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Zaerdra's Graveyard

Pages: 1 2 3

ID Name Species Gender Died of
#740454 Dark Tinmint Ornitholestes Female of euthanasia.
#765061 Dakota Grace Ornitholestes Female of euthanasia.
#735602 Cream Ornitholestes Female of euthanasia.
#817817 Classic Romance Phorusrhacos Female of poor health.
#827277 Cinder Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of starvation.
#749332 Chocolate Zest Ornitholestes Female of euthanasia.
#737473 Blueberry Ornitholestes Female in battle.
#749340 Bitterblue Ornitholestes Female in battle.
#737931 Aewen Ornitholestes Female of euthanasia.
#816051 ⚜Sakura Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of starvation.
#815862 ⚜Clarity Phorusrhacos Female of poor health.
#815856 ⚜Nairobi II Phorusrhacos Female of starvation.