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Kiva had almost laughed as the old white lion got in his stance and showed his scars he would love to fight but he had more important business and he had no scars to show off because he had always won his fights especially when he was young and bigger older lions had challenged him when he was 2 by using his mind and viciousness he had grown to embrace the fight he would fight until he won or drew his last breath. "I simply meant that this young prince would become king but if you want to over throw Taji that none of my business and if you want to fight I would suggest you beat that male lion who took over your old pride then we can fight king to king but if your going to loose you composer the were you ever really a king" Kiva paused and continued "I was there a while ago you know that pride won't last long its getting kinda small the male lion who beat you didn't now how to rule very good" Kiva seen the anger rising off of the white lion his composure was cracking. Kiva smiled a toothy smile then he continued "But I wasn't near the edge of my territory for no reason I had to discuss the little Hyena problem with Taji it's no big deal to me a few hyenas here and there, but they seem to be heading out to his territory" he said. Then her looked at the young lion and lowered his head a little "I was much younger then you when I came into power I think you will make a great king the young always do" he said to the prince and smiled a genuine smile the prince reminded him of himself. "Now may I join you to talk with your father" he asked the young lion and then he looked at the white lion who was still in a fighting stance.

Ghost stood up from his stance and cleared his throat, a little embarassed by what he did. "I am sorry. I acted like I was a three year old again," said the white lion. He laughed. "Well Kiva, you chose the wrong lands to make terf," said Ghost. "Taji lives in the high lands, which is miles back that way," said Ghost. "You can go yourself, but I need to school this young male about the ways of the king," said Ghost. "He doesn't fully understand the term 'king' quite yet," he said. Ghost then looked up at the night sky. "He needs food though," said Ghost. "Why don't you join us on a hunt? That is if we're allowed in your territory?" asked Ghost. "Oh yeah, a little tip for you Kiva," said Ghost. "Learn to throughly mark your territory maybe...twice a week," said Ghost. He then laughed again, his deep voice rolling off his tongue. Ghost then coughed. "Sometimes I forget how old I really am," he said. He then flicked his tail and shook his mane, waiting for an answer from Kiva. He watched two bats fly past them.
Kiva showed no emotion on has face of then suddenly smiled. "Of course feel free I know all the best spots around here I was actually marking my territory I just acquired here" he said. "The best hunts are around my den stick by me and you shall have no trouble I will assume this young lion is inexperienced in fighting if you want we are holding are fighting rounds right now he can join he doesn't need to fear my pride they would never go against my orders." he said. Just then there was a sound more bats. The white lion and the young prince walked along until they where deep in his territory snarling lions where all around training but when Kiva came they all stopped and looked at him and bowed down. Kiva let out a roar and all the lions came running and rubbed his mane and chin then they went back to fighting some snarled at the white lion and prince but one look from Kiva and they went back to training. "This is my pride" he said to the white lion and prince. "There are zebra down this valley" he said. Then they walked some more and they were at the zebra herd. "What is your strategy young one" he asked the young one.

Taj did not appreciate being laughed at by Ghost. He rubbed his head where the hoof kicked it and grumbled. "That hurt, you know!" But just then he noticed an unfamiliar lion come roaring into the scene. Taj backed up a little, surprised at the sudden burst of energy beside him. The lion was a little bigger than Ghost, and didn't seem all too friendly or happy to see them. Taj let Ghost pull him off the border lines. Taj just didn't understand how a mistake like crossing a border could be such a big deal. It reminded him of his upbringing..the things he was taught, one being that you never cross another lion's territory unless you are looking to overthrow them. Taj rolled his eyes as he remembered. It was all politics to him, and he had little interest on the matter.


He listened as Ghost and the other lion, Kiva, roared and threw around titles, each eyeballing Taj as they referred to him and his father. Kiva had asked Taj a question at one point, but Ghost seemed to be answering for him, so he just watched, yawning here and there. He realized they had referred to him as "little" and a "young prince" He grumbled and growled. He wasn't too much smaller than the others, and was hardly a cub anymore. However, he had no desire to bud into such a boring conversation, so he kept his trap shut and followed the two as Kiva lead them to his pride. The only thing Taj heard Ghost say that didn't bore him to tears was the mention of "food". Taj felt his stomach growl, and hardly noticed the pride lions as they roared and hissed at him. He was taken up in his hunger. Kiva had asked him a question about his strategy. Taj raised a brow, and looking at him, puzzled, he asked "Strategy? What, like hunting strategy?" Taj scoffed "My strategy is simply: don't hunt. Let the lionesses do that, since it's their job. But if I'm really hungry, I hunt to kill...what else is there to be said?"

