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Death Check 's Pedigree

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Dino Parents Grand-Parents Great
Death Check [SALE] ALLO 1 Velocity
Inca [Tt]
Dino Egg
Gaelic Fir Blades
Deep [Oo]
6* Allo F2 [GP]
Black Sugar *GP
6* Allo F1 [GP]
Queen Paddygirl
King Paddyboy II (6/6) Ryack Stratos[Rr]
Rave [OoRr]
Princess Jessica II (6/6) Prussian Blue
Princess Jessica (6/6)
Dart Frog
Phoebus Demon IiOoRrVv 6/6 Str
Allo + Phoebus
Demon Whisperer 6/6 OoVv Int
Little Hero
Sky Shadow
1% 5/6 Allo