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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

"WATER. FIRE. EA-" "Kaoru SHUT UP." The teacher hollered across the spacious light-filled classroom, his vociferous voice echoing off the walls and the cieling. "For the last time Kaoru, this is NOT Epic-telling time, just.. go read your inkbook or something. For the last five minutes? Please?" Kaoru made no comment, but simply adjusted her 'Angry Foaming Flamingo' pose as she called it to a meditation-like sitting position. "Ink-books kill trees. The trees are angry. Don't anger the trees." Kaoru stared at the old teacher and stated her opinon, loudly and clearly. Of course that was a load of yackum- Inkbooks, along with nearly everything else the academy did, were totally nature-friendly and presented no trouble to the forest around them. Well... There was some truth in that statement, Kaoru mused. The trees were angry- very angry, and no one not even the very best Alchemists and spellcasters could tell them why. Kaoru jumped back to the present, and continued staring fixedly at the teacher, while a tiny swirling loop of blue ink appeared and began going helter-skelter around the room. She just didn't like this teacher, was all. Him and his stupid bulgey nose.. bulgy head, with that stupid purple scar across it, and his giant frog-like bulgy eyes. Yes- he was just old, and bulgey. Like a giant potato. 

Ron walked into his Elven language class late, yet again. Everyone stared at him as he walked to his desk and sat down near the rest of his more 'popular' group of friends. The teacher shot a glare at him.

"Just what do you think you're doing, young man?!" The teacher's high-pitched voice made Ron want to cover his ears. He looked up at her and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm obviously coming to class." He muttered to her. The teacher just huffed and walked back up to the chalk board to continue teaching Elven language.

Hilani ran as fast as she could. She dodged trees and shrubs while running at top speed. She finally found a rock and hid behind it, catching her breath. Earlier, she was sent by one of her professors to hunt down a corrupted dragon and get a few scales from it to be experimented on. Well, her plan for getting one went horribly wrong, and so did her Inking. The dragon continued to run after her, spewing black in and fire out of it's mouth. She finally worked up the courage to make an InkNet and capture the beast. She began to paint in the air and form a net, sending it to the dragon. The dragon fell to the ground, still squirming. Hilani walked over to it slowly. "I'm sorry big guy, but I need some of your scales." She walked to his tail and plucked a couple scales from it, stuffing them into a small pouch on her belt. She suddenly noticed something shiny on the beast's tail. She plucked it from the black ooz and examined it. It looked like some sort of bracelet. She smiled and put it on her wrist, trotting off back to the Academy. Though, she had no idea what the bracelet she found could do...


"Today class, we will be learning how to summon our very first living creature!" Zarya teach said with an annoyingly bright tone. "We will summon something simple, a mouse, so if you get it wrong there wont be any consequences." As she completed her explanation, the teacher swirled a simple design into the air, and summoned a small mouse onto her desk.

Really? Something that simple? Zarya thought with disgust. There plenty of other things she could summon, but now she was degraded to a mouse? With a slight smiles, she began to write in the language of ink. I'll show you...

When she finished, the ink became a golden eagle. The bird shot forward, grabbing the teachers mouse into its talons. Folding its wings around its body, the bird exploded, leaving a few feather behind that drifted above the class. The feathers began to burn, much like a fuse, until it got to the end, in which the exploded into miniature fireworks, leaving a glittery dust over the classroom.

The spell worked exactly like Zarya planed, but the teacher was not happy. "Get out of my classroom... now. I will deal with you later." Keeping her head high, Zarya strolled out of the class room and leaned on the wall outside the door. I can't wait to hear what the teacher says THIS time.

The old bulgey potato-like teacher just glared ever harder, and Kaoru was about to make a rather rude and probably-not-very-smart remark when a curious bell-like sound began to echo off the walls, signaling the end of the class period. It wasn't in fact any kind of machine that made that sound, Kaoru knew, but a strange frog-like creature that was trained to go off at frequent intervals. Althought sometimes he fell asleep, and then classes would drag on until they just decided to leave.

