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TD’s Vintage Sea GP's Pedigree

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Dino Parents Grand-Parents Great
TD’s Vintage Sea GP TD’s Vintage Mallard NGP TD's Pretty Boy Heart [vv, 5/6] TD's Pretty Boy Swag AGP
TD's Zombie Money
TD's Gemini Heart AGP TD's Sage the Gemini
Vintage Raven Vintage Chatelle Senegal
TD's Vintage Eressor NGP
TD's Raven Zombie (CGP, 5/6, Blue Eyes) TD's Sage Zombie
TD's Lime Money GP TD's Gemini Money AGP
TD's Sage the Gemini
Tyran Sage Zombie II
Midnight Flame
TD's Dirty Money TD's Zombie Money
TD's Russian Zombie
TD's San Marino Midnight AGP Tyran Maegor Zombie TD's Sage Zombie
TD's Cyan Thorn
TD's Ivy Midnight AGP Tyran Midnight Zombie II
TD's Ivy Zombie AGP