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Glade [Bary] (I’m Still X Meadow)'s Pedigree

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Dino Parents Grand-Parents Great
Glade [Bary] (I’m Still X Meadow) I'm Still (Albino) Balthazaar Neon Leopard
Spring [Vv]
Gypsy II Shiro
Vista [★, Bb, Ii, Oo, Vv, 5/6]
Lucid Dreams (Purple) *Paton [NGP] 0 Sean [NGP]
*.Buffy II
Aries Bootleg [Gg]
❆❆Let it go❆❆
Meadow [Bary] (Dietrich X Cupcake) Dietrich Balthazaar Neon Leopard
Gypsy II
Maya 5/6
Corvo 3/6 +Great Stats
Cupcake [Bary] (Flaming X Gypsy)
Flaming Hot Generic Snack Jackson
Condiment Bar
[AGP|4/6] Gypsy {Gg / Vv} Shiro
[AGP|4/6] Forenya {Gg / Vv}