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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Willie released the other two youngsters and then twirled out of Lionel's way. The young wolf slammed into Hammy. Willie turned back to them and let out a challenging snarl. The three youngsters stood up and growled back. They then nodded to each other and began to circle around Willie. Willie was smiling. The three were learning how to work together. Willie then saw Lakai. "She didn't leave after all," he thought. She was beautiful. Willie saw her laughing. Her smile brought him happiness and confidence. The three young wolves attacked. Willie was ready. He charged toward Hammy. Hammy, not knowing what to do with a charging six year wolf, whimpered and began to wiggle and wobble. Willie did a quick U-Turn in front of Hammy and charged toward Lionel. Lionel leapt at Willie. Willie dodged the youngster and charged toward Nick. Nick snarled for the first time. Willie and Nick collided. Willie's weight was enough to knock the wolf over. Nick whined but leaped to his feet and jumped on Willie. The two wrestled.

Peering through the bushes, I saw them. All hyped up and crowding around their meeting area. Must be an alpha being betrothed to someone else. It wasn't like I saw this before, but I felt confused again. Why couldn't the alpha choose who they wanted to be bethroth with? The laws of the pack life, how it confuses me. But they weren't planning to attack, and that was all I needed to know. After quietly concealing my tracks on the ground that might alert them, I then leapt away towards the south.

My next place of interest, near the main camp of the Alpha Clan. They had not made any moves to attack, but I wanted to spy on them and besides, I wanted to see that female wolf Nightfeather was talking about was there now. Soon I could smell the scent of wolves, somewhat similiar to the scent of that female wolf. I assumed the crouching pose, just to make sure they didn't see me or catch the scent of me. Thankfully the wind was blowing towards me, so I was safe for now. Glancing at the many small groups of the wolves, my eyes soon fell to a group of youngest wolves, training with a bigger wolf. So today was training day, good. At least they weren't planning anything. My right eye soon fell to a female wolf with a reddish pelt. I would have turned my head to leave, but that was when I caught a whiff of her scent, the same scent I caught on Nightfeather. I silently edged closer. She seemed to be watching the bigger wolf train the younger ones with interest. I couldn't blame her, the young'uns were pretty good for their age. She was the one who smiled back at Nightfeather, but was she friend or foe? I couldn't tell yet, and decided to think about it later. I slowly backed away, but in my surprise, snapped a small twig in the processes. It was a small crack, but I saw the female wolf's ears twitch a bit. I immediately slumped to the ground, half cursing my self for snapping that twig, half hoping she didn't hear that.

Nick was able to get a few scratches in, but Willie was too experienced for the young wolf. Willie picked Nick up and launches him into the air. "Remember, your opponent will have a surprised for you," said Willie. He ran towards a tree. Willie then shocked the young wolves by running up the tree. "What are you, part cat?" asked Lionel. "Just something I picked up from my mentor.......and upper and lower leg strength," said Willie. He ran up the tree and then jumped off it, tackling the falling young wolf and landing in the bushes with him. Willie pinned him down. Nick tried to break free, but his struggle was useless. Willie had won the fight, yet again. "Line up," he ordered. Nick, Hammy, and Lionel were side by side. Willie sat in front of them. "I liked how you three tried to work together," he said. "Thank you, sir," they said unison. "Keep practicing," said Willie. "Hammy, you have potential. Nick, you have cojones. And Lionel, you have the spirit," said Willie. He then nodded to them and walked off.
Moon trotted after the guard as they neared the camp. She had been trying to get away to no success the guard were all around. Finally Moon sighed she just hoped the person she was betrothed to was nice and not mean. Just then she seen the main camp for the alpha's of the Shadowfoot clan. Moon breathed in and walked along the guards a few wolves stared at her but she ignored them she didn't want that much attention on her. Then she seen him as she came down the trail. He was nothing like she expected she thought he would look arrogant and mean but he seemed gentle as he stared at her. Moon felt herself relax but suddenly she got nervous and shy.Moon looked at him and seen his golden eyes causing her to look down she waited for him or his father to say something.

