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Dawnstar's Pedigree

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Dino Parents Grand-Parents Great
Dawnstar Xerothermic ***All perfect and high stats*** Clear Day Taz
6* Mannegishi [Bb-II-Ss-TT-vv]
Sugar Cane
Miko Hayashi
Radiance Lorcon
A Song For You {GP}
*NGP* [Gg, Jj] Iron Man
*NGP* [Bb] Pepper Potts
Boulevard of Broken Dreams {Jj}
6* Radioactive Taffy [Bb-Gg-Jj-Vv]
Sam Sparro ☯
Skybreak Tony Stark *NGP* [Gg, Jj] Iron Man
*NGP* [Bb] Pepper Potts