Kaoru flipped her shaggy gradient hair away from her face, climbed on a desk, and with the lithness and grace familar to the elves, did a flying leap over the throng of students exiting the room. Unfortunately her exit was not quite so dramatic; Kaoru landed face-down in the middle of the hallway and was nearly squashed by the massive amount of people and a few strange creatures on their merry way to wherever they were going.

Someone laughed, and without hardly a thought she moved her hands in a sideways-upwards motion, and a slimy deep-sea-blue globulous THING materalized out of the air and on the person's face. Kaoru pulled herself up and smiled, but it quickly turned to dismay as the blobby creature sizzled and dissolved away. It was supposed to have been a hagfiesh.. a really gross one.. But they had just learned the spell a few days ago, and she didn't remember how to correctly finish it so it wouldn't just dissolve into goo like that! Kaoru heard screaming and curses emmanating from whoever had recieved her little gift, and took off running down the hallway at a leisurely pace, which was at least three times faster than most humans could run.

However, she tripped at least six times in the process, over her own feet, other students, and something that might have been a unicorn/axolotl hybrid of some sort. "HEY! Watch out! Endangered beastie traversing here!" Kaoru dodged it and ducked under someone carrying a huge load of boxes that looked liable to fall over at any second. "NO RUNNING in the HALLS!" "Slow down you'll kill someone!" "Sorry- Sorry sorry I'M SORREH GAAAAH!"

She garbled out an apology to each person she nearly ran over, and only sped up her pace. She did NOT want to be late to this class- it was her favorite- and then she reached the end of the hallway and fell over with a groan. "Nooo- Agh." Kaour had left her inking bag and all of her written inknotes on various spells (and people) back in Bulgey's room. She slumped down against the wall and stared at the people who were staring back, attempting to figure out what to do. � 

Hillary was walking down the hallway when some girl was running at amazing speeds. Or at least it would be amazing of she wasn't bumping into every person she passed. The girl tripped and fell right at her feet. Hillary not being one for words just grabbed the girls hand. she got the girl standing, but then the bell-frog rang and she was late for class. Her class was all the way on the other end of the academy. She wouldn't get there on her short legs. As fast as she could she summoned a metal raptor from her chain belt. She got on the raptors back like you would a horse and went flying down the hallway, almost as fast as the other girl. She got to get class only 3 minutes late, the scary part was she almost busted down the door to get there. "your late AGAIN..." Mr.Kreger said dryly. He was Hillary least favorite teacher. He looked at the raptor and gave a snort of disapproval. "what did I tell you about your little pets." he said this time with a deeper tone. Hillary didn't reply with words but transformer her raptor back into a belt. She moved over to her seat when some stupid boy started pulling at her 4 foot long silvery hair. She just turned and glared at him. But for some reason he decided that was funny and did it again. She quickly summoned a snake from her bracelet and gave it the commands to attack. The little chain jumped at the boys face and the teacher turned around to see what all the yelling was about. "what are you doing!" he screamed. The snake climbed onto Hillary's wrist and turned back into her simple bracelet. The teacher continued his rampage and shouting but Hillary didn't listen, she could tune things out easily. She looked at the board to see what they were summoning. "flowers! Oh boy..." she thought. Not only were flowers boring, but they were soft. When it came to hard materials she was amazing, but she couldn't do much with soft things. "looks like another boring class...."

Zarya looked at the girl who stood in front of her, looking quite unhappy. She had no bag or any supplies, so it was obvious she had left them in whatever class. Well, the frog croaked and the teacher hasn't told me to leave so...I grabbed the spare ink and quill from my purse. Before the girl could oppose or question me, I grabbed her wrist and doodled three symbols inside of a circle, and connected to opposite side with a ring around the girls wrist. The end result was something like a bracelet.