Aaron almost felt his heart stop. This is it..this is her. he thought to himself, attempting to keep it together. The she-wolf was beautiful, but appeared a little hostile at first glance, what with all the gaurds around her. Understandable. She approached him, and Aaron suddenly found himself entertaining thousands of thoughts and concerns at once. What if she doesn't like me? What if I mess this up? I bet I'll open my mouth, and nothing will come out. Don't look like a fool, please don't look like a fool..Oh, no, she's looking this way. Keep it together..

The she wolf approached. Aaron couldn't keep his eyes off of her. He was caught almost in a trance for a moment. He picked his head up and stood up straight, his tail sweeping nervously behind him. She was suddenly there, standing before him. If it weren't for his dark coat, one would be able to easily tell he was going red in the face. The endless silence was finally broken by Aaron's father Sal.

Sal ushered the she-wolf bride to be a little closer, and smiling down at her, he gave his son a little push, and the two touched noses for a brief moment. Aaron backed up quickly, and swallowed the lump in his throat. "This is Moon. After much consideration, her father has agreed to the betrothal arrangements." Finishing, Sal regarded the young beauty with a kind smile and a twinkle in his eye.

Next, Sal looked to his son. "This is my son, Ar--" He started, but was cut off by Aaron. "My name is Aaron." He spoke up, his voice kind and soft, but detectably shaky in places, as he was very nervous and stunned. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Moon." He said, gazing into her eyes and smiling. Despite his nerves, he managed to keep it together pretty well, giving her a charming, small smile. Cool on the exterior, yet his heart was in his throat, as he waited with anticipation for her to say something. He almost felt sick to the stomach.

Moon shyly looked up at her betrothed."This is Moon. After much consideration, her father has agreed to the betrothal arrangements." The alpha Sal said while staring at her."This is my son, Ar--"the alpha started, but was cut off by her betrothed. "My name is Aaron." He spoke up, his voice kind and soft, but a little shaky in places. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Moon." He said, gazing into her eyes and smiling.Moon smiled at him her nerves on edge."It is very nice to meet you also Aaron" she said."It was so sudden that I learned of are betrothal I will have to get to know you as soon as possible" Moon said and looked at him her voice gentle and calming.

Aaron listened as she talked. Her voice was smooth, clear as a bell, gentle. His ears perked, and when she was done talking, he stood there silently for a few seconds, tongue tied. Then, seeing his friend Roy gesturing to him from somewhere in the back of the crowd, he realized it was probably a good idea to say something.

Aaron looked at her kindly. "Of course," he said, then chuckling "I think getting to know each other would be good." He admitted with slight amusement. He was happy to know at least that he wasn't the only one who felt like they'd been shoved off into the deep end. Aaron looked at his father, who nodded to him. Then, turning to Moon, Aaron gestured for her to draw closer. "Shall we?" He asked, motioning to the trail ahead. He wanted to take a walk with her, talk with her, and get to know her. She was so timid, it made Aaron loosen up a bit. Taking on the role of a gentleman, he decided he'd have to put his nerves aside in order to make her feel at ease. "Don't worry" he smiled "I don't bite."

Willie looked over at Lakai with a relaxed smile. He then walked off. Willie walked over to the two babysitters. The pups were jumping around them. Willie chuckled. He then walked back over to Lakai. He sat next to her. "So, how'd you like my fighting?" he asked. "I put a lot of practice into it when my mentor was killed," said Willie. "Hammy has heart, Nick has skill, and Lionel has the spirit," he said. Willie looked at Lakai. He had to look away. He didn't want to be rude by staring. Willie sniffed the air. A familiar scent was on the wind. "Hold on," said Willie. He stood up. Oh yes. The scent was familiar. Willie's eyes then widened. "Oh no," he said, his ears folding back while his tail drooped. "Hammy, Nick, Lionel! Get back to the camp!" yelled Willie. He turned to Lakai. "Run, now!" yelled Willie. He grabbed Lakai and pulled her away. "If you must know, there's a frightened herd of caribou just a minute away from stampeding into us," said Willie. He noticed Lionel and Nick running next to him.
Lyra sensed it. She could smelled them. The terrified caribou stampeding towards the camp. Seeing the big wolf pull that she-wolf away to safety, she could relax a bit. Slowly she pulled herself up from the ground to run towards a nearby ledge to see the caribou herd. It was not good. It was not good. She could faintly sense their fear and smell their fear scent but couldn't see them. Somehow she had to direct the herd away from the Alpha Clan's camp. There was too much blood lost already. She began to whistle a short tune and in an instant, a black hawk appeared and landed next to her. "Hey Lyra what's up now?" Lyra padded towards the forest. "A herd of caribou is headed towards us but I can't see them. "Can you fly over to see what's up Nightfeather?" Nightfeather nodded and soared to the sky. All Lyra could do now was wait. She started to head towards the Alpha Clan camp to check how they were reacting to the situation, also hoping no one would see her.

