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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

The weather in the maze is tropic. The temperature is warm enough to keep you comfortable. A fine mist hangs in the air. Tropic plants surround you and you're not quiet sure which way leads into the maze or out. You should start moving, strange creature sounds are coming from all around.

The Level 1 Potted Plant was thirsty. It was hot and thirsty and it hadn't run into anything else alive in a long time. With this most recent onset of tropic weather, the plant had just finished changing into a fancy bromeliad. The plant fluttered its newly morphed leaves weakly. Along with the visible switch from its previous form (a cactus, as it happened), came the sudden greater demands of this new form. Water. At least the air was saturated with a comfortable mist, but the Level 1 Potted Plant needed an actual drink to quench its thirst. It dragged itself up from the ground. The plant went into a sudden flurry of movement, waving its leaves in all directions, testing the air and 'sniffing out' water. After some time, it seemed to come to a decision and slogged off around a corner.

Hakoza was happy with the weather, he felt alive. He felt so alive that to him it did not feel natural. He opened his fly-trap like mouth and basked, his leaves were out spreed. He was enjoying it unlike the other plants. They envied him for being so tough with the weather, And for the bright colors on his leaves. He was known to be curious, always about in the maze, always lurking around. He then found a soft spot in the ground full of water, so he burrowed his roots in it and basked in the warm sun happily.
Kindling stood in what (until recently), had been a dessert oasis. Her bare feet sank several inches into the puddle of mud that was suddenly beneath her. Grumbling, she tugged up her pants which were now dangerously close to getting muddy. She had a very cross expression, the last climate had been much more to her liking. Beads of mist sizzled as they touched her skin. This humidity is going to drive me insane. She took a quick look around. You couldn't be too careful in a place like this. Nothing but "seemingly" normal plants surrounded her. She sighed then chose a direction to start slogging through the mud. This place was really starting to get old, if only she could find a way back to where she came from. 

Umbrella out, I whinned, complaining; "How much longer are we going to waaaalk? My feet are killing me!" The truth was, I was just bored. For the past half hour I was pretending to be a bird, and that wasn't that fun at all unless I could get bro to play along with me, and he rarely ever does; he stopped playing with me four years ago. I watched his ear twitch, and his tail flicked, smacking me across the face, which stung like a bad slap.

"Owwwie..." I whinned, not willing to give up my complaints. "That huuuurt!"

"Will you just SHUT UP for a moment?" I said, gritting my sharp teeth together. My eyes were the same color as my second color to my hair; which held a pink color to them. He was getting on my last nerve, and it was highly annoying.

"But brother!" He whined, his voice fading out in the middle of him saying that before picking back up again, almost as if to mock me. "Do you think that we'd be able to eat sometime soon?" the younger boy suddenly asked, and I stopped. He bumped into my back, shoving us both down a ditch that I had stopped in front of because of noticing it.

Kindling grumbled even more, shaking mud from her hand. She was now thoroughly covered in mud, having slipped. "Retched water making everything all soggy." Her eyes flared up a bit, creating an orange glow on the ground. "I've even got this nasty mud in my hair." There was a sizzling sound and a puff of steam as all the water evaporated out of the mud in her hair. She shook the now dry dirt from her red locks. She began dragging herself through the mud again, find a small hill close by. She froze, hearing voices. Silently she crept up the hill. On the other side there were two humanoids in a jumble at the bottom of a ditch.  Unfortunately, the mud on her feet made her loose her footing and she tumbled down into the ditch, landing in a pool of water.

Xanthus was rather sad today- at least, as sad as a beast of its kind could be. It hadn't found a proper sentient plant for a few days, and it wanted something to entertain itself with. It could hear other creatures, but due to the maze, could only rarely seem to find them. It could, however, and often did, mimic the sounds it heard.

A bird would call, Xanthus would make the same call. A roar would come from the distance, Xanthus would roar back. Sometimes they wouyld call back and forth for awhile, before the other creature would realize it was not one of their kind, and stop.

"Shut Up!" it heard yelled from somewhere around, making it perk up significantly. A talker? Oh how it would love to find a talker!

"Shut up!" it called back, an odd grin crossing its face, long pointed tongue hanging out. That was a phrase it had learned early in its wandering the maze. Likely due to its noisy nature.

"EEEK!" Rapture squealed and tackled me for protection as soon as the creature fell down. That, and the fact that he had no shade whatsoever and was afraid of sun exposure as he should be. Upon hearing something shout 'SHUT UP' it kind of spooked me... stupid copy-cat.

"Ye stupid bloody hail of a brother..." I said, agitated by him. I then looked at the creature that fell down again, and Rapture whispered "What is it..? CAN IT HEAR US?!"

"If you talk like that, then it will." I pointed out dully. Then looking over, I growled darkly "Who are you, and do you wish to harm us?"

