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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


IF you are wondering about Rowan, then you can find some infomation about her in the character profile I made.

It's a good idea to check up on thatif you don't want to die :)


later in the Rp, ALL characters still alive will be made killable. More info later.

We arent starting untill we get at least five characters.


Chat in the Oc chat if you want.


Your character should not have many weapons or survival gear.

A knife and water bottle would be fine, but a tent and a gun is not.

They are going to have to survive on their own.

Ok then... I think we should start now. If anyone else wants to join, they need to do so before we have more than 3 pages completed.


You may begin posting.

Keep in mind that you start outside the lab, half a mile of pines. Please reread the bit about what lies in each direction before starting off.

Good luck.

"Which way?!" Hunter panted, put of breath from the running he had done. Scarlett was no better off. Her wings had never been used and were like a lead weight behind her. Her glossy eyes scanned the area. "Okay, so north is the snowy cliffs, East is the desert-like areas. South.. That's the.. Beach, I think. And we are not going west." Scarlet breathed, holding her side. The twins looked around, before looking to each other. "South?" Hunter asked softly. "South." Scarlett nodded, they both letting out a simultaneous sigh as try changed direction, running again. Hunter was much fast, taking after a equine animal. However, Scarlett resembled a bird, and her feathered hummingbird wings flapped with a need, however she didn't know how to use them, although Hunter got the hang of it, grabbing Scarlett when he began to take to the air. His twin did not look happy. "How are you doing that?" She asked, trying to look up to him. "I don't know!" He grinned, they beginning to gain altitude.
Kin and Mai had just slipped out of the lab and instinctively took off flying. It was late at night and nobody had noticed that they'd gotten out. Their night vision kicked in and they picked south. The pair covered a lot more ground in one night than they thought they would and landed in a clearing before sunrise. The pair found some edible plants though they wanted meat raw meat and spent hours finger preening each other's feathers. Both were on the lookout for danger. Mai took the first watch while Kin slept. Then they switched. Kin looked at her 'sister and rummaged through their supplies. A knife, a flint arrowhead, clothes, a bottle, and a hand cranked water filter they'd swiped from a guard who had been planning to come out here camping. Mai started twitching in her sleep like a dog and Kin scratched behind the girl's ear making her calm and sleep soundly.

Roxanne dropped down into the dumpster, to exhausted to land properly. Yet another close call had been seconds away from finding her, and another night of flying until she was at the nearest town and could drop asleep. She felt Moo and Crescent squirming in her bag, but she felt to tired to lift a finger, much less open the bag. She watched, half awake, as Moo squeezed out of the satchel. He sniffed Roxanne's nose and pushed his tiny pink one onto her forehead, licking her with his scratchy little tongue. The warmth on Roxanne's face slowly brought her back to reality.

"Sissy, I'm cold and hungry." Moo squeaked. He snuggled under her sweater so that his face was poking out. She absentmindedly rubbed the soft white fur on the top of his head.

"Don't worry, Moo. I'll find a warm place to stay for the night and then you can eat in the morning." The tiny kitten sighed and squirmed up into Roxanne's hood. With a little sigh, he wrapped himself up in the clothing, pulling close to her back for warmth, and began to give baby sighs of sleep. Roxanne smiled and opened her bag up for Crescent.

He leaped out, yawned, stretched and leapt on to her shoulder. The half-feline girl pulled out a baseball cap and covered her ears, pulled her wings and tail tightly against her back, covered the whiskers on her face with bandages and hid the fur on her hands with gloves. She was ready to go.

Roxane walked to the nearest motel. She bargained with the owner about pets for a bit until he said that she could stay in the basement. The kittens would catch the mice, he said.

In the morning, Roxanne felt revived. It was the longest, least disturbed sleep that she had had in a while. She bought some milk and tuna for the kittens while she checked her supplies. She was a little low on toothpaste, but that was okay. She cleaned her slipknife and polished the worn binoculars. She looked around in them. For once, it seemed, there wasn't any danger in sight. In fact, the town seemed too safe. No shady characters, no overexpensive prices, all very remote and simple. Then Roxanne remembered.