Lakai was content to watch them from a distance. The small group of Fighter wolves to be were so focused in that they hardly noticed her presence. Lakai preferred it that way. She was excited to see just how well the young pups were taking to their training, and she was also impressed with how well Willie appeared to get along with them. Lakai made herself comfortable, her tail swishing slowly behind her as she observed, picking up on things here and there that the pups could be corrected on, but much to her delight, she didn't have to make too many notes.

Something suddenly broke her concentration. A sound, coming from behind the bushes behind where Willie and the pups were training. Lakai's ear gave a twitch, and her curious gaze was drawn to the location from which the sound arose.

The sound all around Lakai appeared to be muted. She could no longer focus on anything else but that spot from which the sound came. Lakai rose slowly to her feet, doing her best not to seem like she had noticed anything out of the ordinary. She slowly approached to bush, her heart pounding as she imagined who could have made the sound. Peaking through a gap in the bush, she could see two paws, faintly, but they were concealed by the shadows.

Lakai's heart skipped a beat. Who was watching them? She played with a thought, building her hopes as she made up her own ideas, causing herself to believe that her anticipations were correct. She approached with caution, and a feeling like anxiety growing within her. Could it be..are you finally here for me? she thought, her expression frozen in curiosity, her eyes wide.

Just then, Willie approached her, and she almost flinched in fright at the sound of his voice, as she had been so focused that she didn't here his footsteps. He sat next to her, a smile on his face. Lakai looked at him in curiosity, her head tilting for a moment, then, swallowing the lump in her throat, she forced a small smile. She couldn't remember ever having a long conversation with him before, but she knew he was a good instructor, and she thought he seemed very nice.

Sitting down, Lakai nodded. "You guys look great! The pups are really doing well under your instruction. I think they like you." She said kindly. When she finished, she took a quick look towards the bush again, but feeling Willie's eyes on her, she turned to face him. He had turned away quickly, and Lakai couldn't help but giggle. Then, she noticed he was acting strange. "What's the matter?"she asked, watching as he sniffed the air. "What is it?" She asked again, this time her tone serious, as she too sniffed the air. Her eyes grew wide as she realized, but before she could react, Willie was pulling her out of the way.








While Lyra headed back to the ALpha Clan Camp, Nightfeather was soaring in the sky, searching for the caribou herd. Finally she spot them and indeed, they were headed to the Alpha Clan Camp. Someone must have driven the herd here, it's too coincidential. She started to desend, hoping to find whoever did this. However, noting. Sighing, she took note of where the caribou came from and flew back to find Lyra.

Meanwhile Lyra was hiding near the Alpha Clan Camp. She was watching, watching the red wolf. She knew. The wolf had seen her, but did not alert the clan. Interesting behavior. Maybe I not yet. I won't act like last time when he tricked me.... Then she heard Nightfeather's screech, but she wasn't the only one. Many other Alpha Clan wolves heard it too, slightly wary now. This is bad... Lyra franticaly signaled to Nightfeather, hoping she would get the message. Thankfully Nightfeather caught it, and did a loop before soaring to another direction, and appearing at Lyra's side.

