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ButlerGrelleh's Graveyard

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

ID Name Species Gender Died of
#942096 Mint Candy Tyrannosaurus Rex Female of poor health.
#938922 Minty Fresh Acrocanthosaurus Female of old age.
#843333 Misaka (RETIRED BREDER) Deinonychus Female of old age.
#778301 Misty Deinonychus Female of euthanasia.
#756592 Monica Dilophosaurus Female of euthanasia.
#942113 Mossclaw Allosaurus Female of old age.
#570805 Mr. Reconka Troodon Male of poor health.
#570803 Mrs. Reconka Troodon Female of poor health.
#519570 Ms. Zebra Velociraptor Female of poor health.
#801551 Mystic Carnotaurus Female in battle.
#503141 Nepal Deinonychus Female of poor health.
#832998 Nero Deinonychus Female of euthanasia.
#845245 Nero Morning Glory (RETIRED) Deinonychus Female of old age.
#945983 Nessie Allosaurus Female of old age.
#855195 Night Rider RETIRED Deinonychus Female of old age.
#566328 Night Shadz Eoraptor Female of poor health.
#907215 No Inbred Jessie Allosaurus Female of euthanasia.
#936789 Null PATIENT Mexican Linheraptor Male in battle.
#740349 Oceanic Linheraptor Male of poor health.
#847784 Opal 18% (RETIRED) Allosaurus Male of old age.