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Raziels eyes were glowing a bright green...his eyes hadnt shone like that since the day he killed mendles family....

" was you..."Raziel said pushing himself against the tree.

"You were their father...i-i-i-i killed your family..."Raziel was frieghtend...but he was also confused as to why mendle hadnt just shot him when he fainted.

Raziel stared at mendle.

"I killed your family...why didnt you just shoot me in the head when you had th echance?"Raziel was obviously confused by this nad he felt like just  climbing the tree adn staying there until the undeads left.

Raziels hand touched the stream and the cool flowing water seemed to calm him...

"I don't fight for revenge. Revenge is wrong and pointless. It only leads to more uneccesary violence. I hated the fact you killed my family, but if I killed you that would make me no better. I only fight for defense and survival." Mendle spoke calmly trying his best not to sound upset or angry.

Zuro continued to look through the forest. Searching alone seemed pointless. He slithered his way through thorned bushes and mud. He came to a stream, when be saw Mendle he slithered into a bush. He had no idea what Mendle was doing, he focused on Raziel who seemed a bit confused. If Mendle dare try to hurt Raziel he'd stab him in the heart, but Mendle showed no sign of hostility.

Raziel looked down as his eyes glew a more intense green.


"I only kill for my fellow last...thats the only reason i kill anymore..."Raziellooked at the center of his right had the mark of shame cut into it.

"This was carved into my paw the day of the killings...ever since then ive hunted you down with my bond-brother zuro...why....why must you undeads take out land?"

Raziel didnt really care why...he just wanted to go home...he just wanted to go the cave by the stream with the trees all around...his home...the only place he felt he was safe...but his home was since destroyed by the undeads...that was why he hated them so....he did not hate zombies...they did nothing to him...but the vampires...they did it...

Hannah grabbed a bottle of water out her bag to wash her mouth."Ugh....i still have his hair in my mouth......yuck........when is the last time he showered?!' Eliot looked up in surprise' You bited his neck?' Hannah nodded' Yeah, but his blood was really gross....i can't believe you like drinking blood' Eliot smiled proudly. Then he looked around, he saw 2 figures: Raziel and MENDLE!! His heart stopped for a moment' Mendle was still alive? and what is he doing by Raziel?' Eliot was confused.' I wish Mendle was still alive' Hannah said signing.' He is alive ' Eliot said. Hannah looked surprised, Eliot pointed to the 2 figures and said ' He is talking to Raziel'

Raziel rubbed his head.

"Oh my god the voices just wont stop..."

Raziel tried to  get up but the voices were just too much and he fell back down to his knees holding hi  head.

"Please stop..please stop..."a tear broke through raziels eye and the voices finaly subisided but he knew they would be back and he stared at the ground for a moment then looked up and leaned against the tree while he was sitting down and he looked at mendle and the yougn ones and looked back down and another tear fell onto raziels leg.

" killed my..."Raziels voice trailed off and he couldnt breathe right...he knew then that his feelngs were returning...

'What is Mendle doing by Raziel, why is he standing there so calm?' These questions flew around in Eliot's head.' What is Mendle doing?' Hannah asked.' Eliot strugged.'Then i'll go and ask' Hannah said and walked to Raziel and Mendle carefully.

Raziels tears continued to fall remmebering how the vampires had killed his family...all he wanted was to avenge them..but all it did was take away his ability to feel and put those voices into his head...he looked to his right at the stream and noticed that it looked awfuly familiar...

"I..I think i know this place..."Raziel said and staggered to his feet and looked around...he regognized this place...the trees...the stream...he looked to his left and he saw a cave...not just any cave...his cave...his old home...


"Oh god..."Raziel said and fell to his knees.

"I used to live here..."Razielstaggered to his feet again and walked t othe cave and ran his paw across the childhood paintings he and his family had done and he fell again when he reached the painting the day his family had been killed and his eyes just filled with tears.


Hannah looked shocked at the crying Raziel, Eliot looked up suprised and frowned. Hannah had heard what Raziel had said.' Y-you lived here?' She asked soflty almost whispering.She was just beaten from the field by what she had heard. She repeated her question' You lived here Raziel?'

Raziel looked at  the vampires

"Yes...i was where my family and i lived...before...before..."Raziels voice trailed off...

"Before the vampires came and killed my family and light this place a-flame..."Raziel did nt clench his fist...he just looked back at the drawing and cried even more...

" did they take you?you did nothing to them..."Raziel whimpered and cried more and more...

" back to me please...i love you all...come back please..."Raziel sat there and cried reliveing that day in his mind where the vampires came to their home and killed his whole family...he swore on that day...that he would find the one responsible...and kill him...

Mendle looked at the cave, he couldn't believe that vampires had done this terrible deed. It almost made him cry to see this. "Every fight, every war between the undead and morphs are done behind my back. Whoever did this was sick. But revenge would make you no better than whoever did this." Mendle couldn't stand to see this tragedy. "Revenge and war is sick."

Shelese was happy she was reunited with her father. Grental told her to stay where she was and that he'd be back shortly. Grental saw Raziel, and the cave. "Vampires... Vampires did this? How... How long ago did this happen? I c-can't believe that... That a vampire would do such a thing. Nowadays most vampires live in hiding and avoid all the war they can. I can't imagine that a... Vampire would do... THIS." Grental looked at the cave in disbelief. "See it's vampires like this that make others look bad. This is not right."

Raziels eyes turned to a dark blood red adn he stood up tears still rolling out of his eyes.

"it happened when i was but a pup....."Raziel was clenching his fists as the voices in his head then got louder than ever and raziel punched his fist into the wall and caved in the part where he punched.