Without looking to see is she needed explaining, I told her what it meant. "The middle symbol means summon, the one on the left means required, and the one one the right means supplies. The circle around them means order, so if papers were everywhere they were sorted into your bag, and the ring around you wrist means yours. So in three, two, one..." The bag came flying down the hall at incredible speed. I reached out and snatched it, before offering it to the girl. Finally I met her eyes. "Here."

Trevelex, who was, at the moment, furiously scribbling with her left hand, into her notbook, was sitting up in her chair perfectly straight, her back quite rigid, with a dazed, spaced out expression on her face.  Her one green eye wandered down to the paper she was writing on whenever she turned the page, but other then that, nothing outof the ussual.  As the teacher, who, incidentally, was known to the student body as "Mr. Chubbs", despite having a psyique like a bean stalk,  calmed down, and began to instruct the class upon how to "Ink a Flower", she found herself nodding, with a curious expression on her face, and a tilted head.  Upon the point where the teacher asked for questions, at first, she didn't ask, because she really didn't have a question in teh traditional sense of the word.  However, eventually, she timidly raised the hadn she was not writing with, and stated teh following; "Sir, would you mind running that by us one more time, and with more clarity? I really didn't understand what you said to phrase a concise question."  Mr.  Chubbs was, as you may or may not expect, not ammused.  He got read in the face, put his hands to his temples, and raised his head, no longer red, looking away from Trevelex. He said, "Now, please do teh assignment, and come to my desk and pass of your work when finished.  You have forty minutes."  He slumpe dinto his desk at teh front of teh room, leaving Trvelex bewildered.  Her first three attempts failed entirely, but her fourth looked rather like a lazy doodle of a flower with no shading, and, mystically, it looked like this from all angles.  Except that it was carnivorous.  She would have caught it, but as it dragged itself aross the ground, she found she was not able to reach, as she was still writing with her left hand, restraining her to the desk.  She hoped it wouldn't eat everyone elses flowers, or else, that it would, and the asignment wouldn't be worth anything ebcause of it.  Either way.
Hillary sat in her cold chair,tapping her fingers on the flat surface. Mr.Kreger stood looking quite displeased.  "now today class, as you see on the board, we will study the 2 kinds of alchemist. The common alchemist, and the specializing alchemist. Can someone tell me the difference between the two?"  Several people raised thier hands, but Hillary didn't. She knew the answer, she just didn't like to talk. She hadn't raised her hand from the day she joined the achedemy. "Alice, what do you think?" Mr.Kreger said to young Alice. Alice a girl with short curly brown hair and some red glasses.  "well a common alchemist summons just about anything, like flowers,rocks,or creatures,ect... While common alchemist can summon more, the intensity is of a lesser effect." she finished by pushing her glasses up a little. Mr.Kreger gave a small smile to Alice,one of his favorite students. "that was wonderful Alice. Can someone explain a specializing alchemist?" Again several people raised there hands. "carter , what is a specializing alchemist?" Mr.kreger asked carter, one of the meaner students. Carter sighed,tossing his Girly long hair out of his face. "everyone knows that a specializing alchemist can only summon one thing,or out of one material... It is possible for them to try other things, but it often fails. While they can only summon from their material or creature, they are extremely skilled in it and it almost never fails, Blah Blah Blah..." he finished. "well carter that was... Interesting. Now I want 2 groups I want common alchemist in one group and specializing alchemist in the other." Everyone got up and went to the left side of the room. Mr.Kreger looked over the students. "no, no something is wrong..." he said deep in thought. He pulled out a paper and began reading.  "it says we have one specializing student in this class..." he read more into the paper. Hillary was looking around trying to figure out who it was when Mr.Kreger started speaking. "oh! It's say here that it's... Hillary. Well then Hillary you can go to that side of the room." She stood motionless trying to figure out why he was messing with her. "I'm not special in any way" was all she said. "Hillary please,just go to the other side of the room. I'm sure you will enjoy this activity.besides its not like your the only one in the whole school! There are at least 10." he said trying to persuade her. "I am a common alchemist." she replied calmly. "ok then prove it. Turn your belt into something else." Hillary took off the heavy belt,laid it on the floor,and transformed it into  a mini version of a robotic Chinese dragon. It flew around the room once and wrapped itself around her waist just like her belt, only this time it was purring. "now transform that plant." he said pointing to a plant made by a inker. She walked up to the morning glory and tried to turn it into a daisy, but it only ended up withering. "I can't do soft objects." she whined. "transform my pen then." he tossed her the plastic pen. "if only it was metal..." she thought. Again she failed in the transformation. "now class that is a perfect of specializing alchemist." he stated. He didn't seem upset but he made his point. "as you can see Hillary specializes in transforming metals. Mainly living creatures I presume?" Mr.Kreger said stating at Hillary. "i CAN make other things." she stated. "now class here is your assignment. Hillary will create something out of metal by herself,impressive I hope. While the rest of you will create something as a team using anything you can get your hands on." Hillary almost froze from hearing the test. After everyone started their projects Hillary moved over to Mr.Kreger. "I won't do this." "why not Hillary? You love alchemy!" He said concerned, it was one of the first times he seemed to actually care... "I don't care if I get a zero. I don't like being in the spotlight! I feel humiliated enough!" She walked over to the door. Hillary put her hand on a long metal table and it turned into a metal Pegasus. "this is what I'm turning in. When you are finished with him please send him to my room. I don't like killing my creations."  Hillary Walked out without permission. Surprisingly Mr.Kreger didn't care. He just left her alone.   

