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Fulfil all your roleplaying fantasies here.

James was glad he killed the sniper. He then made it to where Hanz was located. James saw Hanz and his men. James tried to dodge them, but was cornered. Hanz gave him two choices. "The easy way or the hard," he said. James didn't understand why Hanz and Araya were getting married. He then looked around. Something didn't feel right. The rex. The huge dino entered the clearing, roaring. "Hanz look out!" James yelled. He tackled Hanz out of the way as the rex came in, killing some of Hanz's men. "Move! Move! Move!" James yelled, grabbing Hanz by the arm. The two ran with the rex right behind them. "Actually Hanz, I came here to make peace!" James yelled. "I now know that Araya is in love with you, and you her!" James yelled. Suddenly, a tank rolled in and aimed at the rex. "What the fu-." James and Hanz leaped out of the way as the tank fired at the rex, finally killing the super predator. James got up as he heard the death cry of the rex. He ran over to it. James hacked out one of the rex's teeth. He placed it in a pouch on his gun holder. "Souvenier," he said. He then walked to the facility with Hanz. "Wait, where's Kane?" James asked. Hanz looked at him. "Step inside," Hanz said. James stepped inside. He looked around and saw a room. "Where's Araya?" James asked. "She's in there," said Hanz. "Kane!" James yelled. "Stop your yelling," said Hanz. James looked at him. "Kane is dead," he said. "I am the leader of WOLF PACK!" Hanz exclaimed. James couldn't believe it. The one man he wanted to kill was already dead. He wanted to kill Hanz, but wanted peace as well. "I don't believe it," said James sitting down. He then looked up at Hanz. "Well I'm here to make peace," he said. "I'll just tell Turok that you don't want war," said James. "You obviously want to settle down and I want to get back to my dog," said James. "So just give me an action," James finished.
Hanz sent earlier a squad to announce the Whiskey that the M-G will give them starships to return home but none accepted because they didn't trusted the Mendel-Grumman."Looks like your buddies don't want to go home...very well.."said Hanz looking at James.Suddenly,Hanz got a message on his PDA.It was from Dietrich,his younger brother!Dietrich joined the Wolf Pack and he will come on the planet with the 2.000.000 soldiers Hanz requested!Hanz smiled and then turned back to James."My brother Dietrich is coming on the planet with the other troops!"said Hanz smiling."Meh,he was still in the Highschool when I saw himm the last time."said Hanz.

Runihura growled as she watched the dinosaur. It was larger then her. Great. And by the looks of it, not very friendly. Just then the giant dinosaur turned it head and made eye contact with her. It roared and charged. Runihura hissed and turned tail and went back into the jungle, trying her best to stay out of a fight. She slowed down and walked behind trees and stoped to see if she was safe.

She lowered her head and growled lowly in her throat. The huge dinosaur had decided to follow. Runihura relized this  might just be a battle of who was faster, and who was quieter moveing through the jungle and staying Camofluage. She stalked off into the undergrowth.

Valnar had a hard time trying to follow the other dinosaur through the dense jungle. Branches and leaves kept hitting him in the face which he found very annoying he prefered less dense  jungle and the open plains. He was going to go back to the river but he had no idea where he was so he just kept trying to follow the other dinosaur which was getting harder and harder and he got himself even more lost.

After awhile he lost track of the othe dinosaur. Today is not a good day he thought. Valnar decide to take a break and laid down to get some rest. Just as he was starting to fall asleep he smelled something. I was the smell of humans. It annoyed him becasue he just wanted to get some sleep. He stood up and started to follow the scent. It lead him to a building curious so walked towards  it. Before Valnar got there he noticed a hole in the ground he sniffed it and realized there were two little dinosaurs in it too small for him to eat however. He shook his head and went to the building.

Runihura was still close by the T-Rex. She had kept an I on him from a distance but close enough yet hidden. When the Large dinosaur got close to the building and her smaller dinosaur friends, rage swelled through her. She only cared for one human and that was the one that threw the meet out. All the others she would easily just pick off for a snack but not the nice one. She growled. And he was to close to her little friends. This was here area, not the giant T-Rex's.

She walked out of the dense foliage and roared savagly at the giant T-Rex, hopeing that he would just leave everything alone. She was trying to be smart about the situation, and she didnt want to anger the giant very much. She roared again coming a bit closer before she stood her ground.

