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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

Kiro and Kashi were walking around in the village that they lived in. There was a rumor that they were selling there house and moving some where. They were giving out invites to visit there Collage of Magic. Kiro then saw Isabel and waved to her. Kashi looked surprised to see people talking to them, he was still shy about people and still sometimes freaked out, but he was much calmer. Kiro then walked up to Ivan and Isabel. "Hey did you hear what we finally opened up?" Kiro asked Isabel and Ivan. Kashi ran towards his brother and stood next to him, then bumped him with his elbow. Kiro bumped Kashi back.

"Um... no... what?" said Isabel.

"Oh come on Iz," Ivan said, "don't tell me you haven't heard of Kiro and Kashi's new Collage of Magic! Everyone has been talking about it! Them and Drago are moving there, I think!"

"What? You're leaving?!" Isabel said to the twins, unhappily.

"There's nothing stopping us from going there too, though, right Iz?" Ivan said, as though he had read his sister's mind. "We could polish our magic skills, and maybe we could even be teachers, if that's alright with you two," he said to Kiro and Kashi.

Just then they heard a low rumbling sound. A huge furry brown monster appeared, gliding soundlessly along despite its massive size.

"Oh, hello Rose!" said Ivan, patting her on the shoulder. "I haven't seen you for awhile! Are you excited about the Collage of Magic too? Were you helping the twins build it?"

Rose gave him a friendly nuzzle, perhaps that was a yes.

Isabel glowered at Rose from the corner of her eye. For some reason she had never gotten along very well, even when the monster had been half-human and still able to talk. But over time Rose had been talking less and less, and recently she stopped altogether, apparently she had forgotten. Now she was like a dumb pet dog... Much bigger and scarier and weirder-looking than any dog, but still just a dog, at least to Isabel... But she knew Rose still understood English even if she could no longer speak it, because once she said that in front of Rose ("She's nothing but a stupid dog now") and the she-beast exploded with anger. Isabel watched Rose nuzzle the twins too, and sighed. I suppose they're going to drag this stupid monster along too... I don't know why they're still so fond of her, she's obviously almost a pure monster now, I'd be suprised if she still had any soul...

Just then another monster appeared. As big and scary as Rose. Isabel yelped and instinctively pulled out her bow and arrow.

"Isabel!" her brother snapped, and Rose hissed at her.

"Huh?!" said Isabel, lowering her bow and arrow, but not putting it away.

Bhelengser prowled the outskirts of the village, his brightly coloured fur being so useless at camoflaging him that he'd pretty much forgotten even trying to hide; he needed to live near civilisation because he needed to eat, and humans were definitely easier prey than the wild animals and monsters that lived in the wilderness. He still couldn't quite decide if he liked the taste, though; a little part of him recoiled at the thought of eating people, while a greater part, one that grew more powerful each day, thought they were delicious.
His large ears caught the sound of voices nearby, so he trotted towards them, only to halt suddenly when he caught sight of them; two humans, well-armed, and a large brown monster nuzzling them. One of the humans, the female, pulled out her weapon, aiming an arrow at him. Bhelengser bared his teeth in a fierce snarl, not attacking but definitely wary that he might be attacked. He held his ground, neither backing away nor pushing forward; he wanted to see what the humans and their beast would do first.
Hmph. Typical humans. They always assumed, just from the sight of him, that he was a mindless beast intent only on their destruction. They always ran from him, or threw stones at him, or attacked him with weapons. But then, he did eat them. But only because he was hungry. He hadn't asked to be a big, carnivorous monster. That was the Amulets' fault. His growling increased a little in intensity just at the thought.
Kiro and Kashi got up. They looked at the creature and smiled. Kashi seemed hesitant about going near it. Then Sakoya came from the house. He was still a monster but can still talk. "Okay Kiro and Kashi, seems as if your little adopted orphan got the horses ready. I still cant believe I am following orders from you two amulets and a human. And I still don't know how you funded that college.....who's that?" Sakoya asked, he snarled at the new monster and roared at it. He stood on his hind lages and extended his long claws. He was a werewolf after all. His mussels now shown. Kiro go in front of Sakoya. "Sakoya please be calmer, maby he is friendly..." Kiro said. Sakoya rolled his eyes. "Oh how Ironic it would be if this is the one student missing from the college." Sakoya said aloud. Kiro and Kashi gave him the death stare. "Okay I know the one amulet he was competing against was evil and did not tell you because you were to busy..." Sakoya said. "At least I didn't get involved in it....he would have turned me human." Sakoya continued.
Abiss then came up to then and hit Sakoya on the back of the head. "We need to leave." He hissed, he was in his skeleton form. Sakoya let out a howl of fear when he looked at Abiss. "Listen I don't need more freaks coming so I will meat you there." Sakoya whimpered, running off into the forest. Abiss was quiet. "Well if you guys want to come you can...We need to leave any way to tend to the college." The twins said to Isabel. "If you want to come meat us by the horse drawn carriage and we can go." Kiro said. Him and Kashi walked away from them, going to there ride. Abiss stood there looking at rose then at Isabel and Ivan.