When Hilani had finally reached the tall, rusted old gates of the academy, the bracelet seemed to have gotten tighter. She examined it. She tried to pull it off, but it didn't want to budge. She shrugged, not thinking that is was a very big deal. She walked into the Inking building and went to talk to Mrs. Calhiller, her professor of Inking Arts.

"Hello dear! Did you finally get those dragon scales?" She asked in a kind voice. Mrs. Calhiller was a short, chubby little woman with some kind of fairy wings. She fluttered over to her and Hilani handed her the bag filled with scales. "Oh! Good good my dear!" She fluttered back over to her desk. "Oh, by the way, You didn't take anything else from the dragon did you?" She asked warily.

Hilani's eyes darted to the beautiful bracelet she had found, then back to the teacher. "N-no, Mrs. Calhiller. I found nothing else." She lied. Mrs. Calhiller smiled at her and fluttered back over to her desk, examining the scales.

Hilani walked out of the teacher's office. She walked past a couple classrooms that were in session, making faces to her friends quickly without being noticed by the teacher. She finally made it to the very back of the building where the door to the roof was. She walked out the door and onto the roof, looking over everything in the distance. She smiled.

There was a nearby tree branch hanging very close to the roof. She ran over to it and jumped onto it. She climbed to the very top of the tall tree, poking her head above the pretty, autumn-stained leaves. She could see the forest for miles, and at the very edge were the tall mountains where the old gods of yore were supposed to live. The cool wind at the top of the trees made her shiver. She noticed something strange in the distance on one of the mountains, almost like a small plume of smoke. Right as she was able to make out what it was, it disappeared.

Suddenly, a huge gust of wind blew over the trees and she could feel the ground below them rumble. Something was happening, awakening, but what? Something flew out from behind a mountain. It looked like a huge dragon, and moaned like a forever tortured spirit or ghost. Her eyes went wide and she scrambled down the tree and off of the roof of the building to tell one of the elders.

The noise. A noise, actually. A very loud one, indeed. What was this noise? Did it have a silent meaning? If it was this loud, how could it have a silent meaning? Confusing, confusing... oh, why was it always confusing? I looked around, worried and confused. What did it have to do with anything? Was I going to be in trouble? I swear I wasn't the one who ate that dragon egg earlier!

