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Exhibited Press - Comments

Small updates
Posted by Kitty (#1) on 23rd Jun 2010
I've finished the hall of fame. My other "big" jobs left to do are gallery, search, chat and moderator tools. Everything else are smaller quick-fix jobs. :)

We also have a neuquenraptor baby:

Annnnnd I'm getting the shopkeepers revamped. Aphrodite is ready. Let me know what you think.

Edit: Also, check out the boards! :)
By ~ LunaOfMidnight (#151) on 23-06-2010 12:42:17
K, First Of All, The Baby Is CUTE! Second, I Noticed Aphrodite Earlier On Today. :D You're Getting Closer To Finishing The Site, Aren't Ya Kitty? :D
By Kitei Spare (#79) on 23-06-2010 12:42:29
Sweeeet < 3
By Mod Kitty (#1) on 23-06-2010 13:09:59
I'm so close it hurts, Bello. ;)
By Fortuna (#236) on 23-06-2010 13:51:35
Well done Kitty! I'm can't wait to see the site done! ^_^ Oh, the baby is soooo cute and Aphrodite is just cool :3
By ~ LunaOfMidnight (#151) on 23-06-2010 16:00:39
By lemon (#110) on 23-06-2010 22:47:09
Everything's pretty! Shopkeeper, baby dino, and the boards!
By New User (#195) on 26-06-2010 09:31:54
This is so awesome! I missed Exhibited when it was in downtime. I can't wait until River Fishing is back up again :D
By New User (#736) on 27-07-2010 11:59:45
could i hav it please?