Don't go West. 

She was tired and the exhaustion must have gone to her mind.

Don't go West.

She had gone West.

The kittens slowly stumbled and fell over. Roxanne panicked. Without checking to see if they were alive, she pulled her sweater up and released her wings, stuffing Moo and Crescent into the bag. The hotel manager walked out from the hotel. Roxanne was surrounded by almost a hundred scientists.

Each of them held a gun. 

She slowly hovered down, trying to think of a way out, but it was too late....But wait-did she see a figure in the distance? Coming towards Roxanne and the scientists...Would they help her? Were they coming to the town even?

PLease DO NOT control lab workers.

The hotel bit was clever, and you can finish whatever you're doing with scarlett, but please DO NOT controll them in the future.

If you need them to do something then PM me.

Kin and her 'sister had a difference of opinion as to where to go. Mai whined "We should have gone north..." Kin said "There's an island to the south we go there and we might be able to live in peace." "We are cold weather creatures we should have gone north." "The south is safer. Once we hit the beach we take a day or two to rest before we clear that five miles to freedom. Then we can live without fear. We'll run free and fly like we should. So what if it's hot, I'd rather be free and hot than comfortable in a cage..." Mai growled and flattened her ears. Her feathers were ruffled literally. Kin kept completely calm in comparison. Kin was the alpha in their situation and that was clear.

The figure drew closer, until Roxanne could finally make out some details. It was a woman, her hair raven black and her skin the color of mocha. She ran at an inhuman speed, leaving a trail of dust in her wake. Her clothes were ripped into a cut off shirt and leather shorts, while a necklace of birdskulls lashed around her neck. As she drew closer, Roxanne could see that her amber eyes glowed with the intensity of a raging fire.

A flint dagger clenched in a rough fist, the native woman whipped around the scientists, dodging shots and drawing closer to Roxanne. The woman grabbed her arm, her fingers clenching hard onto her flesh and all of a sudden, Roxanne was whipped through a spinning path of speed, the woman only just leading her onwards. Everything started to go blurry and the last thing that Roxanne saw was a dark, murky pine forest, coming ever closer....

She woke up to the sound of rushing water. Then Roxanne fully came to and sat up. The woman was washing her clothes in a stream just beside her. The cat girl slowly put a hand to her forehead.

"What happened? There was scientists-and then-and then-"

The native woman stood and put a finger to her lips. "Time is running out," her voice was accented darkly, but her tone rather smooth. "We have not but minutes, Ccoa reincarnation. You must listen hard and speak quick. There are many enemies following you, and if you do not seek out-"

Roxanne put a hand up. "Wait, what did you just call me? Cocoa-reinwhatchimacallit? And what's your name, anyways?"

The woman sighed. "This is wasting time, but I sense that we will waste more if I do not tell you now. I am Ninasisa, the fire flower, sent from the mountains of Peru to aid you in your journey, for the wise woman speaks of many dangers in your future.

"I sped your quest and saved you from danger when you were attacked. Now, you are closer than ever to your most important destination, an adventure that you never knew you began, but your spirits did. Ccoa is a cat goddess that the Quechuan People honour and fear."

"So where am I? Are you and ally or enemy?" Roxanne was taken aback. She never knew she was so important. And did she mean Moo and Crescent when she said spirits?

"I am an ally to the Quechuan People. But time is almost up. Before I leave, you must, absolutely must, find-" 

A large crow cawed and flapped loudly from a tree. Roxanne, distracted, looked up. "Hey, what do you mean?" She looked around for the native woman.

She had dissapeared.

But her last sentence still echoed, fading, around Roxanne.

"You must find Rowan."

She looked up at the loblolly pines around her, feeling the two kittens climb onto her shoulders. Her spirits would guide her. Roxanne smiled.