The world was unseen, as I couldn't see usually unless I did what I am doing; making a 'fake' eye that could see, as you see they are technically not my real eyes because those are on my face and I could make these anywhere where the goop was still touching me.

Well, if it wasn't me, somebody deserves a spanking for what they did. Or maybe a spatula? Why would someone need a skillet? People are crazy like that; I guess. No idea, no idea...

Kaoru stared down at the symbols on her hand, then at the strange girl, overcome with gratefullness and awe over why a random stranger would be so kind. Although the deed was rather useless now.. She had already made her decision moments before she showed up, and it was to skip class and go wandering around aimlessly someplace. Her next teacher wouldn't care- she rarely questioned Kaoru's excuses about 'Needing to rebalance her zen' and 'Connecting with the natural world'. Kaoru then stood up. "I am forever indebted to your- marvelous act of friendly-ness. Perhaps there is something I can do in return, someday..." She hated to leave acts of goodwill unpaid, even if it was months later when the person forgot and whatever she was going to give them no longer applied. She glanced out the window, and noted that nearly everyone had made their way to their classes by now. Spinning around to face the door, Kaoru positioned herself so she could make a running start. "I must take my leave! But first..What happens to be your name?" 

Hilani ran to the closest building she could. She ran into the office of one of the elders and slammed her hands onto his desk, not even caring who it was. She was tired and scared; almost shaking from the excitement of seeing something like this. She finally composed herself and looked at the elder, who just happened to be the oldest of them all. He stared at her.

"Are you alright, child?" He asked, standing up and patting her back as she coughed. Hilani looked at him.

"I saw something fly up from the mountains!" She almost yelled. "It looked like a huge dragon, and it had a terrible sound coming from it. And it looked like fire was trailing behind it."

The elder stared at her. "Did you see where it was going?" Hilani shook her head. "it just flew straight up. I didn't stick around to see where it went from there." She muttered and looked out the window.

The elder picked up a book and flipped through the pages quickly. He seemed rather troubled and was looked very hard to find the page he was looking for. He finally found it. He read it to himself for a moment then looked up from the book and back at the young Inker. "I haven't heard of anything like this for hundreds of years. The last time something like that was sighted, was when the Evil had risen for the first time." He looked very scared and looked at the book again for about a good ten minutes. "This very well could be the Evil rising again...."

Hilani stared at him. "So what do you mean? What do we do?" She asked. The elder shook his head and plopped down into his plush red chair again. "The only thing we can do is try to stop it. And we're going to need students like you and a couple others to do it." As he said this, Hilani's eyes went wide. She'll finally be able to do something challenging. She stifled a huge grin.

Zarya smiled, a cocky 'I awesome and i know it' smile. "No need to think you owe me anything. There is really nothing I'll need help with anyways. I'm Zarya, and this is actually my first day here." I glanced back at the room I'd just come from. "Lets just say I havn't made the BEST impression. I got sent here after I... er... over achieved at another school." Truth was, she had been kicked out because she'd used her spells to attack some older students who'd made fun of her. Afterwards, the kids changed their names and moved half-way across the globe. "Where are you headed? Its my free-period and I'm not hanging around here all day." Zarya hadn't been to her dorm yet, and she mildly wondered who she would end up with. Whoever it was probably had bad hygiene and didn't know the meaning of 'personal space' with the luck she had.