Willie continued to run with Lakai and the young wolves. The herd appeared over the hill, frightened by some unseen predator. Willie looked back and saw the herd. They were only twelve feet behind them now. "Faster!" yelled Willie. Nick and Lionel picked up speed. Willie counted them all and his heart dropped. "Where's Hammy?" he asked. To answer him, a cry arose behind him. Willie turned and saw Hammy running for his life. The young wolf was only a foot ahead of the herd. "Hammy, pick up speed!" Nick shouted. "Run, Hammy, run!" cried Lionel. "I'm trying!" Hammy yelled. He looked back to see the leader of the herd. Fear was in the caribou's eyes. Willie saw a flash of brown past the herd.  "Cougar!" he snarled. Willie came to a halt and turned around, dashing toward Hammy. "Mr. Willie!" cried Nick and Lionel. Willie sprinted toward Hammy, who was starting to tire. The cougar saw the young wolf and darted toward him. Willie picked up speed as he neared Hammy. The herd snorted as the cougar leapt at Hammy. The young wolf screamed in fright. Before the cougar could make its mark, Willie slammed into the cat. The cougar was sent flying into the leader of the herd. The herd began to trip and fall over their leader and the cougaras Willie grabbed Hammey, madw a U-turn, and pulled the young wolf up to Lakai, Nick, and Lionel. "That was too close!" shouted Nick. Willie nodded. They quickly made a sharp right turn into the bushes, running back to camp. As they walked into the clearing, the young wolves collapsed onto the ground. "I haven't been this tired in my life, " said Hammy. Willie sat on his haunches with a sigh of relief. "Is everyone ok?" he asked. The young wolves nodded tiredly. Willie turned to Lakai. "Are you ok?" Willie asked her.

We Were Brothers
Takes place on a large seemingly desolate continent. Large wooded areas spread for miles, with large plains scattered here and there. A few bodies of water, but the land is somewhat mistreated due to the constant battling over resources. The continent is divided into respective territories, and borders have been set up to inform each tribe that his roaming space is limited.

We wolves were once a strong kind, standing our ground, but never having to do it alone. We were a family, we were brothers. We faced the very elements together, becoming stronger with each passing season. We were inseperable.





These were our virtues, and we used to fight for them. Don't you remember? We were the strongest among creatures, because we stood together.

But our bonds were broken.




How did it all happen? When did it start? With the changing of the seasons, it was evident that there was something growing, a dark shadow casting over our lands. There was something sick, a disease taking root, right under our noses..but we couldn't see it. Greed. Pride. Selfishness. Now, brother fights against brother. The tribe has divided into sub tribes, each harboring a certain resentment towards the other.

My family was not the only one to be torn apart. When the new alpha was killed, a horrible accident, many suffered. The alpha left no heirs behind to take the seat of power. The order we once knew had been disrupted. When the position was left open for the new alpha to step up, something happened. We lost all sight of the values and principles we once held on to so tightly, and fought for so valiantly. Fights broke out, fights for power, fights for the ultimate rank.

Overtime, it became impossible for us to cooperate. Our sacred trust was broken, and since no one could agree on an alpha, our tribe split up. Each wolf would choose his own path now, pledging their allegience to their own selfishness. Families would be torn, due to opposing views.

But amongst the chaos and ruin, I have hope. There are still many of us who holdfast to hope, as we look back and remember the way things used to be. Is it possible that the few can reunite the many? I believe so, but it's gonna take all we have.


The original tribe to which the wolves belonged to was known as the Great Pack. This tribe has now been divided into several new tribes, none of which agree with each other:

Alpha Clan

Moon Fang Tribe

Shadow Foot Clan

Sol Clan


Rebel Clan

And then there are many rogues as well who, either due to the inability to pledge alliegence to any of the tribes or for some other reason, live on their own.


The Rules are very simple:

- No controlling others's characters

-Keep it realistic, as in your character is not invincible and thus has physical limitations.

- Keep it PG please! Fighting is obviously going to take place, but I don't want to see anything graphic or disturbing. If you step out of line, I will have no problem removing your character.

-No profanity or disrespectful/offensive language.

- CHECK INTO THE OOC CHAT OFTEN! This way we can discuss certain things together, and I usually will post there. I'd like to see all who join do the same, so we may offer pointers or even help develop ideas. I find the OOC Chat to be very useful

-Odd coloring is allowed, but this is not a fantasy rp, so no powers.

-Romance is allowed, but remember, PG!!! I shouldn't have to remind you.

- You may have as many characters as you can keep up with.

- If you have any questions or concerns or if you feel I left anything out, please message me and let me know. You will find I am very agreeable and easy going for the most part :-)

- MOST IMPORTANTLY...Have fun!!! :-D

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Alpha Clan Wolf
Infernoes Wolf
Moon Fang Tribe Wolf
Rebel Clan Wolf
Rogue Wolf
Shadow Foot Clan Wolf
Sol Clan Wolf

Second RP Master
Smile (#18991)

Current Characters
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