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James was surprised to see Hanz's brother. He stood up and followed the two brothers into the room. "What''s up?" James asked. "I'm James Johnson, but everybody calls me Wolfsbane," he said. "Why do they call you that?" Dietrich asked. James smirked and grabbed a coin out of his pocket. He threw it up and took out one of his hand guns. He shot at the coin, destroying it. "I can also do lots of damage with my knife," said James. "Show me," said Dietrich. James took out his knife and flipped around his hand. He then threw it at a fallen coin piece, sticking it into the wall. "That's nice aim," said Dietrich. "Thank you," said James. "But I still don't see why they call you Wolfsbane," said Dietrich. "Oh, only in battle is where that side of nature comes out," said James. "Ah," said Dietrich. James then walked off. He walked by Araya's room. He saw a woman at Araya's door. James wanted to say congratulations, but didn't have the guts to. He then walked outside and sat on the ground. He wondered what his wolf Midnight was doing. "Don't worry Midnight," said James. "I'll be home soon," he said.
Hanz and Dietrich went in a room full of uniforms."Ok,the wedding uniform...which will be..."said Hanz taking 2 uniforms."Die blau one,or the grau one?"asked Hanz."Mein,Hanz...Ich think die blau one!"said Dietrich."Die blau one to be!"said Hanz putting the grey one back."Mein,Hanz!I almost forgot!I got Fritz with me!"said Dietrich."Fritz?!The cockatiel?!You brought him here!"said Hanz."Ja!He is on the ship!" said Dietrich."Fritz,the one I got as a present when I was 9 years old from uncle Hinkel?!"said Hanz."JA!"yelled Dietrich.On the ship,Hanz got Fritz."Feathered buddy!Remember me?Ist Hanz!"said Hanz looking at Fritz."Hallo!Hallo!Ich will a biscuiten!"said Fritz."It never gets old huh?"said Hanz looking at Dietrich.Then he went to Araya's room with Fritz."Araya!My brother brought with him the cockatiel I got as a kid!Isn't it awesome?"said Hanz.
Araya looked at the cockatiel and smiled, "That's great!" She was glad to see an animal that was from Earth, instead of reptilian killer machines or overgrown scorpions. The bird looked adorable, she had always loved birds, the only flying things she had seen around here were pyterodactyls. The bird reminded her of a pet she once had, she remembered when she was on Earth she once had a pet rabbit. It was harmless and probably one of the cutest things in the world. It was killed by a dog though, the owner said it was an accident, but she never believed the owner. She smiled at the small cockatiel, "What's its name?"
"His name is Fritz!"said Hanz.Then he looked at the dress."Woah...just...just...beautiful..."said Hanz."Can't wait to see you dressed in it..."said Hanz then.Then Hanz sat next to her and kissed her."I love you..."said Hanz."I just want everything to finish so we can get back on Earth and have a house...and children..."said Hanz.Then he got up and exit the room.He saw a Lurker outside,near the base."What's a Lurker doing so close to the base..."wondered Hanz.He got his radio station."I need a squad in the 2nd District,over...we got a Lurker,over..."said Hanz and closed the radio station.Then he went in the Command Room and got his engineers."Ok,gentlemen.For the wedding,I want a Chapel to be built..."said Hanz.
Araya watched Hanz leave, she laid back down on her bed looking back at the roof. Every once in a while some MG soldiers would come in and congratulate her. After awhile she heard someone else at the door, she watched as the woman who had made her dress come in, "What's the matter?" The woman had her hands behind her back and nervously spoke, "I came here to congradulate you..." Araya smiled, "Thank you." Araya looked out the window looking at the trees. The woman stood behind her, "The forest is beautiful, isn't it?" "I guess..." The woman behind her took out a brush and started to brush Araya's hair, "Here, your hair's practically a mess being in the forest and such. Araya looked back at the woman, "Thank you, what's your name?" The woman continued to brush Araya's hair, "My name's Izabelle."
The night before the wedding...
Hanz knocked on the door from Araya's room and entered slowly and closed the door."Have a minute?"said Hanz."Yes..."answered Araya.Hanz sat next to her in the bed."You really want the wedding?Scared of anything?"said Hanz.Hanz was holding her hand."I love you...I love you more than my life."said Hanz looking in Araya's eyes."If I'd loose you,I would like to come with you..."said Hanz then.Then Hanz kissed her in a french style and then....The next morning Hanz and Araya got woken up by the sun."Good morning,honey."said Hanz."Then he looked at the clock."Oh Mein!"yelled Hanz."It's almost 10 am!I must prepare for the wedding!"said Hanz getting out from the room.He was brushing his teeth while running on the corridor to the Uniform room.
