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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

To Mendle everything was a blur, he saw that Raziel had killed the Lich warlords daughter, he realized that she was the one that had revived him. He looked at Raziel, his eyes glowing red. He grab grabbed his guns which were still loaded with silver bullets, and put them in their cases. He walked over to Raziel, his eyes still glowing red. "Raziel do you realized that you have killed the warlord of all Liches? He is going to try and destroy you now. I will only attack for survival, not for revenge." Mendle looked sorrowfully at the pile of bone dust that used to be Shilese.

Zuro slithered in Mendle's direction with a wooden stake. Mendle grabbed Zuro's shoulder and looked deep into his eyes, hypnotizing Zuro. "Drop the stake and back off." Zuro did as Mendle said.

Raziel whipped around and knocked the guns away and knocked mendle to the ground and grabbed the stake adn shoved it to mendles chest

"I am not afraid of a bunch of bones mendle..."

Mendlegripped the stake adn tried to prevent it from pierceing his chest but raziel constricted mendle ith his magic and casued seering pains to searge through his body adn the stake slowly moved closer and closer to mendles chest.

it wouldnt be long now.....

"Zuro...keep the yougn ones in check."

"yes raziel."Zuro slithered over to the yougn vampires and made sure they didnt try anything.

"You wont survive any longer VAMPIRE!!"

Raziel yelled and forced the stake deep into mndles chest adn pierced his heart.

"Sleep now vampire...sleep...."

Hannah looked with increased disgust at Raziel and tears rolled down her cheeks. Eliot gasped for breath and shouted at the top of his longs:' YOU FILTY HAIRBALL!!'  Hannah hides behind Eliot crying. Eliot shouted again' YOU DON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!1'

Raziel ragged mendles lifeless body to the side of the cliff and held him up by the neck with one hand..."I already have..."Raziel smiled at mendles body and tossed it over the side of the cliff and walked back over to the young vampires with a smile on his face.

Raziel chuckled and held the stake in his hand.

"The last original vampire...gone forever..."Raziel said happily.

"Im a hero among among morphs...hated among uhhh whatever the heck you are..."

Raziel laughed and he and zuro headed back to the mountain

"We did good zuro..we did good..."Raziel said happily and he still held the stake covered in mendles blood.

Mendle's body fell to the base of the cliff. Rats were sniffing around, they didn't dare touch his body. There was a Lich walking. It was Shilese father. "Why do the Morphs torture the vampire king so? He doesn't deserve this treatment. He is more merciful to the Morphs than any other undead could be. But maybe... That's not enough for the Morphs to spare his life." Grental cast a spell reviving Mendel. Mendel looked weakly up to the Lich warlord. "Thank you... My friend." Grental cast a spell that returned Mendel's strength. "Your welcome. Is it true? Did they actually kill my... my daughter?" Mendel looked up in great pain. "Yes. But please don't harm these Morphs. You know they have plenty of reason to hate us."

Punchu looked with great pain at the spot where Raziel killed Mendel. "You all are heartless creeps!!!" Punchu spoke his first sentence without messing up. He felt a great sadness wreak in his heart.

Raziel stopped in his tracks and looked at punchu.

"I  have no reason to fight yuo have done nothing to offend me."

Raziel said and kept walking away trying to ignore the fact that punchu had just made a perfect sentence  and tried to resist th urge to compliment him.

"Punshu...congratulations...youve made a perfect sentence..."Raziel said and kept walking with zuro back  t o the mountains and they arrived and said that they had tossed mendles body over the cliff adn that he should not be able to return now and that he had also killed the lych lords daughter.

"That is right everyone...she is dead..."Raziel said.... 

Hannah was crying and Eliot was sulking in a corner.' I-i-i can't b-believe they k-k illed Mendle' Hannah said shivering. Eliot looked depressed at her and said' They will not get away with this, i swear i will take revenge' And he stood up. Hannah stopped him' DON'T.......Maybe they'll kill you to.....' Eliot angrily kicked a stone and mumbled. Hannah Looked at Punchu' Punchu are you alright?'