Rhett slipped out of the lab through a large air duct that had been conveniently big enough for him to crawl through, dropping to the ground with a faint thud; a stupid looking grin on his face as he snapped his tail against the air a couple of time producing strident cracks like a whip in triumph. He`d waited for this moment for quite a while, and rather than doing the sensible thing and running, he took a moment to soak it in, breathing in the air exuberantly; savoring it. He walked forward a few paces taking one last look at the lab with a toothy impish grin before finally deciding to run into the forest, and run he did, with the zeal of a caged bird flying free.

After a bit he slowed down admiring the scenery; he felt right at home among the trees, being surrounded by nature made him very happy for he could not remember ever seeing it, yet he felt very much captivated by it, like he`d spent his whole life there. He experimental flapped his wings which were well developed but untested. He`d never had the opportunity to utilize them, being that his previous accommodations had been confining to say the least. Eager to give it a try he jumped, bouncing off of his powerful tail for added height, flapping vigorously but failing to gain height. His feet rejoined the ground with a thump. Determined he tried again this time flapping his wings with rhythm rather than doing it wildly. Success. He left the ground, leveling his body out horizontally as he continued forward gaining momentum. He attempted to weave around the trees using his tail as a rudder, but shortly lost balance and rejoined the earth with a strident bang. He shook the fallen leaves off undeterred. ‘That was awesome!’ he grinned widely, he knew he would get it eventually if he kept trying and he couldn`t wait. Though he was more then a little upset that he`d been missing this all that time in the lab; he felt cheated. His problem was that he was losing height. He looked up, tilting his head one way and then another inquisitively, spying the branches way up at the tops of the trees. ‘All I need is more height’ he decided confidently, and started climbing one of the trees, digging the claws on his hands and feet into the bark as he worked his way up assisted by his long toes. Soon he reached the apex of the tree and took a moment to survey the area, seeing noting but trees for miles ahead and nothing particularly of interest he liberated himself from the tree without hesitation, pushing off vehemently and spreading his wings. He lost altitude rapidly but managed to level out and regain it before coming too close to the ground. His tail made balance tricky as it was heavy and if he moved it too much it would pull him off balance. Yet at the same time it was a great asset, the smallest of movements could allow him to make precise, tight turns. His wings seemed to be suited for tight maneuvers, once he got the hang of it he`d be flying like a champion. After a bit of erratic flying he came down for an unceremoniously sloppy landing. He attempted from the ground again more confident with his balance, power and control. This time rather than losing height and jerking around he managed to gain it.

He continued to practice as he went along only taking short breaks. He was heading south; the iguana in him compelled him to do so, so he just let his instincts guide him along. Simply caught up in the moment and having fun. He didn`t seem worried about a thing, in fact he seemed too complacent--all things considered, but he simply wasn’t the type to think when he didn`t have to. He`d take things as they came.

Kin and Mai sat with dead cleaned and skinned rabbits between them and reluctantly built a fire to cook them. Neither of them could afford to get sick. The pair used their wings delicately to fan away the scent of cooking flesh and disperse the smoke to better hide their tracks. When they were sure they'd killed anything that could make them sick they removed their meal and devoured it like a pair of animals when they finished Mai used a sliver of bone to pick her teeth and Kin took a swig of filtered water heaving a contented sigh. The pair couldn't stay where they were. So they put out the fire and hid what was left of their meal before going on. Mai saw the full moon and as they walked she howled a lonely cry. Sure Kin was pack but she wasn't a wolf didn't have a wolf's instincts. Kin joined her to keep her place in the 'pack'. Kin thought she could make it alone but she knew things would be easier with Mai around possibly more. Wolf people were handy... Even if Kin wasn't the leader so to speak with the wolf people around she'd be cared for.

