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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Araya picked herself up and picked up her gun, "Goodbye sucker!" Just as she was walking away she felt guilty, Hanz had saved her, shouldn't she do the same. She ran after the Utahraptor, she'd save him, but only just this once, only so she didn't owe him later. She found the raptor about to bite him in the neck, she shot the raptor on its tail so there was no risk of hitting Hanz. The raptor growled and lunged at her, before it could attack she shot it in the head, it growled and snapped at her, biting her left arm. She shot the raptor in the head killing it off quickly.
After five minutes,Hanz woke up with a terrible headache."Oh god..."He looked around and saw the dead Utahraptor and Araya walking away.He wanted to stop her but he didn't.Two soldiers came to him."Sir,are you ok?"Said one of them.His blue eyes were looking for the shadow that was dissapearing in the jungle."...Yes...kinda..."Said Hanz.He got his helmet off and bandaged the injuries.Then he walked away with his soldiers.Then he suddenly felt down unconscious and the troops grabed him and got him to base's field hospital.He entered in coma and remained like this for 2 days.Then he finally was ok.He got a new helmet and looked at the jungle trough the fences.This meeting with Araya changed him.
Two days and no sign of Joseph, why couldn't she have let Hanz die? Then she would still be with Joseph and have back-up. Araya had easily had found food and water but she was in constant fear that a raptor would kill her off, or worse, one of the WOLF PACK troops would kill her off. Araya continued to look for Joseph without any luck, where in the world was he! She hear raptors coming and hid in a tree, "Why me?" Araya rather liked living. She looked at the wound on her arm where the raptor had bitten her, she had found bandages after she was bitten and had cleaned it constantly. "Why did I have to save him..."
Hanz was reading something on his PDA in his bed when he thinked "Why she saved me...?"He was wondering why didn't she left him die."Is she still alive?Where they live?"Wondered he then.He got up and walked alone again in the forest.He wanted to see how do they survive.The german curiosity in his heart made him go again in that dangerous place where he can die in any second,in a blink of an eye.He got his binocle and saw Araya."Here you are..."Said Hanz as he continued stalking her."Looks like she is hurt....should I go?Maybe she will kill me this time?"Tought Hanz as he looked trough the binocle.
Araya looked at the raptors below her trying to reach and kill her, why did this have to happen now? She carefully climbed onto another tree to another, the raptors realized Araya weren't in the tree they were growling at and ran off to look for food. Araya was relieved the raptors were gone and put her gun away. Where could Joseph be! Had he already died? No someone like him couldn't be dead yet. He was probably lost like she was. She rested on the brach she was on exhausted, it had been a day since she had gotten sleep because she couldn't find shelter. The stupid raptors were long gone by now, maybe now she could find shelter.
Hanz was looking at the raptors that ran away from Araya when he realised that they were coming for him."Looks like I'll have fun..."Said Hanz,then he got his SMG.He started shooting at the raptors,they were falling down one after another.In a blink of an eye,someone pushed him down the tree.Hanz felt down and lost his SMG,he was surrounded by raptors and he got only his combat knife.The raptors jumped on him.2 were dragging him from feet and 1 was trying to kill him.He stabbed one and then tried to escape the other 2.He kicked in the face a raptor and stabbed the other in the head.He got up and ran away because many more were coming.Running,he felt in a cave.
Araya saw where the raptors had gone and she spotted Hanz. Was he stalking her!? Worse, was he planning to kill her!? She climbed down the tree shooting the raptors out of her way. She was going to kill Hanz herself, or at least figure out what he was doing spying on her. She stopped by the cave entrance with her gun. When Hanz got out she'd point the gun at him and ask him what he was doing fallowing her. The raptors were already shot down or the smaller ones might have run off. All she had to do now is wait for Hanz.
Hanz got out the cave and as he looked up he saw Araya with the gun pointed at him,again."Err...Hellou..."Said Hanz scared.Then he planned to escape her."OMG Raptor!"Yelled Hanz to trick Araya and then he entered back the cave.As he saw that she was pursuing him he got his station and yelled in it."This is SGT.Hanz Rihardberg,I got enganged by the Whiskey Company,I need reinforcements!OVER!"Yelled Hanz but no one answered.He continued running trough the cave and Araya in his back."For Christ's sake!"Yelled Hanz when jumped over a hole.Hanz noticed that the exit was trough a waterfall.He took a deep breath and jumped trough it,falling in water.His heavy equipament kept him underwater but he managed to swim out and escape Araya.
Araya watched as Hanz escaped through the exit, all well, maybe now he'd leave her alone. She looked at the cave, she finally had shelter she could sleep in. She blocked off the entrance with a boulder so raptors couldn't get in. She didn't block off the exit because she doubted that raptors were smart enough to look for food behind a waterfall. She made herself comfortable in the cave and soon fell asleep, about five minutes later she was woken by gunshots, the cave entrance was open and WOLF PACK members, probably Hanz's backup, had guns pointed at her. Before they could shoot her she ran out the same exit Hanz took, she ended up on the edge of the water after swimming a bit, so much for sleep. She unbandaged her bitemark wound and cleaned it but the stupid wound still stung. She wondered what happened to Hanz in five minutes, she turned around and saw a pack of raptors running towards her. The nearest tree was near one of the raptors. Going down river would risk getting injured or washed away because she couldn't swim well... River it was then! She jumped in the river only hoping she wouldn't be taken under.
As Hanz ran in the dense jungle he encountered a Dilophosaurus."Oh man..."Said Hanz running back to the river and the Dilophosaurus after him.As he reached the river he saw Araya trying to swim."She haunts me!"taught Hanz.But,the only escape from the Dilophosaurus was to jump in the river.As he jumped,he reached Araya."Damn you!"yelled Hanz at her.But,the river was heading to a huge waterfall that was going in a valley."Oh mama..."Said Hanz holding Araya."Holy GERMANY!"yelled Hanz momments before they felt in the waterfall.They felt in the huge waterfall that was going 100 m down."Why I have to die with you!"yelled Hanz looking down.They felt in the water.Hanz got up the surface,but Araya don't.Hanz sighed and went underwater and took Araya to the surface.He put her on the sand and asleeped next to a tree waiting her to wake up.
Araya woke up, when she saw Hanz she reached for her gun, but then she realized Hanz had her gun, why did this have to happen to her? She looked pretty annoyed with Hanz now. She heard raptors in the distance and looked up. The raptors must not be able to swim, at least she could hope. She looked back at Hanz, "Why were you fallowing me in the forest?" Araya could've sworn Hanz was hunting her down so he could kill her. Or was that just another assumption? She seemed to believe a lot of things that weren't true, sometimes it would get her into situations she'd rather not be in.
Hanz woke up and saw Araya."Oh,the Lady My Little Pony woke up!"Said Hanz.Then he looked around and he saw only jungle."Listen up,we could be the most feared enemy of your people and viceversa but we must get out from this green desert!"said Hanz.Then he looked at his radio station.It was dead,seems like the water jammed it.He took out his helmet and looked at the sky.His blue eyes and the sky looked like they were the same.Then he looked at Araya."Do you know this place?"Said Hanz."Maybe you can be usefull for me..."said he then."Looks like night is coming..."Said he looking at the sun going down and hearing raptors in the distance.
Araya rubbed her head still exhausted, "If I knew this place well don't you think I'd be out of here!? Or at least have found shelter? I've gone a day without sleep and today I've only gotten about five hours of it." She rubbed her head and eyes exhausted. Araya was usually really cranky when she hadn't gotten enough sleep. "Now I probably would look like a traitor to the rest of the group from the starship." She looked at the sky annoyed, she heard raptors getting closer, where in the world were they suppose to go? What Araya had done once was stay awake in a tree all night and hope the raptors would leave her alone. There's no way she'd be able to do that again.
Hanz put his helmet on and then looked at Araya."You can join the Wolf Pack again if you want..."said Hanz."We have luck,those cigarettes can help us make a fire!"said Hanz then." can sleep,I'll guard the place..."Said he after.But,as soon as Araya asleeped Hanz got sleepy too.He tried to look for some things than can help him to get out from the jungle.Maybe a helicopter can see the fire?The raptors will kill them?Can he trust Araya?These were the questions that were in Hanz's head.He tried to stay awake but he got tired and tired.He got next to araya and asleeped.
Araya woke up to see the it was morning, she checked and then remembered Hanz had her gun, she checked Hanz but he didn't have her gun. It must have sunk in the water, then she was defenseless? Wow she sucked when it came to surviving. She heard the sounds of a helicopter, no... no this couldn't happen! They'd surely kill her! She attempted to run but she heard one of them tell her to freeze, she knew they were armed. She slowly turned around to see the helicopter stop and land. The WOLF PACK troops all had their guns pointed at her. She saw Hanz wake up.


