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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

I leaned away from the skrill and growled a bit, Lina hugged my neck and held on tight. I flapped my huge wings and swooped down to the trees my wings hitting the tops slicing right though them. I flew back up and flew in a small circle, and roared so Miya could hear it. She came flying up to me she nodded and looked at the skrill, then barred her teeth, I flew up beside her. She flapped her wings violently hovering in place. Me on the other hand only had the flap slowly to hover because of my massive wings.
Death Punch stoped he flaped his long wings, but he was not growling or baring teath at them. He slowly flew around them, looking at them then looked at the human. He then hovered in place to look at her then started to fly closer. His spikes scraped together with his teath. He made a low growl at the two dragons because he noticed they were baring there teath at him. But he continued to fly around them trying to figure out what was on timber. If they attack me I will attack them. He thoght. He then came closer, and hovered in place. His underbelly scales were black, but had scars on them from past battles.
Miya flew behind me to protect Luna. Luna watched the dragons carefully "Timber lets land and see what happens." she whispered to me. I flew down into the tree and landed Miya followed me. Luna hopped off my back and Miya landed in front of her "Calm down you two." She said holding her hands up. Me and Miya step back. Luna stood there and looked at the dragon, she held out her hand to see what he would do. I shifted my weight quickly too what the dragon would do. Miya stood be side me growling as a night fury she was very protective.
Death Punch landed. He quickly walked twords Luna, then started sniffing her. When he saw her hand he then sat and put his paw up and tuched her hand. He then stoped and started to sniff her agen. Then walked around her trying to know what she was. His blue scales glisend but when he turned across one of his eyes was a huge scar. Then the light shown more scars on his body, showing that this dragon has been in many battles and fights. His webing in his wings were white. He then streatched out his wings and spikes and then yawned, showing his manny rows of teeth.
Miya pawed up some dust and growled I looked at her "Its ok." I said calmly and walk over to her. I put my hand on her head and she purred nicely. I held up my other hand and Timber lowered his head so I could pet him. He turned around and wanted me to sratch his back, I walked around his wing and and gave him a good back sratch he purred and licked my face "Ewwwoo." I said wipping off my face. We all thre smiled and I giggled, then hopped up on Miya's saddle "Lets show this dragon some fancy flying." I smiled Moya purred and flew up ready for some fancey flying.
The dragon then jumped quickly in the air, and when he jumped, petals from white flowers sworled and were in the air. Death Punch then started to show off and tworlled, spun, and also dived down in a lake and created blast makeing the water come up like a guiser and came out of the water. He then stoped in the air and whated for timber to show him some things. Death Punch, from the water, glisend in the light, giveing his scales vibrance. He did a small purr, for he loved showing off. He saw this as a compatition.
Skyris woke up Slowly yawning. "your dragon is down in the mountains pacing around for you..." he father said. "Everyone's wondering what happened with you and shadow. I just told them he didn't want to eat you,but we both know they won't believe that." She got up and got her sword. She set off towards shadows cave. She had only been there once or twice because they usually just meet at the Rock cliff. She entered and saw shadow rattling and clanging and making all types of noise. The second he saw her he ran over to her giving her a dragon version of hug. She patted him in return and flew off on his back. She was flying over the ocean on shadow when she saw 3 dragons. That was odd most dragons fly solo... She flew in closer and then she saw LUNA on a DRAGON! She almost fell off shadow when she saw that,and soon the dragons realized she was there and they were snarling and barring Thier teeth at her and shadow.
Death Punch saw the other dragon and flew twords it with a fast speed. It flew beside shadow, looking at Skyris, then puffed out smoke. Then Death Punch started to fly to his sea cave, shocked about the creatures he saw. He liked the one human, but wanted a challange. He wanted to befriend one and become its friend. He didnt attack the other dragons when he flew over them, he just made a loud purr. and dove down to the sea cave. He then started to draw things on the ground of the cave trying to figure out how to befriend a human.
