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Whisper to the Wolf 6/6 Oo's Pedigree

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Dino Parents Grand-Parents Great
Whisper to the Wolf 6/6 Oo Itachi Wolf Jj 6/6
Itachi 6/6 ~Red Eyes~ 3% Asha (6/6)Bond #575263 (BB-GG-ii-JJ-OO-RR-ss-tt-VV)
Winter Wolf BbJj 6/6
Jay Totem Pole
Pale Trinidad[Vv]
Bad Whisperer Oo 6/6
Bad to the Bone 6/6 OoSs
Lil' J 6/6 GP
Jim 6/6 GP
Pam 6/6 AGP
Yraka Claw
White Whisperer GP 5/6 Str
White tiger Link Tiger 6/6
Ebony Whisperer (6/6)Ebony Red #551296 (BB-GG-ii-JJ-OO-RR-Ss-tt-VV)
Sky Whisperer 6/6 ooSsVv Str