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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Kin was lazing around in her jungle home under heavy cover. No griffins could see her. She'd just eaten a large meal that was sitting not too far off. Being rather solitary she didn't do so much talking, the elders of her clan wanted her to settle down and have a mate but a mate meant socializing and she wasn't too keen on that. No her solitary exsistance made her happy. Besides with the griffins around chicks could be a liability she wasn't ready to have just yet. Just then a male picked then to bother her and she just growled at him making him leave her alone.
Xtal continues to flop about through the trees ungracfully --- something she has been doing for hours upon hours now --- catching herself on their large branches with her stomach and chest most of the time rather than her legs. After knocking the wind out of herself with every jump, she takes off again with a flurry of scrambling and unorganized limbs to the next treebranch, only to repeat the ungoldy terrible form of half-flying she had developed over and over again. It was a good thing the animals were slow and stupid here, otherwise she would have died a very long time ago of starvation --- not that she ate well as it was, always too busy with moving from one place to another looking for something...anything really. Maybe there was something here in this forest to keep her from moving on this time...*she continues searching*
Twilight sat in a sunny patch beneath the tangled jungle limbs. Her position was somewhat-exposed, but the area was quite and still; and she kept an eye out for danger. If anything came along, a nearby cave would offer her a quick shelter. Beneath it was a complex series of underground tunnels and lakes, and was and area she enjoyed exploring. It was simple to memorize the twisting paths and water, she simply looked at it like a large puzzle that needed solving. She spread her wings, capturing more heat on her back for the time-being, her ears and eyes alert for movment.

A flick of the tail and Morb landed neatly on the cliff. He growled, it was too freakin' hot out here. If he went in the jugle it would still be ツhot. He hated this stupid place... god. He decided on the jungle, at least there was dirt to dig in there. He could dig a deep hole and maybe it would be cooler down there, and if not then he could just crawl down there and die. SOunded pretty good to him. IT would have sounded horrible to just about anyone else, but Morbwas morb and he had made up his mind.

(Crappy post is crppy.)

Kin dozed contentedly at the edge of a spring out out in the sun. There were others around as this was a popular swimming hole. Kin was used to hiding she was a small feminine female. She preferredツdragon form to human. She was ignoring the large male trying to catch her attention. The elders had nudged a particularly strong male her way. He was bigger than her and that was supposed to be appealing to her. He was clumsy and this was unappealing. She was more interested in the smaller one on the other side of the pool. He was graceful and alert with sleek healthy scales and bright intelligent dark blue almost black eyes. In fact she was watching him. The larger male was not intelligent in the slightest but he knew he'd been rejected. An elder noticed this and sent the smaller male Shadow his name was her way...
Kin actually spoke briefly with Shadow before running out of things to say. Then Shadow sat on his haunches next to where she was laying. Then he slipped into the water proving he was a good swimmer. When he took human form he was a handsome lean young man in nothing but a loincloth. Then he retook dragon form and caught a fish of good size. He was still larger than her but not by too much. Shadow had no qualms about eating the fish raw unlike some. The big brute looked disgusted but that just made Kin think he was a wimp. If consumed in dragon form raw flesh held no risks of anything assuming it wasn't toxic.

Morb growled nd nearly stepped on the Tinsilv dragon. She apeared to be oogling at another dragon eating afish or something. Not like he cared. He decised that he would go and find Rann and... Beat him up or something. Better than lying around, at least. He leaped deeper into the woods, grunting as one of his horns snagged on a vine. He was really not built for living in a jungle, and would have been much happier in an icecap. It was too hot and too... planty. The canyon was sunnier, but at least it had more smooth surfaces.

(And that may just be the crappiest post that I haveever done.)

Twilight stood, flexing her now warmed mucles. She arched her back, much like a cat would, and yawned. Her stomach rumbled, letting her know that it wanted food. Looking to the tops of trees, Twilight began climbing. She weaved from branch to branch, tree to tree, looking for any bird nests. She found several, some with eggs and some with chicks; all of which she devoured. Soon, she was full.

Coiling herself around a limb, she watched the clouds pass by. She couldn't help but wonder how the dragon-gryph war started. Surely the had once been allies? But whatever she wondered, it was not the case now.

Kin glared after the dragon that almost stepped on her but did nothing just took a nap. She was full and sleepy. The sun shining on her certainly didn't help. But there were others watching out for trouble so she could let her guard down for a little while... But as a precaution she did go under some cover. She knew she was being overly cautious but better safe than sorry. Shadow took note that she was cautious and joined her. She laid there completely hidden from danger and slept silently. She'd put herself in a position that kept her from snoring.

Dragon Drive

The magical fracking land of Animsai.