Raziel sat in a chair and stared at the floor and thoght for a while and when he finnaly looked u phe found zuro looking at him.

"Are you ok brother?"zuro asked concerned.

"Yeah im fine brother..."Raziel knew that the voices in his head had grown louder...he could ignore the voices but if he did then they would just get worse and worse...the ydidnt bother him t all..."Zuro...can you go down the cliff and see where mendle landed please?"

"Sure brother..."Zuro said and slithered on his way to the botom of the cliff  and razie lsat outside stareing out and watching the scenery and he mainly stared at where the yougn ones were....

"Yes I'm alright. They are all cruel freaks. The undead only attack Morphs for survival and defense!!! Why don't they see that those cruel unforgiving beasts?!?!" Punchu was furious, he felt like ripping himself appart. His instincts told him to go and destroy them, but his heart told him no.

Grental looked at Mendle sympathetically. "Your probably exausted... I'll help you back up the cliff my friend. I know a pathway we can take to get us back up the cliff." Mendle picked himself up to his feet. "Thank you my friend, we should start climbing back up now." Grental nodded and begun leading Mendle back up the cliff.

When Zuro reached the area under the cliff Mendle was nowhere to be seen. He slithered his way back to Raziel. "When I got there he wasn't there. A wolf or bear must've eaten his body or something..."

Raziel thoguht for a moment then nodded adn kept seated outside.

"Yeah...your probably right..."Razie lsaid uneasily and walked down the mountain again and hid in the bushes and watched the young ones and zombie

"What are you doing?"A voice inside his head said.

"I am watching them"Raziel whispered...

"Yes i can see that..."The voice said...

"Yeah...i want t owatch what they do and see how they react..."Raziel said,and he continued to watch the yougn vampires and listened to the zombie speak in perfect sentences,and felt a cold hand clamp down on his shoulder and he was startled and nearly jumped out of his fur at the feeling of the hand.

Mendle had grabbed Raziel's shoulder. Mendle didn't mean to startle him. "And their reaction to what exactly? You mean, my death." Mendle had Grental behind him ready to use any defensive spell he could. Mendle took his hand off of Raziel and watched him turn around with a stake in his hand. "Please I don't want a fight, I don't want anything from you. Leave us alone. We don't want a fight. Now please leave, you've caused me enough pain already. Just, leave." Mendle had his guns put away in their cases. He didn't want anymore pain. He had had enough of it. He didn't want anyone to be injured, he just wanted himself and his friends to live. "Leave me and my friends alone."

Raziel was shakeing in disbelief and he saw the lych..."Your d-d-daughter should not of tried to revived mendle...if she didnt...i would have let her live...."Raziel was shakeing and could barely hold onto the stake.

Razie tried to get to his feet adn when he did he lost conciousness adn fainted.

Zuro had see nit happen but did not attempt anything less he be harmed by the lych or the vampire.

"Ive got t ogo tell the dragonoids."Zuro said and he slithered back to the mountain and went into the caves and informed everyone about what had happened t oraziel and that the lych and endle had donentohing to him to make him faint like that.

Mendle and Grental carried Raziel over to a nearby stream. Mendle set Raziel against a tree. "I wonder why he would faint. Grental you go revive your daughter, I'll stay here." Grental nodded and went over to the group of undead. He cast a spell that revived her daughter. Shilese looked up at her father and gave him a hug. "I'm sorry I left home father." Her father didn't care that she left, he only cared that her daughter was alive. "You're forgiven."

Mendle had found a bucket and filled it with water from the stream. He set the bucket next to Raziel so that when he woke up he'd have something to drink. He sat on a rock in front of Raziel. "I wonder why he'd faint like that... Grental might of scared her, there's that fact."

Raziels real reason for fainting was because of the voices in his head...they casue him to fant everytime he is very scared.

raziel was now dreaming...dreaming of the day he was in the village...slaughtering women,men,and children alike.

