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Do you need some help? Enter your problem or question below and an Exhibited Guru will get back to you. If you have a serious problem, it might be best to ask a moderator instead by selecting "Mod Box" from the drop down. Remember, this isn't for reporting bugs.


Has Exhibited gone boom? Please report any bugs you come across here.

When posting bugs:
;D This is Daski, expanding on Kitei's already wonderful guide~

-Please make sure the title of your post is relevant to the bug.
Such as "Microraptors turned into Beetles", rather than "Zomg a bug!".
It's much easier for both staff and players to get the gist of the thread from the start if it is named appropriately, and for Kitty to tell if it's a known bug from the title.

-Please describe the bug clearly in your post, so that we can understand what exactly you mean. If in doubt, feel free to include links to screenshots.
-Good steps to take include this:
a) What page did you find it on? ([link] dino's page, the medicine shop, etc)
b) What exactly happened with the bug? ("my dang dino turned into a beetle!", "I clicked the 'go' button and my item multiplied by 100, etc)
c) Under what circumstanced did the bug occur? ("it only happens at 5am exactly", "it only happens when my dino has less than 100 health", etc)

-If a bug is already posted, don't create another thread about it. It only needs one. =)
Please please please check to see if there isnt one already.
This is because if too many people clutter the boards with the same bug, we cant keep straight who has it. It's best if you post on the existing topic, adding any info you might come across, as stated above.

Thank you,
-Kitei <3
Post: #13422
Thank you, Kitei!

If you post a correct title, it is much easier for another player to check if the same thread has already been posted.
You're every wonder in this world to me. -
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