Hillary was practicaly stomping down the hallways. She still had the little dragon around her waist. She couldn't possibly turn him into a belt again... So she decided she could just let him be her belt for now, and just get a new one from the gym teacher. He always had some laying around. "now what am I going to name you..." she said while petting the little creature. "how about... Bolt?" the little dragon made a puff of smoke out of annoyance. "ok then, how about ace?" this time the dragon let out a small growl. "alright... I got it! How about Jet?" little Jet began to purr and shake with happiness. "then it's settled, you are now Jet." she picked up the little guy and he wrapped around her arm. Then he must have heard something because he stopped and his little ears perked up. "what is it?" she asked. But right after he went flying off down the hall. "Jet! Get back here!" she yelled after him. She got towards the end of the hallway when she saw jet flying circles around a girl. "Jet. Stop." she said it like she meant it, so of course the little dragon stopped. "Belt, NOW." he did a little half circle around her waist before settling down. "I'm so sorry he bothered you. He's a new creation, and they can be pretty crazy..." she said with a small smile. "my names Hillary, A.K.A. The girl who likes metal things. And you just met Jet. Just created in alchemist class." Jet gave a small snort. "don't say anything you got YOURSELF in trouble."
Kaoru was about to respond to the kind stranger's question when a strange metal contraption- No, wait it was a creature- came whizzing through the air and started doing loops around her unkempt mess of hair, blowing it all over the place. Someone called out a command, and the little metal beastie retreated, leaving Kaoru even more disheveled than before. "Ah- Newly generated creatures are always a handful... Once I managed to summon a-" She trailed off, suddenly aware of a slight rumbling beneath them; thought it was probably just another epic-fail-eh experiment in the bowels of the academy. "Nevermind. As I was about to say.. I'm going on a little zen-rebalancing nature walk. Anyone care to join, tally ho! Oh, and nice to meet both of you!"  Kaoru was becoming the slightest bit impatient, and that was not healthy for one's aura at all, so she got up and sprinted out the nearest door without waiting for a response. Originally this was going to be a solo run but if these people were going to drag themselves along as well.. Kaoru figured she would seek out one more person as well. A little office just off the edge of the green was her first destination; popping into the room, she found her close friend Hilani and the fossilized old dude who-lots-of-stuff. After bowing respectfully, Kaoru was about exchange a greeting when she noticed that no one was really smiling, and they looked rather ruffled. "Eeh?" She said inquiringly. 


Welcome to Madame Arristah's Academy of Artistic and Alchemic Summoning! Or, the AAAS! Here, you will learn the art of summoning, from basic to advanced! Our vast campus sports several useful buildings, along with some extras. We hope the dorms are to your liking, along with your roommates! Please, make yourself at home after you arrive! We are 100% sure that you will have a safe, fun, and insightful experience here!

The Dorm Building: A tall, maroon building that looks like a Victorian apartment building. It has many rooms for students to stay. It is sectioned into a boys' half and a girls' half for obvious reasons. Everything is powered by steam and the nearby river.

The Alchemy Building: A somewhat tall, dark blue building where Alchemy students study the science and art of Alchemy. The bottom floor is for beginning students, and the top is for advanced. The middle floors are for intermediate. There are many smoke and fire detectors in the building for again, obvious reasons.

The Inking Building: A beautiful, golden-yellow colored building surrounded by ancient 'Scribe Trees'. This is where Scribing students go to study and practice the art of summoning creatures using magic paint or 'Ink' from the Scribe Trees of the Forest of Ancients.

Meal Hall: A medium-sized log building where students get Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.

Archives of the Ancients: Where all the ancient Alchemy and Ink books and scrolls are stored. It is a huge building that almost looks like a smaller; more tree-covered Taj Mahal without the columns on the sides. It is also a dark brown color and has ivy growling all around it. Long ago, an ancient evil spirit tried to steal the scrolls and corrupt the entire Forest of Ancients. But, the ancient Alchemists and Inkers fought back and locked the evil in a faraway abandoned temple. Though, there are signs that the Evil is slowly starting to leak out into the forest again, causing shortages in supplies and Ink.
There are also small towns around the Academy throughout the forest. Though, a few of them have been abandoned because of the evil creatures lurking...