Izabelle had came into Araya's room helping her get ready for the wedding. Araya had to brush her teeth while Izabelle brush her hair. After that she gave Araya the dress to try on, Izabelle stepped out while Araya put on the dress. She looked at herself in a mirror, she thought the dress looked wonderful on her. When she stepled out of the room Izabelle looked a bit shocked, "It looks wonderful on you!" Izabelle showed Araya a pair of dress shoes she had made her. Araya looked at Izabelle, "You didn't have to do that." Izabelle smiled, "It's fine, everything should be perfect for your special day." Araya hugged Izabelle, "Thank you for everything Izabelle." Izabelle smiled, "It's fine."
Hanz got the uniform."Congradulations,sir!"said the guards of the room."Thanks..."said Hanz putting his military cap on.The ceremony started.All the soldiers had a free day today.Hanz entered first in the chappel,with his brother next to him.Araya came after 1 minute.When Araya came next to Hanz,he looked at her."You're gorgeous."whispered Hanz.The priest came."[etc.]...Hanz Rihardberg,by the will of the God,you marry Araya and promise to her and to the God that you will love her and help her everytime...[etc]."Yes,I do."said Hanz."[etc.]Araya,by the will of the God,you marry Hanz Rihardberg and promise to him and to the God that you will love him and be next to him everytime he needs you and...[etc.]""Yes,I do."Said Araya."By the will of the God,I declare you husband and wife,If someone has something against it say now or be silent forever..."said the priest.After they got out from the chappel,the couple assisted at a military paraded made for them by the personnel of the base.Battalions of soldiers and tanks were marching...
Araya smiled looking at the parade that was made for them. She then looked at the sky, it was beautiful outside today. Not a cloud in sight. To their luck there wasn't too many dinosaurs out, just the occasional Velociraptor scavengers looking for some food. Everything was going great, she hadn't felt this happy in a long time. She looked at Hanz smiling, he looked handsome in uniform. She loved Hanz so much... Araya looked back at the sky, this was probably the best she's ever seen it on this planet. She looked at the jungle, it was the calmest she had ever seen it. The wind wasn't blowing too hard. Everything was perfect.
Eight months later..."Meh...1 more month...1 more..."said Hanz."The results came!Your child will be a girl!"said the doctor."A girl?'said Hanz."You heard that?We will have a girl!"said Hanz smiling at Araya."What name should we give to her...?"said Hanz."Hanz!Hanz!"yelled Dietrich running but he felt down.Hanz facepalmed."Yes,Dietrich?" said Hanz."Will be a boy or a girl?"said Dietrich."A girl..."said Hanz."D'aww!I wished it was a boy.I wanted to teach him using a gun."said Dietrich."Dietrich!Don't even think about that!"said Hanz."But..."said Dietrich."No but,Dietrich!I want to give my girl a good education not teach her using drugs and go on the streets with gangs!"said Hanz to Dietrich."Eh...ok..."said Dietrich looking at Hanz.
James was happy that Hanz and Araya got married. Eight months had passed by. That was the last time James saw the two. James was in his SUV. He was at a red light. James was heading to the sanctuary where Midnight was. As soon as the light turned green, James drove off. He arrived at the sanctuary. He got out of the SUV and ran up to a fence. James howled. A black wolf stepped up to him. "Hey Midnight!" James exclaimed. The wolf wagged his tail and leaped at the fence, trying to lick James in the face. "Hold on buddy I'm coming," James said. He unlocked the fence. Midnight leaped on him. The big wolf made James fall. Midnight licked him all over the face. "Alright buddy calm down," James chuckled. He stood up. Suddenly, he heard a roar. James turned around to see the Tyrannosaur. "No!" James yelled. The rex ate Midnight. James leaped at the rex, unsheathing his knife. Velociraptors appeared and tackled James. James then woke up with a start. He looked around. He was in a cave. He remembered that he was still on the dino land. James rubbed his eyes and grabbed his walkie-talkie. He stood up and walked towards the entrance. The cave was just a mile away from Hanz's facility. It was night time. James looked up at the moon. He missed Midnight. He then howled, not caring if the raptors came. He could hear other calls in the forest. James smiled. He had to get off of the island. But he wanted to say goodbye to Hanz, Araya, Dietrich, and Turok after Araya has a child. James went back to his guns and loaded them. He then went back to sleep.
Araya started thinking of names she could give her girl. She heard what Dietrich had said, the last thing she needed was for her daughter to be a violent killer. She smiled wondering what her daughter would look like. That was something she'd find out when the child was born. She started of thinking of names again, none really came to mind at first. There were so many names you could give a child... She wondered what her daughter would be like, how she would act. She needed help coming up with a name... There were so many... Hopefully Hanz would help her come up with a name.