Valnar had just looked through a window on the bulding when he heard a roar behind him. He turned around surprised to see it was a smaller dinosaur that made the roar. Valnar was in shock. He had never been challenged before even by another T. Rex. He respected the smaller dinosaurs courage. He made a low growl. He didn't want get in a fight he just wanted to get back to his territory!

Valnar walked in a slow wide cricle around the smaller dinosaur without taking his eyes off it. He wasn't paying any attention to his surroundings and didn't see a large boulder in front of him. He tripped over the boulder with a roar and hit the ground with a loud thud.

Valnar tried to get up but a pain in his right leg that forced him to stay on the ground. It's broken thought Valnar in a panic! He roared as loud as he could and snapped his jaws at the other dinosaur in hopes to scare it away as he struggled to get up!

Runihura watched the larger dinosaur. They both kepted their eyes locked on to each other. Watching. She growled again and steped forward Circleing as well and putting her body between the building and him. She snaped her jaws closed and kept her orange eyes on this giant dinosaur. Has he kept backing away a large bolder lay infront of him. He stumbled and tripped over it and landed on the ground with a large thud. Runihura made a small noise, but it wasnt of Triumph, it was more of worry. She tilted her head and bared her teeth as she walked forward. The Large Dinosaur move around trying to get back up. He snaped his jaws closed everytime she got close.

She whined, now not sure of this sutiation. She wanted to help the other dinosaur get up, but at the same time she just wanted to kil it while it was down. She quickly shook that though from her head and lowered her head closer to the larger dinosaur and made a small noise at it. She tilted her head again and walked around him, trying to see what was wrong and if he would let her help. Or try and kill her.

Valanr glared at the smaller dinosaur as he lay on the ground. He felt helpless and he wasn't sure what to think of the her. She walked towards him and he had snapped at her and she backed away a bit then she started to walk around him. She hadn't killed him yet or even attacked him which confused him greatly.

Valnar tried to get up again but the pain in his right leg was too much and he slumped to the ground with a grunt. The smaller dinosaur was still circling him. Valnar just closed his eyes and just let whatever happened next happen.

Runihura kept cicleing him and watched as the Giant T-Rex. She didnt know what to do or how to get close to him. Finally the larger diosaur colosed his eyes. She saw her chance. She walked towards him and inspected on what was wrong. She couldnt really see anything. She looked over at the Giant dinosaurs face. Eyes where still closed. She made a small noise and nudged his side, trying to see if she could help him up. She walked around him again and nudged him then growled in frustration. She alone wasnt enough to get the large dinosaur on his feet again. She looked over at his face again. She shook her head and nudged his side again thinking:'Help me dang it!'

Valnar kept his eyes closed. The other dinosaur was still circling him and had been nudging at him. She growled at him and he waited for teeth or claws to pierce his skin but nothing happend. Should I trust or shouldn't I he thought.

Valnar's eyes snapped open and lifted his head to look at her. He was really confused why she hadn't just killed him and he didn't know what to do. He didn't feel threatened by her in the slightest. She seemed worried about him. He decided she wasn't a threat and tried to stand again but he couldn't. He looked helplessly up at Allosaurus.

Turok was sitting in the hammock sleeping, reliving one of his dreams from his past.

 He was dreaming about the last mission he had had with WOLF PACK.

It was a dark,rainy night on Earth, his squad was hiding in the forest around a small village.

When they git the signal from Kayne his squad moved through the village,silently taking out each of the guards and soldiers in the village.

After he had laid the body of the guard he found in the main structure of the village, he heard a person walking up the steps.

Going on his training, he strung his bow, spun around, and fired the arrow.

He gasped as he saw the arrow imbed itself into a womasn body.

Running over, he grabbed adn rested the woman in his lap.

Kayne walked up and said, " Our boys made a mistake, this was the wrong village."

Getting no reply from Turok, he said, "Its just a woman..."

To which Turok replied, "No innocents."

Pulling his side-arm and aiming at the girl, Kayne said, "Just a girl."

And as the 'BANG' resounded  in his mind, Turok woke up and sighed.

