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5* Sosondowah [Gg-Oo] [BE]'s Pedigree

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Dino Parents Grand-Parents Great
5* Sosondowah [Gg-Oo] [BE]
5* NGP Maskimon [Vv] [BE]
Geblüt von Riskantkatze
wildcat Faded Gold*
Taste's Like Rum{GP,5/6P}
Nicht Salonfähig
Blauäugige Teufel
5* NGP Chepi [Tt]
6* Achiyalu [Oo-Tt]
Vegeta II
» storm
Allo + Ouroya Oberon
Royal Flush
6* Scitalisa [Gg-Oo-Tt]
6* Achiyalu [Oo-Tt]
Vegeta II
*Vegeta (Warrior)
Hindu Hobo Nightmare
» storm
*Black Frost (Warrior)
D.R.R guardian
Allo + Ouroya Oberon
Once Upon A Time...
Royal Flush
Nieve BbJjSsVv
Rave OoSsTT