I went up to Drago (I preffered to think of him as Drago and not evil Abiss) and nuzzled him affectionately. Oh god, how I wished I could remember how to talk... The things I would say to that darn Sakoya and Isabel.

"Thanks for stopping Sakoya, Drago," Ivan said. "Let's go get our stuff then go to the twin's carriage, Iz." He started walking off.

"Wait, Ivan," said Isabel. She turned to the newcomer monster. "Who are you? Can you talk? Rose here is so stupid she has forgotten how."

I bared my teeth and snarled at her.

"Well, it's true you know," she said. I knew she was right, I felt humiliated, as I always did when she pointed it out, and wished I could chew her arm off... She turned to the other monster again. "Anyway, I hope you still have some humanity in you, if you attack us I'll have to shoot you."

"Isabel..." said Ivan.

"What? You want to be attacked?" Isabel said.

"Of course not, but we have to give this guy a chance..."

"I suppose so..."

I stepped forward and rumbled low in my throat, trying to say "She's like this all the time, just do your best to refrain from ripping her to shreds" with just body language and gutteral beast noises.


When Abiss saw the other creature, his metal spikes on his back started to rattle, warning it that if it came any closer he would harm him. His amulet on his chest started to glow red. Abiss then made a low hiss at the other monster, as venom and toxic poison dripped off of his claws. Abiss then turned into the black, death dragon agen and roared. Bright green venom dripped from his teeth. His tail had long, sharp metal spikes on it. And his scales were sharpened as well. Abiss then started to come towards the other monster for he was bigger than it was. 

Bhelengser hesitated when the human female spoke to him, asking if he could speak. He stared at her suspiciously, eyes still on her weapon, but... well, at least she wasn't just attacking him. "Yes, I can speak," he said by way of a response to the question.

The 'words' of the brown, furry monster were more difficult to determine; Bhelengser had not been a monster long, and wasn't yet fully accustomed to his powerful body. The body language and gutteral animal noises were, therefore, something he was still learning to interpret. But he got the gist of it: the brown beast didn't want him to attack the humans. Bhelengser nodded to her to confirm he'd understood. The gesture was a fairly human one, still; he was holding very tight to his humanity.

Whatever restraint he was determined to hold around humans, however, the sight of an Amulet, a distinctly hostile one at that, was enough to arouse Bhelengser's ire. His multi-coloured fur puffed up in hostility as he responded to the black dragon's roar with a roar of his own. The black dragon was larger than him, but that also meant it would be slower and clumsier. Bhelengser growled, baring his own sharp claws. He didn't leap at the approaching dragon, however; he waited, watching to see how it moved. Seeing the venom dripping from the Amulet's teeth and claws, Bhelengser's highest priority was not getting hurt himself.

But if he could kill the Amulet, that would be a nice bonus.

Abiss when he heard what the creature said, he turned back into his skeleton form and walked off to join Kiro and Kashi. "Attack me worm and you wont see the light ever agen." Abiss hissed at the monster before he continued to leave. His spines that dripped venom also, rattled at the others. But he continued walking, making shur his true monster douse not show. Once he got to Kiro and Kashi, he saw them loading there bags in the back, so he helped them. Though he would have rather wanted to eat the other monster and rose, but he could not see the thought of doing it to rose.

Ivan and Isabel turned and walked off to quickly pack their bags. I followed Drago/Abiss. I still loved him, but now whenever he looked at me, he looked hungry... I was used to bigger stronger monsters wanting to eat me, and Drago/Abiss had been like this for awhile, I suspected he was losing his humanity more and more too, but it made me sad... He seemed to still like me, at least Drago did, Abiss was the one who wanted to eat me, I suppose. It was easy to forget this creature was actually two very different souls sharing a single body.

I knew if he did decide to eat me, I couldn't defend myself. I could tear out his throat, yes, I was good at tearing other monsters' throats, but I loved Drago too much to do it to him... So whenever he gave me that hungry look, I did my best to butter him up, remind him that I loved him and hoped that would convince him to let me live. So I did that now, rubbed againt him, nuzzled him, and licked his arms, neck and face (and trying not to lick up too much poison) while walking beside him... Please don't eat me, Drago, I love you... Yet another time I wished I still knew how to speak, though telling him that might not have made much difference...

