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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Sunstreak was horrified. Her vision started getting blurry and she couldn't walk straight. Why! What did that poor kiwi ever do to deserve such a violent death! Sunstreak felt like throwing up and passing out at the same time. She saw Star whimpering and running over to her, and then she heard another scream. It sounded familar...Sunstreak raced toward the sound and found Twighlight staring at the corpses of the dead snakes. Before today, Sunstreak would have turned away from such things, but it seemed trivial after seeing the sacrifce ritual. She jumped behind a bush as Twighlight turned around. She seemed mesmerized by the snakes.
Star shivered and she gulped, "Lucky Twilight missing this ritual... for the kiwi god Kali Ma, Mola Ram has to do that at least twice a month." She tried ro act like her normal self, but her eyes were wide and she shivered tightly holding her rock, and her feathers at least looked somewhat clean. She gulped and hid behind Twilight shivereing and the grusome ritual still fresh in her mind and she muttered to herself, "I haven't seen one of these rituals.. since my parents were the ones being sacrificed to Kali Ma." She whimpered and stared at her blood-stained talons. It was because of those Thuggees she became this way.
Twilight could see something white coming toward her in the distance. When they came closer, she could see that they were two glowing lights. Twilight backed away in fear. She spun around and started running for her life. But she was stopped by the two glowing lights that were now right in front of her. She tripped and landed hard infront of the two glowing lights. Twilight knew thew were the Twin Guardians but she was too shocked to speak. They were large white kiwis, with long, double edged swords. They had a cape that looked like it came from the night sky, and their eyes were large and blue. Twilight tried to sneak away but was stopped by a booming voice "Who are you and what are you doing in the sacred forest!!" The Twin Guardians spoke. Twilight wanted to answer but she didn't know why she was here or how she got here. Twilight noticed a gem on one of their crowns. It was one of the gems they needed.
Juck saw Twilight run into their clearing, stopped by two white lights, some of the twin gaurdians!  After they shaped themselves ino kiwis, Juck saw that one of them had a crown, on which was...  The gem of wisdom.  Juck ran after them, behind them, and jumped up and grabbed the crown, despite the lizard's yells of "You fool, be wise, you'll doom us all!" and Kyle's yells of "I have a bad feeling about this..."  Suddenly, the kiwis vanished into glowing lights!  The forest was filled with laughter, insane cackling, and slowly, lights in pairs of two came closer, and closer, getting nearer, and nearer, all of them adding to the laughter.  Accompanying them were beasts, horrible beasts that were two beasts, only as if they were two clay models, and were squeezed to gether and rolled together until they were two in one, and then baked.  Suddenly, the laughter stopped.  The beasts froze.  The twin lights each flowed into a tree in pairs, and the trees that were possesed started to glow.  The trees split in two, and each half of a tree uprooted it's roots and moved it's branches to form limbs, and the beasts each started drooloing, from both heads.   Then, one tree, the only one which had not split, which was a tropical tree from the jungles closer to the volcano, and was much larger than the others, which, since it had not split, resembled the beasts in a way said "If you survive us, this is only the begining." With every tree half and every beast joining in on the second part.
Twilight gave Juck the death look. She took out her sword wich seamed to be glowing except with a brighter, white light. When the trees noticed this, they backed away in fear. Twilight looked shocked at this. She noticed that the Twin Guardians were worried also. Twilight grinned. "Now, I thought you were the 'all powerful Twin Guardians' but you are nothing but cowards!" the guardians grew full of rage and ran toward Twilight, who stood her ground. She held her sword out to the side, and began running toward them. Juck followed as Twilight swung her sword at the guardians. Twilight could see the rage in their eyes, but she laughed at it.
Juck howver, noticed that the beasts were not nearly as scared of a heat sword as the twin gaurdian possesed trees.  The beasts drooled, and roared, and lunged at Twilight, Juck, Star, all of them, even the mysterious Lizard, who seemed to be backing away in fear.  Juck shot them with his plasma cannon, but there were to many!  A tiger-hawk tore at his wing, an octopus-scorpion stung his shoulder, a huge beetle-elephant the size of a couch slowly closed in on him, threatening doom and flattening.  He hoped some of the others were doing better, they could get him out of this.
Twilight was surrounded. She knew that. She gritted her beak and swung her sword. The beasts flew back in a wave of light. Twilight examined her sword. There seemed to be some sort of magic put on the sword, but when? She got a hold of herself right as a large blackened creature with tentacles on it's head and large death claws slashed at her but missed. She jumped back in horror noticing that the creature was covered in blood. The sky became even more dark than before and lightning struck. It began to pour rain, and the creatures retreated behind the guardians. They now knew that they all must face the guardians, if they wanted to get past them.
Suntreak was freaked out. This was the strangest battle she had ever seen. She flattened her feathers and scrunched down into the bush, trying to make herself as small as possible. Suddenly one of the twin guardians appeared in front of her. Sunstreak somehow found her sword and waved it pathetically at the glowing, ghost-like white kiwi. Strangely, it looked almost...freindly? It stared at her with a sad look in its eyes. Sunstreak lowered her sword. The guardian said in a soft, crackly voice " I know where your family is. In fact, where your entire village is." Sunstreak was shocked. "Follow me and I shall show you" The twin guardian said. She followed it without question of where they were going. Sunstreak could not take her eyes off of the white bird. Something about it kept her staring....She faintly heard Twighlight yelling something at her, but paid no heed to it.
Star stared at the large creatures that everyone called the Twin Guardians with huge, scared, innocent blue eyes. SHe shivered, first she was glad she was ruinted with her old tribe, but to her horror, Mola Ram sstill lived and still tortured the sacrifices to honor the goddess Kali Ma, and now there are huge creatures attacking her friends, and Star felt too scared to fight and defend them... will they survive? Or wil lthey die all thanks to Star being fight! THis was so unlike her... Usually she would have charged into battle and tore their eyes out, but, seems fear can stop even the mightiest warrior.
