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L10 BGR Darkest Depths Of Dispair

THIS DINOSAUR IS DEAD! (It's picture is no longer available.)





Darkest Depths Of Dispair
Species Gender Age
Deinonychus Male Dead
Owner Breeder
Sola (Nightly Scare) (#4805) Undead Soldier (#6674)
As Nightmare leads you into yet another cage, you notice an odd set up. The entire area of the walls is made of mirrors! You get the feeling the room never ends, and every where you look there is water. Blue and green. Suddly you feel closterphobic. You feel you shouldn't be here, like you are traped under an unending expanse of water. Then you see a glint of gleaming eyes. You are finally able to see a dinosaur. His blue and green scales make him invisable in the enclosure. You go up to him... and realize he is a refleaction! You leap back, looking around wildly for the dinosaur.
"This is Darkest Depths Of Dispair. Interesting enclusure don't you think? It makes me feel a if there is no way out." She whips around and walks out of the cage. You follow carefully, not wanting to be left here. As you look back, you see atleast 10 pairs of eyes watching you.

Mate: The end of time