A figure crashed through the underbrush, obscured by the dark of night, running from some unseen threat. Stepping into a beam of moonlight peeking through the canopy of the trees exposed her as an experiment. Her name was Lexy; she had escaped earlier in the day and had been pursued in doing so, as she had been hasty in making her get away and that wasn’t like her. She had just wanted it so badly… severely enough to get reckless. She had berated herself enough already, and the danger seemed to have passed. In actuality she had gotten away quite a while back, but couldn`t bring herself to check until becoming exhausted; there was just too much at stake. She wasn’t about to be taken back there-- not alive anyway. She`d fight them and die before she let them take her back there. Breathing heavily from exertion she finally took the time to survey her surroundings to find that very much to her relief she was alone. She sat down and heaved a sigh, smiling for the first time in ages. She was free. Her slipshod escape had taken her quite a ways south, but she felt the urge to head north; longing for the snow for reasons she couldn`t fathom.

Feeling it was no time to be taking a rest with those scientists potentially still in the area somewhere she headed off, but as she started off in that direction she heard howls ring off into the night. Her fur bristled; that had sounded close by--to close. The sound had come from a bit further south so even though it sounded close, she decided it was of no immediate concern as long as she went undetected, and hastened her pace. She would have flown, but embarrassingly enough she was afraid to try; the idea of falling from heights didn`t sit well with her. ‘Now is not the time’ she assured herself simply in a pathetic attempt to rationalize her disinclination.

"Keep running, Liam," said Cyrus. He and Liam were dashing through the trees. Cyrus held the knife while Liam held the bottle of water they were able to snatch. Cyrus's heart was beating as he thought he heard the sound of dogs after them. It could've just been his mind playing tricks on him. "Can we slow down and look for the others?" asked Liam. "No, we need to keep moving," said Cyrus. "If you want to make it out alive, just follow me," he said. "I've been doing that for the past twenty minutes," said Liam. Cyrus wanted to chuckle, but this was serious. Liam wanted to search for the others, but Cyrus knew they wouldn't be able to find them. He had wolf characteristics, Liam told him earlier. Liam wanted Cyrus to look for Kin and Mai, but Cyrus didn't want to be found. He had to keep them both safe. Cyrus suddenly came to a halt, grabbing Liam and throwing them both behind a thick oak tree. The two caught their breath, breathing heavily. Cyrus sniffed the air. No one was giving chase. Good, he thought. Cyrus looked around the tree. "So, what's the plan, Cy?" asked Liam. "The south," said Cyrus. Liam was surprised he replied so confidently. "Why the south? Won't we do better in the north?" asked Liam. Cyrus shook his head. "You might, but the south is where freedom is," he said. "If you want, I could leave you at the beach and build you a boat out of wood or something," said Cyrus. "How and why would you do that?" asked Liam. "I don't know, just shut up for a second a let me think this all through," said Cyrus, still tired. Liam sucked his teeth opened the water bottle. He downed a few sips and handed Cyrus the bottle. Cyrus took it graciously and downed a few sips as well. "We find a river," said Cyrus. He looked around the tree again and his eyes widened in surprise. He looked up and gasped. "What?" asked Liam, looking around in fright. "The's...f-full," said Cyrus. Liam's eyes bulged in horror. "Oh no, you go stark bestial under the moon, we gotta find a cave and something to bind you with," said Liam, leaping to his feet. He looked up at the tree and saw vines. Cyrus sat back, feeling the power of the moon beginning to take its toll. "Liam, hurry," he said, beginning to sweat as his head and throat began to ache. He watched as Liam leaped up the tree, snagged off the vines, and landed on his feet. "They're extra long too," said Liam. Cyrus remained still as his friend tied him to the tree. Liam was good at binding, tying, and making knots. It was how they escaped in the first place. When Liam was done, he took the knife from Cyrus. Cyrus looked up at him, feeling the hairs on his back rise. "Liam, go and find us some food...use your senses and don't be afraid," said Cyrus. "Got it," said Liam, reluctantly leaving Cyrus's side.