Ghost shook his head and chuckled. "That is not a strategy," he said. "That is nothing but laziness," said Ghost. "You must go on a hunt with the lionesses sometimes," said Ghost. They could need help bringing down a cape buffalo or maybe even a bull wildebeest," said Ghost, arching his eyebrow. He then turned to a cub that touched his leg. Ghost smiled at the little cub. "Hello little one," he said. "Who are you?" he asked. The cub giggled and pawed at Ghost's tail. Ghost laughed. "He reminds me of my own cubs," said Ghost. "I do not know if they made it," he said sadly. He then looked over at the snarling lionesses. "I wonder," said Ghost. He examined the lionesses. He then saw a strong female who was ordering a few lionesses. "She must be the alpha female," said Ghost. "She reminds me a little of Nanie, my ex-mate," said Ghost. He then went over to Taj. "Now, a strategy is key to a hunt," he said. "When lionesses hunt, their main strategy is to send the young smaller females in to chase the prey," said Ghost. "Once a smaller female chases the prey towards a hiding bigger female, that bigger female leaps out and attacks!" roared Ghost, causing the lionesses to pause and look. The little cub was in awe. "My apologies," said Ghost. "If you're hunting cape buffalo and you go after, oh I don't know, the leader? Then you would be need and to have a strategy young prince," said Ghost. He then shook his large, white mane.
 As Ghost lectured, Taj listened, trying to look interested. He lay down on his side and flicked his tail, looking all around him suddenly, and Ghost's words started to fade into the background. He noticed the lionesses as they were training, and he was watching them intently. Taj noticed one of them looking over at him, and he winked and mouthed "Hi there." to her, but she growled at him. Taj hadn't noticed Ghost was still talking to him until he heard him hint at the failed King's Hunt. Taj grumbled and growled under his breath. He got up on all fours and glared at Ghost for a while, a grimace on his face, then he just chuckled. "Yeah, whatever. Like I said, total girl job. Speaking of girls, I'll be right back.." He said, smiling as he turned around to walk over to the lionesses. "I think it is only courteous as a *ahem* future king and all to introduce myself."
Kiva noticed the young lion edging towards his females. Kiva let out a growl and stepped in front of Taj blocking his view of the females. "If you are not able to take down a simple animal to eat how do you expect to keep your kingdom." Kiva tried to keep his anger out of his voice. The lioness around him stared at the young prince teeth showing because he had practically said all they where good for was hunting."I suggest a quick fight with one if my daughter no teeth no claws" kiva paused to think then he said "Mia" and a young lioness around Taj age came up. She stood still waiting for Taj to move first."You must learn to become strong to protect those you wish to protect" he said then he stared at Ghost "Now lets watch them spare"
Taj growled as Kiva cut him off. He tried to get past him, but Kiva kept blocking his every move. His fur ruffled and his ears went flat "Maybe I don't wanna keep a kingdom! Ever consider that? I'm not like you, or the old wise one over there." Pushing further, Kiva wouldn't let him pass so Taj simply stared at him. The females were obviously not happy with him, but what else was new? But when Kiva called over his daughter, Mia, Taj was taken by surprise at her abrupt entrance. She stood infront of him at the ready, her nose only inches away from his and her eyes locked on target. Taj took a few steps back, starstruck for a moment. His ears flattened and he stammered "" Then shaking his head, he came to. "Wait, you want me to WHAT? You must be out of your mind if you think--" But just then, Mia made one move and before Taj knew it, he was on his back. Taj gazed at Mia in astonishment.
Ghost watched as Taj tried to go over to the lionesses. He was about to stop him when Kiva did. Ghost listened to their conversation and watched as a lioness, about the same age as Taj, walked over to them. Ghost watched as the lioness, obviously Kiva's daughter, flipped Taj onto his back. Ghost wasn't about to laugh at that. When a lioness flipped a male lion on his back, not out of love, then that showed the male as a weakling. Ghost shook his head. "That was impressive," he said. He loomed over Taj. "A female should never overpower a male like THAT unless it's out of love," he said. "I know from experience," said Ghost. "Of course no female has ever pinned me like that in a battle ever," said Ghost, looking at Kiva. He then looked at Mia. "But I've seen this before," he said. "My brother. It happened to him and he ended up with the female two weeks later," said Ghost. He then looked down at Taj. "Don't let your emotions full you. And always expect the unexpected," he said. Ghost then looked at Kiva.

