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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.


I had just killed another human, and was hungrily devouring him. I hadn't eaten for days, so the meat tasted especially delicous.

I knew this was cannabalism in a way. After all, I had been human once, too. But that was a long time ago, and by now I had barely any humanity left in me. Besides, I thought, the humans all want to kill me and my kind, so why should I feel bad about killing them?

No sooner had this thought popped in my head, an arrow flew out of nowhere and struck a tree next to me, missing me by inches. I abandoned the half-eaten carcass and fled deeper into the forest. I growled to myself as I ran. I knew that by the time I was back, the body would be taken by humans, and buried or cremated. I would have to try to make another kill later. But I might not get to eat again for days, unless I wanted a hundred arrows shot into me.

In a dark alley of a small town, a thief was hiding in the shadows after he stole a young girl's necklace. As he sat there, he started to hear a strange cracking noise slowly coming towards him. The rogue took out his dagger and said "Ahem!" toward the direction of the noise. Suddenly, a strange creature appeared right in front of him and said "I am Veinous Cheesecake!" After a short pause the monster said "I will eat you!" and then gave the man a creepy smile. The thief managed to jump over Veinous Cheesecake and ran toward a nearby cleric. The man yelled "Cleric! Cleric! Monster make me cry!" A clawed hand came out of the shadows and wrapped around the rogue's neck and threw him further into the darkness. As his victim lied unconcious, Veinous Cheesecake smiled and started devouring the body.

Veinous Cheesecake had just finished his meal when the guards have finally arrived to attack him. Not feeling like fighting, the monster scaled a nearby wall and ran back into the forest.

Drago watched everything from his tree house. wondering if he should do anything. Knowing he didnt quite like talking to his own kind and humans he stayed quiet. He saw some gards comeing tword his tree house, so he broght up the later and hid. He stayed quiet and still. "please dont see me." He thoght and was still quiet. He turned off all of his lanterns and grabed his bow. He prepared to fight but the guards didnt see him and walked by. He let out a sigh and put down hisa bow. He then turned his lanterns back on and threw the latter down.

 I lay in my cave and rested. I would need all my strength for my next hunt, if I hoped to eat again. I was hust starting to doze off when I heard a rumbling sound, like a very, very big monster lumbering through the forest and crushing trees and things in its path.

 I peeked out of my cave, and saw that I was right. It was a giant squid slithering around on land, a squid bigger than a house, taller than a tree, way bigger than me. I retreated deeper into my cave, for I knew from experience that bigger monsters often ate smaller monsters. Just the same old foodchain thing you see everywhere. I was used to it, although I was much bigger than any human, I was also smaller than a lot of other monsters. I hoped this big guy wouldn't notice me. Unfortunately, a breeze blew my scent to the squid. His mouth started watering when he smelled it.

"Mmm, someone smells tasty," he said.

He slithered over to my cave and reached inside. I bit his tentacle.

"Ow! Hey!" he said. "You're quite the fiesty little snack, aren't you? But I'm feisty too."

He smacked me with his tentacle, so hard I was knocked off my feet. Then he wrapped his tentacle around me, snake-like, and pulled me out. He looked at me and laughed.

"Aww, you're so adorable and fuzzy! You're no monster, you're just a cute little kitten! Ha ha ha!" He mockingly petted me as though I really was a kitten. I angrily snapped at him, my teeth missing him by inches. "Hey! No fighting, no biting," he said, wrapping a tentacle around my snout, clamping my jaws shut.

 Then he licked me. A shiver ran down my spine. I always hated it when bigger monsters did this to me...

 "Mmm, yummy!" he said. And he licked me again, and again. Soon my fur was all soggy with his salivia. I snarled savagely, but he held me fast, and I couldn't move.

 Then he put me into his mouth and swallowed me alive.

 Muscles squeezed me down his gullet and popped me into his stomach.

 I had to get out of here before I got digested.

So I started vicously clawing and tearing and slashing at the inside of the giant squid's stomach. He screamed with pain, and finally spat me out. I saw him clutching his stomach and moaning. "That's what happens when you don't chew your food properly," I said coldly. "Your food chews you instead."

I threw myself at him and sank my teeth into his throat.

He fell dead with a ground-shaking crash.

I started to eat.

I didn't stop until some other monsters chased me away and stole my giant meal. But I had already eaten my fill. I returned to my cave, curled up and went to sleep.


