ID | Name | Species | Gender | Died of |
#819597 | [Sin] Charm Jr. {BB GG ii JJ OO RR ss Tt VV} | Sinornithosaurus | Female | of starvation. |
#688447 | [Sin] Belle {Bb GG ii Jj OO RR ss tt Vv} | Sinornithosaurus | Female | of starvation. |
#822460 | [Sin] Aquamant {BB GG ii JJ Oo RR ss tt VV} | Sinornithosaurus | Male | of starvation. |
#687756 | [Sin] Amber {BB Gg Ii JJ Oo RR SS tt VV} | Sinornithosaurus | Female | of starvation. |
#823703 | [Pyro] Contessa {BB GG ii JJ Oo RR SS Tt VV} | Pyroraptor | Female | of starvation. |
#819643 | [Pho] Wewak {BB GG Ii JJ Oo Rr Ss tt Vv} | Phorusrhacos | Male | of starvation. |
#824014 | [Pho] Rose {Bb Gg Ii JJ Oo RR SS Tt Vv} | Phorusrhacos | Female | of starvation. |
#823488 | [Pho] Java {Bb Gg ii JJ OO RR ss tt Vv} | Phorusrhacos | Male | of starvation. |
#823822 | [Pho] Heliotrope {Bb GG ii Jj OO RR ss tt VV} | Phorusrhacos | Female | of starvation. |
#819826 | [Pho] Cobalt {BB GG ii JJ Oo RR ss tt Vv} -Inbred 4%- | Phorusrhacos | Female | of starvation. |
#819841 | [Pho] Blush {BB GG ii jj OO RR ss tt Vv} | Phorusrhacos | Female | of starvation. |
#823336 | [Ovi] Porsche {Bb GG Ii jj OO Rr SS tt vv} | Oviraptor | Male | of starvation. |
#822963 | [Ovi] Lavan {BB GG Ii JJ oo Rr Ss Tt vv} | Oviraptor | Male | of starvation. |
#823340 | [Ovi] Heath {Bb Gg Ii JJ Oo Rr Ss tt Vv} | Oviraptor | Male | of starvation. |
#820130 | [Orn] Silver {Bb Gg Ii Jj Oo Rr Ss Tt Vv} | Ornitholestes | Male | of starvation. |
#821152 | [Orn] Rice Box {BB GG ii Jj oo RR ss tt vv} -Inbred 75%- | Ornitholestes | Female | of starvation. |
#820132 | [Orn] Lavender {BB Gg ii Jj OO Rr SS TT VV} | Ornitholestes | Female | of starvation. |
#820131 | [Orn] Laurel {Bb Gg Ii JJ OO Rr ss Tt vv} | Ornitholestes | Female | of starvation. |
#821149 | [Orn] Granny {BB GG ii JJ Oo RR ss tt Vv} -Inbred 75%- | Ornitholestes | Female | of starvation. |
#577699 | [Orn] Dew {BB GG Ii Jj oo Rr Ss Tt Vv} | Ornitholestes | Female | of starvation. |