Taj just kept staring at the female as the two males frowned in disapproval. Mia smirked at him. Taj was not about to hear another lecture. He snarled at her, "Why you..get off'a me!" He was upset, but he wasn't about to fight a girl over being humiliated. He rolled out from underneath her and shook off his mane. The female was beaming with pride, and getting up on all fours, she took her place by her father's side. The three had been seemingly taunting him with their looks. Taj got a little hostile. "Oh come on!! You guys don't seriously think that she can take me! She caught me off guard! I mean, aren't there some sorta rules to this game?" He looked at each of the faces, but they didn't seem the least bit impressed. Taj listened to Ghost as he talked about emotions. Taj's fur stood on end, and he laughed. "Emotions!? You mean me n' her! Ha, not likely." He scoffed. His day had gone from bad to worse now, and he wasn't about to have this. "Listen folks," He said, turning around to leave "I don't have time for this. I'm leaving now."


Taj started to make his way over to where the zebras were grazing.When he noticed them, he smirked. I'll show them he thought. Before any of the elders or their daughters could stop him, he bolted towards a smallish zebra at full speed. The zebra dashed and Taj was left to chase it for several yards. Finally, he caught it going downhill and Taj took advantage of the high ground, leaping through the air and landing right on it's back. Taking it down, he dragged it over so that the elders could see. "See! I can take down a meal, and I didn't even have to use one of your lousy strategies." He shouted, and turning his back on them, he started to eat the meal he had won for himself.



Kiva let out a savage snarl and the females snarled backing him up. He charged up to Taj who had his back turned to him and pinned the young lion down before ghost could stopped then his hackles rose and he bared his teeth to the young male. "You should now the rules of eating in someones territory the king eats first and you never turn your back on the king" he felt himself roar challenging the young male. "Father calm down he was clearly upset and wanted to show you he could take down a zebra" Mia said to her father. Ghost had clearly tensed up. Kiva let the anger leave his body and just bared his teeth. The females where snarling loudly and baring there teeth some had there claws extended most of them where looking for a serious fight. "Calm down this young prince doesn't yet know how to act in another territory" he said to the females. All of them instantly listened to him but growled and went back to sparing the only one who stood was Mia. Kiva stared at Ghost  and said "It is getting late I would suggest you take the prince and go back to his home" then he looked at the young prince "I would hope you inform your father of me coming into his land later to discuss the hyenas and it was nice to have met you ghost you are welcome near the edges of my territory any time"

Ghost was surprised to see Taj take down the zebra. "Well it was a small zebra, but at least you got some food," he said. He then watched as Kiva flipped Taj over and yelled at him. Ghost tensed up. Here was another king chastising the prince. Ghost had to hold back. Mia intervened. Ghost looked at her. "Those two are perfect for each other," thought the old white lion. He then heard Kiva speak to him. "Thank you Kiva. I will," said Ghost. He walked over to Taj. "Eat so we can go. I have more things to teach you before we make it back to the kingdom," said Ghost. He then walked off. Ghost sneezed. He looked up and watched the moon. Out of nowhere, he heard roaring. These were faint, yet distinctive roars. It was the Acacia pride. Ghost listened. The pride was deep in the high lands, just roaring for fun. Ghost missed them so much and sat on his haunches. "I miss you all," he whispered. Ghost leaked a tear as an image of Nanie and the cubs came into view. He then shook his head and roared back, answering them.

Taj had been eating contentedly for only seconds before he suddenly heard roaring and the sound of Kiva's paws pounding the earth as he rushed at him. Taj sighed, and with a mouth full of food, he muttered to himself Oh, what now!? Before he could turn around, Kiva was in his face. Teeth bared. Snarling, and.. is that foam dripping from his mouth Taj thought. Taj sat like a rock where he had been parked, his mouth still full of the food he was trying to swallow, while Kiva literally spit his rage right in his face. Taj's body got tense, and his ears dropped in a defensive manner. Taj looked over Kiva's shoulder and noticed the females also snarling. Taj swallowed his food and stood up, and got right in Kiva's face. "I don't get it, what's wrong with you!? Are you TRYING to pick a fight with me!? You lead us here, and you pointed out exactly where the zebras were, asked me about my 'strategy'..and I'm supposed to read between the lines that somehow I wasn't supposed to go get one!? You're insatiable!'"


