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Artwork: Show Off

Post all artwork that you'd like to show off here! Also, a good place to ask for crits and redlines.

Note: The Use Of Character Art
First, I'd like to remind everyone about the Copyrightlaws and Arttheft and the part about pictures found via Google.

When you are making a character to roleplay on the RP boards here, please try and avoid use pictures that you have found with GOogle Search or other similar image search. This is because in 90% of the cases, these are characters other people have made, and therefor they are copyrighted to them!

This is simple, you see a dragon rp you want to join and go on dA to find art and you find this Dragon
Which you decide to use, because you liked it's design. That's a big nono. That character belongs to someone, in this case, it's my dragon character. This is a big NONO

If, however, the character you found, was YOURS, just drawn by the artist, this would be fine. So if I wanted to join a dragon rp, and decided to use Jules, I'd use that or her regular reference. But it would be fine, because it would be my character.

SO, the moral is: If the character art you use is not yours, (either drawn by yourself or by someone else for you), DO NOT USE IT

Post: #31746
I'm referring to everybody, actually. No one specifically.

Honestly, not in that way. Because you still have no right to use the art.
If you get written permission from the artist to use it, then sure, but honestly, most of the artists out there would get very annoyed with people using artwork with asking, etc.

I can't say that allowing you to use someone's work, even linking them, is fine.
Post: #31747
Rrrr.... *Pulls at hair* Getting permission from someone can be extremely nerve-racking and take more time than one has.
And, as Neo mentioned but was apparently ignored, if someone doesn't want their art used, is it that big of a problem to put initials or a signature somewhere?

(Btw, Kitei.... Your 'mood' made me laugh XD)

Post: #31748
People just ignore the initials, Sai, as has been proven. If someone creates art and does not label it as stock, or write that it is fine to use, then it's safe to assume they do not want it used.

(My mood is awesome ^^)

Twilia - If you get "hot headed", then it is the time to leave and calm down. It doesn't matter what your original intentions are, but if you come out as rude, etc, then that's what we base things on.

And actually, "I", didn't. =P Herbal did.
Post: #31749
This is pretty plain and simple.

If we allow people to use art that isn't theirs for ONE thing, in this case role playing boards, people will whine about not being able to use it for other things, such as tags or use it on their dinosaurs pages or farm pages.

It clearly states in the Term of Service "A user of Exhibited may not link, distribute or pass off any work that is not originally their own and/or is copyrighted on the game without first acquiring permission from the creator of work themselves."

This includes linking art to a character profile on the role play boards.

And it wasn't Kitei who posted this thread, but I, Herbal the glorious

Post: #31750
I agree with parts of all this. In my thoguhts, this is what's happening:

1. Some people are being a little over-protective, but they have a right to do so.
2. The mods are trying to help. I think we should accept that.
3. Everyone's confuzzled.

Everyone has a point, which is (for me) proving number 3.
Post: #31753
The people whining about THAT (which I'm not going to get into at the moment) shouldn't get their way, then. XD
And aren't those terms of service being a little strict?

So it's just not possible in any way to compromise for using a picture as an RP character? At all?

Twila was referring to when Kitei posted something on her Eragon RP the other day, by the way

Post: #31754
Whether or not you claim art as yours is irrelevent in terms of legality (hope that doesnt sound rude, I tried rephrasing it a few times but thats the clearest way I see to say it o.O) And to say not to post it is a bit like saying not to carry a phone/drive a car/etc if you dont want it stolen. Personally I find that very disrespectful to artists heh. It is unfortunate to those who are using it in a truly innocent manner, for sake of clarity, but being unfortunate does not change law. Exhibited really has to do this to protect themselves. Ive seen other sites get into legal trouble for this exact same issue. Just my thoughts/experience.

Post: #31755
Actually, she was reffering to the post that was locked and stickied, being this one. =P

As I said, if you have written permission from the artist. If you want to -use- their work in any way, you need to make sure that they're okay with it.