At the AAAS, students learn the art of Summoning with Alchemy or by Inking, which is, summoning great creatures by painting in the air with special, magic paint only found in the Forest of Ancients. They can learn to summon things from little birds, to huge ancient spirits from Lore and Fairy Tales.

Inking is a very powerful and ancient technique. It takes years of practice and, if done incorrectly, may turn out horribly wrong. Alchemy, on the other hand, is taking something that already exists near you and transforming it into a creature to attack with. It also might go horribly wrong and blow up in our face, but your face isn't that important, is it!

It is certainly a dark time for the AAAS. The unknown Evil has begun to rise again. Students are being sent on missions to defeat the evil creatures and restore the forest using their magic, though it is not enough. The AAAS is searching for strong and capable students to search down the Unknown Evil and put an end to it for good. though, they haven't been able to find students yet and the infection keeps spreading and spreading. Soon, the entire Forest of Ancients will be infected and there will be nothing to protect the Great Spirit or the Ancient Archives from falling to the Evil.

As new students begin to arrive, the AAAS is still on the search for that special group of students.


Hundreds of years ago, before the Academy, there was a small group of Masters and spirits protecting the Forest of Ancients where the Great Spirit Miyani dwelled.

But, a strange new Evil had begun to slowly claw itself into the forest. It turned the spirits against the Ancient Masters and Miyani.

The Ancient masters took action and fought back against the Evil, sending it back to the depths through an evil temple of demons that had been abandoned. Ever since that time, the Evil has been quiet.

But now, it is suddenly starting to claw itself back into the world, much more rapidly than last time. It is consuming the edges of the Forest in hate and death, causing the creatures at that part of the forest to go insane and corrupt other parts of the forest.


1) Please follow all of the rules for the RP! I don't want to delete your character if I don't have to!

2) No cursing, too much gore, or anything expicit! (only very very minor swears are allowed. The A-word is too far!)

3) Romance is allowed- this is an academy after all :3 but NOTHING that isn't PG-13!!

4) BE NICE! - this is a very big one. I don't want fights or anything. I will punt anyone who starts OOC fights D8<

5) Respect both Amerillo and I. We thought of this idea together, we don't want it to be stolen. And if we tell you to do something or not to do something, Respect it!!!

6) Mary/gary sues, Godmodding, Powerplaying, Perfect Characters, etc. is NOT allowed. It can be very annoying.

7) This is a Steam-punk-Like RP, so no iPods or TV's or anything XD

8) (I promise this is the last rule) HAVE FUN!!!

Who's and What's of this RP!!

Inking: The art of summoning creatures from painting shapes and pictures in the air using a Magic Brush and Ink. To do this, you must first either draw the creature into a special Spell Sketchbook, or capture the creature using the 'InkNet' spell.

Alchemy: The Science of converting objects around yourself into summoned creatures. You must be very familiar with chemestry and have at least one item that makes up the creature with you to summon it or transform it.

The Evil: An unknown evil spreading through the forest, killing the creatures, turning them into monsters, destroying the Scribe Trees, and trying to destroy the Great Spirit.

Great Spirit: The creator of the forest and ruler of everything in it.

Academy: A place where students come to study and practice Inking and Alchemy.

Forest of Ancients: An ancient and sacred forest filled with Scribe Trees and plenty of things to practice Alchemy on. It also has several abandoned temples scattered around.

Spirits: Small forest spirits created by the Great Spirit to rule over smaller things.

Summoning: The ancient art of using spells, Ink, or Alchemy to summon creatures in combat to defeat evil. It is also possible to summon pets, people, teleport, and create food!

Also! Please be descriptive of your characters! I dislike pathetic description! Just look at all these words! It took me forever! Now show me some appreciation and don't be lazy with posts or creating characters! GAWSH!! >8U

Word Minimum
150 words per post.

Joinable Species
Alchemist Summoner
Ink Summoner

Second RP Master
✧゚・Amerillo・゚✧ (#342)

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