Kindling sat up, spitting muddy water out of her mouth. One of the humanoid addressed her, he seemed to be asking who she was and if she wanted harm them. His voice was very dark, and sounded dangerous. "I'm Kindling, and I couldn't harm you even if I wanted to." She lifted on of her arms, miserably watching water drip from her fingers. "I'm all wet," she moaned. A shiver ran down her spine, this water was beginning to chill her. Anger boiled up in her and she began to steam, all the water on her evaporating from her hot skin. It created a large cloud around her, which glowed orange from her fiery eyes.

Oh it could smell the talkers. It was close, could hear them talking. It knew which direction, but naturally, it was through one of the plant walls. A low growl of frustration escaped it as it paced back and forth along a wall. Its mane bristled upward. Last time it had tried to go through one of the walls, it had nearly been eaten... But it had been so long since it had run across a talker...

It made a leap at the bush, forcing its way through. The plant wall tried to grab it, if only angry it was 'cheating.' It felt a tug on its zipper, and twisted around to snap at the vine, tearing itself free. It made it to the other side without too much trouble, and found itself at the edge of a rather deep ditch.

Its blank eyes registered the humanoids before it. Three talkers! This would be a fun encounter! It bounced forward, excited, grinning with its pointed jack-o-lanturn teth. It slid down the edge of the ditch, and started bounding towards the talkers.

"Wet!" it cried, pouncing on the nearest creature from behind, a very small talker that smelled female.

Hakoza heard voices, he looked around curiously, then got out of the ground and was walking about. Trying to find the voices that were coming from some where. His leaves rattled as he moved. He made a loud humming noise. He wanted to see what creatures were making the noise so he continued to try and trace it until he smelt something. The familiar smell of flesh, but what type of flesh, it was not anything he smelt before. His vines waved in the air, searching for the smell. He then rattled his wings agen and made another humming noise.

The plant's senses seemed to be leading it true. The ground had grown progressively soggier as it traveled. Now it was making its way through a fair amount of mud, leaving a bizarre trail of circles and skid marks as it hopped and skidded across the slick ground. The Level 1 Potted Plant let its lower leaves drag across the mud contentedly. It was perking up considerably. The water was close now.

It paused suddenly at a crossroad. Its leaves sensed vibrations of some creature moving close by. Water this way, creature that way. It stood in place momentarily, leaves fluttering gently, apparently contemplating this dilemma. Physical needs won out. It turned in the direction of the water. Suddenly, the plant was swamped in confusing vibrations as a bush somewhere behind it was crushed and something charged by, bowling it over.

No sooner then when Kindling was finally dry when she was knocked back over into the water by something from behind. She would have gone into Flameheart, but for the fact that her hair was drenched and she was face first in the puddle. She squirmed and wiggled until she managed to turn herself over. She opened her eyes to find a long, pointed tongue right about her face. It belonged to a very brightly colored creature which was pinning her down. It looked very excited, and almost seemed to be grinning at her. "Um, would you get off of me?" she said, though she doubted it would work.

Hungermaw was hungry as always. He sniffed around, looking for something to eat, and always on the lookout for anything that might eat him.

He heard someone shout, "Shut up!" Then someone shouted, "Shut up!" back.

Hmm, it sounded like at least one of them must be edible. He lumbered in the direction of the more human-sounding voice, the other voice sounded like a beast, like him, something he might be able to eat, but it might be able to eat him too. He didn't want to risk it.

He saw two boys, they were humanoid but clearly not humans, but they still smelled tasty. He had never seen creatures like these before, though, so he didn't try to eat them immediately, instead he snuck up behind them and started sniffing them. Then he licked them both with his super-long tongue, then rumbled with pleasure. They tasted as good as they smelled.

Somewhere: Sometime

You seem to be a the edge of a maze. This maze never seems to look the same, like it changes. It appears to be made out of tangled vines but nothing can harm them. The plants are very strange, some even have eyes, and they don't seem to like you. The creatures are "something else".

The weather is wild, and doesn't have any pattern.


You have been transported to another dimension where there is not time. Weather has a mind of its own, it can go from tropical temperatures to arctic at any moment. The life here seems to change like the weather, even the plants. 

You have a strange feeling that you need to get somewhere, the center of an ever changing maze but you don't know why.

Your goal: Survive, and find a way to return to your own world.

Problems: You have no leads, and everything around doesn't seem to want you to succeed.

Things are always changing. Wether anyone has ever gotten out is unknown.

No gory batte scenes please! If you want to have a battle, keep it simple and non-descriptive.

No indepth romance. Characters may hug, but nothing more than a kiss on the cheek.

Do not kill another player's character unless it has been arranged by all player's involved.

Please follow the story so your post will be fitting to the action.

As I am the RP master I will be controlling all weather changes that take place.

Types of characters:

Human/humanoid: Anything that resembles a human. These are what are getting transported to this dimension. Humanoids may have special abilities, but limit it to 2, and they need to be reasonable.

Creature: These live in this dimention. They can be about anything you feel like, but once again, if they have powers, keep them reasonable.

Plants: Also from this dimension. They can have any plant-like shape you want, and are able to move if you wish them to.

Thanks for taking the time to read the rules! Enjoy the RP!

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species

Second RP Master
Aeric Majanga (#9026)

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