How many different species of dinosaur do you keep?
I have about 11 different species, though i'm going to reign it back in and focus on Sinors, Bambis and Utahs, with a minor focus in Archaeopteryx, Dimetrodons, and Carnos.
How do you find caring for your dinosaurs daily?
It's not terrible - the mass healing/feeding has made it easier.
Can you suggest any ways to make daily care for dinosaurs easier or more fun?
As far as the daily stuff to do - there isn't much i'd change. It'd be nice if Roger had a heal option. Bump up the price a little bit, but he'd heal the dino after every battle. But that's just me, I have so many dinos I spend a lot of time healing them.
How do you find battling?
I don't spend time battling individual dinos anymore because it's too time consuming.
What about trials? Do you use them?
I love trials, and I love that they add points. It'd be nice to see on the "Registration" drop down the stats of the dino you're registering for trials - it would make it much easier to choose what to register them in instead of having two or three tabs open. :)
If you use herbivore hunting, do you feel satisfied with the feature? If not, why not?
I've tried it several times and i'm not seeing a huge benefit to my dinos to outweigh the cost of the hunting. I feel like it's too expensive and the chance of failure is too high (at least most of my dinos don't succeed, even if they have all their skill points in hunting). I don't really use it unless it's a last ditch effort to level a dino that's about to breed (I typically breed them at 80).
Do you use the human avatar feature?
I'm not actually fond of it. I've tried dressing it up but it's expensive and just seems a bit too time consuming to dress, change outfits, find outfits, etc. I also wish the items wouldn't show up in your inventory, or would show up in a separate category. I'm also not terribly fond of the avatars being on the boards every time someone posts - I feel like for some of the shorter/sale posts it really makes the thread too long and cluttered, especially if people have an avatar, their human avatar and a signature.
Are you happy with the community features available? (Chat, forums, etc)
The features are wonderful! :) I don't think there's anything missing.
Would you say you have a lot of friends on Exhibited?
I have a small, fair amount of friends that i'm happy with.
Are you happy with the community itself on EX?
The community is incredible - I've never had an issue with anyone and I feel people are very open and honest without being rude or mean.
How do you feel about the Gurus and Moderators on EX? Do they feel friendly and approachable?
They're wonderful. I feel they're all very friendly and approachable, and incredibly helpful.
Are you looking forward to the explore feature planned? Have you heard about it?
I've heard about it and i'm quite excited to see what it's about. It sounds very interesting and definitely worth the wait.
Are there any features you really dislike, and if so, why?
I don't
dislike it but I wish the fish tank was a bit more.. exciting? I feel like all I do is just feed them. I've also noticed that I don't always get notified when my fish die.. i just see random fish heads in my inventory and then have to track down who died. Maybe if there was more than just one food option for the fish it'd be a bit more interesting.
Are there any features you feel are missing from Exhibited but if they were added, would really improve your experience here?
Do you have any general suggestions for Exhibited that you think would really help improve the game?
I think it would be wonderful if we could vaccinate whole enclosures. At this point in time I rarely bother with vaccinating unless it's an important dino to me because it takes so long to vaccinate them all.
It'd also be interesting if we could register the dinosaurs for trials at the QTT page, or if there was a link back to the trials page on the QTT page.
Any other comments?
I'm very happy that you ask for feedback from all the players. This is by far the best sim I've been on and the only one that's ever managed to keep my interest. :)
I also think that since there's the new "pack" feature in enclosures - perhaps it'd be feasible to mix certain species in enclosures? I could imagine dinos like the Archaeopteryx being as small as they are not being a bother or a threat to dinosaurs like Carnos.
It'd be fantastic if there was more stuff to do in clubs or with the clubs. I feel like there's not much to do there except battle your dinosaurs, which I never do since it takes too long/half the time there aren't any dinos to fight, and having a club recognized stud. It'd be better if we could have more competitions (I wasn't here for the club fights), or something more that we could do with the page or at least run maybe some sort of monthly club competition? :x I wasn't very helpful with suggestions.
I finally remembered what I wanted to suggest. :D
My last suggestion would be for the inventory to be separated into categories. I know you can currently click to filter, but that just brings you to one type of item. It'd be awesome if your inventory was separated on the inventory page into categories like:
Food, Healing Items, Stat boosting items, scale items, fishing nets, overlays, equipment, enrichment, etc. The way the filter works, but just on the main inventory page itself. I know some healing/stat boosting items could be on the edge - but maybe just lump them in with their main categories? Ex; Magic Peaches would just be in the 'food' category, but more known boosters like SoDs or ICoTs could go into the stat boosting category? I hope that made sense.. ><'
Posted: 02/06/2012 @ 2:35 pm
Edited on 2nd Jun 12 @ 2:46pm by Valecian