I glanced over my shoulder and saw that other monster still there. I growled low in my throat, I didn't know what to think of him, I had tried to be friendly at first but Drago/Abiss and Isabel had been so aggressive toward him, I wondered if I should be aggressive too... Though Abiss was a maniacly evil being posessing Drago and so was often aggressive, and Isabel was always grouchy too, even though she wasn't posessed... I decided to see if this monster would follow us or not before I decided whether or not to attack.

"You are the one that is hostile and aggressive," Bhelengser said to the Amulet's retreating back. "Attack me, and it is you that will die." Whether the Amulet was in the form of a dragon or a skeletal... whatever it was, as far as Bhelengser was concerned, it was that creature that was the true monster, not himself. He ate people because he needed to eat, and he fought when he needed to defend himself; it was the Amulets that were the cause of all the problems in the world.
He sheathed his claws and sat back on his haunches, watching as the humans walked away. The other monster glanced at him, giving a low growl in her throat, before following them. Apparently their only interest in him had been in whether he was likely to attack them, and once he had confirmed that he could still speak, and thus was not just a mindless monster, they were content to go about their lives.
Bhelengser debated whether he should follow them or not; to do so might be considered an aggressive act that would have them all piling on him. On the other hand, he was terribly lonely, and these were the first people he'd met since becoming a monster that hadn't just attacked him on sight. He considered the options for several long moments, before pulling himself back to his feet and moving to follow the group. He padded a good distance behind them; close enough that he could watch them and hear their words, but keeping enough of a distance that he could turn and flee if they decided to attack. He did, however, almost look as if he were stalking them.
Kiro looked at abiss then noticed something, he seemed more violent in his eyes. When he had a chance he went up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Drago are you-" Before Kiro could finish it abiss had Kiro by the throat. Kiro quickly got out of his grasp and jumped back. "Don't Touch me!" He hissed at Kiro. "I am not your friend, the only reason why I help you is because of drago... but when his soul finally merges with mine, there will be nothing left to hold me back from ripping out your throats!" Abiss continued. Kashi took out his weapon as well. "After all I would like to see your host bleed more and more so I can feed off of there misery and hatred for me!" Abiss hissed. Kiro put away his weapon. "Remember who is the eldest now brethren...Since Saphire died, I am the ruler of the pure Amulets...I can exterminate you as if you were nothing." Kiro said.

As soon as I saw Abiss grab Kiro's throat, I immediately stopped fawning on him and sprang away with a hiss. I was glad to see Kiro pulled away from him before getting hurt, but I still ran over to Kiro, sniffed at the spot Abiss had grabbed him and gave it a small lick with the tip of my tongue. And then I hissed at Abiss again.

Why do you cling to the hope that a bit of Drago might still be alive in that guy, Rose? I asked myself. Drago is dead, it's only Abiss now...

But that thought was just too heartbreaking.

No... there has to be a bit of Drago left in Abiss, even though he didn't let Kiro touch him, he let me touch him, and I was touching him in a much more irritating way than Kiro was... But maybe that's because I'm just a dumb animal to him...

I hoped Drago wouldn't let Abiss destroy him and his humanity completly, if he did my heart would break and I would lose the last little bit of my humanity too... I eyed Abiss warily...

Then I heard something behind us. I turned and saw that other monster following us. But I pretended not to notice. He hadn't attacked us yet, and if I attacked Kiro, Kashi and Abiss probably would too. Even if I just gave the other monster away, Abiss would probably attack and kill him. Although he appeared to be suspicously stalking us, I would wait and see what this other monster did next.

Bhelengser paused in his steps when fresh hostility broke out amongst the group he was following. It made him feel a bit better, actually; if they were ready to start threatening to kill each other, it made it far less personal that similar threats had been leveled against him when he hadn't done anything wrong. Or at least not anything they'd witnessed with their own eyes, anyway.

But it was only the two Amulets that seemed to be hostile to each other; the other monster just looked worried, and the humans weren't involved at all. Bhelengser watched them all curiously, very much of the impression that there was tension in the group. It was very obviously coming from the skeletal, venomous one that had threatened him; he was clearly aggressive, so why did the others all tolerate his presence?

Bhelengser growled at the skeletal being, having reached the opinion that he was the only one that was actually a threat here.