I landed near Timber and let Luna off my back. I looked up at the boneknapper and saw Skyris. Luna looked at me and Timber then at Skyris. Timber looked at me and whispered "Should I?" I shook my head "Lets see what happens." He nodded and looked up at Shadow and Skyris. Luna waved hi to Skyris trying to think of something to cover up her story. I don't think she thought of anything good. I looked up at Shadow and purred a hello, Timber tilted his head "You have got to be kidding me." she said blankly "At least try to be nice, its not a wild dragon."
Since shadow had no muscles,core,or insides he could exactly purr or growl like the other dragons. So he shook his bones though they had no idea what he was trying to say. He was just like Skyris,unable to talk. Though Skyris and him could talk just fine. It was all about body language. He put a protective claw around Skyris while shaking his tail like a rattle snake. Skris gave him the calm down look. She walked up to Miya and timber and gave them a good pat showing she was friendly. Skyris came up to Luna. " can I explain this..."Luna drifted off. Skyris looked at her with the face saying "you can't" And they started laughing. Though you couldnt really hear Skyris,it Was silent laughter. Skyris walked over to timber and looked at his saddle. She flashed a smile to Luna to show she really like it. She got on shadows back and he flapped his wings. Shadow wanted to race ):D
Raven sat on a rock in forest, alone in a small area. Her Montsrous Nightmare lay dozing in the shadows and everything was quiet. Raven took a deep breath and listened hard for any sounds. Everything seemed calm before she heard voices a way off. Standing up, she snapped her fingers and in an instant Alaya (her dragon's name for herself) woke up. Raven started heading towards the direction the voices were coming from. Alaya beat her wings twice and was up in the air, looking for trouble. It didn't take long before Raven found 3 dragons and 2 people, most likely from the village on the island. Decided to observe before interacting, Raven quickly climbed into a large pine tree. Most people couldn't see in or through the dense leaves, but Raven had been climbing these trees her whole life. She settled down on a small branch and watched carefully.
Sikoya was walking throgh the forest, looking for the dragon Death Punch with Rose, his Grapple Grounder. He walked on the ground tracking the tracks from Death punch while Rose looked in the air. She heard and saw two humans in a area with three dragons. She landed there in the middle of them, sniffing the ground. Rose then found a scale of death punch and then noticed the two humans and the three dragons were stareing at her. She had the colors of a rose and had Crystal armor on. Rose then picked up the dragon scale and flew off to Sikoya to give him the scale.
Rose flew twords where Sikoya was. "Oh this is so exiteing. I wonder if my master will find this other dragon before other dragon riders do." Rose said to herself in joy. "Oh I am so happy." Rose then saw Sikoya and flew down there. She landed nexed to him and gave him the scale. "Show me where this came from." Sikoya said patting Rose on the head. Rose then flew off. She was flying to where the other dragon riders were. She flew above them hesatent, not knowing if the other dragons will blow her out of the sky with fire. "Um can I land here?" Rose asked the other dragons.
Terrvia smirked as she tickled the little Garden dragon, making him wheeze in laughter. She dropped him and perched at the edge of her favorite  view, the ocean with the ragged isle of the Skullions in front of the sunset. She sighed in pleasure before almost lazily spreading her great wings and swooshing towards the isle of Berk for a bit of fun. Though Terrvia knew it would be a long journey, she was all up for a bit of chaos and those silly vikings trying to catch her. how the Monstorous nightmare enjoyed being the center of attention. After, Terr decided, she would treat herself with a good sized bunch of mackerel, and tease the jealous smaller dragons with the heads of the food, and, she knew with pleasure, would get even more favored attention. But of course, she would keep her well-deserved catch safe. The other dragons could get their own food. They were predators too.
I looked up and shifted my weight then looked at Miya she nodded "Fine by us as long as you don't hurt our trainer." I said nodding to Luna. Miya looked at the dragon "I would listen to him." she hissed "Miya your the calm one remember." I shot a flame at her. "Hey watch it!" she growled. Luna looked at us "Would you two stop it I'll be fine." she said firmly. Me and Miya lowed our heads in shame. Luna pat Miya on the head and looked at me "Its ok." she said sweetly and put her hand up. I touched my nose to her hand. 

How to train your Dragon
On the island of Burke the vikings and dragons learned to get along. Or have they. The tame dragon are fine but what about the wild dragons, what are they up too? Join to find out. Also in this the dragons can talk to each other.
Before Hiccup befriended Toothless the dragons and vikings didn't get along very well.

1:You can have three charas

2:Be nice

3:have fun

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Thunder Drum
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