Twilight started yelling at Star. "Get a hold of yourself!" she yelled while slashing a monster. Star just stood there. This was unliker her thought Twilight. She sighed and ran up to her. "What is wrong with you!?" Twilight yelled. Star just wimpered. Twilight ran over to Juck who was fighting a couple of creatures. Twilight joined him. "How are we gonna get that gem and get out of here?!" She looked at the gem on the guardian's crown. Juck lit up. "I have an idea." Twilight listened as they were fighting, for the monsters had no ears, so they could not hear.
Juck grunted, and said "First of all, the gem up there is not the gem.  They fooled me, it called all the monsters and lights, speaking of which are closing in!  Anyway, we need someone to distract the gaurdian who is wearing the crown, and we need to take the fake gem and smash it.  My theory is that that is what is keeping all the guradians in the trees and the monsters here, because they are all the same being, which has had many different forms over time.  The fake gem is probably only an extension of the real gem, which has power over time.  How do I know this?  There are only two guardians." Juck then lunged at the elephant beetle, squeezing inside it's thick shell to do some real damage.  For the moment, he didn't care about paradoxes, only survival.
Star sighed and stared at her talons, she had to do something! Twilight seemed frustrated and angry with her being a coward.. Star looked up, saw one of the Guardians. She sighed and tensed her muscles. She decided, that even though she was terrified, she should never change unless it was for her own good. She leaped and slashed at it's throat, leaving a gash. She landed clumisly and growled furstratingly. She got up after tumbling into a bush and stared at her talon, blood-red again. Sheclosed her eyes, it did feel good to slash at something again, but, she knew she ddin't become crazy, old Star yet.
As Ria walked into the temple, she saw it was beautiful. Everything was made of shining marble and a large golden shield hung on the wall. It had strange gems on it. Ria looked at the beast. "What are those for?" she asked quietly. "Those are the gems you are looking for....but only one is real. If you want it, you must choose wisely." Ria looked at the gems, then back at the beast. She chose the tan one. It seemed real, and she thought she saw her friends in it. "Ah, I see you have chosen the Gem of Wisdom..... good choice!" the beast said in a rich, deep voice. "What do you see in the gem, my friend." Ria looked closer into the gem, and saw that her friends were in some sort of battle! And they needed help! "How will i get to them?" Ria asked the beast anxiously. "I will take you to them." At once they sprang from the temple and went to the battlefield. "If we need help, will you help us?" Ria asked the beast. The beast nodded and transformed before the eyes of Ria, into a large, magnificent lion.
Juck saw his chance.  He was up in the upper branches of half a tree, which was madly clawing at him to get him down, while he shot it.  He jumped from the tree, and grabbed the crown with the extension of the gem of wisdom.  He could tell it wasn't the real gem, because it lacked a certain luster, and it wasn't big enough.  He smashed the crown.  Suddenly, all of the beasts and lights and guardians vanished, leaving only two: A monkey-beagle beast.  Juck hopped down from the no longer possesed tree, got a compass, and looked at it, then returning to the wreck of the hovercar and retrieving a map.  He nodded, and started walking off in a direction.  He broke out into a run.  The faster they got there, the less insane he'd be when they had to think throught the tests wisely.  God thing they were close to the volcano.  He not only knew because of the map, but also the fact that he could smell vocanic activity, and the forest was turning into jungle.  Not long now.
Sunstreak had followed the guardian into the temple as well. Through her trance-like state, she saw Ria taking the gem of wisdom and walking away with it, but they just kept going on past her, to a small, hidden door in the back of the temple. Sunstreak paused. It seemed too small for the immense and creepy guardian creature to fit, but it turned into a ball of light and went in anyway, and Sunstreak followed. They went down a narrow, curving passage that seemed endless. Finally it stopped and Sunstreak found herself in a huge sun-lit room. They only opening seemed to be a tiny hole at the top, yet the entire room was bright. Sunstreak gasped as she saw her parents, siblings, and the whole rest of the villagers, floating, suspended in air. She ran to save them but the they flickered and the guardian creature said "They are only half-here. Their bodies are here, but their minds are floating through space, and the only way to bring them back is to find ALL the gems and bring them here. It gestured to several gem-shaped holes. Sunstreak was at a loss. She knew her freinds would never give up those gems, not for anything.....

The Kiwi Chronicles (kiwi rp)
In the glorius Sky City, a huge metropolis of kiwi civilization, and surrounding villages and forests, all of which float thousands of feet above the planet. Of course, you may go wherever you like when possible :) The main mode of transportation are flying ships and hover-craft, but just about anything is acceptable.

The highly advanced empire of kiwi birds is at at war with the glide-snake empire. You must survive various attacks in various locations, and occasionally, other birds. The main villain is obviously, the glide-snakes (which are huge, about 3ft long) also there is an evil, traitorus kiwi named Terrance.


View the original rp here:

Mammals are virtually extinct or very rare ;)

Rules: same as most other rp's ;)
1. no bad words (swearing and such)
2. don't be overdescriptive XD
3. you may have a crush or a mate, but PLEASE don't make it all disgusting and gross. (make it more of a close friendship)
4. You can get hurt and possible die, but no killing some one else's character unless you have permission.
5. use your imagination! I do not want my first rp to be super boring and lame XD your kiwi can be any color(s) and have an awesome personality.
6. you may have a max of 3 characters, two MUST be kiwis and be your "main" characters, the other may be another kind of bird or snake or similar creature :)

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Wild Kiwi

Second RP Master
Feather (#958)

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