Runihura circled again trying to figure out the best way to get the giant back to his feet. She still couldnt quiet see hat was wrong with him other then the fact on of his legs where hurt. She lowered her head again and sniffed at the leg. 'It was either broken or sprained badly' she decided. She knew if it was broken the Rex might not stand a chance against anything, maybe he would, if she could get him to his feet. However if it was sprained it would feel good in a matter of days, but again the Rex didnt have days to just lay there.

Runihura sighed and shook her head from side to side. She tried to use her own force to shove the giant dinosaur to his feet, but without his help on trying to get up, it was useless. She grumbled and walked around and looked at his face. "You try pushing yourself up. I will try and help keep you balance. Dont fear leaning your weight on me, I think I might be able to help hold you up." she said, not really knowing if the large dinosaur understood her or not.

Valnar stared blanky up at the Allosaurus he didn't know what she was doing. She seemed to know that his leg was hurt. She kept pushing against him and he relized that she seemed to be trying to help him get up. He didn't trust her not even a little but he knew if he just stayed on the ground he wouldn't survive long. He thought about it for a few minutes. 

After awhile he decided to let her help him up. He tried to push himself up as did that the Allosaurus seemed to try and help him keep his balence. He leaned againts the Allosaurus trying not to crush her under his body weight. He slowly got to his feet. 

He finally got to his feet. He wobbled for a second trying to get his balance back then he looked down at the Allosaurus.


Survive & complete your mission!

Whiskey Company(Survivors):Kill Wolf Pack leader Roland Kane and escape the planet

Mendel-Grumman Soldiers (Wolf Pack): Protect Roland Kane and eliminate all the Whiskey Company troopers

Roars resound in the distance as a herd of brachiosurus thunder through the valley.

Setting:A random planet with jungles,deserts and dinos o3o


It is the year 2045, your starship has been shot-down on a terraformed planet that is much like Earth.

As you wander through the dense jungle,you being hearing strange sounds,peeking through the bushes,you see a survivor beign attacked & killed by a strange ceature,upon closer inspection,you realize,in horror,its a dinosaur!

Running back to the crash-site,with soem of the survivors,you report what you have just seen.

Now you all understand,you must survive in this world until you find a way home!


The planet was Terraformed by the Mendel-Grumman Corporation and the Wolf Pack Leader Roland Kane.

The dinosaurs are genetically created by Mendel-Grumman Scientists.

Soldier Bugs are the native creatures of this planet.


1.Blood and violence allowed,but don't drive it to GORE!

2.Romance allowed(kiss,hugs)but don't drive it to graphic.

3.No adult Language.

4.You can suggest dinos on the OCC Chat.

5.If you need help,contact the Dictator Hyena or Commander Raziel.

6.Have fun!!

7.No godmodding & use good grammar

8.All above :D

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Allosaurus(2 allowed)
Carnotosaurus(3 allowed)
Dilophosaurus(5 allowed)
Gigantosaurus(1 Allowed)
Human(Wolf pack)
Juvenile T-Rex(5 allowed)
Lurker(3 allowed)
Nanotyrannus(3 allowed)
Soldier Bug(scorpion,10 allowed)
T-Rex(1 allowed)
Utahraptor(10 allowed)

Second RP Master
Crimson Hyena (#11029)

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