you..." She let her wings droop and head head went down like her tail.she knew it wouldnt matter,he still wouldn't care about her matter how much she apologized.she licked his shoulder where the wound was and walked off. - She sat on the ledge between her and tabers mountain.she laid her head down and quietly sobbed.she loved him,he didn't love her...

Gem Dragons
The dragons Island.An island filled with creatures from myth and fantasy.
A mythical creature RP.They are called gem dragons because they have gems in their shoulders and tails. Their gems give them element powers.The dragons have to defend their home from the humans trying to take it from them. People setting the forest a blaze, shooting down dragons, and poisoning their waters.Some humans want to help the dragons but the dragons don't completely trust them.
The land used to be full of life where dragons and other animals lived peacefully. Until the humans came and tried to take it but the dragons won't go down with out a fight.

1:No powerplaying

2:Be nice

3:You can be a dragons or another creature trying to help the dragons.

4:You can have four charters

5:Have fun

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Ninetailed fox
stray dog
Tame dog
Water horse

Second RP Master
Dark-Little-Darkling (#18388)

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