Drago was walking around finaly, exploring his world around him, questioning everything he saw and heard. He was always afrade of the things on the ground, he continued walking to the village and discised himself as a human. He walked in to a store and boght a amulat, then walked out of the village to go fishing. " This might be a fine day." He said to himself in a wisper. He sat at a lake and attached a string to a rod then started fishing. He looked around makeing shur he was not followed and continued to fish quietly.

I saw a lone figure sitting by the edge of a lake, fishing. Although I had eaten just yesterday, I never knew when I might get another great chance like this, maybe not for a week. So I crept towards my prey... closer... closer... until I was close enough... pounce!

I threw myself on top of him, sending him sprawling flat on the ground. Before he could scream, my weight knocked the air out of him. I flipped him onto his back, and was about to bite his throat, when I saw his face.

It was a skull.

He was a skeleton.

With a hiss of fright, I sprang off of him. I stood there and stared at him, paralyzed by fear. And he stood and stared back at me, paralyzed by fear too.

Drago then took the amulat and ran back to his tree house. "What was that?!" He said in a loud hiss. He then climed his later and pulled it up and readyed himself if the thing would come. He re-wraped himself and got out his bow and arrows. He then turned off his lanturns and whated. " I guess I wont eat tonight...." He hissed looking at the lake area from his tree house, He made shur to watch the creature carefully, and tryed not to be spotted in his home. " I need to figure out how to defend myself while i am down there." He hissed agen.

Cassan O'Bruic was waiting out in the forest in search of Veinous Cheesecake. The hunter had set up several traps to try to capture his nephew and try to make him human again. He tipped one of his darts with a sleeping potion in hopes of knocking Veinous Cheesecake unconcious. Cassan heard the cracking noises of Veinous Cheesecake getting close to his traps.

Veinous Cheesecake continued to run away from the guards until he tripped over a wire and ended up being wrapped in a net. The monster tried to struggle free, but it seemed that the net tightened around him the more he did so. Suddenly, he felt a slight prick to his side and started to fall asleep.

 I was prowling through the forest, thinking about that skeleton - is he another monster who was human once? - when I heard smelled another monster, and heard the sounds of a struggle. I also smelled humans. Cautiously, I went to take a look. There was a monster caught in a net, a large furry monster like me. A dart came flew at him and struck him in the side. He started to fall unconcious.

 I knew I should run away and save myself instead of trying to help this strange monster, but I couldn't let him be caught. So I ran over to him and tore the net to pieces with my claws and teeth. "Quick, hide!" I said. He was almost unconcious though, and could barely move. "You have to move!" I snarled, baring my teeth in frustration. I slashed his flank to wake him up. Groggily, he crawled slowly toward the bushes. But the humans were running toward us. There was no time. I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and dragged him into the bushes. I left him lying in the cover of the undergrowth and fled.

 But then I tripped one of the other wires and found myself caught in a net just like the other monster had. I struggled violently, just like him, but got more and more tangled up the exact same way. This is what I get for being compassionate, I thought bitterly.

 Then I felt a dart strike me in the back, and I fell unconcious.

Drago saw it. He then snuck over their with his two friends and helped rose and the other creature. one of them took care of the traps, makeing it look like they escaped and draged rose and the other monster to the tree house. " You think this is a good idea Drago." Dragos human friend muttered. He didnt know Drago was a monster. " Yes I will use them for study." Drago said in a human voce. They put the two creatures in Dragos tree house. " Good luck...." The human said befor he left. Drago then looked at rose and started to examen her. " What are you." He said in his normal wisper.

 I woke up and found myself face to face with the skeleton. With a hiss of fright, I swatted him away from me, knocking him over backwards, and blindly lurched away from him. I crashed into a wall - I was indoors? How did I get indoors? - smashed some furniture, and knocked over a bookshelf, which fell on top of me, winding me and almost knocking me unconcious again. For a moment I was unable to move.

 "Don't be afraid," the skeleton said. "I won't hurt you... As long as you don't hurt me... Who are you?"

 "I'm a monster," I replied. "My name used to be Rose, but now I'm just a feral she-beast. So call me Rose, she-beast, she-monster... whatever you want... Who are you? Another monster?"

"Yes, my name's Drago."

"And you have a house? You're the only monster I've met who has a house... Why did you take me here? And him?" I added, noticing that same furry monster I had freed from the trap lying unconcious on the floor nearby.

"The humans were about to get you."

"Well, that was kind of you," I said, "though I don't know why you'd want to help me, I have nothing I can give you in return..." I eyed Drago warily. I didn't trust him completly. I trusted no one.

