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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


Myi'ga looked up and realized that the others were leaving without her. She ran quickly and ran on the ground underneath them. her strong legs were able to keep up with the strong thrusts of their wings.  

Nib ran behind Myi'ga shouting some things like: "Wait up peasant! Dont leave your leader behind! Royalty first!" And things of that nature. Suddenly they heard another loud crash, causing the ground to shake. Nib tried to walk on his hind legs again. he managed to run about five feet and then he tumbled back onto his tummy. Myi'ga saw him do this and she picked him up gently. "Aww, does the little kitty have some trouble keeping up?" She smiled and hugged him. nib was trying to yell but all that came out was a faint gurgle.

Trinity ran with swift ness staying close and steady with the fox at ehr side. Her ebony bow was drawn up and ready for anything that might cause their small group danger. She relized quickly that the others would be needing weapons if they didnt already have somthing. She knew for one that daggers werent going to pretect them THAT well.

Meanwhile, Ceretus sat in a tree. Stone gray eyes watching the landscape. His talons dugg deep into the tree branch her perched on has the Earth trumbled from the explosions. "Dear Vechilnia what is that!" he cooed to the tree. He knew it would not answer but he was not worried about that. The weird pair of two dragons and a Featheries lady heading towards the explostion was quiet rare and weird. He soon picked up the rest of the group on the ground. "Now what is this?" He asked to himself and spred his black wings and leaped off the branch after them.

  Spyre and Azerbaijian continued to fly on. She didn't see anything suspicious, however. Everything seemed perfectly fine to her point of view. She looked over at Hakki, "Do you see anything?" She shouted to the Feathery. But, he however, could see more than just normal forests. He knew the humans were up to something, but oddly enough, he didn't care. Why? He asked himself. Why don't I care about my sister and her new friends? My parents? My own blood-tribe! What's wrong with me....? He could feel his mind unraveling, strange thoughts began to pop in his head.

"I don't see anything..yet... Wait!" Hakki dove down a bit. "I think I see a small village down there, most likely the Raven Animen. They might let me borrow some  weapons, just in case..I'll be right back." She paused a moment, flapping her pale wings to stay in the air. "You might want to stay back- The Raven don't like visitors unless they bring shinies." Hakki grinned and flew down to repeat the message to the others on the ground. 

Verroth finished the song, and gave an excited screech mixed with some garbled words. She began to stomp off into the gloom of the forest, with a surety in her stride that said she knew something no one else did. 

  Spyre blinked. Shinies? What are those? She thought. She shrugged and hovered in the air, making a signal with her tail that Azerbaijian should do the same. 

   Erebus had heard a series of excited lizard noises. He turned, but saw nothing. He also saw some bushes rustling, so he followed the strange creature that was causing all of the horrible noises.

   Azerbaijian hovered next to his sister. He felt heartless as a strange feeling came over him. What was it? He had no possible clue, all he knew that it was bad.. and he shouldn't feel it. He looked at Spyre with wide eyes, did he want to betray her and her friends?

Myi'ga trotted behind them, trying to keep up. She had to resort to running on all fours, since the bird animen could fly quite fast. She looked above the tall pine trees and saw a huge plume of smoke rising. "Hey! Everybody!" She yelled to get their attention. "Lets head toward that smoke! There's probably a fire or something! And we have to warn the tribes that are near it!"

Nib ran behind Myi'ga, trying to keep up. "Blasted long-legged feline! Why cant you be slower peasant!" he soon was out of breath, so he jumped up onto Myi'ga's back. "Carry me, slave girl." He muttered while examining his claws. "And don't run in any mud. I don't want to get dirty." He smiled and Myi'ga just rolled her eyes, for all she could hear coming from his mouth was a few meows.

Hakki noted Myi'ga's warning of the fire ahead. "Alright. We'll keep an eye out!" She soared down closer to the nearby village and began to be more careful in her step. The Raven were known to be unpredictable and also imfamous practical jokesters. She looked up and saw Spyre and Azerbaijian hovering, they seemd to be discussing something. Hakki observed. She flew a little faster and then took a steep dive, landing at the entrance to the rocky, tree-filled area that was the Ravens' home. 

Verroth screeched and picked up a bone she had found laying on the ground, and in a burst of energry tore it in half. She then continued wandering through the forest, looking to be half insane or completely mad. 

   Erebus stared at the weird creature. It had just broke a bone in half, this made him begin to think. What would it do if it noticed him? He grabbed a stick and started rustling a bush with it, hoping it would notice.

   Spyre watched Hakki nervously, hoping she would be alright. She really wasn't in a mood for fighting and killing right now. She stared at her brother, he had an odd look in his eyes. "Azerbaijian? Are you alright?" He looked at her and hissed. A sign of aggression. He slashed at her, leaving a gash in her neck. She screeched, not expecting this, and she certainly didn't want to fight with her brother!