He now saw a family...a family of 4 to be exact...all vampires....he lunged and tore them all to pieces...he enjoyed the screasm of the children and mother...but he did not see the father...he saw himself turning around and couldnt be...but it was...mendle was the  father...raziel didnt know why he coudlnt remember this...Raziel churned in his sleep and sprang up on his back and looked around.

"Where am i?"Raziel was clearly frieghtened by the dream.

"Your by a stream not too far from the place you feinted." Mendle spoke calmly because he could tell that Raziel was frightened. He looked at the small stream, in it he could see a few fish. He looked back at Raziel. "Are you alright?"

Zuro continued to tell the dragonoids of what had happened. Herrese didn't like the sound of what had happened. "Then should we help you hunt down the vampire lord and the Lich warlord? I'm pretty sure we could all take down two little pests." Zuro shook his head in a way to say no. "I don't want to risk losing the dragonoids to one or two pests. I couldn't risk that." Zuro set out into the forest to look for Raziel.

Undead and Morphs
The world they live in is the setting, it is very similar to earth, only without humans.

Undead and half humans live in a world with no humans but earth animals do live on their planet. The undead and morphs (Half human creatures) do not like sharing their land. Some will fight, others will not. It's your choice.


1. Vampire- A type of undead that really bite. These are a type of undead.


They do not age for they are immortal.

They can only be killed by water, stake, and sunlight.

They feel no pain.

They can hypnotize.

They can turn into a bat, sometimes wolf.

Super human strength.

They can control nocturnal animals and lesser undead.


When in running water they 'die'. But if their bodies are pulled out they are brought to 'life'.

Wolfsbane, Roses, and Garlic keep vampires away.

When exposed to sunlight they randomly burst into flames and/or turn to dust.

They can't cross running water.

A wooden stake through the heart kills them.

When within 20ft. of garlic they can't turn into a bat.

No reflection, shadow, and not seen in photograph.

They have to drink blood.

2. Zombie- The living corpse of a human. They are a type of undead.


They are stronger than the average human.

They never get tired.

They never sleep.

They require no air to breath.

They can't feel pain.

They are immune to drugs, poisons, gases, extremes of temperature and pressure, high voltage electricity, suffocation, and drowning.

They feel no fear.

You can decapitate them but the head will still 'live'.


They are slow.

They have difficulty doing simple tasks such as opening a door, opening a jar, etc.

The ONLY way to kill a zombie is destroying their brains. Cutting off their heads isn't enough because the brain would still be in tact.

3. Lich- A skeleton with magical powers. They are a type of undead.

4. Lycan- Like werewolves except they can control their transformations. They are a type of Morph.


The ability to turn into a wolf.

The senses are very advanced in wolf form.

In wolf form they're stronger.

Immune against aging.

They heal faster in wolf form.


They can be killed by any death caused injury to the heart or brain.

Silver bullets.

Rye, mistletoe, and wolf's bane keep werewolves away.

They can be killed normally in human form.

5. Dragonoid- A dragon man. They are a type of Morph.


Very few can fly.

They are stronger than a bull.

They have great sight and hearing.

They are very good at the use of weapons.

They are part dragon, they have sharp teeth and horns.

There are a few that can breath fire.

Hard tough scales protect most of their body.


They are sensitive to low temperatures.

They can't swim.

They aren't good diggers.

Their neck and stomach are weak spots.

6. Naga- They are a snake man. They are a type of morph.


The three oldest Nagas in existence are immortal.

The wisest of their group can use water magic.

The Nagas that aren't immortal and don't know magic are good with weapons.

They are good swimmers.


The ones that aren't immortal can be easily killed with any weapon.

Their one and only true natural enemy is the Garuda.


-Keep it PG-13

-Characters can be in love, but no further than that

-You must have permission by the character maker to kill that character

-No perfect character

-View OOC before posting

-6 character max

-Have Fun!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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Ninja of Destiny (#283)

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