Cyrus groaned, grinding his teeth to try and ward off the affect. "Why does this have to happen?" he asked himself, squirming under the moonlight. Cyrus felt his throat tingling. He was hungry for meat, blood, and now wanted to howl. He couldn't. What if those scientists are on our tails? Cyrus thought. He squirmed under the vines, feeling the testosterone rising inside him. "No, please, not now," he said. Back at the lab, he was always placed in cell made entirely out of diamond so when the full moon did appear, he could break free. Inside the cell, Cyrus was a monster, and even felt bad for killing that innocent and deformed boy that was put inside with him. A great growl rose from Cyrus's throat. His dark-brown eyes turned amber. They flashed from dark-brown to amber, with Cyrus shaking his head. He could feel the tingling in his throat. It wouldn't stop. Cryus cocked his head back and released a long, deep, yet beautiful howl into the night. The raves took the sky as an owl went silent. His howl probably scared Liam. Cyrus felt his muscles bulging as they strained against the tight vines. Cyrus snarled as he squirmed. The last thing he remembered was the shape of a deer running by. That's when the amber coloring in his eyes turned crimson red.

Kin and Mai had both heard that howl and Kin had to stop Mai from chasing after it. "He gets crazy tonight remember?" Mai sighed dreamily "He is such an alpha male..." Kin snarked "I am apparently the common sense out of the two of us and you have all the hormones. Stop thinking with your reproductive organs and start using your brain Mai!" Kin smelled blood on the wind deer blood. "He made a kill... Should be safer to handle." Mai started howling again and Kin put her hand over Mai's mouth to shut her up before someone heard them. Then Kin got bitten by Mai and yelped. Mai started howling again and Kin started shaking slightly and she climbed a tree to be safe.

A Storm Rising

Just on the outside of the lab.

There are trees, about a half a mile of them completely surround the lab. Tall, loblolly pines. 

If you get farther out to the north, a snowy cliff.

To the east,also cliffs, but these are warmer. Less trees, but lots of rivers flow through.

You're going to hit a dead end if you go south, but it might work for you. It's a beach, and there is a tropical island about five miles off the coast.

Whatever you do... Don't go west.


Shh... They'll hear you.

If they catch you, then they'll take you back to the lab.

That's the last thing you want.

So spread your wings and fly, fight them, or outsmart them.

What you do now will change your life.


You my friend, are nothing more than an experiment.

You seem to be human at first glance. Then, upon further inspection, one would see your wings. 

If they look closer, they will see some other animal quality.

They will scream and run.

What do you think you are doing, running away from me?

I will find you.

You will regret this.



...That all creeped you out, right? Unerved you a little? 

I wonder who was talking to you just them...hmm...

WHELP, anyway, here's the rules.


You have JUST NOW escaped the lab, that is where you start. (In the woods.) If you don't know, Loblolly pines are tall, skinny pines. they only have branches at the top. (Real life truffula trees, only a lot taller.)

You MUST have two Oc's. One will be killable, one not.

You have wings. The wings can look however you want.

 in addition to your wings, you also have some qualities from another animal. THis may be any real animal that is alive today, and you must use only ONE other animal. (EX: Cat ears and tail, fangs and snake eyes, gills and tinted skin.)

I controll all scientists/staff/wild animals/ things you will encounter if you make the poor decision to go west.

You do not pick which of your OC's is killable. I may kill either one of them.

Get my permission before killing an OC.

(Yes, I am being a controll freak with this RP, but I'm trying something new with it and I think it will be interesting.)

Quick note- You may encounter a person who goes by "Rowan," "Silver," "Menace," or any combination of these three names.. She seems to be an escapee from a while back... will she help or hurt you?

Pmme with questions BEFORE making a character.

Good luck then.





Eye color:


Animal characteristics:





Word Minimum
125 words per post.

Joinable Species
? (Do Not use)
Amphibian features
Bird features
Bug/Insect/Invertebrate features
Canine features
Feline features
Fish features
Other features
Other Mammal features
Reptile features
Rodent features

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