Survive & complete your mission!

Whiskey Company(Survivors):Kill Wolf Pack leader Roland Kane and escape the planet

Mendel-Grumman Soldiers (Wolf Pack): Protect Roland Kane and eliminate all the Whiskey Company troopers

Roars resound in the distance as a herd of brachiosurus thunder through the valley.

Setting:A random planet with jungles,deserts and dinos o3o


It is the year 2045, your starship has been shot-down on a terraformed planet that is much like Earth.

As you wander through the dense jungle,you being hearing strange sounds,peeking through the bushes,you see a survivor beign attacked & killed by a strange ceature,upon closer inspection,you realize,in horror,its a dinosaur!

Running back to the crash-site,with soem of the survivors,you report what you have just seen.

Now you all understand,you must survive in this world until you find a way home!


The planet was Terraformed by the Mendel-Grumman Corporation and the Wolf Pack Leader Roland Kane.

The dinosaurs are genetically created by Mendel-Grumman Scientists.

Soldier Bugs are the native creatures of this planet.


1.Blood and violence allowed,but don't drive it to GORE!

2.Romance allowed(kiss,hugs)but don't drive it to graphic.

3.No adult Language.

4.You can suggest dinos on the OCC Chat.

5.If you need help,contact the Dictator Hyena or Commander Raziel.

6.Have fun!!

7.No godmodding & use good grammar

8.All above :D

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Allosaurus(2 allowed)
Carnotosaurus(3 allowed)
Dilophosaurus(5 allowed)
Gigantosaurus(1 Allowed)
Human(Wolf pack)
Juvenile T-Rex(5 allowed)
Lurker(3 allowed)
Nanotyrannus(3 allowed)
Soldier Bug(scorpion,10 allowed)
T-Rex(1 allowed)
Utahraptor(10 allowed)

Second RP Master
Crimson Hyena (#11029)

Current Characters
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