Yes, I went there.テつ

The dragon clan lives in a rocky cliffy canyony thing with rivers and a few of those savanah african tree things.

Rainforest to the west.テつ

Desert in all other directions.テつ

Also, because I want to put everybody at a disdvantage so that I get to kill you off, nobody knows where the Gryph base is.

Because screw you.


Welcome to Animsai, where people have the magical ability to turn into dragons!

...I know what you're thinking, "Oh GOD, anothe cliche animal transformation magical other world RP where nothing has a logical explanation."

Tired of lack of detail and overpowered characters?

Not this rp!テつ

All bets are off, all characters are killable.

Watch out for the Gryphs because they try to, you know, rip your heart out.

And eat it.

Want to try your luck in ANOTHER rp run by a control freak?

The creator of A Storm Rising brings you Dragon Drive!

I don't even know why this "History" thing is even here. I never use it, ever.

Heeeeere we go.テつ

1) EDIT: Can't swear.

2) No, you can not make any alterations to the dragons.

3) No, you cannot use your own kind of dragon.

4) If I say you're dead, you're dead.

5) There is a chance that all of your characters will die. IF they do, it's because you're stupid and failed to keep them out of danger.テつ

6) I am a mean control freak. If you have any problem with that, then don't join this rp.

7) Your human form can look like whatever you want it to.

TYPES OF DRAGONS---------------------------------------------------------------

Sunfire dragon- Max size is 3 feet tall.テつ

Sunfire dragons are small, catlike dragons. Mostly scaly, but with feathering on tails, wrists and ankles.テつ

Eye colors: Red or orange

Body coloors: Red, orange or pink.

Breath weapons: Thin stream of fire.

Canice Dragons- Mx dragon sixe is 4.5 feet tall.

Canice dragons are scaly dragons with spikes in various locations. They tend to be rather wolf like.テつ

Eye colors: Any shade of brown or orange.

Body colors: Any shade of blue on top, belly is light blue, grey, yellow, or white.

Breath weapons: Frost breath.テつ

Kinder Dragon- Max size is 4 feet tall.

Creepy to the max, Kinder dragons are long, lanky things with long snouts. They do not have wings, but they do have black claws, teeth and tail spikes with deadly poison.

Eye colors: Always yellow.

Body colors: White, grey, black or red.

Breath weapon: Can spit acid.

Tinsilv Dragon-Max size if four feet tall

Average but fun, Tilsilv dragons have no special quality about them. No feather or fur, just scales.

Eye colors: Any color

Body colors: any shade of grey, often with darker markings.

Breath weapon: None.

Jackal dragon- Max height is 3.5 feet tall

Always mangy looking, Jackal dragons have dark fur on tail tips, ears and along their backs.

Eye color: Always yellow

Body color: Any shade of brown

Breath wepon: None

Blue banded silverwings- max size is 3.5 feet tall

Rivals of darkwing dragons, Blue bands are incredibly rare.

(You don't get to use this one. Deal with it.)

Darkwings: Max size is 4.5 feet.テつ

Powerfull fiery beasts, drkwings hate nothing more that silverwings.

Eyes: any shade of blue

Body: Black with any kind of red markings or vise versa.

Breath weapon: Fire. Lots and lots of fire.

Water dragon- max size is 4 feet.

Water dragons tend to be flinchy and shy, and have small fins instead of wings.

Eyes: Yellow.

Bosy: Any shade of blue or green

Breath weapon: None

Tiger dragons- max size is 4.5 feet

Tiger dragons are capable of producing powerful shcocks by rubbing the spikes on their wings together to create static.テつ

Eyes: Yellow or black

Body: Yellow with black markings

BReath weaopn: Electrobreath

Foxfire Dragon- max size 4.2 feet

Foxfire dragons have fur in the same place as jackal dragons, but they tend to be less mangy looking.

Eyes: Green or yellow

Body: Any shade of orange or red

Breath weapon:Fire

Gem dragons- max size 4.2 feet tall.

Gem dragons are known for their stunning colors and thin builds. THey have birightly colored scales.

Eyes: ANy color

Body: Any bright color

Breath weapon: acid.

Milk Fairy dragons- max size 3 feet tall

Milk fairy dragons are small, fragile things. They may have feathers, fur or scales, and all of them have "Feelers", antene like protrisuind from their foreheads, and sometimes on the end of their tails.

Eyes: Any color

Body: any pastel color

Breath weapon: Sleeping gas.



Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Canice dragon
Darkwing dragon
Foxfire dragon
Gem dragon
Kinder dragon
Milkfairy dragon
Sunfire dragon
Tiger dragon
Tinsilv dragon
Water dragon

Second RP Master

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