Ghost tried to gather Taj, and Kiva had cooled down a bit, and was telling Taj to deliver a message for him. "Inform my father?" Taj was now baring his teeth at Kiva. He got into a stance. "Let me inform you. I don't care if you're king of the meerkats! You wanna fight, buddy? Come and get it. I'll show you I can run a kingdom, right after I take it from under your nose!" he was challenging the king. But suddenly, Mia interrupted. She had seemingly been trying to soothe the tension in the air, and standing in the middle of Taj and Kiva, Taj suddenly loosened up, He became less tense, and was caught in her eyes. The female gave him a stern look, and he just watched her. But shaking his head, he chuckled "Oh no. I know you, ya trickster. You're just trying to get me distracted so you can knock me down again, huh? Nice try.." He said, his voice lower than before, but still slightly hostile.

The white lion had walked a little bit away and roared to his old pride and Kiva felt pity for him. Kiva was ready to take down the little lion in front of him but instead let his face stay blank and stared at the young male lion staring him down into his very soul unflinching. Mia had been trying to sooth him and this young lion calmed down when she stared at him and suddenly Kiva had a idea. The little male lion had been making him mad and he felt his inner savage come out then it clicked. "Mia why don't you go with him and speak to his father on behalf of me" he said to her. Mia looked at her father then lowered her head "Of course father I guess I'm coming with you" she said and gave Taj a small smile.

Taj was still outwardly angry at Kiva, but what he couldn't understand is why this lioness's presence seemed to calm him down. After all, she was the one who just humiliated him in front of two kings! But never the less, he couldn't keep his eyes off her. It was almost as if he was in a trance. Kiva had ordered her to go to deliver the message to Taji, which meant she would be accompanied Taj, as she said. But what that also meant was that he would have to return to his pride. They would probably have a lot to say to him. None of it good. They'll go off about how he can't keep out of trouble. He can't take care of himself. And the usual.


Taj dreaded the idea of it all. But when Mia looked at him, and gave him that small smile, he blushed. Suddenly his mind was no longer troubled. He couldn't explain it, but she changed him somehow..made him want to be responsible, and unlock the sleeping king within him. Taj cleared his throat, and realized the situation at hand. He looked around - at Kiva, then Ghost, then back at Mia, and his face was puzzled. He felt his tail swish back and forth, and he kneaded the ground nervously with his big paws. Finally, in a chocked voice, he said "Yeah, uh, sure." And as he watched her, she began to walk behind ghost, who was leading the way. He took his place next to her, and felt his face flush again.

Reign of Taj
Takes place in africa..that's pretty much all I've got people.

The generations have come and gone, and with each new generation their comes a new king. The days of king Abazu are remembered throughout the land, as his reign served to pave a solid foundation for future generations. The land is thriving and all seem to be happy within the kingdom. But now a new king must step up to reign. Next in line is a young lion named Taj, named after his father, the former king Taji. He has been brought up to know the responsibility of the crown, and now that he is coming of age, will he be ready? He is expected to finish his training, pick a queen, and take the crown all within the year. Being under a lot of pressure, Taj would rather just live the lazy life like every other lion his age. But will his responsibilities catch up with him? Even if Taj does choose the crown, he must first win over his pride, who seems to think very little of him due to his lack of passion for the royal position. If Taj won't own up, will someone else be forced to take the crown? Surely it is unorthodox, but a choice must be made for the good of the kingdom..before time runs out.




Taj is the son of a great king named Taji. He has brought up Taj in the ways of the kings of old, despite Taj's lack of interest. He has a brother named Akin who is much more suited for the crown, but since he is merely the second born, he is not fit to reign. Taj has two best friends named Kojo and Nya, and Taj's mother is deceased since he was little.

NOTE: If you are going to play as Taj or another main character, you may make up what they look like :)

Joinable main characters include:

-Taji (former king and father of Taj)

-Taj (future king)

-Kojo (friend of Taj and Nya)

-Nya (friend of Taj and Kojo)

-Akif (brother of Nya)

-Juba (brother of Nya)

-Akin (brother of Taj)




1. No profanity please

2. Please do not get too graphic with violence. ( example of what is NOT appropriate: "blood oozing YADA YADA bones PROTRUDING!! YADA YADA" I think you get it. That's kinda going overboard. Just cool your jets people, we can have fun without all that :) )

3. no controlling each other's characters

4. keep it PG please? To clear this up, all I mean to say is don't describe anything in a way that makes my eyebrows burn off when I see it as I am scrolling down the screen. Nothing TOO graphic. Fighting is obviously gonna break out between lions. Because yes, they are lions ;)

5. romance is allowed, but remember (PG!)

5. As always.HAVE FUN :3 Any questions, just message me :)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

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BlackWolf23 (#1501)

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