ID | Name | Species | Gender | Died of |
#954268 | Released Dino | Troodon | Female | of poor health. |
#954395 | GgIiJjOoSs 0/6 5D | Utahraptor | Male | of poor health. |
#954643 | Released Dino | Atrociraptor | Female | of poor health. |
#954738 | A | Linheraptor | Female | of poor health. |
#954993 | Ss 5/6 5D3C4D1B+3E1A5C4D | Utahraptor | Female | of poor health. |
#93605 | Pumpkin | Velociraptor | Female | of old age. |
#147922 | Elegance | Linheraptor | Female | of old age. |
#147923 | Grandeur | Linheraptor | Male | of old age. |
#849989 | Dino Egg | Utahraptor | Male | of old age. |
#807454 | Idealistic Young Knight | Baryonyx | Female | of old age. |
#332976 | Dino Egg | Linheraptor | Female | of old age. |
#445547 | 1. Dante | Linheraptor | Male | of old age. |
#953990 | BbooSsVv 1/6 5D (contract filled) | Utahraptor | Male | of old age. |
#782724 | A Knight at the Opera (GP, 6/6) | Baryonyx | Female | of old age. |
#824832 | You Are Weak | Utahraptor | Male | of old age. |
#953974 | IiSs 3/6 2B1A+5C4D (contract filled) | Utahraptor | Male | of old age. |
#725881 | Knight Errant II (GP) | Baryonyx | Female | of old age. |
#746544 | Afraid Of The Knight (NGP) | Baryonyx | Female | of old age. |
#746540 | Rock And Roll All Knight (GP) | Baryonyx | Male | of old age. |
#746548 | Last Knight On Earth (NGP) | Baryonyx | Male | of old age. |