Abiss turned to the other monster and growled. Kiro then said. "Abiss, calm yourself. I know that there is a lot of rage in you." Abiss then laughed at Kiro. "Rage?! Rage douse not cover it...your just lucky I ow you my life.....I will get my horse..." Abiss said leaving the group. Kashi then said. "He is getting more least I see he is calming down..." Kiro then looked at Kashi and said. "He must be upset at rose....I can fell there sadness and pain." Kashi then nodded. Kiro then continued loading the carriage. Then when they were done they waited for Abiss.

Predator versus Prey 2 (Fantasy/Monster rp)

A medieval fantasy land.

There is the Human Realm, lots of villages, castles and forests full of monsters, the monsters always eat humans and each other, and the humans always hunt the monsters and get turned into monsters too.

Then there's the Amulet Realm. They live in what is known as the nether-realm. Its a place that is usually over the human realm, invisible to the eyes of mortals. In that realm there are those who create the amulets, and the amulets themselves. They live in a king dome, that looks as if it was built out of glass. The amulets here have no form for they are still being given powers and have no form or creature to control.

Collage of Magic~ Kiro and Kashi funded a collage to teach Magic use to the humans and younger amulets. The collage has about three different levels and is on a cliff over the ocean.

Bottom Level: Has a beautiful view of the ocean threw a cave opening. The Maine colors are blue and purple for the bottom area. And the symbol for the area is a white water dragon. The floors are made of marble and the walls are made of a white crystal. They have a statue of a water dragon in the main hall leading to the 200 room's for this is where the young apprentices stay.

Medium Level: A area where the students learn Magic witch is also known as the Teaching hall. They have about 100 room's here, each is different for different classes. They tend to have different colors in each room but the outer hall is white. Made out of crystals, and if you look at the walls close enough you will see that it is for some crystals keep growing. The main sculpture in the hall is one of a mermaid.

Top Level: This is the outside of the place, is the main entrance of this glorious castle. They tend to tame monsters here and or befriend them. The trees around the area are beautiful and clean. The castle even has a waterfall and a lake beside it.

*Art work gallery*


Basically the same as the first Predator vs Prey, a clash between man and beast (the beasts are all cursed humans, and the humans could easily be cursed to become beasts too) with some powerful supernatural beings called Amulets (because they're magic amulets given living physical forms) taking on both human and monster form involved too. In fact, the amulets are probably the main reason all the humans are turning into monsters. Not all of them are bad though... But what can be done to abolish the curse?

(I will edit this later)


I should try to summarize the events of the first Predator vs Prey rp, but I'll do that later


Read the rp guide, needless to say everything in there applies here

You can create as many characters as you like, as long as you can post for them all

You can play as:

An Ordinary Human - Many of these are monster hunters, but all are in danger of becoming monsters. So your character could start out as a human but become a monster later.

A Monster - Almost all monsters were once human, the rest are Amulets in their beast forms. This group is for the human monsters, who, unlike Amulets, are usually stuck in their beast forms unless the spell on them is broken. Monsters can look like absolutely anything.A few can turn back into human form briefly before becoming monsters again, but they usually have no control over it. Any transformations are always excruciatingly painful. Monsters always start out still semi-human, but over time they will become less and less human until they are pure monsters, with no soul, no emotions, no humanity left in them. There are ways to slow down or even stop them from losing their humanity though. Amulets can turn people into monsters, but people who get very angry or depressed or whatever can turn themselves into monsters too, if there is an amulet in the area.


The Amulats~ A being created by those who live in a realm above the humans, they were created to be either Positive, Negative, or in rare cases Neutral. They then go to the human realm to find body's to control, human or monster, they will then use the body to observe or explore the new realm they are in. Amulets do attack one another (unless they have human emotions.) Some times when they take control of a body they will absorb the soul and make it there own. (This only happens when they have no soul.) Amulets are also skilled in different magic groups.

Life Magic: The manipulation of the animals, plants, and non-living organisms.

Death Magic: The use of raising dead and other things.

Illusion: Plays with the mind, even can take control of others who are not amulets.

Elemental: The different elements.

They can teach humans how to cast different magic, but this depends on if there friendly towards humans or not. They also tend to change things on the humans or monsters they control, so they can use it to survive.

*Also amulets have different markings, shapes, and decor on them. So be creative.

There will be only 12 amulets in this role play. 3/12

Characters should have a specific job or position, such as "Monster hunter", "Magic user" or even "Man-eater" for monsters who do nothing but that.

And all Amulets should have a specific element, or type of power or whatever, and you should say whether their amulet is positive, negative, of neutral (but neutral ones are supposedly very rare, so there should be a limit on how many.)

Feel free to do artwork for this rp

And please message one of us rp masters if you create a character.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Monster (Human)
Ordinary Human

Second RP Master

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