I know for a fact that on sites, people who are friends with DA artists find their artwork being used on the site, tell them, and then the whole site is in trouble when the angry DA artist comes over and has serious words with them. It happens. You just might not see it.
Post: #31756
obviously we can not get our point across to you T_T. so it would be pointless, this game was fun in the begining but now it is getting boring because i, not sure about anyone else, have been feeling like i'm being tied down. i joined so i can escape life not be reminded about it.

i get your point but you do not get, is this copywritting?
copymyths there are also a few links in there as well. T_T that basically exsplains what you were talking about but it definitly shows people are more stuck up than i thought. oh well, but what i don't understand is, why are people allowed to steal others ideals? why is there no rule for that? these question are rhetorical, do not answer them.

there is no point i am tring to get across, i am done with this...arguing...for now anyways.

"Sticks and stone might break my bone, but words will never hurt me. Whoever said that, never got hit upside the head with a dictionary." ( source unknown). lol, i have always loved that saying XD. You can take the animal out of the wild, but you can never take the wild out of the animal!
Post: #31757
I was meaning Herbal, about the thread being posted. And yes, Kit about posting on my thread about this..

Also, be realistic. Not everyone is going to follow Tos to the letter.

Post: #31758
Guys, we see your view point, but the object stands that the mods ARE going to enforce this.

Point is, as an artist, i dont want my art used in a way that i have not dictated. That is why i watermark and such. I've gotten many people asking if they could use my tattoo designs on dA, and its a PLEASURE to hear someone wants to use it! If you want to use it, ASK THEM. and i appreciate when people who commissioned me, with rights to own the work, given to them by ME, asks to use it on a certain place. i love it when that happens.

Even if i have watermarked, it doesnt keep thieves away. Posting a picture, especially one that is after an original species, on a board somewhere, is like claiming you own it! "Hur hur lookit, this is whut mai charri looks liek guyz~~" no. that is saying that that picture is yours and you paid for it. that is saying "my character looks exactly like this one. this one, is mine, not theirs" no. that's ART THEFT.

I understand putting a little sign that says "NOT MINE, (C) TO -WHOEVER-" i actually appreciate it. but if the mods enforce that this is wrong, then it is wrong.

369 users welcomed // Time is EX+1 hours // Need any sort of help? I may be a Mod, but please dont be afraid, you can message me with any questions you have, and I'll be happy to help! :D
Post: #31759
"A user of Exhibited may not link, distribute or pass off any work that is not originally their own and/or is copyrighted on the game without first acquiring permission from the creator of work themselves. Exhibited by no means is to be held responsible for any content a user uploads, distributes or links to in any way but will do what it can to assist in these matters."

The ToS.
Aquire permission, go ahead.

Don't attempt to justify breaking the ToS, Twilia. It doesn't work like that.

We cannot say "No art theft/breaking copyright law" and hold the RP section as exempt from this. It's got to be a site-wide thing.
Post: #31760
I never said to break the rules, Did I? No.

Daski - Still I don't see how posting a simple picture for a character is claiming it as your own. Or as a simply reference.

Side note - Daski don't forget to get your chick xd.

Post: #31762
How can you not break the rules if you don't keep to the ToS, pray?

The fact is, Twilia, using the image for anything without their permission is the thing that's wrong here. You can say "I want my character to be like this picture of kitei's", for instance, but if I see it, isn't warning and fine time. Because it is not yours to use as a reference or a character.
Post: #31763
If you look at a lot of sources, the photographer or artist will specifically say "ASK PERMISSION TO USE ELSEWHERE" or "DO NOT USE"

That doesn't just include using it as your own work. It includes using it as a reference for your character. You're blatantly disrespecting the artist if you use their picture against their wishes.

It's why I (on another site) only use stock photography that says "Free use if non-commercial; Credit"

Because I have permission so long as I credit. I don't need to ask for off-site use either, depending on the artist.

If I wish to use any other art? I ask. I roleplay on LJ, which has icons. I like to use fanart for some of them, and I ask before I make icons out of their work; then I credit. Permission. It's not that hard to get.

If you use a picture that belongs to someone else as a reference, without permission, you're stealing. Period. No, you aren't claiming it as your own work, but you're putting forth their work as your character. You're saying "this is my character."

No. It's THEIR photograph, or THEIR drawing. THEIR concept. Not yours. Claiming otherwise is dishonest.

That's my view on it, at least.

e: For example, if I saw someone posting a picture of Skidget and saying "My character looks like this, only with..." I'd be upset, because I put the time and effort into designing him and the artists I commissioned put the time and effort into illustrating him.
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