"This has to end soon..."
Dietrich's ship got in the planet's atmoshpere and next to the Wolfsschanze under construction.Dietrich came out from the ship and saw Hanz and his guards waiting for him."Hanz!Guten Tag!"said Dietrich smiling.Hanz smiled and hugged him."Hanz,I got something special for you!"said Dietrich."Oh,really?"said Hanz."German chocolate!Mom said to bring this for the wedding cake!'."Wait,what?How mom knows about wedding..."said Hanz."Eh..." said Dietrich."You told her right?"said Hanz."Yeeah..."said Dietrich."Nevermind...WELCOME!"said Hanz."Meh,you command 2 million soldiers from now...isn't that awesome!"said Dietrich.Then they went inside the base.Dietrich saw Araya."Ohh..Guten tag!You should be Araya!"said Dietrich smiling."Hanz told me alot of things about you..."said Dietrich."Dietrich!Come to see your armor!"yelled Hanz in the other room.
Araya was alone again, what to do... She was bored and was trying to figure out what to do, should she be doing something? She went back to her room bored, what was there to do here. She heard a knock on the door and a females voice, "Can I come in?" Araya said she could come in and she saw the woman holding a dress, "I heard about you and Hanz were getting married and I wanted to help. I hope this isn't too bad..." Araya smiled looking at the dress, "It looks wonderful, thank you." The woman hung it up somewhere safe in the closet. She had her hands behind her back. Araya looked at her curiously, "What's behind your back?" The woman showed Araya her hands, they looked injured, her hands had many cuts in them and some of her fingers looked jammed, "How did you hurt your hands like this?" The woman spoke as if it was nothing important, "I hurt them making your dress." Araya looked at the woman, "Thank you for the dress then, I hope your hands feel better soon." The woman smiled at Araya and started walking out the door, "Good luck with your wedding," the woman then left.
Hanz showed Dietrich his new armor.The 19 years old boy looked at it like it was a piece of Heaven.Dietrich jumped in air yelling "YES!" when he hit a tiny canister that felt on Hanz's boot and got on fire."I do belive I'm on fire..."said Hanz getting a bottle of water and stopped the flame."'s the life in Germany now?"said Hanz.Dietrich asked "Are you planning to have kids with Araya?""Not in our finest momment,Dietrich!"said Hanz."'s Diana?"asked Hanz."She's fine....she got married!"said Dietrich."Meh...I feel that we will be uncles!"said Hanz exiting the room.Dietrich ran to meet Araya again but felt down.Hanz facepalmed.
Araya looked at her dress again, it looked wonderful. She wondered where the woman had gotten the materials to make it. The dress looked fairly simple, it was the color white and the design looked simple, but it was wonderful to her, she hadn't seen a dress in forever! She hoped the woman who made it would feel better soon, it was very kind of her to make this dress. She closed the closet door and went to her bed to sit down. How did this woman know? Maybe almost everyone in the base knew by now if that woman knew. It wasn't really that important to worry about. She laid back in her bed looking at nothing really, just the roof.


Survive & complete your mission!

Whiskey Company(Survivors):Kill Wolf Pack leader Roland Kane and escape the planet

Mendel-Grumman Soldiers (Wolf Pack): Protect Roland Kane and eliminate all the Whiskey Company troopers

Roars resound in the distance as a herd of brachiosurus thunder through the valley.

Setting:A random planet with jungles,deserts and dinos o3o


It is the year 2045, your starship has been shot-down on a terraformed planet that is much like Earth.

As you wander through the dense jungle,you being hearing strange sounds,peeking through the bushes,you see a survivor beign attacked & killed by a strange ceature,upon closer inspection,you realize,in horror,its a dinosaur!

Running back to the crash-site,with soem of the survivors,you report what you have just seen.

Now you all understand,you must survive in this world until you find a way home!


The planet was Terraformed by the Mendel-Grumman Corporation and the Wolf Pack Leader Roland Kane.

The dinosaurs are genetically created by Mendel-Grumman Scientists.

Soldier Bugs are the native creatures of this planet.


1.Blood and violence allowed,but don't drive it to GORE!

2.Romance allowed(kiss,hugs)but don't drive it to graphic.

3.No adult Language.

4.You can suggest dinos on the OCC Chat.

5.If you need help,contact the Dictator Hyena or Commander Raziel.

6.Have fun!!

7.No godmodding & use good grammar

8.All above :D

Word Minimum
100 words per post.

Joinable Species
Allosaurus(2 allowed)
Carnotosaurus(3 allowed)
Dilophosaurus(5 allowed)
Gigantosaurus(1 Allowed)
Human(Wolf pack)
Juvenile T-Rex(5 allowed)
Lurker(3 allowed)
Nanotyrannus(3 allowed)
Soldier Bug(scorpion,10 allowed)
T-Rex(1 allowed)
Utahraptor(10 allowed)

Second RP Master
Crimson Hyena (#11029)

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