"They should not of done this...ill find the vampires that did this...and ill shove their heads onto stakes..."Raziel was growling and had his mouth open and his teeth bareing.

Raziel was still crying  and his fist was bleeding.

"They will alll pay!"Raziel yelled and turned and saw zuro.

Mendle looked sorrowfully at the cave walls. "Tell me... what did the vampires who did this look like? I may be able to find them for you." Mendle knew every vampire in existence by heart. If Raziel could remember what they looked like, Mendle would be able to find the vampires. "But know, I am against revenge. I can't let you attack them unless they attack you. I can only let you kill the vampires who've done this if they attack you." Mendle knew for a fact he did not do this terrible deed. He never had done anything like this.

Zuro slithered up to Raziel, Zuro could tell that that Raziel was very upset. "The vampires that did this must've been very sick and cruel. If you want I'll help you find them, and kill them."

Raziel tears had started to stop because of the help.

Raziel looked at zuro and hugged him.

"Thank you mendle and thank you zuro...the vampires...they were dressed in black...they had a mark on their shoulders..."Raziel picked up a stick and drew the mark in the dirt.

"Can you find them mendle?"Raziel asked and wiped his face and rubbed his fist  that was sore and bleeding.

Raziel looked at the young vampires and punchu.

"I am sorry for killing mendle....twice..."Raziel was truly sorry...he was just defending his fellow morhps lands...

Raziel leaned against the rock walls ofthe cave and sat down.

"I still dont belive why the ywould have done this..."

Mendle looked at the symbol with anger. "Yes I know them all to well. They live just West of here. They never like to listen to what I say. They kill as much morphs as they can and steal as much land as they cam. Wait here, I'll be back." Mendel turned into a bat and flew out of the cave. He flew West to find a small group of vampires. Mendel turned into his vampire form. "Hello. I see you still haven't listened to my warnings. Why are you still doing the terrible things you do?" One of the vampires in the group began talking. "It's undead like you that are going to die out first." Mendle turned back into a bat. "I will see to it that you stop your ways, or die." Mendel flew back to the cave. "Raziel these ones have done this to many morphs. For the protection of others you can kill them."

Raziel nodded thne shifted into wolf form and ran to the vampires.

"I belive you have taken something from me..."Raziel said and stepped forth  and the vampires regognized him.

"YOU!"one vampire said and raziel nodded

"We thought we killed your whoel family..."Another vampire said.

"All but one.."Raziel said and lunged at the mwith 2 wooden stakes.

"YOU WILL DIE FOR KILLING MY FAMILY!!!"Raziel yelled in anger adn slaughtered the whole group.

"Theyre dead..."Raziel said and dropped to his knees and howled at the moon as loud as he could.

"yes,,,"zuro said.

Raziel  howled and howled and whe nhe finished e was smileing.

" in peace now..."...Raziel said and he stood up

Undead and Morphs
The world they live in is the setting, it is very similar to earth, only without humans.

Undead and half humans live in a world with no humans but earth animals do live on their planet. The undead and morphs (Half human creatures) do not like sharing their land. Some will fight, others will not. It's your choice.


1. Vampire- A type of undead that really bite. These are a type of undead.


They do not age for they are immortal.

They can only be killed by water, stake, and sunlight.

They feel no pain.

They can hypnotize.

They can turn into a bat, sometimes wolf.

Super human strength.

They can control nocturnal animals and lesser undead.


When in running water they 'die'. But if their bodies are pulled out they are brought to 'life'.

Wolfsbane, Roses, and Garlic keep vampires away.

When exposed to sunlight they randomly burst into flames and/or turn to dust.

They can't cross running water.

A wooden stake through the heart kills them.

When within 20ft. of garlic they can't turn into a bat.

No reflection, shadow, and not seen in photograph.

They have to drink blood.

2. Zombie- The living corpse of a human. They are a type of undead.


They are stronger than the average human.

They never get tired.

They never sleep.

They require no air to breath.

They can't feel pain.

They are immune to drugs, poisons, gases, extremes of temperature and pressure, high voltage electricity, suffocation, and drowning.

They feel no fear.

You can decapitate them but the head will still 'live'.


They are slow.

They have difficulty doing simple tasks such as opening a door, opening a jar, etc.

The ONLY way to kill a zombie is destroying their brains. Cutting off their heads isn't enough because the brain would still be in tact.

3. Lich- A skeleton with magical powers. They are a type of undead.

4. Lycan- Like werewolves except they can control their transformations. They are a type of Morph.


The ability to turn into a wolf.

The senses are very advanced in wolf form.

In wolf form they're stronger.

Immune against aging.

They heal faster in wolf form.


They can be killed by any death caused injury to the heart or brain.

Silver bullets.

Rye, mistletoe, and wolf's bane keep werewolves away.

They can be killed normally in human form.

5. Dragonoid- A dragon man. They are a type of Morph.


Very few can fly.

They are stronger than a bull.

They have great sight and hearing.

They are very good at the use of weapons.

They are part dragon, they have sharp teeth and horns.

There are a few that can breath fire.

Hard tough scales protect most of their body.


They are sensitive to low temperatures.

They can't swim.

They aren't good diggers.

Their neck and stomach are weak spots.

6. Naga- They are a snake man. They are a type of morph.


The three oldest Nagas in existence are immortal.

The wisest of their group can use water magic.

The Nagas that aren't immortal and don't know magic are good with weapons.

They are good swimmers.


The ones that aren't immortal can be easily killed with any weapon.

Their one and only true natural enemy is the Garuda.


-Keep it PG-13

-Characters can be in love, but no further than that

-You must have permission by the character maker to kill that character

-No perfect character

-View OOC before posting

-6 character max

-Have Fun!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Ninja of Destiny (#283)

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