Hakki heard Spyre's loud screech and quickly looked toward the sky. "Wait! Are you alright?! What is going on up there?!" Hakki looked at the Ravens' Home and then back at the sky. Oh well- The ravens could wait. She gave a powerful thrust of her wings and spiraled toward the two dragons, also keeping an eye on their friends on the ground. "What is going on- Spyre! You're hurt!" Hakki gasped. 

Verroth froze and slowly turned toward the bushes. She began to speak in a raspy,  saurian-sounding voice. "H- Helloo therrrre. Show youurrrssseelff. She clicked her disembowling claws and waited silently. 

 Spyre panted, licking the wound on her neck gingerly. "My brother... he attacked me then flew off! I don't know where he went, but we should keep a good eye out for him. Go back to the Ravens Hakki, I'm sure I'll be fine. It's just a scratch." But it certainly stung more than a little scratch.

  Erebus smiled and came out into the creature's view. "Hello, I mean no harm to you. My name is Erebus- I am leading the expedition here by the humans. I wish to offer peace with you- maybe possibly an alliance? I promise you there are benefits for you in this deal."

Cries from Vechilnia

The glorious and magical island of Vechilnia, filled with all manner of wonderful and mystical creatures. Various territories are controlled by the local tribes and clans, and strictly guarded against intruders of other species or clans.

Volcanic Plains of Char-Char- Inhabited by dragonkind and those that love lava and fire. The temple of fire lies deep within the heart of an active volcano. Those who dare enter will most likely be scorched to death, or at least beyond recognition. The harsh climate of this area makes it difficult to live here, but the Scaleyfolk live here perfectly fine, due to their strong, tough skin. They mine metals and gems here.

Great Lake of Hydriana- A great lake, made by the impact of a large crater years ago, near the center of the island, controlled by the water dwellers and always kept clean of debris. The huge, dark colored rock walls of the lake have many ceremonial carvings of great importance. The temple of water lies at the top of the waterfall that feeds the lake and keeps the water clean and drinkable.

Mountains of Rah'ma- for all those who are feline or canine, and enjoy the sense of height and power achieved by this location. The terrain is jagged and unforgiving. The mountain temple lies at the highest summit above the snow-filled clouds. It is said, that if you make it to the top of the mountain without freezing or being crushed by the common land slides, the Gods will grant you a gift like none other.

Great Forest of Bridges- The avian realm, for those who fly, and who rely on the sky for life. This land was once inhabited by an ancient race of Sun worshipers (The creatures here today still call it the Great Star Belaku) whose glorious structures of huge bridges and columns still tower above the sea. The huge, Gold-Leaf trees tower over the bridges, their trunks and roots entangled in between them. The persons that live here are mainly nomadic.

Wailing Abyss- A magical and somewhat massive, nearly bottomless abyss where the dead are cast. There are innumerable rumors of ghosts and spirits that haunt this place, inspired by the mysterious cries that echo out of the ground there.


Once, a very long time ago before any of you were born, there was a Great and might war- Bewteen the native animen (Animal People) and the mighty creatures known as human beings.

For eons the animen have been warring, fighting, killing eachother ruthelessy- Over land, space, food, and everything else. But when the humans begin to invade, and threaten to wipe out life on Vechilnia as the animen know it, they must band together to save their homeland and themselves.


A long, violent, and often bloody history, of wars and famine and drought.. of course there have been multiple peaceful times, full of feasting and gathering and joy.

The Baldies stumbled upon this island while on one of their curious little expeditions. When they came to the shores of this island, they had no idea what creatures were already here. Oblivious to these people, they started to lay claim to the land that was not theirs. Soon, messangers from all the clans appeared before the Alphas. They told them about the Humans that came to 'visit' when really, they were plotting to destroy their home and culture.

No war, however, has matched the devastion of what the humans want to do- are are going to do, if you and your kind do not stop them.


Typical Ex Rules :3

1. No extreme violence/over descriptiveness

2. Love/Romance Allowed, but keep it clean 8l

3. No powerplaying, gary-sues mary sues, or Godmodding.

4. Do not kill other people's characters without permission.

5. You CAN get hurt, (or be slaughtered mercilessly) it is a war after alll...

6. Don't break the rules. Or RP master Feather's severed toes will eat you in your sleep.

7. Have Fun! I demand that you do, or I will come find you and make SURE YOU ARE HAVING FUN >8U

Additional Notes: (these may change at any time) Please only 3 characters per person. Please dont start fights in the OOC. Please dont RP in the OOC. This RP is set in the early 1900's so please dont add modern things to your characters ;3.


Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Baldy (Human)
Featheries (Bird People)
Furries (Feline/Canine Etc. People)
Intelligent Animal

Second RP Master
Feather (#958)

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