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Toxic Stone* (Blue Eyes)'s Pedigree

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Dino Parents Grand-Parents Great
Toxic Stone* (Blue Eyes) NP Toxic Waste (High Stats)
Incredible Hulk (GP,5/6P,+)
Ophrys Lyre*
[Royal Plum]
Turn Up the Lights{GP,5/P,+}
Tarty Lips
[Dark Flaxen]
[Mint Truffle]
[Turkish Delight]
Taste of Mint{GP,P,+}
Poseidon{NGP,5/6 P}
Lunar Reflection{NGP,P,+}
Blue Stone[6/6-0%, Blue]
NP Bluey (High Stats-Blue Eyes)
Bird of Paradise{NGP,P}
Coral Tree{NGP,P}
[Dayna Lu]
My Baby Shot Me Down (GP,5/6P,+)
My Jolly Sailor Bold*
Glacier Pelt (NP)
NP Neptune (Blue Eyes)
NP Bluey (High Stats-Blue Eyes)
Purple Rain*
NP Turbo
Iron Man(5/6P)
Scent of Lavender*