Drago then nodded and said. " I dont need anything, I was just doing what's in my nature to do, I fooled some humans to help me, for all humans think I am one of them." Drago said. He lifted up the book shelf and started to clean up the mess, he wore a strange amulate around his neck. " If you wish to leave Rose you can, just dont tell anyone what or who I am. For the humans trust me enogh, and if they discover what I turned into they will shurly destroy me." Drago said. He opend the door for rose and put down the latter then sat outside looking and watching everything. He then shot a arow which hit a butterfly dead center. " I guess I need to be more silent...." He muttered.

Veinous Cheesecake woke up from his slumber when he noticed he was in some sort of house. When he was fully awake he noticed that there were other monsters. His primal instinct kicked in and he looked around for an exit. Veinous Cheesecake looked towards a door. He noticed that the other monsters were talking about something to do with a rescue that apparently happened earlier. With a series of cracks, Veinous Cheesecake crawled toward the furthest end of the room and bared his teeth at the others.

Cassan O'Bruic had just got back home from yet another failed attempt at capturing Veinous Cheesecake. The Irishman sat down and emptied his bags and poured out some of his traps that were broken by another monster that tried to help Veinous Cheesecake. Cassan stroked his chin and remembered an incident in which his main target actually ripped an arm from another monster simply for getting close to Veinous' kill.

Drago heard the growling from inside the house, he didnt do anything because he suspected it was rose. "......was that nessasary......." Drago muttered shooting another arow that hit, quietly, a butterfly dead senter. " all I need to do is work on a perfect fighting stance, or should I bring the medicens to the village and cure the orphans of that virus. I have so many things to do today I might not have time to hunt with the humans. But maby I can get some deer later, and hunt with them at they might see what I realy am." Drago muttered to himself trying to guess what to do.

I darted out of Drago's house, desperate to be back out in the open. Indoors was too much like a cage for my liking. I didn't realize it was up in a tree though, so I accidently ran right off the edge of the platform and found myself plummetting through the air. I hit the ground with a thud.

"Grrrrr..." I said. He could have warned me...

Just then, I heard another monster growling. I whirled around, teeth bared, thinking a larger beast was sneaking up behind me, trying to catch me for a snack, but no one was there. Then I heard the growl again, and realized it was coming from Drago's treehouse. Then I realized that the other furry monster had woken up, and was probably attacking Drago now.

Should I go help him? I wondered. Well, I suppose I'm only alive because of him... I don't trust him, though, I trust no one... And I'll probably get badl hurt, be uable to hunt and starve to death, or get eaten by a bigger monster... if that guy in there doen't eat me first...

Then I heard a strange voice - I could guess whose - shout, "I am Veinous Cheescake! I will eat you!" then the skeleton screaming in his creepy voice...

I growled again. I suppose I should try to save him, or I'll feel bad... I'll just run in there, fight the other monster, then run out again...

So I climbed up the tree and ran back in the tree house.

Predator versus Prey (Fantasy rp)

A medieval land in some dark fantasy world.


For unknown reasons, ordinary people have been suddenly turning into horrible monsters, and devouring all those around them. At first they're still semi-human, but as time passes they become more and more montrous until there's no humanity left in them... or at least hardly any.

So in order to defend themselves, the humans have started hunting the monsters, and getting people to gaurd the outskirts of the villagers. And maybe they sacrifice people too. And the monsters start forming packs to defend themselves from their prey. (Though the monsters don't always get along, it's not uncommon for them to eat each other, though not all of them do.)

But maybe a few of the humans and monsters start becoming friends.The humans who befriend the monsters realize the monsters are actually still human inside, at least a bit. And the monsters who befriend the humans realize how truly monstrous they were to be eating them, and feel bad, and that makes them a little more human. So they start wondering if it's possible to stop people from turning into monsters, and if it's possible to turn the monsters back into humans.

(Note: I was somewhat inspired by my favourite fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast, when I made this rp. Just thought that would be good for you people to know.)


Same as the plot.


Read the rp guide.

Nothing too violent (even though it involves people and monsters fighting each other), let's try to keep it pg 13 or 14.

Don't kill anyone's characters without permission.

Max of five characters.

No powerplaying.

Romance is fine, but nothing too graphic, just hugging and kissing.

The monsters can look like anything you want them too. And the monsters can turn back into humans, or vice versa, either temporarily or permanently, up to you.

Please message one of us rp masters when you create a character, or if you have any questions.

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Gaurd (Human)
Monster Hunter (Human)
Ordinary Human

Second RP Master

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